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25 minutes ago, FatherTiempo said:

Name: Askaldar

Physical Characteristic: Horizontal scars running across his cheeks. Long fingers, and very flexible toes.

Investiture: Mistborn

Skills: Complete Allomantical powers. Flexible toes allow him to pick up things with his feet. {tell me that isn’t going to be useful} An eye for design (actually two eyes, but you get the idea.)

Equipment: Mistcloak (not really useful but it looks so cool.), coin pouch, and obsidian knife.

Weakness: He follows the moral law (for all intents and purposes of surviving on the streets, this is a weakness. But to be clear I don’t think following the moral law and being nice is weakness, and neither does Askaldar.) He doesn’t like killing people, it hurts too much. He won’t attack someone when they’re down, unless someone else is in danger. He won’t hurt innocent people. He gets really cranky when he hasn’t eaten or slept in a while. Doesn’t use the complete scope of his Allomantic powers. He doesn't use Chromium, Nicrosil, Aluminum, Duralumin, Cadmium, Cerrobend, Gold, Electrum and he doesn't use Atium because it's hard to come by in the Alleyverse. (I'm not even counting Larasium since I'm not even that far in the Mistborn series.) He's also not very good with Zinc, Brass, Copper, or Bronze.

Family: Father: A skaa craftsman named Crummel. He worked in the cloth trade as a designer of clothes for nobility. (See the eye for design part?) 
Mother: Meira helps Askaldar’s father in the trade. 
Sister: Kilara had married and left a few years before Askaldar came to the Alleyverse. 

Home Planet: Scadrial

Backstory: Askaldar’s family lived in the countryside, privileged skaa working under a plantation master who saw the benefit of utilizing Askaldar’s Father’s skills.  One day Askaldar was walking down a road in the countryside, he saw a suspicious group of men with iron spikes in their eyes and carrying large plates covered in metal foil. Recognizing them as inquisitors, Askaldar followed them and the sweet smell coming from the plates. The inquisitors opened a door into the air. It was like the fabric of the world was torn and a hole was opened. Askaldar followed them through. He saw a blinding blue light and fell. When the light cleared he saw a different world, without ash. The steel inquisitors turned on the commotion and fired at him. In the split second Askaldar snapped. he came into his full mistborn power. Unfortunately, he did not have any understanding of his power. He burned steel instinctively pushing on the coins, but it wasn’t enough and the coins slashed into his face. But fear took over and Askaldar pulled wrenching the foil off the plate then pushed sending the metal into the face of a steel inquisitor. He pulled on the coins that had passed behind him jumped over them and pushed them into the other inquisitors. As these were only Dark Alley inquisitors and were more in the line of baking dark arts, as apposed to hemalurgy dark arts, they ran. Askaldar picked himself from where he had fallen. Behind him the door was closing. He jumped toward it but paused. He had heard enough stories to know he was an Allomancer, and what they did to Skaa misting’s and mistborn. He decided to stay in the land with the strange sun. And became homeless in the Alleyverse

Guild: Unknown

Psyche: Hates killing people because it hurts too much too see someone drained of life. Won’t commit crimes because of his morality. He wants people to believe the truth about him. And he feel hurt when they think he did something he really didn’t (Unless its cool, then he feels guilty.) If you met him you would think of him as nice, always wanting to walk the extra mile for you, and he wants to help. He suffers from guilt for years if he’s done something wrong, or if he missed an opportunity. Now however he is trying to keep moving and to stop thinking of what could have happened and react to what did happen. He hate people who hurt innocents and enjoys giving them what they deserve, and feels only a little guilty for enjoying it so much.

Personality: Introverted, quiet. He tries to make people feel comfortable. He has a wry sense of humor. He is analytical, and tries to be helpful to people. 
Appearance: Hazel eyes, with strong features. Tall and lithe, his scars aren’t very deep but they still are visible.

Theme Song: Danse Macabre and Carnival of the Animals Saint-Saens (you’ve got to listen to them.)

Fighting Style: He uses almost exclusively Iron pulling and steel pushing, with pewter. He avoids hand to hand he doesn’t have much experience besides a few tussle he had back home, but he will fight savagely if he or someone else is threatened.


This is my final character sheet for Askaldar.


I would place total weaknesses at -85, -10 for personality and psyche, and -75 because he can't use half of the Allomantic metals, is bad at another fourth and there are virtually no God metals in the Alleyverse. Total skills would be about +200 I think. Entirely, around about 140-150 points.

I don't know how to score this so if you think my scoring is annoying, just don't click on the spoiler ;) I think I can logically put this through though.


The thing is, the enhancement and temporal metals aren't quite as useful as each other. Based on the index, there are level one, two, and three metals.

            Level One: Brass, Bronze, Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Gold, Malatium, Nicrosil, Tin, Zinc.

            Level Two: Bendalloy, Electrum, Iron, Steel, Pewter

            Level Three: Atium

We're leaving god metals out of it completely because I think extra atium for a mist born is points.

Anyway, excluding malatium, you are still only leaving out mostly level one metals. They should count less. Here's a logic system I'm gonna show you.

Level two metals rated from best to worst: (in my opinion)






Level one metals rated from best to worst: (once again, in my opinion)












That seems like a relatively fair lineup from best to worst thinking of combat. Now I am going to divide the total score of a mistborn into 16 incremental parts and rate each metal with pewter having the highest score and Aluminum having nothing.

The equation I used is 10m/7 where m is the distance from nicrosil all metals below it and subtracted that from 10. (160/16) I give it to it's inverse (aluminum -> pewter)

Getting this:

     Pewter 10 + (7)10/7 = 20

     Steel 10 + (6)10/7 = ~18.6

     Bendalloy 10 + (5)10/7 = ~17.2

     Iron 10 + (4)10/7 = ~15.7

     Electrum 10 + (3)10/7 = ~14.3

     Cadmium 10 + (2)10/7 = ~12.9

     Chromium 10 + (1)10/7 = ~11.4

     Tin 10 (These are equal to ease my calculation) 

     Nicrosil 10

     Duralumin 10 - (1)10/7 = ~8.6

     Brass 10 - (2)10/7 = ~7.1

     Zinc 10 - (3)10/7 = ~5.7

     Copper 10 - (4)10/7 = ~4.3

     Bronze 10 - (5)10/7 = ~2.9

     Gold 10 - (6)10/7 = ~1.4

     Aluminum = 0

Now if we remove the ones you don't use, then we get this:

     Pewter 10 + (7)10/7 = 20

     Steel 10 + (6)10/7 = ~18.6

     Iron 10 + (4)10/7 = ~15.7

     Tin 10 (These are equal to ease my calculation) 

     Brass 10 - (2)10/7 = ~7.1

     Zinc 10 - (3)10/7 = ~5.7

     Copper 10 - (4)10/7 = ~4.3

     Bronze 10 - (5)10/7 = ~2.9

20 + 18.6 + 15.7 + 7.1 + 5.7 + 4.3 + 2.9 = 74.3 

This result was actually a surprise to me. I thought that the number would be higher than that. That means I just proved my own counterargument wrong :P

I don't know. Talk to Voidus and Meeker. Mistborn never had access to the speed bubbles and chromium/nicrosil anyway. I don't know how to calculate this at all.

Conclusion: I GIVE UP!



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On 2/14/2019 at 10:13 PM, beantheboy12 said:

@Voidus, @AonEne, @Some Mod, you should put her in the confusing PM.

I...am not a mod. Just gonna put that out there.

I know I need to submit a character of my own, but I'm having backstory troubles. I apologize sincerely.

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1 minute ago, AonEne said:

I...am not a mod. Just gonna put that out there.

I know I need to submit a character of my own, but I'm having backstory troubles. I apologize sincerely.

Oh, I didn't mean to put your name. I don't know why I did. Sorry.

And I can come up with a reasonable backstory in a jiffy. Need help?

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On 2/19/2019 at 7:45 AM, King Taravangian said:

'Tis fine.  I would rather someone point out my mistakes in a critical way than let me go on making them.

And I'll re-submit Necromacer, edited and far less OP.  @Lord Meeker


  Hide contents

Name:  Jonathan Thomas, aka Necromancer

Age:  21,236 Earth years

Appearance:  Varies.   Is always a stocky man of differing age.

Personality:  Gruff.  Carries scars from what he witnessed in the ISS and in Kansas City.  Still reasonably sane, but hates all people, especially other epics.  Holds a very special hate for criminals.

Investiture:  A time-manipulation epic.  He can only manipulate the age of living things.  He can't advance a sentient being to death, and the affects are temporary, only while the victim is within one-hundred feet of him.  With non-sentient animals, the affects are permanent, but he still cannot advance the animal to death.  With plants, he can use his ability to make the plant grow in whatever way he chooses.  This ability only works within 100 feet (30.48 meters) of him.  He can use his ability to freeze time for an organism, eliminating their need to respirate and eat.  Their normal activity is unaffected.  He can use his ability on himself, to heal wounds. For lethal wounds, he rewinds time to where he never received the wound, and for nonlethal wounds he advances time so he instantly heals.  This gives him rudimentary prime invincibility, but it doesn't happen automatically.  The ability allows him to kill extremely powerful epics, as they aren't immune to age affects.

Skills:  Very smart, and a good shot with a gun.  He is a skilled geneticist, and a thorough botanist.

Weaknesses:  His epic weakness is bees.  He has an unfortunate accident in researching genetics with a tank of bees.  He never bothered to learn combat skills beyond simple firearms training.  For some reason, he is unable to affect bees with his powers.

Backstory:  Was born in the suburbs of Kansas City.  Became very interested in genetics, and went to college for it.  He got a space on the ISS, and went up to perform expirements with genetics.  Calamity came, killing everyone on the station, but turning him into an epic.  He used his abilities to stop time for himself out in space, and floated for what seemed like an eternity.  When he'd finally crashed down from orbit, he saw the devastation of his hometown.  By that time, calamity had been defeated.  He put himself in stasis, and was kidnapped by interdimensional slave traders.  He killed them, but not before he was carted to the Alleyverse.

Guild Affiliation:  The Dark Alley


I'm going to be a little stretched out for a while so not sure when I'll be able to formally allocate points to this but at a glance I think this could get through, though it may need some additional weaknesses. One question though, you stated that the aging power couldn't be used to age people to death and aren't permanent changes but then stated that they could kill High Epics because they aren't immune to aging, so which is it?

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1 hour ago, Darth Woodrack said:

Could a mod please add my accepted characters to the OP? It will only take a bit, and I have been waiting for weeks! If you check, I asked this same question about 12 pages ago.

I was  waiting until all of your characters were accepted, but if you want me to I can do it. 

You can also RP with any accepted characters, even if they aren’t on the OP

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2 hours ago, Voidus said:

I'm going to be a little stretched out for a while so not sure when I'll be able to formally allocate points to this but at a glance I think this could get through, though it may need some additional weaknesses. One question though, you stated that the aging power couldn't be used to age people to death and aren't permanent changes but then stated that they could kill High Epics because they aren't immune to aging, so which is it?

We was able to age them to extreme weakness, and then kill with more conventional means.  Should I put that in there?

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Just now, King Taravangian said:

We was able to age them to extreme weakness, and then kill with more conventional means.  Should I put that in there?

That's fine, but just as an fyi, unless the actual death blow is of natural causes then all normal High Epic abilities still apply. So if you age a healer to 90 years old then shoot them in the head they'll still heal from the wound, they'd just still be 90 years old

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25 minutes ago, Darth Woodrack said:

So, who isn't accepted? Okay Mac. I thought you guys just forgot about me.

So, if memory serves, Silva Rey’s weakness that she is obsessive needs a little more definition. How obsessive is  obsessive? Depending on how obsessive that is it may change the points

Sarah also needs about 15 more points of weakness. 

Those were the only two that weren’t approved, but I am having issues with locating the updated character sheets for Darkhold and the Wraith. If you could point me in the right direction that would be awesome. 

Again, I’m sorry that this has taken so long. I haven’t had a whole lot of access to the shard these last few days. So sorry that I’ve fallen behind. 

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Hey there! I was just looking at the index and noticing a few strange things about it that maybe should be modified.

A half shard shield and a shardblade are both rated thirty points. Half shards are way worse then shardblades. We should probably nerf their points

Not all radiants are as strong as each other. Skybreakers are better than windrunners, and windrunners are better than bondsmiths. Maybe we should make seperate rating for each radiant from now on. (I am perfectly willing to do any of this stuff)

An allomantic gold granting spike is +40. Gold is the third worst misting ability. Even a full lashing which is 25 would be better than that.

Maybe we should just by a little bit nerf Iron allomancy's point value. It may be combat useful and I know it could mess with the misting rating system, but it is by no means better than steel. The number of lurchers in the alleyverse is far lower than coinshots as evidence.

If these aren't big enough issues, then by all means don't bother with them. I understand that the mods are busy right now and I feel like these aren't as important issues as character approval and all. And like I said, I am willing to do all the work these changes would require. My schedule has been freed up a lot and I don't know what to do with these extra hours I have. Thank you for listening!

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18 hours ago, Voidus said:

That's fine, but just as an fyi, unless the actual death blow is of natural causes then all normal High Epic abilities still apply. So if you age a healer to 90 years old then shoot them in the head they'll still heal from the wound, they'd just still be 90 years old

Yes.  And as soon as they leave my presence, they'd return to their normal age.

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1 hour ago, beantheboy12 said:

Not all radiants are as strong as each other. Skybreakers are better than windrunners, and windrunners are better than bondsmiths. Maybe we should make seperate rating for each radiant from now on. (I am perfectly willing to do any of this stuff)


Nope. Skybreakers are not necessarily stronger than windrunners, as there limits are stronger. Some are weaker, but the main four that I know of, esecaller, windrunner, skybreaker, and light weavers, are equal.

1 hour ago, beantheboy12 said:

A half shard shield and a shardblade are both rated thirty points. Half shards are way worse then shardblades. We should probably nerf their points



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Hello! I’m a newcomer to the Alleyverse and I’m hoping to join in on Era 3! I’ve never done a RP before but this looks really fun so...here ya go:

Name: Evaya Favelle (nicknamed Eve)

Physical Characteristics:
Female, tall with piercing green eyes and blonde hair that has a streak of black in it(usually worn up in a bun).


Investiture: Elsecaller of the 3rd Ideal, spren named Sepia

Taught herself throwing knives, has a pretty good aim.

Excellent penmanship with both glyphs and women’s script.


Shardblade, which often forms as a knife or dagger.

Pointy hair pins??

Claustrophobic, virtually no hand-to-hand combat skills.

Family: None

Birthplace: Alethkar, Roshar



Evaya was abandoned at an Alethi orphanage as a baby and spent her childhood there. She bonded her spren when she was in her late teens, and ended up working as a scribe at a nearby spanreed center. Her life was comfortable but dull. One day Evaya was exploring Shadesmar, got lost, and ended up in the Alleyverse. Evaya realized that she had no real connection to her previous life in Alethkar and decided that she could use a change of location. She’s been living in Alleycity for the past few months.


Guild/Affiliation: None yet

Personality: Practical, clever, and endlessly curious, she is cool-headed and tries to think logically to counteract her impulsive streak.

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41 minutes ago, Marzipan said:

Hello! I’m a newcomer to the Alleyverse and I’m hoping to join in on Era 3! I’ve never done a RP before but this looks really fun so...here ya go:

Name: Evaya Favelle (nicknamed Eve)

Physical Characteristics:
Female, tall with piercing green eyes and blonde hair that has a streak of black in it(usually worn up in a bun).


Investiture: Elsecaller of the 3rd Ideal, spren named Sepia

Taught herself throwing knives, has a pretty good aim.

Excellent penmanship with both glyphs and women’s script.


Shardblade, which often forms as a knife or dagger.

Pointy hair pins??

Claustrophobic, virtually no hand-to-hand combat skills.

Family: None

Birthplace: Alethkar, Roshar



Evaya was abandoned at an Alethi orphanage as a baby and spent her childhood there. She bonded her spren when she was in her late teens, and ended up working as a scribe at a nearby spanreed center. Her life was comfortable but dull. One day Evaya was exploring Shadesmar, got lost, and ended up in the Alleyverse. Evaya realized that she had no real connection to her previous life in Alethkar and decided that she could use a change of location. She’s been living in Alleycity for the past few months.


Guild/Affiliation: None yet

Personality: Practical, clever, and endlessly curious, she is cool-headed and tries to think logically to counteract her impulsive streak.

Hello and welcome to the alleyverse, the best Sanderson RP! My name's beantheboy12, but people call me Bean or Beanboy. I am not a mod but I like to score characters. (Even though I have a perfect record of disagreeing with Voidus, the head admin of the alleyverse)

Here's how I'd score yours: (You didn't do an epic which makes it so I can help! Thanks!)


Name: Evaya Favelle (nicknamed Eve)

Physical Characteristics: 
Female, tall with piercing green eyes and blonde hair that has a streak of black in it(usually worn up in a bun).


Investiture: Elsecaller of the 3rd Ideal, spren named Sepia [+100 Did you check the index before you made your character by the way?]

Taught herself throwing knives, has a pretty good aim. [I'm interpreting this as Amateur Ranged combat training +20]

Excellent penmanship with both glyphs and women’s script. 


Shardblade, which often forms as a knife or dagger.  [I assume this comes with your third oath +0]

Pointy hair pins?? [All basic weapons come free of points in the alleyverse. So this is perfectly fair, just if they were aluminum or something, they'd cost points]

Claustrophobic, virtually no hand-to-hand combat skills. [The mods don't like when I score weaknesses. But I'll estimate it's around -10:-30]

Family: None

Birthplace: Alethkar, Roshar



Evaya was abandoned at an Alethi orphanage as a baby and spent her childhood there. She bonded her spren when she was in her late teens, and ended up working as a scribe at a nearby spanreed center. Her life was comfortable but dull. One day Evaya was exploring Shadesmar, got lost, and ended up in the Alleyverse. Evaya realized that she had no real connection to her previous life in Alethkar and decided that she could use a change of location. She’s been living in Alleycity for the past few months. 

[Like the backstory!]

Guild/Affiliation: None yet

Personality: Practical, clever, and endlessly curious, she is cool-headed and tries to think logically to counteract her impulsive streak.

100 + 20 - ? (@Lord Meeker or @Voidus will score your weaknesses) = ~105

This character is great! A good power level. I think for the first time ever, I'll agree with Voidus on a character scoring! Thanks! You have 45ish points to spare! There's one thing I'd like to point out with this character: You are supposed to have 50 skill points and you only have twenty (As I interpret. I could have taken ranged combat the wrong way). I would suggest adding 30 more points of skills. See the index (Second post in this thread) for details. 

Thanks again for joining us!

Right! Forgot to tell you! A max for a character is 150 points 

Edited by beantheboy12
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