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  1. 1. Should Legend (Page 89) be approved?

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2 hours ago, MacThorstenson said:

@Invocation I’m going to hold off on ranking this character for another day or two, sorry. The radiant portion of the index will be Redone  tmrw, and 4th oath radiants will be a lot more points. I don’t want to rate this character to have to re-do it tmrw. 

That's fair. I did not know it was going to be redone. I'll check the redone portion and adjust accordingly, when that is updated!

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Actually voidus was the one who wrote the portion about the skills vs power points. But I was there when they wrote it up.

The idea is that you have 100 general points. You can spend these on magic or equipment or skills. Then you have 50 skill points. These can only be used for skills. Not power or equipment. 

Edited by MacThorstenson
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Name: Zedkrin


Reckoners- The ability to make chalk appear out of thin air.

Rithmatist- Rithmatism

Looks: Black cape, two sword hilts, black fedora, light leather armor

This is my alleyverse character, please look at it.

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On 7/23/2018 at 8:19 PM, Nohadon said:

Name: Teksa Matfen

Sex: Male

Age: 23

Birthplace: Earth (Rithmatist), in the United Isles of America.

Family: Philip (Father whom Teksa is extremely angry at), Threta (Mother who imigrated from JoSeun), William (Oldest brother who told him stories about rithmatists and their duels), Sarah (Older sister who teased Teksa far too much), Ashley (Older sister that ignored Teksa most of the time), and Senfa (Older sister that Teksa got along with best).

Appearance: 5’ 09”, bright red hair and deep green eyes, almost emerald. Decent build, not overly muscular but not skinny. Parts of his face, left arm, chest, and left leg are all scarred from acid burns.

Investiture: Rithmatist (Melody Level Ability) and Epic Power : Primary - Can bring his drawings to life (They look exactly as how he has drawn them, including colors.), Secondary - He can control non investured chalk, which he uses along with his Rithmatic abilities. 

Power's Weakness: His weakness is acid. If he sees acid his epic powers immediately shut down (Although his drawings that he has already brought to life stay alive, he calls them chalkstructs.) and he gets physically sick.Skills and Special Equipment: He has a lot of chalk on him and carries pen and papers. He also has a knife and a classic six round revolver, think old western. He has a high intelligence and is good at infiltrating buildings. 

Character Weakness: If he sees acid he gets physically sick and can barely keep himself from throwing up. He feels like he has been given these powers for a reason and will drop whatever is happening to save an innocent. He will also hunt something he sees as evil till the end of time, no matter where it leads him. "With great power comes great responsibility." sort of thing. He also believes that he is above most people and tends to underestimate opponents, though he gives everything he does his all.

The Chalkstructs: The chalkstructs can lift up to 4 times what Teksa can lift, but it depends on how much effort and time he puts into the drawing. Teksa is a little above average, but definitely not a power lifter (I will figure out the exact numbers later.). He can also only control as much chalk as he can lift and only do two different things with them at once, such as draw a circle and a line of vigor. He has to be within 5 feet to awaken one of his drawings. The chalkstructs have to be within 100 feet of him and they only stay around for up to 6 hours. He has semi full control, think of Melody from the Rithmatist. He can control about 10 chalkstructs at once. He can also renew the 6 hours if he spends five minutes focusing completely on one of the chalkstructs.

Backstory: Teksa was born in the United Isles of America to a normal family of two parents and four siblings, where he is the youngest. When he went to school, his teachers immediately saw his intelligence and he was pushed to the front of his class. When he reached the age of eight, he went to a Church of the Monarch and went to the Inception ceremony. He saw and received the power of a shadowblaze and became a rithmatist. He went to the Valendar Academy, where he would once again be considered the great intellectual of his class, however, there was a boy who was better than him at rithmatics. Teksa starts to push himself harder and harder to beat him and even gets lax in his other studies. He greatly improves, but never surpasses his "nemesis", Jake Stonthem.

He ends up graduating at the age of eighteen and heads to the Tower of Nebraska for is two years of service. The second day after he arrived, there was a big wave of wild chalklings that broke through the circle and invaded the camp. Teksa was fighting off as many chalklings as he could, but he saw Jake fall and get covered by the creatures. Suddenly, he loses control of his emotions and rushes over to Jake. He is able to pull Jake out and behind friendly lines. However, chalkilings start rushing all over his body and one of the nearby soldiers freak out. The soldier throws acid at him, staving off the chalklings, but also burning Teksa. He is in pain for several weeks and is sent home. He never stops practicing and in fact reaches new bounds when it comes to chalklings. He gets to the point where he doesn't need to give commands to them, they just do what he says. After one year of hiding his newfound power, his father finds out about this and has a panic attack, Teksa is now on the run from the authorities.

He has spent a year dodging the army but is finally almost caught. He is on a cliff and his only option is to jump, which he does. He doesn't hit the water, however, and finds himself alone on the ground. He looks up in the sky and sees a bright red light, which shines ever so brightly for half a second. Suddenly, Teksa's vision goes black. He wakes up and finds himself in a settlement run by an epic. He stays there for three years and learns to use his new powers. Eventually, he meets another world hopper that teaches him the different ways to get between worlds. The kind old world hopper send Teksa to Alleyverse, to grow and learn.

Personality: Reserved to most people, but if you become a friend, he is very protective.

Guild: TUBA

Like this guy.

You should probably look at the index and add some skills. If Teska was approved, you should be fine.

Edited by beantheboy12
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1 hour ago, WeebTrash said:
  Reveal hidden contents

Name: Zedkrin


Reckoners- The ability to make chalk appear out of thin air.

Rithmatist- Rithmatism

Looks: Black cape, two sword hilts, black fedora, light leather armor

This is my alleyverse character, please look at it.

Hi @WeebTrash at a glance the power of the character looks fine, but I will need to see a lot more detail before it can be approved. In the first and second post of this thread we have a series of guidelines and things that will really help flesh out the character and give the rest of us an idea about who this character is. 

Edited by MacThorstenson
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12 hours ago, MacThorstenson said:

@Invocation I’m going to hold off on ranking this character for another day or two, sorry. The radiant portion of the index will be Redone  tmrw, and 4th oath radiants will be a lot more points. I don’t want to rate this character to have to re-do it tmrw. 

Hey, do you mind @'ing me when you're done revamping it so I can redo her?

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Name: Erin Ramal Tekiel

Physical Characteristics:

Investiture: Bronze Twinborn Compounder.

Skills: Skilled in hand to hand combat and weilding knives.

Equipment: Two glass daggers and two stone ones, the first pair hidden in his sleeves, the second pair hidden on his thighs.

Weakness: Natural narcoleptic. Remove his bracers and the sudden lack of awareness knocks him out cold in seconds. Has a crippling fear of pocket watches- once was trapped in a room for days with dozens of them, all designed to tick very loudly- one of them a bomb that could go off at any time. He's associated fear with the things ever since, and fighting someone with one on them makes his movements slower and more confused, leaving him somewhat of a danger even to himself. This makes him unable to actually fight metronome effectively. (Though who would? That Epic is so powerful he terrifies all in existence.) Also has a scar across his chest that limits his ability to breath properly. This means that he cannot fight effectively for longer than half an hour, on his best days. Normally is limited to fifteen minutes of continuous fighting in a row before he begins to have problems breathing.

Family: Distantly related to the Tikiel house of The Final Empire. Dozens of living cousins somewhere on dark side.

Home Planet: Taldian.

Backstory: His father was a Twinborn worldhopper from Scadrial who fell in love with a woman from dark side on Taldain, staying and raising a family there. He took Erin home shortly after his sixth birthday because he experienced a mugging with his father, receiving a scar across his chest that nearly killed him and left him with a disability that doesn't harm him in everyday life, but limits his ability to perform sustained physical activity. Shortly after, his father learned that he'd snapped from the experience, and took him back to train with the other modern day Allomancers on Scadrial. He was left there in the care of some distant relatives, and started training early in his life to become a good enough fighter for his father to come back for- he grew up believing that he'd been abandoned because he was weak, and thought that the'd see his dad again if he trained hard enough. He tried to become like the Hazekillers of old, practicing as if he had to take down full Mistborn, becoming very skilled very quickly. He eventually gave up that hope when he turned nineteen, and started selling his services as a bodyguard or hitman. His skin and odd hair were distinct aspects of himself, and he quickly gained a name; so it came as no surprise when he accompanied a scientific expedition to find and examine an odd place. When he learned it was a kind of portal between worlds, old hope reignited in his heart, and he found his way through in the hopes of finding his father or mother. Instead, he ended up in alley city, and has been searching for a way to make a living ever since, hoping to one day gain what he needs to travel between worlds and hunt down his father.

Guild: N/A currently. Unless someone wants him?

Psyche: Daddy issues, typically a-moral unless his daddy issues are acting up, terrified of clocks- stopwatches especially.

Personality: Typically cold and distant; he's amiable enough, he simply doesn't actively seek out interaction with others. He enjoys the company but is generally unhappy and discontent, seeming to think everything is less than it really is, especially himself.

Appearance: 5'2" tall, light wood-brown skin, dark black hair in dreadlocks, amber-brown eyes that look like honey in the light. Built like a runner, lean but well-muscled.

Theme Song: My Fault, Imagine Dragons.

Fighting Style: Close quarters, aggressive, tries to end the fight quickly because he /cannot/ fight long-term. Will attempt to go lethal unless unable or ordered not to.


Here's another one, what do you think? ^_^

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17 hours ago, JacobClaessen said:

So, would anyone object to me making a 150 skill-point character? I.e., no Investiture but all points used, etc.

I've done it. So far Eve's not dead, but like Bean said, even with all skills, a fight against a person with a Shardblade would be hard to win. Not impossible, but harder. 

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Hey, I’m back with a freshly edited character...


Name: Evaya Favelle (nicknamed Eve)

Physical Characteristics:
Female, tall with piercing light green eyes and blonde hair that has a streak of black in it(usually worn up in a bun).


Investiture: Elsecaller of the 3rd Ideal, spren named Sepia

Taught herself throwing knives, has a pretty good aim.

Excellent penmanship with both glyphs and women’s script.


Shardblade, which often forms as a knife or dagger.

Claustrophobic(see backstory), virtually no hand-to-hand combat skills.

Family: None

Birthplace: Alethkar, Roshar



Evaya was abandoned at an Alethi orphanage as a baby. Her childhood was for the most part uneventful. However, the few time she got in trouble she was locked up in a broom closet as punishment, giving her a deep-seated fear of cramped spaces for the rest of her life. She bonded her spren when she was in her late teens, and ended up working as a scribe at a nearby spanreed center. Her life was comfortable but dull. One day Evaya was exploring Shadesmar, got lost, and ended up in the Alleyverse. Evaya realized that she had no real connection to her previous life in Alethkar and decided that she could use a change of location. She’s been living in Alleycity for the past few months.


Guild/Affiliation: None yet

Personality: Practical, intelligent, and endlessly curious, she is cool-headed and tries to think logically to counteract her impulsive streak.






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