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1 hour ago, beantheboy12 said:

Was typing up AJ while Mac posted :P

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Name: Anthony Jace (AJ) 

Physical Characteristics:

  • Scars

    • Left leg

    • Right Hand

    • Left Eyelid

  • Green eyes

  • Black hair

  • Tan skin

  • 5’10”

  • 160 lbs


  • Cytonic abilities

    • Sense [+15]

    • Mind Blades [+40]

    • FTL Transport [+40]

  • Surge Fabrial

    • Progression [+15 according to Mac's new index]


  • Ameteur in Melee combat training [+20]

  • Average Thief [+25]


  • Handcuffs

  • Nightsticks (unpushable)


  • Hates killing. Won’t kill. Prefers to disarm and immobilize

  • Won’t attack directly with mind blades. He feels like it’s cruel

Family: None that he knows of

Home Planet: Earth

Backstory: [Will be released when I finish DE]

Guild: TUBA

Psyche: Introverted, Thinks with logic, Is organized

Personality: Upbeat and reserved

Appearance: Put it all in physical characteristics

Theme Song:

Fighting Style: Teleports to avoid attacks. Often gets in close to attack.


95 + 15 + 45 = 155. Needs 10 points of weaknesses. Could you score the ones I have?

That should be good, together I would put them at 15 points. Do you want to add more stuff?

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2 minutes ago, MacThorstenson said:

That should be good, together I would put them at 15 points. Do you want to add more stuff?


15 minutes ago, Ark1002 said:

Isn't cyto against spoiler policies?

It’s DE

Edited by beantheboy12
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2 hours ago, MacThorstenson said:

Sorry about that, yeah I forgot about it. 

Here are some thoughts, the shadow acid is going to be worth 20 points, it’s similar to division but can be flung around, in addition it functions without any stormlight. 

Then how similar is the draining investiture to a leecher? Is it anything similar or what’s going on with it. 

It's free investiture. So, sucking stormlight from spheres.

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On 2/24/2019 at 0:33 PM, ShadowLord_Lith said:

Thank you. 95? Really? I thought he'd barely make the cut. I could actually make him stronger and he wouldn't be out of place... thanks. :lol:

Edit: Also, sure. I don't mind him being in your guild- it'd be fun! ^_^

Yes, my guild would be great.  I'm sorry I made the mistake in scoring your character, I misunderstood the index.


On 2/24/2019 at 2:50 PM, Voidus said:

You missed out on the compounding score. A bronze compounder is 165 points.

I'll do a full scoring in a bit if none of the others have, on mobile atm though.

Yes I missed the section on compounders, just focusing on the twinborn section.


Edit: And are you speaking of cytonics from DE?  I had no idea that it was linked to skyward, as I have not read it yet.  I don't mind though, and it's partly my fault for opening the spoiler.


Edited by MacThorstenson
Breaks spoiler policy
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On 2/19/2019 at 7:45 AM, Vargo Seldon said:

'Tis fine.  I would rather someone point out my mistakes in a critical way than let me go on making them.

And I'll re-submit Necromacer, edited and far less OP.  @Lord Meeker


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Name:  Jonathan Thomas, aka Necromancer

Age:  21,236 Earth years

Appearance:  Varies.   Is always a stocky man of differing age.

Personality:  Gruff.  Carries scars from what he witnessed in the ISS and in Kansas City.  Still reasonably sane, but hates all people, especially other epics.  Holds a very special hate for criminals.

Investiture:  A time-manipulation epic.  He can only manipulate the age of living things.  He can't advance a sentient being to death, and the affects are temporary, only while the victim is within one-hundred feet of him.  With non-sentient animals, the affects are permanent, but he still cannot advance the animal to death.  With plants, he can use his ability to make the plant grow in whatever way he chooses.  This ability only works within 100 feet (30.48 meters) of him.  He can use his ability to freeze time for an organism, eliminating their need to respirate and eat.  Their normal activity is unaffected.  He can use his ability on himself, to heal wounds. For lethal wounds, he rewinds time to where he never received the wound, and for nonlethal wounds he advances time so he instantly heals.  This gives him rudimentary prime invincibility, but it doesn't happen automatically.  The ability allows him to kill extremely powerful epics, as they aren't immune to age affects.

Skills:  Very smart, and a good shot with a gun.  He is a skilled geneticist, and a thorough botanist.

Weaknesses:  His epic weakness is bees.  He has an unfortunate accident in researching genetics with a tank of bees.  He never bothered to learn combat skills beyond simple firearms training.  For some reason, he is unable to affect bees with his powers.

Backstory:  Was born in the suburbs of Kansas City.  Became very interested in genetics, and went to college for it.  He got a space on the ISS, and went up to perform expirements with genetics.  Calamity came, killing everyone on the station, but turning him into an epic.  He used his abilities to stop time for himself out in space, and floated for what seemed like an eternity.  When he'd finally crashed down from orbit, he saw the devastation of his hometown.  By that time, calamity had been defeated.  He put himself in stasis, and was kidnapped by interdimensional slave traders.  He killed them, but not before he was carted to the Alleyverse.

Guild Affiliation:  The Dark Alley


Sorry just got around to reading this again, need to do the final scoring but yeah on a second review this looks like it's still going to come out OP. Guessing I forgot about the healing when I said earlier that it should come out okay.

Healing: 70 (You mentioned healing lethal wounds here which means I assume this is a fairly quick process, PIs are expensive)
Plant growth - 40
Other time abilities - 40
Skills: Intelligent (30), Scholar (30), firearms (45)
Weakness: -10

Total: 245 - Needs a lot more weaknesses or some power reduction

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It was recommended I post this here. Lita artwork for anyone interested aka what I did on my lunch break instead of eating :P Also, allomantic/feruchemical symbols are really hard to draw when you're only using a mouse :blink:





Edited by ZincAboutIt
trying to hide picture ahhhh
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Wow.  For some reason I thought it would pass.  I really need to work on that.

Edited version:


Name:  Jonathan Thomas, aka Necromancer

Age:  21,236 Earth years

Appearance:  Varies.   Is always a stocky man of differing age.

Personality:  Gruff.  Carries scars from what he witnessed in the ISS and in Kansas City.  Still reasonably sane, but hates all people, especially other epics.  Holds a very special hate for criminals.

Investiture:  A time-manipulation epic.  He can only manipulate the age of living things.  He can't advance a sentient being to death, and the affects are temporary, only while the victim is within one-hundred feet of him.  With non-sentient animals, the affects are permanent, but he still cannot advance the animal to death.  With plants, he can use his ability to make the plant grow in whatever way he chooses.  This ability only works within 100 feet (30.48 meters) of him.  He can use his ability to freeze time for an organism, eliminating their need to respirate and eat.  Their normal activity is unaffected.  He can use his ability on himself, to heal wounds. For lethal wounds, he rewinds time to where he never received the wound, and for nonlethal wounds he advances time so he instantly heals.  This gives him rudimentary prime invincibility, but it doesn't happen automatically.  The ability allows him to kill extremely powerful epics, as they aren't immune to age affects.

Skills:  Very smart, and a reasonable shot with a gun.  Only a rifle though, and he misses more than he hits.  He is a skilled geneticist, and a thorough botanist.

Weaknesses:  His epic weakness is bees.  He has an unfortunate accident in researching genetics with a tank of bees.  Also has a deathly fear of any sort of insect or small arthropod.  Very reliant on his powers.  He never bothered to learn combat skills beyond simple firearms training.  For some reason, he is unable to affect bees with his powers.  Whenever one is touching him he loses his powers, and when he is stung, his powers are taken as long as the venom is in his system.  Low pain tolerance, which gives him a tendency to avoid combat situations where he may get injured.  His healing ability doesn't stop the pain.  Also affected by the power reduction thingy that affects the DA.  Outside of DA territory, he loses the ability to age people beyond ten years of their actual age.  Still has unlimited affect over plants.

Backstory:  Was born in the suburbs of Kansas City.  Became very interested in genetics, and went to college for it.  He got a space on the ISS, and went up to perform expirements with genetics.  Calamity came, killing everyone on the station, but turning him into an epic.  He used his abilities to stop time for himself out in space, and floated for what seemed like an eternity.  When he'd finally crashed down from orbit, he saw the devastation of his hometown.  By that time, calamity had been defeated.  He put himself in stasis, and was kidnapped by interdimensional slave traders.  He killed them, but not before he was carted to the Alleyverse.

Guild Affiliation:  The Dark Alley

I didn't actually edit his powers any (I like them too much).  I just added weaknesses that give non-combatant tendencies, and power restrictions.


4 minutes ago, ZincAboutIt said:

It was recommended I post this here. Lita artwork for anyone interested aka what I did on my lunch break instead of eating :P Also, allomantic/feruchemical symbols are really hard to draw when you're only using a mouse :blink:



And that's a very good drawing for just using a mouse.

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Hey, I'm pretty new to the Allyverse and this is my first character so here goes:


Name: Butterfinger, god of food and eating

Gender: Male

Physic: Green eyes, blonde hair, really obese (if he fell down on his side he would be a few inches taller), 7-feet tall, bright aura.  Appearance may vary.

Investiture: Returned

Age: 27.  Age upon returning: 27

Home planet: Nalthis

Skills: Hand-to-hand combat, espionage, wilderness survival, hunting, and eating.  All except the last he knows nothing about.

Equipment:  Pants that have tassels all on the inside, shirts that have tassels on the inside and on the cuffs.

Personality:  Hesitant, somewhat bold when he gets riled up, runs away from anything mildly frightening, and a pacifist in most disagreements

Weakness:  Hates to kill, has a soft spot for animals and small children and people and trees and maybe some grass and is deathly afraid of spiders.  Another weakness is that he is really fat.

Backstory:  Grew up a peasant who worked in the fields, could hardly feed himself and lived mostly on the streets.  He got caught in an accident when he was 27.  The ruling god king classified it for unknown reasons and the only thing people knew about it was it involved a lot of orphaned children and a lots of body parts strewn across the city.  He searched and searched for a plausible cause and was forced into learning espionage so he could spy on various gods.  He found out what caused the accident and finding this costed him his life.  He saw corruption in the court of gods and returned to purge it.  His first days of being returned he had a dream that kept coming back.  All he could remember from his dream was the word purge.  The holes in his memory took the r out of purge and left him with puge.  And ever since he imagined himself as fat.

Guild/Affiliation: None yet


Edited by Clever Username
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7 minutes ago, Clever Username said:

Hey, I'm pretty new to the Allyverse and this is my first character so here goes:

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Name: Butterfinger, god of food and eating

Gender: Male

Physic: Green eyes, blonde hair, really obese (if he fell down on his side he would be a few inches taller), 7-feet tall, bright aura.  Appearance may vary.

Investiture: Returned

Age: 27.  Age upon returning: 27

Home planet: Nalthis

Skills: Hand-to-hand combat, espionage, wilderness survival, hunting, and eating.  All except the last he knows nothing about.

Equipment:  Pants that have tassels all on the inside, shirts that have tassels on the inside and on the cuffs.

Personality:  Hesitant, somewhat bold when he gets riled up, runs away from anything mildly frightening, and a pacifist in most disagreements

Weakness:  Hates to kill, has a soft spot for animals and small children and people and trees and maybe some grass and is deathly afraid of spiders.  Another weakness is that he is really fat.

Backstory:  Grew up a peasant who worked in the fields, could hardly feed himself and lived mostly on the streets.  He got caught in an accident when he was 27.  The ruling god king classified it for unknown reasons and the only thing people knew about it was it involved a lot of orphaned children and a lots of body parts strewn across the city.  He searched and searched for a plausible cause and was forced into learning espionage so he could spy on various gods.  He found out what caused the accident and finding this costed him his life.  He saw corruption in the court of gods and returned to purge it.  His first days of being returned he had a dream that kept coming back.  All he could remember from his dream was the word purge.  The holes in his memory took the r out of purge and left him with puge.  And ever since he imagined himself as fat.

Guild/Affiliation: Diagramists


Welcome to the alleyverse! I don’t need to use the index to see that this character is fine, I will post them post haste, probably in an hour.

If you want a complete ranking I can give you one, but this is a good character. 

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Hello Clever Username (which is a very clever username by the way) and welcome to the alleyverse!  I can do some scoring for your character, but as previous incidents have proven, you should disregard my scoring in the face of someone's more experienced scoring.



Investiture: Returned (+55)

Skills: Hand-to-hand combat (+20), espionage (+35 I rated this as assasination without the killing part), wilderness survival (+25 Just estimating here), hunting (+20, still estimating), and eating (+1,000??).  All except the last he knows nothing about (I'm gonna take that to mean that he knew before he returned, but doesn't know he knows)

Weakness:  Hates to kill (-20), has a soft spot for animals and small children and people and trees and maybe some grass (-50) and is deathly afraid of spiders (-5).  Another weakness is that he is really fat (-30)

Guild/Affiliation: Diagramists (+1,000,000)

Total: 100

Conclusion:  I completely agree with Mac here.  This character looks good.  Should make for interesting plot development to have a kind alleyverse character.  Would be welcome at the forge.

Again, Welcome to the alleyverse.  Your character should be approved in no time, and I hope you enjoy your time here.

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On 2/13/2019 at 7:41 AM, Karnatheon said:

Ok. I mentioned earlier I was just going off Coppermind, because I haven't read the Alcatraz books. So if my interpretation of those things is incorrect and I need to change the character I can. Or at least probably the Oracle's lenses? Getting rid of the Oracle's lenses would remove 20 points. And it would remove the dependency on them. Would the rest of his weakness be worth 10 points? It would be left like this.

Weakness: Alan is quite scatterbrained at times, misplacing things and forgetting important details. His Talent both helps make up for this, whole also reenforcing the weakness because he has no reason to be more careful.

If my interpretation of things was fine, I could also keep everything and just add another weakness too.

Did I ever properly respond to this? I probably didn't. I'd say the same character without Oracle's lenses would be completely acceptable. That's what I would do if I were you. I think it would be alright if you just added another weakness, but that's stretching it quite a bit in terms of ignoring canon.

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13 hours ago, beantheboy12 said:

So... yes or no?

It's a preference, it's not technically against forum rules but I feel that it violates the spirit of the spoiler policy.

As for why it's in the index that's because someone scored it for Archer I believe so he added it. I also don't know that i agree with the total either. Also again this is a preference not a mod ruling so AV mods or the community are welcome to overrule.

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1 hour ago, Voidus said:

It's a preference, it's not technically against forum rules but I feel that it violates the spirit of the spoiler policy.

As for why it's in the index that's because someone scored it for Archer I believe so he added it. I also don't know that i agree with the total either. Also again this is a preference not a mod ruling so AV mods or the community are welcome to overrule.


So if I went to the skyward spoiler board and asked what kind of DE thzings are okay, and I got the ok from the general public or chaos, would that be okay?


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12 minutes ago, beantheboy12 said:
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So if I went to the skyward spoiler board and asked what kind of DE thzings are okay, and I got the ok from the general public or chaos, would that be okay?


This would need an ok from the audience of this roleplay specifically, as opposed to the wider community of 17S. Chaos doesn't mind as long as topics with spoilers are marked, but that presents another challenge in that we'd potentially have to mark every topic that this character appears in as having potential Skyward spoilers. I suppose the crux of it for me is whether or not you're attached to the concept enough for us to go down that path instead of waiting for the end of the spoiler period and whether or not they need to be in the Alleyverse or could be in a separate RP, or possibly one of the tangential RPs we're beginning to explore.

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