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20 hours ago, WeebTrash said:

@MacThorstenson look at this trash.

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Name: Zedkrin

Physical Characteristics: 5’6’’, short black hair, 32 years old

Powers: Rithmatist, can create chalk

Skills: Fast runner, average melee weapon combat, amature hand to hand combat

Equipment: Light leather armor, one sword hilt, and a katana

Weakness: Phobia of Squirrels(Will run away at the sight of squirrels)

Epic Weakness: If he sees semi-complicated math his powers will go away

Home Planet: Earth(Rithmatist)

Backstory: He was born on Earth(Rithmatist), became a Rithmatist, met a worldhopper then went with them to Earth(Reckoners) before Calamity, got Epic powers, then moved to the alleyverse.

Guild: Ghostbloods

Personality/Psyche: He gives up as quickly as he makes decisions, not social, will not sacrifice himself for someone else

Fighting Style: Uses his speed to outmaneuver his opponents and cut them down


Yeah I concur on Snip's assessment of this one, assuming reasonable limits to the amount of chalk that can be created (eg. they can't summon a building made out of chalk and crush people with it, etc.) then it comes out to 25 with the synergy with rithmatics.
Though to clarify I usually don't subtract much if any points for Epic weaknesses, as they're an intrinsic part of the power. If it's particularly common or uncommon I may add or subtract some more points. This one's relatively easy to trigger so there's a little extra taken off.



Name: Zedkrin

Physical Characteristics: 5’6’’, short black hair, 32 years old

Powers: Rithmatist, +30 M

can create chalk + 25 M (Because of Synergy)

Skills: Fast runner, +10 S

average melee weapon combat, +35 S

Amateur hand to hand combat + 10 S

Equipment: Light leather armor, one sword hilt, and a katana 

Weakness: Phobia of Squirrels(Will run away at the sight of squirrels) -20 W

Epic Weakness: If he sees semi-complicated math his powers will go away - 5W

Home Planet: Earth(Rithmatist)

Backstory: He was born on Earth(Rithmatist), became a Rithmatist, met a worldhopper then went with them to Earth(Reckoners) before Calamity, got Epic powers, then moved to the alleyverse. 

Guild: Ghostbloods

Personality/Psyche: He gives up as quickly as he makes decisions, not social, will not sacrifice himself for someone else -20 W

Fighting Style: Uses his speed to outmaneuver his opponents and cut them down

Total: 55 M + 55S -45W=65





19 hours ago, beantheboy12 said:

KiaKo scored: @Ark1002. Actually @Snipexe beat me to it while I was scoring it. I'll finish though.

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Name: KiaKo

Species: Kandra [+70 skill is taken into account later]

Investiture:  Blessing of Potency [Depends on who it killed. +25 for an average one]

Current Sex: Female

Guild Affiliation: DA 

Physical Characteristics: Any

Skills: Assassination (average) [+40], thievery (amateur) [+10], poison mixing (amateur) [+10], good at transforming (fourth gen kandra level) [+10 (2/5)]

Backstory: She was born in a lab, and grew up in the alleys. She survived, and now alternates between them and the alleycity, doing odd jobs.

70 + 25 + 40  + 10 + 10 + 10 = 165. Pretty powerful I'd say she needs a nerf. 

AJ reworked as an epic with no mind blades but something different instead.

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Name: AJ Carter. Epic name Nightshot

Physical Characteristics: Brown hair, Brown eyes, WIld scar on right shoulder.


  • Epic powers

    • Portals: Can make a small rift in space to create a one way gateway between two points within eyesight that he can see. It sends any object that goes in to the other one on a side of his choosing. Objects maintain momentum and come out at the same point that they went in at the corresponding portal. Portals cannot close if there is something moving through them.

    • Teleportation: Can focus on a certain point within eyesight and travel to that point with a one second lag time from the point where he disappears and when he reappears. When he is gone for the short period, a faint smoke will appear in the area that he will return.

    • Perfect aim: If he looks at something and shoots at it, if his power is activated, his hand will automatically point nightsoul (See equipment)l toward the spot at which he was looking.

Skills: (Consider epic ability 3 as projectile weapon training expert)


  • Night Soul

    • A handgun with a 1 foot long barrel and 6 inch long handle. Has many modes to shoot. Including semi-auto bullets, full auto bullets, plasma, nets, grenades, shotguns, lasers, stun blasts, coinshot hazekiller rounds, flash bang grenades, seeking shots, flames, and freeze rays. Can engage a system that stabs a needle through his skin. Barely enough to avoid the gun being pushed or pulled.

Weakness: His epic weakness is large guns. (See backstory) Whenever he is touched by a large gun or is shot by one his powers will all be nullified.

Family: Mother dead. Father alive.

Home Planet: Earth (Reckoners)


When he was 8, his father took him shotgun shooting. AJ was amazed on how well his dad shot and wanted to try to. However, the shotguns knockback broke his shoulder joint and he had to go to the hospital to get surgery. Henceforth giving him a petrifying fear of shotguns.


He still was curious with guns and began to practice with handguns, learning to have exceptionally good aim with them. He competed and won a fortune. He had a dream, for a powerful weapon that he could use. So he got to work building nightsoul.


He had nearly perfected it by the time that his epic powers manifested. He accidently killed his mother with his new powers and felt horrible and guilty. His father, his partner in nightsoul’s creation ran away in fear and anger, disowning AJ. Depressed because of her death, AJ left to the alleyverse to start a new life.

Guild: TUBA

Psyche: Stable. Sometimes has haunting moments but stable.

Personality: Upbeat, Kind, has a dark side though that appears under stressful situations. A dark side that pushes everyone away and goes alone to do things.

Appearance: Coming soon?

Theme Song: Psyche theme song, except all “Psyches” have been replaced with “Snipes”

Fighting Style: Long range combat



  • Epic powers

    • Portals: Can make a small rift in space to create a one way gateway between two points within eyesight that he can see. It sends any object that goes in to the other one on a side of his choosing. Objects maintain momentum and come out at the same point that they went in at the corresponding portal. Portals cannot close if there is something moving through them.
      Need a little more clarification on this, mainly: How long do the portals last, can he travel away from them while maintaining them? What size can he make them? How quickly do they appear?

    • Teleportation: Can focus on a certain point within eyesight and travel to that point with a one second lag time from the point where he disappears and when he reappears. When he is gone for the short period, a faint smoke will appear in the area that he will return. 40 M

    • Perfect aim: If he looks at something and shoots at it, if his power is activated, his hand will automatically point nightsoul (See equipment)l toward the spot at which he was looking. 80 M

This is over the limit for magic points even without the portaling power, now I'm going to leave the decision to other mods as to whether or not we're willing to take the perfect aim as contributing as skill points instead given that they're an exact copy of a skill.

Just a heads up though, this is highly unlikely to come out within limits without further weaknesses. I don't see the portals as being likely to come out below a 60 at the lowest and the equipment is likely to be at least a 50 unless you're assuming significant difficulties in using it and switching modes.

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I’ll take off the teleportation. I figured it wouldn’t end up that big of a deal because portals replicate the effect almost as good as teleportation 

Limits for portals: Max diameter  3 feet (1 meter) can only be sustained for 5 seconds if he’s not focusing on then. Portals remain open as long as an object with significant mass (do not dust) is going through them.

And how about the epic weakness? Does it remove points?

Should the perfect aim not be interpreted as a skill, that’s fine, I just want to add skill after this is all over.

And the gun should be powerful. 50 points at least. Some modes aren’t as useful as others so I think that’s fai

This is definitely an aim high hit low character. I understand his OPness and am prepared to nerf him as nesecarry.

60 + 50 + 80 = 190 - ? Still I will probably have to nerf

Edited by beantheboy12
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12 minutes ago, beantheboy12 said:


I’ll take off the teleportation. I figured it wouldn’t end up that big of a deal because portals replicate the effect almost as good as teleportation 

Limits for portals: Max diameter  3 feet (1 meter) can only be sustained for 5 seconds if he’s not focusing on then. Portals remain open as long as an object with significant mass (do not dust) is going through them.

And how about the epic weakness? Does it remove points?

Should the perfect aim not be interpreted as a skill, that’s fine, I just want to add skill after this is all over.

And the gun should be powerful. 50 points at least. Some modes aren’t as useful as others so I think that’s fai

This is definitely an aim high hit low character. I understand his OPness and am prepared to nerf him as nesecarry.

60 + 50 + 80 = 190 - ? Still I will probably have to nerf

A teleporter needing to be hit by something doesn't really leave a lot of room for it to be particularly likely that their weakness would impact them, so at most it'd be a -5 for the weakness. A weakness is a requirement for all Epics so it's taken into account by their initial score.

Last question for the portals is how long it takes to open one?

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14 minutes ago, Voidus said:

Last question for the portals is how long it takes to open one?

Until he can focus on the points he wants. There is a 2 second delay. These portals aren't meant to block (always). They are meant to give a better shooting angle.

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New Benson: @MacThorstenson has already approved it.


Name: Benson

Gender: Male

Investiture: 2nd Ideal Lightweaver

Appearance: 155 pounds, five foot eight, short cut black hair, black eyes, olive skin, naturally bulky shape, though it does not influence physical his strength. Strong legs. Age sixteen. 

Non Investiture Abilities: Smart, particularly about hemalurgy. Amateur thief and poison mixer. A few years of melee weapons training. His specialty is using knives

Equipment: Knives

Psyche and Weaknesses:

  • Double Vision: At long distances, he sees double. Each one looks equally real. If he hastily fires coins at something, he may miss. However, if he covers his left eye, the true image appears.
  • Alcohol Vulnerability: When drinking any alcoholic beverage, he enters a deep drunken state quite often. That includes the typical allomantic vials so he must mix his own if he doesn't want to get drunk. 
  • Alcohol Addiction: He is also beginning to become addicted to the alcohol in metal vials. 

Backstory: Benson was born in the terris village in elendel. His mother’s illegitimate Ladrian heritage granted him the allomantic power of steel and his father’s terris heritage granted him the feruchemical power of steel. Being a twinborn, he was taught against the usage of his allomantic power. However, in secret, he practiced and mastered the art of steel pushes. 

When the village was attacked by a greedy rogue chromium ferring, his parents were both killed. Benson swore to destroy him and spent his early teenage years finding any leads he could. His search lead him to the roughs, breaking his young mind.

Eventually, Benson found this man and slit his throat in one quick stroke. He was then tagged by the constables and eventually, his fifth cousin twice removed, Waxillium Ladrian. He was forced to leave to the Alleyverse. There, he gained his knowledge of hemalurgy.

When he go to the Alleyverse, he conspired to overthrow the ghost bloods and tried to assassinate Mac. He realized he was guilty of many crimes and admitted it to himself with the resolve to fix the damage he's done. At this point, he attracted a cryptic and swore the first two oaths of the lightweavers.

He then was tried by the Ghostbloods and was found guilty of death for trying to overthrow them. He lightwave an illusion of himself and that died instead and he fled from the Ghostbloods to TUBA.

Guild: TUBA

Edit: Oops, double posted :(

Edited by beantheboy12
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27 minutes ago, beantheboy12 said:

Until he can focus on the points he wants. There is a 2 second delay. These portals aren't meant to block (always). They are meant to give a better shooting angle.

Ok, with that much of a delay the combat usefulness drastically decreases so that'll be down to a 40.

I'll let other mods weigh in on the gun but the Epic powers come out to 130M or 50M + 80S if we want to take the aiming as a skill instead of a power.

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5 minutes ago, Voidus said:

Ok, with that much of a delay the combat usefulness drastically decreases so that'll be down to a 40.

I'll let other mods weigh in on the gun but the Epic powers come out to 130M or 50M + 80S if we want to take the aiming as a skill instead of a power.

And the gun? If I need to nerf it, what if instead of like pressing a button to change modes, he has to remove clips from his belt and swap them in order to change?

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6 hours ago, Marzipan said:

Whoops, I forgot to change her to 2nd Ideal! I don’t know what the second Elsecaller oath would be, but in terms of how it affected her, I would say it probably forced her to acknowledge her feelings of abandonment and inability to help others.

So the second idea of edgedancers is to remember those who have been forgotten.

Maybe it pushed her to see that she wasn't the center of her universe? 

This is just a suggestion, but imagine that through her punishment she began to feel sorry only for herself and no one else. Then she realizes that the other kids at the orphanage are suffering and sees them, or looses a friend and tries to remember them. Whatever happened, they were forced to have a character change and move away from a pity filled self centered life and onto a more selfless life.

This is just a suggestion, if you don't think this would help her progression or fit with her character that is fine.

2 hours ago, beantheboy12 said:

And the gun? If I need to nerf it, what if instead of like pressing a button to change modes, he has to remove clips from his belt and swap them in order to change?

I would be fine for adding like 10 points for the gun, if he has to change the ammunition every time.

I have a hard time seeing how a gun that can fire all of these things can count as a small gun. Maybe a lot of small weapons that can achieve the same affect? 

I know a fair amount about guns, and I can help you make something very realistic if you want, but this a really weird gun.

Below is a breakdown of what I would do.


Including semi-auto bullets, full auto bullets,

Semi auto and full auto aren't different types of bullets, they are different switches that change how the gun fires. But they use the same bullets.


Has many modes to shoot. Including semi-auto bullets, full auto bullets, plasma, nets, grenades, shotguns, lasers, stun blasts, coinshot hazekiller rounds, flash bang grenades, seeking shots, flames, and freeze rays. 

I'm going to sort this list of other things by what kind of gun could shoot these.


grenades, flash bang grenades, flash bang grenades.

This are probably able to be launched from the same barrel. The net would be a stretch, but we can say they depend on the type of ammo not the gun shape.


coinshot hazekiller rounds, shotguns,

I assume that you mean shotgun rounds, not shotguns themselves. These could be fired by the same thing, but their wouldn't be that much accuracy due to the fact that the barrel wouldn't be rifled if it shoots shotgun shells.


seeking shots,

These are full fledged missiles with guidance systems. You need ground to air systems to launch these.


plasma, lasers, stun blasts, flames, and freeze rays.

Obviously these things are kind of fantasy, but I imagine that you could create a sci fi gun that can launch all of these. 

You could conceivably reduce this to 3 guns and a artillery thing. Or if you want to sci-fi stuff you could make the seeking bullets like supertech, but there will be a whole lot of suspension of disbelief involved with putting all of these in the same gun.

Also, the aiming thing would need to be a power, because even guns don't fire the bullet to the same spot every time.

Edited by MacThorstenson
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55 minutes ago, MacThorstenson said:

So the second idea of edgedancers is to remember those who have been forgotten.

Maybe it pushed her to see that she wasn't the center of her universe? 

This is just a suggestion, but imagine that through her punishment she began to feel sorry only for herself and no one else. Then she realizes that the other kids at the orphanage are suffering and sees them, or looses a friend and tries to remember them. Whatever happened, they were forced to have a character change and move away from a pity filled self centered life and onto a more selfless life.

This is just a suggestion, if you don't think this would help her progression or fit with her character that is fine.

I would be fine for adding like 10 points for the gun, if he has to change the ammunition every time.

I have a hard time seeing how a gun that can fire all of these things can count as a small gun. Maybe a lot of small weapons that can achieve the same affect? 

I know a fair amount about guns, and I can help you make something very realistic if you want, but this a really weird gun.

Below is a breakdown of what I would do.

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Semi auto and full auto aren't different types of bullets, they are different switches that change how the gun fires. But they use the same bullets.

I'm going to sort this list of other things by what kind of gun could shoot these.

This are probably able to be launched from the same barrel. The net would be a stretch, but we can say they depend on the type of ammo not the gun shape.

I assume that you mean shotgun rounds, not shotguns themselves. These could be fired by the same thing, but their wouldn't be that much accuracy due to the fact that the barrel wouldn't be rifled if it shoots shotgun shells.

These are full fledged missiles with guidance systems. You need ground to air systems to launch these.

Obviously these things are kind of fantasy, but I imagine that you could create a sci fi gun that can launch all of these. 

You could conceivably reduce this to 3 guns and a artillery thing. Or if you want to sci-fi stuff you could make the seeking bullets like supertech, but there will be a whole lot of suspension of disbelief involved with putting all of these in the same gun.

Also, the aiming thing would need to be a power, because even guns don't fire the bullet to the same spot every time.

It could always be made of expander's glass. That way There could be tons of space for mechanisms.

This gun is largely based off of Plunder's gun from The Flash


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My issue with the gun is more the sci-fi elements. A gun that fires grenades is functionally not that different from a person throwing grenades, other than their range. And we'd let anyone who wanted to carry grenades.


plasma, lasers, stun blasts, flames, and freeze rays.

These ones though are closer to additional powers. A freeze ray or flame blast especially is something that as an Epic power I'd rate between 30-60 points each, depending on the strength of the power.
Plasma bolts are functionally just bullets with extra fluff, more penetrating power, etc. so not much needed.

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Name: Okameahelemakeakaheuhanei'ike'oleikameanānaeho'opa'i (Also known as Okame)

Physical Characteristics: A very large Horneater, bright violet eyes. 28 years old.

Investiture: 4th Ideal Skybreaker (195)
    Second Oath - The law shall become my soul until uprooted by something greater
    Third Oath - I will devote myself to cleanse Jah Keved of false ardents.
    Fourth Oath - I will not raise my sword again until I know I will not lose control.

Skills: All of the rest of his points go into him cooking, since he won't fight.

Equipment: Cooking supplies! Lots of them!

Weakness: Get him angry while fighting and he goes beserk, as likely to massacre friend as to slay foe. Worsened by the Thrill.
Will not fight.

Family: Dead at the hands of the other Skybreakers

Home Planet: Roshar 

Backstory: His brother was close to bonding a spren, so the Skybreakers killed him. The rest of the family fought back and were killed, but Okame
was a toddler at that point and could not. He was then raised as a Skybreaker, speaking the First Oath at only 9 years old, having
been broken by the trials the Skybreakers put him through and residual trauma from the slaughter of his family.

Guild: The DA

Psyche: Broken. 

Personality: Confident but not cocky, loud without anger. Just a generally excitable person, as Horneaters are wont to be. Likes to protect people with the law as his framework. Gives a solid 100% in everything. Determined beyond belief. 

Theme Song: ''Comin' For You'' by Brenne

Fighting Style: Doesn't fight, and won't until he progresses to his next Oath (if he makes it, that is)

Weee! Here's Okameahelemakeakaheuhanei'ike'oleikameanānaeho'opa'i! @MacThorstenson

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1 minute ago, Invocation said:
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nvestiture: 4th Ideal Skybreaker (195)
    Second Oath - The law shall become my soul until uprooted by something greater
    Third Oath - I will devote myself to cleanse Jah Keved of false ardents.
    Fourth Oath - I will not raise my sword again until I know I will not lose control.

Weee! Here's Okameahelemakeakaheuhanei'ike'oleikameanānaeho'opa'i! @MacThorstenson

Hmmm. This doesn't really fit with the Skybreaker ideals. The Second is good, but the Third is usually a promise to hold to some greater truth separate from yourself, with the Fourth being a personal quest to undertake.

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Just now, Kidpen said:

Hmmm. This doesn't really fit with the Skybreaker ideals. The Second is good, but the Third is usually a promise to hold to some greater truth separate from yourself, with the Fourth being a personal quest to undertake.

Mac knows why it is what it is and approved it. I'll sum the reason up for you really quickly.


He's seeking to restore the truth of the Almighty and will proceed to hold that as his external truth. It's in honor of his (now fallen) mother.


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1 minute ago, Invocation said:

Mac knows why it is what it is and approved it. I'll sum the reason up for you really quickly.

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He's seeking to restore the truth of the Almighty and will proceed to hold that as his external truth. It's in honor of his (now fallen) mother.


Hmm. Alright then, if Mac approved it.

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2 hours ago, MacThorstenson said:

Also, the aiming thing would need to be a power, because even guns don't fire the bullet to the same spot every time.

Guns don't. But this one is no ordinary gun. If I come up with a better backstory for it, improving it's accuracy, will it be allowed to be interpreted as a skill? 

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10 hours ago, beantheboy12 said:

Guns don't. But this one is no ordinary gun. If I come up with a better backstory for it, improving it's accuracy, will it be allowed to be interpreted as a skill? 

The issue isn’t the back story, it’s the physics behind the gun.

A hand gun, no matter how large, isn’t going to be accurate past a certain distance. The barrel isn’t long enough to have accuracy at those distances. 

You can interpret your accuracy as skill, but you need to the right gun for the job. Even the best military snipers couldn’t do what they do with a 1 foot long barrel on a hand gun. 

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46 minutes ago, MacThorstenson said:

The issue isn’t the back story, it’s the physics behind the gun.

A hand gun, no matter how large, isn’t going to be accurate past a certain distance. The barrel isn’t long enough to have accuracy at those distances. 

You can interpret your accuracy as skill, but you need to the right gun for the job. Even the best military snipers couldn’t do what they do with a 1 foot long barrel on a hand gun. 

Okay then. How about the accuracy is great enough that within 10 feet, he can aim perfectly. Any further he had good accuracy, but not perfect.

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39 minutes ago, beantheboy12 said:

Okay then. How about the accuracy is great enough that within 10 feet, he can aim perfectly. Any further he had good accuracy, but not perfect.

Ok, I think we were thinking on different ranges here.

I was assuming that you were saying that he could accurately snipe people from 500 yards with his hand gun, which is completely impossible.

I would say that 100 yards would be the max distance at which he could raise the gun and shoot and hit a person.

40 yards would be the max he could have perfect aim.


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49 minutes ago, MacThorstenson said:

Ok, I think we were thinking on different ranges here.

I was assuming that you were saying that he could accurately snipe people from 500 yards with his hand gun, which is completely impossible.

I would say that 100 yards would be the max distance at which he could raise the gun and shoot and hit a person.

40 yards would be the max he could have perfect aim.


Oh. Nonono. Not a sniper. Close range. 40 yds sounds more than reasonable 

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3 hours ago, beantheboy12 said:

Okay then. 80 for aim, 40 for portals, -5 for the weakness. Total 115. Will the gun be 35 or less? And Voidus, were you under the shard impression as well that he sniped from 400 meters? Would it nerf him slightly?

@Voidus @MacThorstenson

Not if you still want perfect accuracy, that needs to be set at that level of skill. But it would let it come from the skill total not your magic total.

I'd be uncomfortable with allowing the gun as written for less than 50 points. It's essentially multiple magic abilities disguised as tech. I also question the ability of anyone to build something like that with earth technology unless they were an absolute genius and had access to a lot of resources. Each of which would also have their own additions to the point total.

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