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8 hours ago, Nohadon said:

Got it, thanks for the input! Here's what I added:

He tends to focus on one opponent at a time, meaning he can be overwhelmed easily, Additionally, he's shortsighted, needing to wear contacts so he can see properly.

Here's the full sheet. Should I put it up on the full list?

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Name: Alson Benetaar

Physical Characteristics: Athletic build. Tall with a muscular frame

Investiture: Allomatic Electrum and Feruchemical Zinc (75 Points. Complementary combination that can be used to make a pseudo-atium effect)

Skills: skilled hand to hand combat (30) Average Melee combat training (35) Amateur projectile weapons training (35)

A lever action rifle custom-made called 'Ati's Hand' (Aluminium frame. Custom ammo, Long barrel, detachable scope and a stock) 
A sterrion revolver that accepts custom ammo.
A rapier made from steel with a zinc core which Alson uses as a metalmind.
A small concealed dagger.
A mistcoat and a roughs duster + hat
A collection of zinc bands, rings and various other metalminds.

Weakness: Arrogant and tends to overestimate his opponents. He also isn't experienced with different forms of investiture and can be caught off-guard easily. He tends to focus on one opponent at a time, meaning he can be overwhelmed easily, Additionally, he's shortsighted, needing to wear contacts so he can see properly.

Family: A wealthy father he is estranged from, but he still is supported by him. His mother died during childbirth, he has two brothers, Seb and Noah.

Home Planet: Scadrial

Backstory: Born to a wealthy merchant family, Alson Benetaar is all set to inherit his family business, a business he believes is running a trade route through all of the Basin and roughs, unbeknownst to him, it's a multi-shardworld trade route that goes from planet to planet. 

Guild: Canton of Combat

Psyche: Arrogant and Stubborn, but a natural leader and fighter.

Personality: Extroverted and brash, Alson doesn't really appreciate people who are too different from him, but he trusts easily once it's clear that they have his back.

Appearance: Angular facial features that are accompanied by scars around his eyes and hears.

Theme Song: Perfect Time, nanatsu no tazai

Fighting Style: Calculated and calm, he strikes quickly and evenly. Going for weak points and assessing the enemies fighting abilities.


Looks good to me.


1 hour ago, kenod said:

Actually submitting the character I made in the Government thread:

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Name: Aoífe O'Sullivan

Epic Name: Fragarach

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Appearance: 5'4'' tall, ginger, short hair, green eyes. Wears a leather jacket, black jeans and combat boots.

Powers: When wielding a bladed weapon, her physical abilities are improved (a bit weaker than pewter), while the blade gives a limited ability to control wind (either gusts of about windpower 6 or 7, or firing blades of air with a range of about 10 meters, with the power decreasing as range increases), as well as having increased cutting power and durability (while better than the weapon normally would be, this isn't anywhere near shardblade level. She could probably cut through a wooden shield or medieval plate armor when using her full strength, but that is the limit). If she places the sword at someone's throat they have to answer any questions she asks them, and they aren't capable of lying.
Exact strength of her abilities (expect for forcing people to speak the truth) depend on the quality of the blade she's holding, with better crafted ones working better. Swords are generally also stronger than knifes, and medieval western style swords (arming sword, long sword, claymore) are more effective than those of other regions.

Skills: Decent sword and knife fighter, knows a bit about Irish myth. Amateur at unarmed fighting.

Equipment: Keeps a few hidden switchblade knifes on her at all times. Normally also carries a long sword on her back if she can get away with it.


  • Epic weakness: Being called a dog, or puppy. This disables her powers for a few minutes.
  • Her abilities require her to hold a bladed weapon weapon to work, meaning that disarming her will rid her of all her abilities.
  • Favors head-on approaches, often not considering things like tactics.
  • Blood-knight. Enjoys fighting, and will often fight people stronger than her. Doesn't mind putting herself in a disadvantaged position in order to make a fight more fair, or often doesn't finish off opponents in order to be able to fight them again when they're stronger.

Personality: Loves fighting, especially against strong opponents. Otherwise she tends to be rather serious and business-minded while on a job, but boisterous and outgoing otherwise. Rather quick-tempered, is bad at handling money, often leading to her needing to take on rather problematic jobs to get by.

History: When younger she was interested in stories about ancient heroes, and got into sword-fighting because of them. Here, she turned out to be quite talented, but also earned the nicknames of 'dog' and 'puppy', because of how she talked about old irish myths, specifically Cú Chulainn. When Calamity came she found out about her powers, and ended up working as a mercenary for various Epics, often hired to do interrogations. At some point she ended up in the alleyverse, where she decided to keep working as a mercenary (since she needed money) and established a reputation as a competent fighter, and sometimes being hired for doing interrogations as well.

Affiliation: Neutral, mercenary.

Given that she's an Epic: @Voidus.

Seeing so many explicitly stated limits and measurements makes me unbelievably happy. :D

Physical improvements: 30 M
Wind Manipulation: 20 M
Improved Cutting: 10 M
Interrogation: 50 M (This is actually a departure from what this would be measured as, but this is more useful in this game than the power would objectively be measured in world, happy for other mods to overrule on this if needed)

Total: 110 M

Expert Melee Weapons: +50 S
Skilled Scholarship (But only specific area): 10 S
Amateur Unarmed: 10 S
Total: 70 S


Favors head-on approaches, often not considering things like tactics. : -20 W (Pretty debilitating for someone with no defensive abilities)
Blood-knight. : -30 W
Total -50W

Grand Total = 110M +70S - 50 W = 130
Approved, unless you wanted to add any alterations?

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@Truthless of Shinovar

This one looks better. Good job on the bio and weaknesses. Here's how I'd score it:


Name: Nultūk (null-took), goes by Nul

Physical Description: On the shorter side, he's got dark brown hair, gray eyes, a slightly upturned nose, and roundish face.

Powers: Nultūk a Willshaper of the 3rd ideal [+160]. His first oath is the norm [-5], his second oath is "I will fight only for the quest for knowledge." This can be bent in many different ways, it depends on what he considers knowledge . The third ideal is "I will never stop looking for knowledge." The two ideals reflect his personality, and he uses them often to justify his reasons for going places and doing stuff [These ideals I am going to need a bit more specificity on. So would he never take aggressive action against someone? As in he would never start a fight? That would be quite crippling. Probably would balance them out]. He is currently looking for a gem to hold infinite stormlight, so he can use it to store up as much as he needs. Using his Transportation, he's travelled to to Nalthis and collected a wealth of Breaths, enough to reach the second heightening [+65]. He's also considering using hemalurgy, but he's very hesitant, and wants to find someone that's totally willing to give up their powers (and life).

Homeworld: Roshar.

Personality: Nultūk didn't choose to become a world-hopping, knowledge-seeking, evil-fighting dude. One day, while exploring some uncharted seas of Roshar, he bonded to a spren and just kinda rolled with it. Now though, it's his life goal to fight for what he believes to be right, and study the mysteries of the Alleyverse.

Weapons: He uses a shardblade in one hand and shortsword in the other,  fighting bezerker styler [You can use your skill points on this. If he were "skilled," then it wouldn't affect his overall approvability], trusting stormlight to heal him.

Appearance: Wears your typical trousers and shirt with loose robes over those, and a hood usually up. 

Strengths: Headstrong, curious, and adventurous

Weaknesses: Headstrong, curious, and adventurous [You're right. These could both be considered either strengths or weaknesses. Maybe it would balance out at +0 most likely]

Family: Unknown, he was raised by a boat captain, and has a deep love for the sea, and can sail fairly well.

Moral Dilemmas: Nultūk had to get all of his Breath somehow... he didn't like to do what he had to, but he believed that he needed the breaths. He struggles with the moral ambiguity of his actions, and wonders in what he did was right. He often sees the same problem in many of his adventures, doing what needed to be done, or being merciful. This inhibits him in many situations, often times fully immobilizing him. He can't decide what is "good" and what is "evil" [-15 +- a bit depending on how well you rp this in threads]

Really depends on the specifics of his 2nd and 3rd ideals.

And, BTW, if Benson somehow survives, I'm going to kill off another one of my characters to make room for this guy that has been spinning around in my head for a while. Tell me about this one: Particularly someone who gets what the storms void making is :P


Name: Tyvalin

  • Physical Characteristics:

  • No hair

  • One blue eye

  • Pale skin,

  • Tattoo of a snake on his left shoulder blade

  • Burn mark all over the left side of his face.


  • Nightwatcher Boon: Voidmaking

    • Has had his powers for years and is extremely experienced with them. Can voidmake objects far better than people’s powers though. [You tell me. I'm thinking about 110 though]

  • Pewter spike granting the ability of feruchemical tin driven through his left eye. [+30]


  • Average skill with guns [+45]

  • Ameteur at hand to hand combat [+10]


  • A handgun customized to have high accuracy, but low power


  • Nightwatcher Bane: He feels any pain, receives any injuries, and dies equal to what he does to other people. In addition, if he gets rid of someone’s powers, he will lose his in turn. (Think John Dart if you know who he is) [I don't know. Mods, you tell me. I chose distinct weaknesses to make scoring easier]

  • Being spiked in the eye, his vision is limited. He can’t see anything on the left side of him

  • His left arm has been hit by a shardblade, leaving it completely useless. He keeps it around anyway.

  • Can’t think clearly. Thinks only destroy, destroy, destroy. See psyche

Family: Friends, dead. Family, dead. Everyone’s dead.

Home Planet: Roshar


He used to live in a happy little village in alethkar, but in the Kholin conquest, his village resisted and in turn was burned and       ransacked by Dalinar himself. Tyvalin tried to fight him himself, but in turn lost his arm, but was presumed dead and left behind. Furious, he swore to drink Dalinar’s blood and sought a way.

He traveled about, seeking information and he learns of the nightwatcher. And he thinks that it is a perfect way to get the power he needed. So he sought her out and was given an ability that would be able to completely destroy Dalinar. However, when he discovered the exact conditions of his bane, he chose not to follow through. And instead seeked out the origin of his powers in order to

Guild: None

Psyche: Mentally unstable. Extremely unstable from lack of social interaction, general head damage, and a hemalurgic spike. Can’t think straight.

Personality: Destructive and rude

Appearance: 6’4”, intimidating

Theme Song: Radioactive by Imagine Dragons

Fighting Style: Voidmake people’s powers, then keep them on his right side.


@Voidus @MacThorstenson. You guys seem to be mostly in charge of character approvals so I pinged you.

Edited by beantheboy12
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16 minutes ago, beantheboy12 said:

Nightwatcher Boon: Voidmaking

  • Has had his powers for years and is extremely experienced with them. Can voidmake objects far better than people’s powers though. [You tell me. I'm thinking about 110 though]

Impossible twice over, one because Voidmaking is inherently not linked to Adonalsium or any of his Shards so this would not be within the Nightwatchers abilities to grant, two because Voidmaking objects is far, far harder than powers. (E=mc^2) Voidus and Sudiov are really the only people who could reasonably use it in combat. Even they would be limited to about a city block if they absolutely extended themselves to the limits.
Other people could maybe kill one or two people before they'd extended themselves to the limit. (Which has some pretty severe consequences)

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Just now, beantheboy12 said:


*feels like an idiot*

Sorry then. You can ignore that one until I come up with something reasonable. 

People can snap into Voidmaking, it's just that specific way of acquiring it that wouldn't be possible. (If you want to know how I'd rather restrict it to a PM, I've told some people but I'd rather it wasn't widely known yet)
But yeah the part about using it better on objects would be pretty impossible. You could be better than average at using it on objects but it would still be really, really limited in what you could do with it. About 50kG worth of matter would be the upper limit for any reasonable person. If you're clever about how you use that limit (Targetting vital points, etc.) it might just reach into reasonable levels of usefulness, but it does have drawbacks.

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6 hours ago, Voidus said:

Seeing so many explicitly stated limits and measurements makes me unbelievably happy. :D

Physical improvements: 30 M
Wind Manipulation: 20 M
Improved Cutting: 10 M
Interrogation: 50 M (This is actually a departure from what this would be measured as, but this is more useful in this game than the power would objectively be measured in world, happy for other mods to overrule on this if needed)

Total: 110 M

Expert Melee Weapons: +50 S
Skilled Scholarship (But only specific area): 10 S
Amateur Unarmed: 10 S
Total: 70 S


Favors head-on approaches, often not considering things like tactics. : -20 W (Pretty debilitating for someone with no defensive abilities)
Blood-knight. : -30 W
Total -50W

Grand Total = 110M +70S - 50 W = 130
Approved, unless you wanted to add any alterations?

A few points:

Expert Melee is apparently noted down as 75 points in the index, with skilled being 50. Is this just using the wrong word, or is the point count lower because she's limited to swords and knives?

After you talked about her having no defensive abilities I thought about it some more, and figured out that she would have a few. I also realized that I hadn't elaborated on the wind manipulation enough, and made a few mistakes noting it down.
Basically, the examples given are the limits on the ability, but they aren't the only uses, and the more advanced techniques give basic defensive abilities against range weapons. As for the actual techniques she can use (more uses might be possible, but this should give a good image of what she can do):

  • Create a large area gust of wind (maximum strength wind power 7). This can either be in a single direction or just circling around her randomly. She can use this to put people of balance.
  • Focus the wind on her blade. This basically creates a small whirlwind around her blade, creating a field around it that allows it do deflect bullets and other projectiles coming into contact with it.
  • Circle air around herself. Same result as the previous technique, but as a field that fully surrounds her, instead of just her sword. This ability is much weaker though, functioning more as a steel bubble, and only working on smaller caliber projectiles (pistol and sub-machine ammo, so assault rifles and snipers will just lose some accuracy).
  • Create smaller, focused gusts of wind in order to propel herself forwards, jump higher or break her fall.
  • Launch blades of air. This requires her to swing her weapon in the direction she wants it to go, with the force of the swing correlating to the speed and force of the projectile, while the size of the blade controls the size of the projectile. These will lose power the further they travel, and will lose the ability to harm things once they've reached about 10 meters. Cutting power of the projectiles correlates to that of the blade used to launch it.

Notable is that while she can do things that are somewhat complex, she doesn't have a lot of fine control, so she can't use it for moving small things around (though pushing and pulling using larger gusts is possible), or manipulating sound.

Sorry for the lack of clarity in the original post.

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5 hours ago, kenod said:

A few points:

Expert Melee is apparently noted down as 75 points in the index, with skilled being 50. Is this just using the wrong word, or is the point count lower because she's limited to swords and knives?

After you talked about her having no defensive abilities I thought about it some more, and figured out that she would have a few. I also realized that I hadn't elaborated on the wind manipulation enough, and made a few mistakes noting it down.
Basically, the examples given are the limits on the ability, but they aren't the only uses, and the more advanced techniques give basic defensive abilities against range weapons. As for the actual techniques she can use (more uses might be possible, but this should give a good image of what she can do):

  • Create a large area gust of wind (maximum strength wind power 7). This can either be in a single direction or just circling around her randomly. She can use this to put people of balance.
  • Focus the wind on her blade. This basically creates a small whirlwind around her blade, creating a field around it that allows it do deflect bullets and other projectiles coming into contact with it.
  • Circle air around herself. Same result as the previous technique, but as a field that fully surrounds her, instead of just her sword. This ability is much weaker though, functioning more as a steel bubble, and only working on smaller caliber projectiles (pistol and sub-machine ammo, so assault rifles and snipers will just lose some accuracy).
  • Create smaller, focused gusts of wind in order to propel herself forwards, jump higher or break her fall.
  • Launch blades of air. This requires her to swing her weapon in the direction she wants it to go, with the force of the swing correlating to the speed and force of the projectile, while the size of the blade controls the size of the projectile. These will lose power the further they travel, and will lose the ability to harm things once they've reached about 10 meters. Cutting power of the projectiles correlates to that of the blade used to launch it.

Notable is that while she can do things that are somewhat complex, she doesn't have a lot of fine control, so she can't use it for moving small things around (though pushing and pulling using larger gusts is possible), or manipulating sound.

Sorry for the lack of clarity in the original post.

Sorry was looking at hand-to-hand not melee weapons I guess. So yeah should be 75, or if you want to leave it at 50 I can take it down to skilled.

Defensive abilities like that are going to add a bit, putting the wind manipulation up to 60 points.

So total would go up to either 170 or 195 depending on what you want to do with melee weapon skills.

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10 hours ago, Truthless of Shinovar said:

@beantheboy12, does that mean that my character is approved or do you want me to weaken him more? Sorry if I keep making him OP, I guess I'm a bit power-hungry:P

Power is fine. Have you seen Delarin? She's completely OP. Thing is, she's defense based only. I was only asking for more clarification on the weaknesses. If he's defensive too, then I could see him being approved.

Keep in mind that I don't actually have authority to do this. MacThoreston or Voidus will most likely look at him later.

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@Truthless of Shinovar I would need more specifics about how the oaths impact him. It sounds like they can be bent in any way so that they don’t limit his actions. The way they are currently written, I think he is OP and needs more weaknesses. 

Right now he is at 220 magic points, he will need to be brought down to 100 magic points. 

Increading the limitations from his paths can do that, or adding limitations via oath weaknesses works as well. 

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19 hours ago, Voidus said:

Sorry was looking at hand-to-hand not melee weapons I guess. So yeah should be 75, or if you want to leave it at 50 I can take it down to skilled.

Defensive abilities like that are going to add a bit, putting the wind manipulation up to 60 points.

So total would go up to either 170 or 195 depending on what you want to do with melee weapon skills.

Alright. Lets keep Melee combat at skilled (I don't think I can get another 45 points of weakness).

As for further nerfs, the wind abilities can only be used one at a time, and switching between them takes time. The exact amount of time depends on the ability, but the more focused the winds are the more time it takes. Basic mobility enhancement (speed boost, jumping and fall breaking) can be done in less than 0.5 seconds, while getting large gusts started will take about a second.
Her defensive abilities, however, are much more focused and take longer to get started. Creating an air shell around herself (the steel bubble style defense) will take about 3 seconds, while creating an air shell around her blade will take about 5 seconds. An air shell needs to be around her blade before she can launch her air blades as well, and this consumes the shell. Also, having an air shell around the blade makes it harder to control, meaning that it becomes harder to use it in actual melee combat.

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So I've nerfed Necromancer a lot @Voidus and possibly @MacThorstenson.  I think I'll give up on the reflection character.  It's a shame you can only have so many...


Name:  Necromancer

Physical appearance:  Tall, thin.  Age constantly changing, can be confusing.  

Skills:  Smart, good scientist.

Weaknesses:  Bees are epic weakness.  Had an incident with swarm of bees he was studying.  Can't really fight, reliant on powers.  Very nearsighted, can nearly miss something in front of his face.  Very attuned to sounds though.

Personality:  Reclusive, but with a sense of drama.  Nobody knows what kind of person he really is, since he constantly puts on airs or just doesn't talk.

Investiture:  Epic with ability to control age.  Can age sentient organisms up to ten years from their death or birth.  Can age invested people on average up to five years from their normal age.  Harder or easier with more or less investiture respectively.  Can age plants and animals unlimitedly, and plants permanently.  Can control how plants grow too.  All effects are temporary, fading once he's out of range (except for with plants).  Can halt time for anything, elimiating the need to breath, eat or have a heartbeat.  Doesn't effect the brain, and subjects still possess full range of movement.  Also eliminates the possibility of injury.  Can't reverse death or birth for anything.  Has a radius of 100 feet.

Backstory:  Was a botanist on the ISS when calamity struck.  Became an epic, and was blasted out to space.  Floated in low Earth orbit, halting time so he didn't die.  Came down and was kidnapped by interdimensional slave traders.  Came to the Alleyverse and killed his owners.  Joined the DA.

Guild Affiliation:  The Dark Alley

Also, could you move Galvris's bio from Era Two to Era Three?  I brought him back to life.

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3 hours ago, kenod said:

Alright. Lets keep Melee combat at skilled (I don't think I can get another 45 points of weakness).

As for further nerfs, the wind abilities can only be used one at a time, and switching between them takes time. The exact amount of time depends on the ability, but the more focused the winds are the more time it takes. Basic mobility enhancement (speed boost, jumping and fall breaking) can be done in less than 0.5 seconds, while getting large gusts started will take about a second.
Her defensive abilities, however, are much more focused and take longer to get started. Creating an air shell around herself (the steel bubble style defense) will take about 3 seconds, while creating an air shell around her blade will take about 5 seconds. An air shell needs to be around her blade before she can launch her air blades as well, and this consumes the shell. Also, having an air shell around the blade makes it harder to control, meaning that it becomes harder to use it in actual melee combat.

That should do the trick, I'll update this with exact points when I get a bit.
Will also rescore Necromancer then.

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On 3/27/2019 at 0:54 AM, Voidus said:

That should do the trick, I'll update this with exact points when I get a bit.
Will also rescore Necromancer then.

Alright, thanks. Here's the new character sheet, which should be the final one unless it turns out I've got points left (which I doubt).


Name: Aoífe O'Sullivan

Epic Name: Fragarach

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Appearance: 5'4'' tall, ginger, short hair, green eyes. Wears a leather jacket, black jeans and combat boots.

Powers: When wielding a bladed weapon, her physical abilities are improved (a bit weaker than pewter), while the blade gives a limited ability to control wind, as well as having increased cutting power and durability (while better than the weapon normally would be, this isn't anywhere near shardblade level. She could probably cut through a wooden shield or medieval plate armor when using her full strength, but that is the limit). If she places the sword at someone's throat they have to answer any questions she asks them, and they aren't capable of lying.
Exact strength of her abilities (expect for forcing people to speak the truth) depend on the quality of the blade she's holding, with better crafted ones working better. Swords are generally also stronger than knifes, and medieval western style swords (arming sword, long sword, claymore) are more effective than those of other regions.
As for her wind manipulation, while she has a fair degree of freedom with it, she generally uses the following techniques:

  • Create a large area gust of wind (maximum strength low wind power 8). This can either be in a single direction or just circling around her randomly. She can use this to put people of balance. It takes about 1 second to create a single gust, getting a large scale continuous wind going takes about 5.
  • Create smaller, focused gusts of wind in order to propel herself forwards, jump higher or break her fall. These gusts can be created in less than half a second.
  • Circle air around herself. This wind makes it hard for projectile weapons to stay on course, functioning as something like a steel bubble, but works only on smaller caliber projectiles (pistol and sub-machine ammo, so assault rifles and snipers will just lose some accuracy). Getting one of these shields going takes about 3 seconds. Can be dismissed to to create one of her large area gusts, but as an AoE centered on her.
  • Focus the wind on her blade. This basically creates a small whirlwind around her blade, creating a field around it that allows it do deflect bullets and other projectiles coming into contact with it. Getting this going takes about 5 seconds, and while it's active it makes moving the blade around more difficult, making it harder to use. The shell is large enough to cover her silhouette when held vertically in front of her.
  • Launch blades of air. This requires her to swing her weapon in the direction she wants it to go, with the force of the swing correlating to the speed and force of the projectile, while the size of the blade controls the size of the projectile. These will lose power the further they travel, and will lose the ability to harm things once they've reached about 10 meters. Cutting power of the projectiles correlates to that of the blade used to launch it. This ability also requires her to have an air shell around her blade, and consumes the shell.

Of these techniques only one can be used at the same time. While the winds are strong and more complex techniques are possible, she doesn't have a lot of fine control over the winds, and so isn't capable of doing complex things like manipulating objects with them.

Skills: Decent sword and knife fighter, knows a bit about Irish myth. Amateur at unarmed fighting.

Equipment: Keeps a few hidden switchblade knifes on her at all times. Normally also carries a long sword on her back if she can get away with it.


  • Epic weakness: Being called a dog, or puppy. This disables her powers for a few minutes.
  • Her abilities require her to hold a bladed weapon weapon to work, meaning that disarming her will rid her of all her abilities.
  • Favors head-on approaches, often not considering things like tactics.
  • Blood-knight. Enjoys fighting, and will often fight people stronger than her. Doesn't mind putting herself in a disadvantaged position in order to make a fight more fair, or often doesn't finish off opponents in order to be able to fight them again when they're stronger.

Personality: Loves fighting, especially against strong opponents. Otherwise she tends to be rather serious and business-minded while on a job, but boisterous and outgoing otherwise. Rather quick-tempered, is bad at handling money, often leading to her needing to take on rather problematic jobs to get by.

History: When younger she was interested in stories about ancient heroes, and got into sword-fighting because of them. Here, she turned out to be quite talented, but also earned the nicknames of 'dog' and 'puppy', because of how she talked about old irish myths, specifically Cú Chulainn. When Calamity came she found out about her powers, and ended up working as a mercenary for various Epics, often hired to do interrogations. At some point she ended up in the alleyverse, where she decided to keep working as a mercenary (since she needed money) and established a reputation as a competent fighter, and sometimes being hired for doing interrogations as well.

Affiliation: Neutral, mercenary.

Made a couple of small alterations to the wind powers, basically upping the power of the gusts a bit and allowing for the shield around her to be dismissed and turned into a radial gust.

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On 3/27/2019 at 9:31 AM, Vargo Seldon said:

So I've nerfed Necromancer a lot @Voidus and possibly @MacThorstenson.  I think I'll give up on the reflection character.  It's a shame you can only have so many...

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Name:  Necromancer

Physical appearance:  Tall, thin.  Age constantly changing, can be confusing.  

Skills:  Smart, good scientist.

Weaknesses:  Bees are epic weakness.  Had an incident with swarm of bees he was studying.  Can't really fight, reliant on powers.  Very nearsighted, can nearly miss something in front of his face.  Very attuned to sounds though.

Personality:  Reclusive, but with a sense of drama.  Nobody knows what kind of person he really is, since he constantly puts on airs or just doesn't talk.

Investiture:  Epic with ability to control age.  Can age sentient organisms up to ten years from their death or birth.  Can age invested people on average up to five years from their normal age.  Harder or easier with more or less investiture respectively.  Can age plants and animals unlimitedly, and plants permanently.  Can control how plants grow too.  All effects are temporary, fading once he's out of range (except for with plants).  Can halt time for anything, elimiating the need to breath, eat or have a heartbeat.  Doesn't effect the brain, and subjects still possess full range of movement.  Also eliminates the possibility of injury.  Can't reverse death or birth for anything.  Has a radius of 100 feet.

Backstory:  Was a botanist on the ISS when calamity struck.  Became an epic, and was blasted out to space.  Floated in low Earth orbit, halting time so he didn't die.  Came down and was kidnapped by interdimensional slave traders.  Came to the Alleyverse and killed his owners.  Joined the DA.

Guild Affiliation:  The Dark Alley

Also, could you move Galvris's bio from Era Two to Era Three?  I brought him back to life.

Epic powers:
Plant growth/manipulation: 40 
Other time abilities: 30

Skills: Intelligent (30), Scholar (30)
Weaknesses: -30

Total: 100
May have undershot it this time but definitely within reasonable limits now. Approved.
(As a thought: Since he's in the DA you could maybe have him have his initial powerset(The OP one) but can't use anything beyond what's here when he's outside of DA territory due to the Sudiov nerf)

And I'll move Gavris for you as well.

Having just rechecked Galvris



Name: Galvris Moerevron

Age: 52

Investiture: Powerful channeler.  More powerful than Mazrim Taim, but less powerful than Rand al'thor.  Also, has the Epic power of being able to shift phases, from solid to incorporeal.  He can't go through solid objects with this, but can't be touched.  It's not prime invincibility though, since doesn't do it unconsciously.  He also has the epic power of energy blasts.  Like what Steelheart has but much weaker.

Skills:  Really good at walking.  Like, whenever people see him, they think he's so good at walking that they want to go and take lessons from him.  Other than that, he's a blademaster (from WoT) and able to hold his own in hand-to-hand combat.  Also extremely skilled at air and fire, so it is able to kind of balance out his weakness in spirit.  

Weaknesses: Epic weakness is cheese.  Has to be physical contact, but for some reason he can't touch cheese with his channeling.  If it is ingested, he can't access his epic power for as long as it is in his system.  Another weakness of his is flows of spirit.  Really bad at handling flows of spirit, but can do it if he really needs to.  He can block another channeler of about an average Aes Sedai's strength.  But he can blur the edges to keep himself from being gentled.  His strong sense of justice keeps him from using his power to the best advantage.  Multiple atium spikes (about forty small ones) down his sides enable a really powerful allomancer to give him commands, but it is really hard to keep control of him.

Appearance: Dark, shoulder-length hair, about five feet tall (Earth) kind of short for a hero of legend.  Carries himself like a warrior, and walks really well.  

Personality: A bit conceited, but likeable and with a strong sense of justice.  Is one of the 'good' characters.  

Personality Quirks:  Again, a bit conceited, and he insists on everyone calling him 'Lord Moerevron'.

Bio: Grew up in 'Randland' and had a good childhood.  Disaster struck, and his whole village was burned by whitecloaks looking for witches.  Roamed about, and answered the Dragon's amnesty, and trained with Taim.  Became too powerful; as Taim said "Was not as strong before.  Became so powerful that me and ten of the Asha'man had to take him.  Slipped away before we could gentle him, no one knows where he got that kind of power..."  (Not a direct quote).  Rand and Taim never spoke of it, because they didn't want him to set a precedent.  What gave him is strength was a world hopper that gave him fifty or so atium spikes.  He spiked the other channelers and gave himself their powers, and pinned it on them burning themselves out.  They died mysteriously after that.  He never took spirit, so is still kind of weak there.  The worldhopper who gave him the spikes took him away, and made his way to the Reckonerverse.  Calamity blessed him with Epic powers, and the combined wieght of Epic darkness and Saidin's taint snapped his mind.  He got stuck in the Reckonerverse for twenty so years.  During that time, he just got more and more insane, and finally had control of most of South America.  Even among Epics he was exceptionally powerful and evil.  Rumor had it that he had hemalurgic experiments done to make himself even stronger.  Like with minor energy or phase-shifting epics.  During that time, he had major epic power, but near the end of is riegn, some of his spikes got ripped out, reducing his epic power significantly.  When both Saidin and Epic powers were cleansed, he sought healing power in the alleyverse, but is still a little mad.  He gained his strong sense of justice after that, because of the guilt of all of the atrocities he had committed.  Joined the Ghostbloods recently, but his strong sense of justice interferes with carrying out the Ghostbloods wishes.

I've just remembered that they're well outside normal power limits, they were definitely within the OP character ranges.

2 hours ago, kenod said:

Alright, thanks. Here's the new character sheet, which should be the final one unless it turns out I've got points left (which I doubt).

  Reveal hidden contents

Name: Aoífe O'Sullivan

Epic Name: Fragarach

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Appearance: 5'4'' tall, ginger, short hair, green eyes. Wears a leather jacket, black jeans and combat boots.

Powers: When wielding a bladed weapon, her physical abilities are improved (a bit weaker than pewter), while the blade gives a limited ability to control wind, as well as having increased cutting power and durability (while better than the weapon normally would be, this isn't anywhere near shardblade level. She could probably cut through a wooden shield or medieval plate armor when using her full strength, but that is the limit). If she places the sword at someone's throat they have to answer any questions she asks them, and they aren't capable of lying.
Exact strength of her abilities (expect for forcing people to speak the truth) depend on the quality of the blade she's holding, with better crafted ones working better. Swords are generally also stronger than knifes, and medieval western style swords (arming sword, long sword, claymore) are more effective than those of other regions.
As for her wind manipulation, while she has a fair degree of freedom with it, she generally uses the following techniques:

  • Create a large area gust of wind (maximum strength low wind power 8). This can either be in a single direction or just circling around her randomly. She can use this to put people of balance. It takes about 1 second to create a single gust, getting a large scale continuous wind going takes about 5.
  • Create smaller, focused gusts of wind in order to propel herself forwards, jump higher or break her fall. These gusts can be created in less than half a second.
  • Circle air around herself. This wind makes it hard for projectile weapons to stay on course, functioning as something like a steel bubble, but works only on smaller caliber projectiles (pistol and sub-machine ammo, so assault rifles and snipers will just lose some accuracy). Getting one of these shields going takes about 3 seconds. Can be dismissed to to create one of her large area gusts, but as an AoE centered on her.
  • Focus the wind on her blade. This basically creates a small whirlwind around her blade, creating a field around it that allows it do deflect bullets and other projectiles coming into contact with it. Getting this going takes about 5 seconds, and while it's active it makes moving the blade around more difficult, making it harder to use. The shell is large enough to cover her silhouette when held vertically in front of her.
  • Launch blades of air. This requires her to swing her weapon in the direction she wants it to go, with the force of the swing correlating to the speed and force of the projectile, while the size of the blade controls the size of the projectile. These will lose power the further they travel, and will lose the ability to harm things once they've reached about 10 meters. Cutting power of the projectiles correlates to that of the blade used to launch it. This ability also requires her to have an air shell around her blade, and consumes the shell.

Of these techniques only one can be used at the same time. While the winds are strong and more complex techniques are possible, she doesn't have a lot of fine control over the winds, and so isn't capable of doing complex things like manipulating objects with them.

Skills: Decent sword and knife fighter, knows a bit about Irish myth. Amateur at unarmed fighting.

Equipment: Keeps a few hidden switchblade knifes on her at all times. Normally also carries a long sword on her back if she can get away with it.


  • Epic weakness: Being called a dog, or puppy. This disables her powers for a few minutes.
  • Her abilities require her to hold a bladed weapon weapon to work, meaning that disarming her will rid her of all her abilities.
  • Favors head-on approaches, often not considering things like tactics.
  • Blood-knight. Enjoys fighting, and will often fight people stronger than her. Doesn't mind putting herself in a disadvantaged position in order to make a fight more fair, or often doesn't finish off opponents in order to be able to fight them again when they're stronger.

Personality: Loves fighting, especially against strong opponents. Otherwise she tends to be rather serious and business-minded while on a job, but boisterous and outgoing otherwise. Rather quick-tempered, is bad at handling money, often leading to her needing to take on rather problematic jobs to get by.

History: When younger she was interested in stories about ancient heroes, and got into sword-fighting because of them. Here, she turned out to be quite talented, but also earned the nicknames of 'dog' and 'puppy', because of how she talked about old irish myths, specifically Cú Chulainn. When Calamity came she found out about her powers, and ended up working as a mercenary for various Epics, often hired to do interrogations. At some point she ended up in the alleyverse, where she decided to keep working as a mercenary (since she needed money) and established a reputation as a competent fighter, and sometimes being hired for doing interrogations as well.

Affiliation: Neutral, mercenary.

Made a couple of small alterations to the wind powers, basically upping the power of the gusts a bit and allowing for the shield around her to be dismissed and turned into a radial gust.

Physical improvements: 30 M
Wind Manipulation: 40 M
Improved Cutting: 10 M
Interrogation: 50 M 
Total: 130 M

Skilled Melee Weapons: +50 S
Skilled Scholarship (But only specific area): 10 S
Amateur Unarmed: 10 S
Total: 70 S


Favors head-on approaches, often not considering things like tactics. : -20 W (Pretty debilitating for someone with no defensive abilities)
Blood-knight. : -30 W
Total -50W

Grand total: 150 points exactly

Grand Total = 110M +70S - 50 W = 130

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1 hour ago, Voidus said:

Epic powers:
Plant growth/manipulation: 40 
Other time abilities: 30

Skills: Intelligent (30), Scholar (30)
Weaknesses: -30

Total: 100
May have undershot it this time but definitely within reasonable limits now. Approved.
(As a thought: Since he's in the DA you could maybe have him have his initial powerset(The OP one) but can't use anything beyond what's here when he's outside of DA territory due to the Sudiov nerf)

And I'll move Gavris for you as well.

Having just rechecked Galvris


  Reveal hidden contents

Name: Galvris Moerevron

Age: 52

Investiture: Powerful channeler.  More powerful than Mazrim Taim, but less powerful than Rand al'thor.  Also, has the Epic power of being able to shift phases, from solid to incorporeal.  He can't go through solid objects with this, but can't be touched.  It's not prime invincibility though, since doesn't do it unconsciously.  He also has the epic power of energy blasts.  Like what Steelheart has but much weaker.

Skills:  Really good at walking.  Like, whenever people see him, they think he's so good at walking that they want to go and take lessons from him.  Other than that, he's a blademaster (from WoT) and able to hold his own in hand-to-hand combat.  Also extremely skilled at air and fire, so it is able to kind of balance out his weakness in spirit.  

Weaknesses: Epic weakness is cheese.  Has to be physical contact, but for some reason he can't touch cheese with his channeling.  If it is ingested, he can't access his epic power for as long as it is in his system.  Another weakness of his is flows of spirit.  Really bad at handling flows of spirit, but can do it if he really needs to.  He can block another channeler of about an average Aes Sedai's strength.  But he can blur the edges to keep himself from being gentled.  His strong sense of justice keeps him from using his power to the best advantage.  Multiple atium spikes (about forty small ones) down his sides enable a really powerful allomancer to give him commands, but it is really hard to keep control of him.

Appearance: Dark, shoulder-length hair, about five feet tall (Earth) kind of short for a hero of legend.  Carries himself like a warrior, and walks really well.  

Personality: A bit conceited, but likeable and with a strong sense of justice.  Is one of the 'good' characters.  

Personality Quirks:  Again, a bit conceited, and he insists on everyone calling him 'Lord Moerevron'.

Bio: Grew up in 'Randland' and had a good childhood.  Disaster struck, and his whole village was burned by whitecloaks looking for witches.  Roamed about, and answered the Dragon's amnesty, and trained with Taim.  Became too powerful; as Taim said "Was not as strong before.  Became so powerful that me and ten of the Asha'man had to take him.  Slipped away before we could gentle him, no one knows where he got that kind of power..."  (Not a direct quote).  Rand and Taim never spoke of it, because they didn't want him to set a precedent.  What gave him is strength was a world hopper that gave him fifty or so atium spikes.  He spiked the other channelers and gave himself their powers, and pinned it on them burning themselves out.  They died mysteriously after that.  He never took spirit, so is still kind of weak there.  The worldhopper who gave him the spikes took him away, and made his way to the Reckonerverse.  Calamity blessed him with Epic powers, and the combined wieght of Epic darkness and Saidin's taint snapped his mind.  He got stuck in the Reckonerverse for twenty so years.  During that time, he just got more and more insane, and finally had control of most of South America.  Even among Epics he was exceptionally powerful and evil.  Rumor had it that he had hemalurgic experiments done to make himself even stronger.  Like with minor energy or phase-shifting epics.  During that time, he had major epic power, but near the end of is riegn, some of his spikes got ripped out, reducing his epic power significantly.  When both Saidin and Epic powers were cleansed, he sought healing power in the alleyverse, but is still a little mad.  He gained his strong sense of justice after that, because of the guilt of all of the atrocities he had committed.  Joined the Ghostbloods recently, but his strong sense of justice interferes with carrying out the Ghostbloods wishes.

I've just remembered that they're well outside normal power limits, they were definitely within the OP character ranges.

Ok, I'll just have him be the way he is Sudiov Nerf or not.  

And Galvris is now a warder to Cierra, which limits his power a lot.


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Name: Sofya-daughter-Suza

Appearance: A younger Shin lady, maybe 18 Rosharan Years. She has short brown hair with bangs, and is fairly lean, but not athletic. 

Investiture: Elsecaller of the Second Ideal

Skills: Has an incredibly good memory, and is surprisingly agile.

Equipment: A small notebook, knife, and a pouch full of spheres

Weakness: Can be sort of distant and off-putting, has thin skin and gives into brute force easily

Family: Her Shin family, who she abandoned long ago

Home Planet: Roshar 

Backstory: Sofya was born to a small, but affluent farming family in Shinovar. Accidentally, she managed to get her hands on a sword that had been flown over the Misted Mountains from Iri during a previous Highstorm. Before her family turned her into one of the Shin warrior-slaves, she ran, making her way to Iri, where she managed to get an apprenticeship to an Iriali scholar named Roh. During her apprenticeship, she forged a bond with an Inkspren named Pearl, and progressed to her second oath. During the beginning of the True Desolation, Sofya was cornered by Fused, and in her haste, Elsecalled into Shadesmar. Without any way to get back in sight, she ran, eventually making her way to the Alleyverse 

Guild: None yet

Psyche: Mostly stable, but she has attachment issues


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21 hours ago, Inky said:

Name: Sofya-daughter-Suza

Appearance: A younger Shin lady, maybe 18 Rosharan Years. She has short brown hair with bangs, and is fairly lean, but not athletic. 

Investiture: Elsecaller of the Second Ideal

Skills: Has an incredibly good memory, and is surprisingly agile.

Equipment: A small notebook, knife, and a pouch full of spheres

Weakness: Can be sort of distant and off-putting, has thin skin and gives into brute force easily

Family: Her Shin family, who she abandoned long ago

Home Planet: Roshar 

Backstory: Sofya was born to a small, but affluent farming family in Shinovar. Accidentally, she managed to get her hands on a sword that had been flown over the Misted Mountains from Iri during a previous Highstorm. Before her family turned her into one of the Shin warrior-slaves, she ran, making her way to Iri, where she managed to get an apprenticeship to an Iriali scholar named Roh. During her apprenticeship, she forged a bond with an Inkspren named Pearl, and progressed to her second oath. During the beginning of the True Desolation, Sofya was cornered by Fused, and in her haste, Elsecalled into Shadesmar. Without any way to get back in sight, she ran, eventually making her way to the Alleyverse 

Guild: None yet

Psyche: Mostly stable, but she has attachment issues


Elsecaller: 110 M
Skills: Memory (30 points, Intelligent), agility (20 points)
Weakness: -15
Total: 145 points

Should be fine, approved. :)

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On 3/26/2019 at 10:04 AM, MacThorstenson said:

@Truthless of Shinovar I would need more specifics about how the oaths impact him. It sounds like they can be bent in any way so that they don’t limit his actions. The way they are currently written, I think he is OP and needs more weaknesses. 

Right now he is at 220 magic points, he will need to be brought down to 100 magic points. 

Increading the limitations from his paths can do that, or adding limitations via oath weaknesses works as well. 

Got it got it

Third time's the charm, right?

Revision of Revised Alleyverse character



Name: Nultūk (null-took), goes by Nul

Physical Description: On the shorter side, he's got dark brown hair, gray eyes, a slightly upturned nose, and roundish face. He's 20ish years old, still very young.

Powers: Nultūk a Willshaper of the 3rd ideal. His first oath is the norm, his second oath is "I will fight for the preservation of discovery, and for knowledge, and never for my own personal gain." This means that the only way for Nultūk to hurt others is when there is a direct correlation between the person he is hurting and the knowledge he needs to protect (like he could kill a person who was going to burn down a library, or directly destroy knowledge, but it takes a lot of convincing to his spren to let him kill anybody else.). In addition to that, he cannot fight for himself, for any reason except in extreme self-defense. This means he's going to do a lot of sneaking around to get what he needs to do done, and very rarely fighting. To help with this, he went to the Nightwatcher, (after speaking his third ideal) and asked for a boon to never make any sound when he moves. Ironically, he got two curses, one of them the blessing itself. His blessing causes him to not be able to talk or make any noise at all, due to the fact that any time his vocal chords move, they are silenced. This prevents him from moving forward in his ideals. He is stuck on his second ideal, and as of right now, he has no idea if he can move forward He communicates using sign language to his spren, who can communicate this to others. This causes a few problems as he is unable to communicate quickly in a crisis, or give any sound of warning. In addition to this, using his spren alerts everyone that he is a surgebinder. His curse from the Nightwatcher was that he needs stormlight to survive. He needs about two spheres per day, and can survive about three days without any stormlight. This has caused him to try and find a perfect gem to use to hold and indefinite amount of stormlight. His third ideal goes as follows: "I will always find another way." Basically, this means that if he does anything that disagrees with his ideals, he will always try to find another way to achieve that same goal using different methods. He's also considering using hemalurgy, but he's very hesitant, and wants to find someone that's totally willing to give up their powers (and life).

Homeworld: Roshar.

Personality: Nultūk didn't choose to become a world-hopping, knowledge-seeking dude. One day, while exploring some uncharted seas of Roshar, he bonded to a spren and just kinda rolled with it. Now though, it's his life goal to fight for what he believes to be right, and study the mysteries of the Alleyverse.

Weapons: When he fights, he uses a shardblade in one hand and shortsword in the other, fighting bezerker styler, trusting stormlight to heal him.

Appearance: Wears your typical trousers and shirt with loose robes over those, and a hood usually up. 

Strengths: Headstrong, curious, and adventurous

Weaknesses: Headstrong, curious, and adventurous

Family: Unknown, he was raised by a boat captain, and has a deep love for the sea, and can sail fairly well.



Edited by Truthless of Shinovar
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You might want to change your oaths, considering Elsecallers are the scholarly Knights, whereas Willshapers are "capricious, frustrating, and unreliable", and have a "love of adventure, novelty, or oddity". Not scholarship.

@Truthless of Shinovar

Edited by JacobClaessen
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12 hours ago, Truthless of Shinovar said:

Got it got it

Third time's the charm, right?

Revision of Revised Alleyverse character

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Name: Nultūk (null-took), goes by Nul

Physical Description: On the shorter side, he's got dark brown hair, gray eyes, a slightly upturned nose, and roundish face. He's 20ish years old, still very young.

Powers: Nultūk a Willshaper of the 3rd ideal. His first oath is the norm, his second oath is "I will fight for the preservation of discovery, and for knowledge, and never for my own personal gain." This means that the only way for Nultūk to hurt others is when there is a direct correlation between the person he is hurting and the knowledge he needs to protect (like he could kill a person who was going to burn down a library, or directly destroy knowledge, but it takes a lot of convincing to his spren to let him kill anybody else.). In addition to that, he cannot fight for himself, for any reason except in extreme self-defense. This means he's going to do a lot of sneaking around to get what he needs to do done, and very rarely fighting. To help with this, he went to the Nightwatcher, (after speaking his third ideal) and asked for a boon to never make any sound when he moves. Ironically, he got two curses, one of them the blessing itself. His blessing causes him to not be able to talk or make any noise at all, due to the fact that any time his vocal chords move, they are silenced. This prevents him from moving forward in his ideals. He is stuck on his second ideal, and as of right now, he has no idea if he can move forward He communicates using sign language to his spren, who can communicate this to others. This causes a few problems as he is unable to communicate quickly in a crisis, or give any sound of warning. In addition to this, using his spren alerts everyone that he is a surgebinder. His curse from the Nightwatcher was that he needs stormlight to survive. He needs about two spheres per day, and can survive about three days without any stormlight. This has caused him to try and find a perfect gem to use to hold and indefinite amount of stormlight. His third ideal goes as follows: "I will always find another way." Basically, this means that if he does anything that disagrees with his ideals, he will always try to find another way to achieve that same goal using different methods. He's also considering using hemalurgy, but he's very hesitant, and wants to find someone that's totally willing to give up their powers (and life).

Homeworld: Roshar.

Personality: Nultūk didn't choose to become a world-hopping, knowledge-seeking dude. One day, while exploring some uncharted seas of Roshar, he bonded to a spren and just kinda rolled with it. Now though, it's his life goal to fight for what he believes to be right, and study the mysteries of the Alleyverse.

Weapons: When he fights, he uses a shardblade in one hand and shortsword in the other, fighting bezerker styler, trusting stormlight to heal him.

Appearance: Wears your typical trousers and shirt with loose robes over those, and a hood usually up. 

Strengths: Headstrong, curious, and adventurous

Weaknesses: Headstrong, curious, and adventurous

Family: Unknown, he was raised by a boat captain, and has a deep love for the sea, and can sail fairly well.



:P Scored:


Name: Nultūk (null-took), goes by Nul

Physical Description: On the shorter side, he's got dark brown hair, gray eyes, a slightly upturned nose, and roundish face. He's 20ish years old, still very young.

Powers: Nultūk a Willshaper of the 3rd ideal [160 though it seems like you mean 2nd]. His first oath is the norm [-5], his second oath is "I will fight for the preservation of discovery, and for knowledge, and never for my own personal gain." This means that the only way for Nultūk to hurt others is when there is a direct correlation between the person he is hurting and the knowledge he needs to protect (like he could kill a person who was going to burn down a library, or directly destroy knowledge, but it takes a lot of convincing to his spren to let him kill anybody else.). In addition to that, he cannot fight for himself, for any reason except in extreme self-defense [-much much much. Depends on what mac and voidus say, but I'd say -50]. This means he's going to do a lot of sneaking around to get what he needs to do done, and very rarely fighting. To help with this, he went to the Nightwatcher, (after speaking his third ideal) [Oh, never mind] and asked for a boon to never make any sound when he moves. Ironically, he got two curses, one of them the blessing itself. His blessing causes him to not be able to talk or make any noise at all, due to the fact that any time his vocal chords move, they are silenced [I'd say... +10]. This prevents him from moving forward in his ideals. He is stuck on his second ideal, and as of right now, he has no idea if he can move forward He communicates using sign language to his spren, who can communicate this to others. This causes a few problems as he is unable to communicate quickly in a crisis, or give any sound of warning. In addition to this, using his spren alerts everyone that he is a surgebinder [that's clever, but not necessarily an alley verse weakness. I have concluded you meant 3rd ideal]. His curse from the Nightwatcher was that he needs stormlight to survive. He needs about two spheres per day, and can survive about three days without any stormlight. This has caused him to try and find a perfect gem to use to hold and indefinite amount of stormlight [-5. Not too debilitating. However, you're fine]. His third ideal goes as follows: "I will always find another way." [-0. Built into other ideals already. Still, creative] Basically, this means that if he does anything that disagrees with his ideals, he will always try to find another way to achieve that same goal using different methods. He's also considering using hemalurgy, but he's very hesitant, and wants to find someone that's totally willing to give up their powers (and life).

Homeworld: Roshar.

Personality: Nultūk didn't choose to become a world-hopping, knowledge-seeking dude. One day, while exploring some uncharted seas of Roshar, he bonded to a spren and just kinda rolled with it. Now though, it's his life goal to fight for what he believes to be right, and study the mysteries of the Alleyverse.

Weapons: When he fights, he uses a shardblade in one hand and shortsword in the other, fighting bezerker styler, trusting stormlight to heal him.

Appearance: Wears your typical trousers and shirt with loose robes over those, and a hood usually up. 

Strengths: Headstrong, curious, and adventurous

Weaknesses: Headstrong, curious, and adventurous

Family: Unknown, he was raised by a boat captain, and has a deep love for the sea, and can sail fairly well.

160 +10 -5 -5 = 160

You should be good. I think that weakness makes your character. Well done!

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This is the bio I just thought up. Any suggestions on how I should change it? When would it be voted on for if it is acceptable?

(I'm not sure if my steel ring is OP, but I can get rid of it if it is agreed that I should.)



Name: Ammon Fitch


Physical Characteristics: 17-year old United Isles Male. Pale skin. Messy, sandy blonde hair. Tall (5’11”). Skinny, but quite strong. Usually wears street clothing and scuffed combat boots.


Investiture: Rithmatist


Skills: Very stable hand and skilled at rithmatism. (Average artistic skill, Slightly above average Circles and Arcs, Very good straight lines.) Performs well under pressure. Physically fit, good at climbing. Mathematics.


Equipment: 12-Pack of Chalk. (Plus one in my boot.) (And one...Somewhere else…) Walking stick with chalk attached to either end. Steel ring that is a metalmind without identity --(That means it can be used by anyone, not just a feruchamist.) 


Weakness: Does not know the Glyph of Rending. (Chalklings cannot interact with physical objects.) Is strongly against killing without legal approval, no matter the situation. Disturbed by gore. Allergic to Hemalurgy (violent sneezing). Very Curious.


Family: Nephew of Professor Fitch from the Rithmatist book. (See Backstory).


Home Planet: United Isles/Rithmatic Earth


Backstory: Ammon was born and raised in the United Isles and was always interested in mathematics. He quickly advanced through the classes, but as they became more complex, it seemed that they had less and less application to the real world. He began to slowly lose his enthusiasm, but after his Inception when he unexpectedly became a Rithmatist, his fire became rekindled and he decided to become the best Rithmatist ever. (He didn’t, but he is still trying.) His Uncle became a Rithmatic professor when he was little, and once he became a Rithmatist he would eagerly discuss Rithmatics with his Uncle and try to learn new techniques. Ever since the Scribbler attacked his uncle's university, Ammon has been studying the new Rithmatic lines discovered and trying to find new ones. He failed many times, but as his equations became closer and closer to perfection, he drew his most recent experiment, and everything went black. His vision phased back to normal overlooking a large city composed of a startling variety of buildings. Looking around, he climbed down from the large wall he found himself upon, and entered The AlleyCity...


Guild: Unaffiliated.


Psyche: Upbeat and Optimistic, Always looking for a creative way out of (or into) a situation.


Personality: Slightly Introverted. Good at thinking abstractly but sometimes fails to see obvious things. Enjoys reading fiction.


Theme Song: www.youtube.com/watch?v=-iqVyjOv8X0


Fighting Style: Defensive with lines of Forbiddance, Might sneak in a shot with a Line of Revocation if he gets a chance. Counts on his opponent's ignorance of rithmatics and uses lines very… creatively.




(Image made with hero machine because I can’t actually art.)

Edit: I'm not actually related to Hoid.

Edited by Ammon Kunzler
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