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OP character approval  

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1 minute ago, Voidus said:

Darn, I was hoping I could get that approved before anyone who also follows the Reckokners RP noticed it.

I'll edit my comment if you want, but considering that you have already penetrated the upper levels of the DA with your devious schemes, I'm concerned about letting you have this much power.

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11 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

How is it OP? I'm curious.

It's a running gag. He's hilariously full of himself and utterly useless. We all laugh at him- unless something changed after I left the first time- So... not OP, just a comedy joke reeled in for it's second round.:lol:^_^

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"Because everything that exists resides within time, and I have the ultimate power over time! All shall tremble before the wrath of my -It's now 4 o'clock- the wrath of my power!" -Metronome

"Because someone needs to keep the clocks working and it seems to make him happy" -Everyone else

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On 1/25/2019 at 2:26 PM, Archer said:

Mace is the poster child for OP characters. Separating the previous characters from the E3 one is one of the reasons I put started using a second post. The upcoming era has much tighter power restrictions. 

Actually, that would be Hellbent. The most OP character besides Voidus.

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19 hours ago, #Voidapple said:

I personally disagree. DA members out of territory, the non-OP ones, would be obliterated.

They can just jog away if they don’t want to be killed. It’s literally a pineapple that rolls along the ground.

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Fine! Mace has been out-OPed. But Kidpen's taking his time killing him, so I still have the chance to make him the most overpowered character! 

19 hours ago, #Voidapple said:

I personally disagree. DA members out of territory, the non-OP ones, would be obliterated.

Oh, really?



(Yes, I know they can fly now. But pineapples can't.)

I'll add the bio to the list. 

19 hours ago, Voidus said:

New E3 character @Archer

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Name: Metronome

Gender: Male

Investiture/Powers: Epic - Chronoperception, the ability to known exactly what time it is. (+5 ?)

Appearance: A little under average height, somewhat portly man with well combed hair. Wears a waistcoat over a white shirt and with matching pants most of the time.

Special Skills: Optimistic and grandiosity. (+10 ?)

Equipment: A perfectly normal pocketwatch which he obsessively synchronizes.

Psyche: Of relatively average intelligence, somewhat calmer than most Epics but with a grandiose sense of self-importance to match any High Epic with control over their own city. Metronome is aware that he is indeed the most powerful Epic that has ever been and will not neglect to mention this fact to anyone he meets.

Backstory: Little is known of Metronome before Calamity struck but he was born in Salem, Oregon and has lived there for his entire life, gaining very little attention from anyone in anything he did. After he was given powers by Calamity he took hold over the city (Or as other people would say, he hung around the people who took over the city and they felt too much pity to correct him) and held a prestigious position, co-ruling it (Disputed) with an Epic known as Soulcaster.
Events in the city had begun to spiral, leading to panic and chaos when suddenly Metronome found himself in the middle of a completely different city with no idea how he arrived there. Thus he set about his mission to take over the Alleycity as well and rule over it as he did in Salem.

Guild: Unaffiliated

Weaknesses: Very likely to drastically underestimate his opponents no matter how much more powerful or skilled than him they may be.
Also possesses an Epic weakness which is available upon request (But is unlikely to be relevant one way or the other)


Score: Depends who you ask but either infinite or possibly around 5 or less


Despite Mac's objections, I'm approving this and dooming us all.

Edited by Archer
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Updating my previous character for Era 3. Watering down a few abilities, as well as adding things that changed for her when she went to the Ghostblood Ball. Things like that.


Name: Anna

Investiture: Surgebinder (Progression and Transportation, with a Timespren; see below), Hemalurgy (2 Pewter Spike: Allows her to store physical strength and speed, and they also somehow interfere with her Surgebinding, making it so that she doesn't need Stormlight to operate her powers)

Weakness: Unstable Investiture - the Hemalurgy negated her need of Stormlight for Surgebinding, but it made it a little bit fickle at times. Slightly insane.

Special skills and Weapons: Carries no weapon, but can turn her Timespren, Turner, into a Shardgun. This Shardgun can take the form of any type of gun (mainly the ones seen in Mistborn Era 2), but it's really all up to the power of her imagination. However, the Hemalurgy has somewhat interfered with her ability to summon a Shardgun, and so it is weaker than a usual Shardweapon - it takes about two or three hits to kill a person with it.

She is able to use Surgebinding to travel through time. Due to the interference of Hemalurgy, she does not need to use Stormlight to activate her abilities, making them pretty much at will. However, the interference has made them rather unstable, so occasionally when she attempts an effect, it works in a different way than what she wanted. With the Surge of Transportation, she can travel both through space and time. With the Surge of Progression, she can affect the way a person travels through time, making them super-slow or super-fast. She can also use the Surge of Progression to restore a universe that is being "unravelled" to what it was - or, if there is too many sides to the unravelling, into two different universes - one in which the thing that caused the unravelling to happen happens, and another in which it doesn't happen. This is very draining on her, however. Read here for more info.

She has Hemalurgic Spikes, two of pewter. They allow her to store physical strength and speed, similar to a Pewter Ferring. However, these spikes also interfered with her Surgebinding abilities as described above.

As well as her Timespren, Turner, Anna carries with her a small lint-like creature. It floats around her and as apparently some sort of missionary trying to recruit her into the Ghostbloods. So far she has resisted its offers, though day by day she gets more convinced it could aid her...

Physical characteristics: Anna is a young female human in her early twenties. She has fair skin, strawberry blonde hair, and emerald green eyes. She typically wears a flowing, white blouse with a leather vest covering the chest, tight pants, and leather boots.

Family: Anna's mother was a Veden noble (with some Horneater blood) from Roshar, and her father was an adventurous Worldhopper from Scadrial. He met Anna's mother while on a quest to find a gemheart, and he left her with a young child in her womb (one which the mother did not know about until 3 months later).

Home: Born on Roshar, but doesn't really call any place her home.

History/Biography: Anna's mother was a Veden noble (with some Horneater blood) from Roshar, and her father was an adventurous Worldhopper from Scadrial. He met Anna's mother while on a quest to find a gemheart, and he left her with a young child in her womb (one which the mother did not know about until 3 months later). And so it was that Anna was brought into the pampered life of nobility. She was taught about politics, mathematics, writing, reading and history. However, none of these things really interested her, for she had inherited her father's bravery and curiosity. She got into all sorts of trouble, which eventually got her chased out of her town as an 18-year old. She wandered the land for many years before she ended up at the Nightwatcher's lair. She asked to be able to find her father and the land he'd come from, and that became her boon. But the bane came in a way she did not expect.

Somewhere along the way, Anna somehow swore to the oaths of a Knight Radiant. However, the interference of the Nightwatcher gave her an Investiture anomaly; instead of swearing to one of the normal pacts of the Knights, she somehow managed to gain two different Surges that normally did not combine with each other; the Surges of Progression and Transportation. She also gained a type of spren known as a Timespren, who represented the passage of time. She named him Turner, as he appeared in the Physical Realm as an ever-turning wheel of light and darkness. She found that she could use the Surge of Transportation not only to travel great distances across space, but across time as well. Ecstatic, she realized she could finally go find her father. However, she rushed a little and was too wild with her power. She did teleport to Scadrial, her father's land, but she'd accidentally traveled back in time, to the Pre-Harmony era.

There, she was abducted by Inquisitors. Once they found that she could travel through time, they thought this was some new kind of Allomancy. Thus, they tried to turn her into an Inquisitor. She managed to teleport forwards in time before they completed the process, but the two pewter spikes they'd given her had interfered not only with her mind, making her slightly insane, but also her Surgebinding - the Hemalurgy interfered with it, negating her need of Stormlight to operate her powers, but also making them a bit fickle and unreliable at certain times, if she isn't careful.

She had time-traveled to 2nd Era Scadrial, in the City of Elendel. She did end up meeting her father, but when she talked to him he got all frightened and denied that she was her daughter. This sparked her insanity, and she slew him in a fit of rage. Afterwards, she felt extremely guilty, and has, for the most part, left behind most civilizations all together, wandering through the Cosmere. Turner kept her company, telling her that it was all going to be okay. Eventually, she stumbled upon the Alleyverse. Her natural curiosity sparking up once again, she set out to go see what this place was.


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2 minutes ago, Le Sigh said:

As well as her Timespren, Turner, Anna carries with her a small lint-like creature. It floats around her and as apparently some sort of missionary trying to recruit her into the Ghostbloods. So far she has resisted its offers, though day by day she gets more convinced it could aid her...

I would be happy to play thus characters :P 

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Just now, I think I am here. said:

I would be happy to play thus characters :P 

Sorry, mate. Both of them are already played by me. I mean, if you don't already have a character, I might let you, but it would be kind of complicated.

If you'd really like to play them, let me know. Anna will be in the #TENT RP btw.

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@Voidus, I'm gonna do a Lightweaver, I think. Here she is.


Name: Second of the Morning

Investiture: First oath lightweaver, aviar that hides cognitive shadow

Age: 14

Guild: Unaffiliated

Skills: Intelligent, scholarly

Weaknesses: Physically weak, doesn't know how to fight, deaf

Appearance: Skin; Pale, Hair; Black, Eyes; Green

Backstory: She grew up on First of the Sun, on the mainlands. Her obsession was with symbiotic relationships, like the relationship between bird and owner. Her parents got her one for her ninth birthday. She eventually discovered the worms inside, interesting her further. She accidentally accessed the alleys, finding her way to the Alleyverse, where she bonded her spren.


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15 hours ago, BooksBeforeDeath said:

Should I make a new character for Era.3, or keep using Toa? I final got back online, and am trying to catch up.

I'm going to take this as my cue to add Toa to the list. If you opposed to this, or would like to make any changes, let me know. 

5 hours ago, Le Sigh said:

Updating my previous character for Era 3. Watering down a few abilities, as well as adding things that changed for her when she went to the Ghostblood Ball. Things like that.


Name: Anna

Investiture: Surgebinder [+something. What ideal?] (Progression and Transportation, with a Timespren; see below), Hemalurgy (2 Pewter Spike: Allows her to store physical strength and speed [+110M], and they also somehow interfere with her Surgebinding, making it so that she doesn't need Stormlight to operate her powers [+10])

Weakness: Unstable Investiture - the Hemalurgy negated her need of Stormlight for Surgebinding, but it made it a little bit fickle at times. [-10-25] Slightly insane. [-10-25 (how well can they cope, how does it affect them?)]

Special skills and Weapons: Carries no weapon, but can turn her Timespren, Turner, into a Shardgun. This Shardgun can take the form of any type of gun (mainly the ones seen in Mistborn Era 2), but it's really all up to the power of her imagination. However, the Hemalurgy has somewhat interfered with her ability to summon a Shardgun, and so it is weaker than a usual Shardweapon - it takes about two or three hits to kill a person with it. [Benefits cancel drawbacks]

She is able to use Surgebinding to travel through time. [+something] Due to the interference of Hemalurgy, she does not need to use Stormlight to activate her abilities, making them pretty much at will. However, the interference has made them rather unstable, so occasionally when she attempts an effect, it works in a different way than what she wanted. With the Surge of Transportation, she can travel both through space and time. With the Surge of Progression, she can affect the way a person travels through time, making them super-slow or super-fast. She can also use the Surge of Progression to restore a universe that is being "unravelled" to what it was - or, if there is too many sides to the unravelling, into two different universes - one in which the thing that caused the unravelling to happen happens, and another in which it doesn't happen. This is very draining on her, however. Read here for more info.

She has Hemalurgic Spikes, two of pewter. They allow her to store physical strength and speed, similar to a Pewter Ferring. However, these spikes also interfered with her Surgebinding abilities as described above.

As well as her Timespren, Turner, Anna carries with her a small lint-like creature. It floats around her and as apparently some sort of missionary trying to recruit her into the Ghostbloods. So far she has resisted its offers, though day by day she gets more convinced it could aid her... [none at this time]

Physical characteristics: Anna is a young female human in her early twenties. She has fair skin, strawberry blonde hair, and emerald green eyes. She typically wears a flowing, white blouse with a leather vest covering the chest, tight pants, and leather boots.

Family: Anna's mother was a Veden noble (with some Horneater blood) from Roshar, and her father was an adventurous Worldhopper from Scadrial. He met Anna's mother while on a quest to find a gemheart, and he left her with a young child in her womb (one which the mother did not know about until 3 months later).

Home: Born on Roshar, but doesn't really call any place her home.

History/Biography: Anna's mother was a Veden noble (with some Horneater blood) from Roshar, and her father was an adventurous Worldhopper from Scadrial. He met Anna's mother while on a quest to find a gemheart, and he left her with a young child in her womb (one which the mother did not know about until 3 months later). And so it was that Anna was brought into the pampered life of nobility. She was taught about politics, mathematics, writing, reading and history. However, none of these things really interested her, for she had inherited her father's bravery and curiosity. She got into all sorts of trouble, which eventually got her chased out of her town as an 18-year old. She wandered the land for many years before she ended up at the Nightwatcher's lair. She asked to be able to find her father and the land he'd come from, and that became her boon. But the bane came in a way she did not expect.

Somewhere along the way, Anna somehow swore to the oaths of a Knight Radiant. However, the interference of the Nightwatcher gave her an Investiture anomaly; instead of swearing to one of the normal pacts of the Knights, she somehow managed to gain two different Surges that normally did not combine with each other; the Surges of Progression and Transportation. She also gained a type of spren known as a Timespren, who represented the passage of time. She named him Turner, as he appeared in the Physical Realm as an ever-turning wheel of light and darkness. She found that she could use the Surge of Transportation not only to travel great distances across space, but across time as well. Ecstatic, she realized she could finally go find her father. However, she rushed a little and was too wild with her power. She did teleport to Scadrial, her father's land, but she'd accidentally traveled back in time, to the Pre-Harmony era.

There, she was abducted by Inquisitors. Once they found that she could travel through time, they thought this was some new kind of Allomancy. Thus, they tried to turn her into an Inquisitor. She managed to teleport forwards in time before they completed the process, but the two pewter spikes they'd given her had interfered not only with her mind, making her slightly insane, but also her Surgebinding - the Hemalurgy interfered with it, negating her need of Stormlight to operate her powers, but also making them a bit fickle and unreliable at certain times, if she isn't careful.

She had time-traveled to 2nd Era Scadrial, in the City of Elendel. She did end up meeting her father, but when she talked to him he got all frightened and denied that she was her daughter. This sparked her insanity, and she slew him in a fit of rage. Afterwards, she felt extremely guilty, and has, for the most part, left behind most civilizations all together, wandering through the Cosmere. Turner kept her company, telling her that it was all going to be okay. Eventually, she stumbled upon the Alleyverse. Her natural curiosity sparking up once again, she set out to go see what this place was.


I think this an interesting bio. It was fun to read, the link was too. However, I believe that this character is OP for Era Three. This era, we've trying to lower the power level of characters (see the second post in this thread for details). This character is too powerful. The time traveling and ability to make alternate universes is the biggest issue. The surgebinding was difficult to score as well. 

I remember having this debate the last time this character came up, but that was in a different context. It's going to be hard to justify having a character with this one's abilities as being on par with the other characters that have been submitted. 

I know that it would fundamentally alter the character, but I recommend nerfing them. The power level needs to be brought down if they're to be used in this era. Or you could cannibalize and start fresh.  

EDIT: I see you've already started RPing with her. While we get her power level sorted, I recommend not using any of her powers. That way we won't have to retcon anything. 

4 hours ago, #Voidapple said:

@Voidus, I'm gonna do a Lightweaver, I think. Here she is.

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Name: Second of the Morning

Investiture: First oath lightweaver, aviar that hides cognitive shadow

Age: 14

Guild: Unaffiliated

Skills: Intelligent, scholarly

Weaknesses: Physically weak, doesn't know how to fight, deaf

Appearance: Skin; Pale, Hair; Black, Eyes; Green

Backstory: She grew up on First of the Sun, on the mainlands. Her obsession was with symbiotic relationships, like the relationship between bird and owner. Her parents got her one for her ninth birthday. She eventually discovered the worms inside, interesting her further. She accidentally accessed the alleys, finding her way to the Alleyverse, where she bonded her spren.


It's a short bio, but it's got what it needs to have. I'll add it to the list. I'm going to call her Morning. If you want to call her something else, tell me. 

Edited by Archer
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