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The Guardians at the Gate

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Hello. Death here. Some recent occurrences have led me to believe that a new guild must rise, a guild to help the Alleyverse survive and grow, not stagnate and die. We are the protectors of the Alleyverse. The Guardians that protect the Alleyverse from irreperable damage. We are watchers on the wall. Guardians at the gate. Defenders of the dimension.

I plan for this to be a non partisan guild, a place where great minds can cooperate no matter their allegiances. Anyone who swears the oaths will be considered and probably accepted. But do not fear guildless, you are also welcome. Each member shall receive a gift of Death, as well as training with the best. Pleaseppat below to join. 

The oath:

I [insert name] swear to defend the Alleyverse. I shall not use my position here to betray others, but to help cultivate the Alleyverse, to assist with its growth. I pledge my loyalty to the fate of the Alleyverse, and am ready to give up life and limb to defend it. I am a watcher om the wall, a guardian at the gate, a cultivator of destiny.

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I, @I am Witless swear to defend the Alleyverse. I shall not use my position here to betray others, but to help cultivate the Alleyverse, to assist with its growth. I pledge my loyalty to the fate of the Alleyverse, and am ready to give up life and limb to defend it. I am a watcher on the wall, a guardian at the gate, a cultivator of destiny.

That, and I'll willingly follow anyone who is a Terry Pratchett fan.

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I @BitBitio swear to defend the Alleyverse. I shall not use my position here to betray others, but to help cultivate the Alleyverse, to assist with its growth. I pledge my loyalty to the fate of the Alleyverse, and am ready to give up life and limb to defend it. I am a watcher on the wall, a guardian at the gate, a cultivator of destiny. 

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I @Ark1002 swear to defend the Alleyverse. I shall not use my position here to betray others, but to help cultivate the Alleyverse, to assist with its growth. I pledge my loyalty to the fate of the Alleyverse, and am ready to give up life and limb to defend it. I am a watcher on the wall, a guardian at the gate, a cultivator of destiny.

One question. When you say "a gift of Death", does that mean you are going to kill us?

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I, @Life&Death swear to defend the Alleyverse. I shall not use my position here to betray others, but to help cultivate the Alleyverse, to assist with its growth. I pledge my loyalty to the fate of the Alleyverse, and am ready to give up life and limb to defend it. I am a watcher om the wall, a guardian at the gate, a cultivator of destiny.

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I, AxeliustheGreat, swear to defend the Alleyverse. I shall not use my position here to betray others, but to help cultivate the Alleyverse, to assist with its growth. I pledge my loyalty to the fate of the Alleyverse, and am ready to give up life and limb to defend it. I am a watcher on the wall, a guardian at the gate, a cultivator of destiny.

Edited by AxeliustheGreat
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I, Itiah swear to defend the Alleyverse. I shall not use my position here to betray others, but to help cultivate the Alleyverse, to assist with its growth. I pledge my loyalty to the fate of the Alleyverse, and am ready to give up life and limb to defend it. I am a watcher om the wall, a guardian at the gate, a cultivator of destiny.

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I swear to defend the Alleyverse. I shall not use my position here to betray others but to help cultivate the Alleyverse, to assist with its growth. I pledge my loyalty to the fate of the Alleyverse and am ready to give up life and limb to defend it. I am a watcher om the wall, a guardian at the gate, a cultivator of destiny.

-The Forgetful Archivest, Alleyverse mayor

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I @Inklingspren swear to defend the Alleyverse. I shall not use my position here to betray others, but to help cultivate the Alleyverse, to assist with its growth. I pledge my loyalty to the fate of the Alleyverse, and am ready to give up life and limb to defend it. I am a watcher om the wall, a guardian at the gate, a cultivator of destiny.

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I @ShardBreaker swear to defend the Alleyverse. I shall not use my position here to betray others, but to help cultivate the Alleyverse, to assist with its growth. I pledge my loyalty to the fate of the Alleyverse, and am ready to give up life and limb to defend it. I am a watcher om the wall, a guardian at the gate, a cultivator of destiny.


Nice to join yah. 

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I @Soranaswear to defend the Alleyverse. I shall not use my position here to betray others, but to help cultivate the Alleyverse, to assist with its growth. I pledge my loyalty to the fate of the Alleyverse, and am ready to give up life and limb to defend it. I am a watcher on the wall, a guardian at the gate, a cultivator of destiny. 

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