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I know he acknowledged wit was his master. He referred to the one that he didnt kill was why he was in the bridge crew... Or something like that. I listen to audiobooks so hard to look up.

If i recall correctly tyn said she had another apprentice. And mraise was surprised veil was her new one considering what happened with si... Having listened to it i do not know how that was all worded or spelled. Am I all wet on that?

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Out of curiosity do we know who it was suggested that Sigzil tried to kill? Did he say he tried to kill his master, or is this speculation? I can see a lot of people wanting to kill Hoid/Wit, but Sigzil? Doesn't seem right!

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“And if some of us are murderers?” Sigzil asked quietly.


“Then I’m in good company,” Kaladin said. “If it was a lighteyes you killed, then I might buy you a drink.”


“Not a lighteyes,” Sigzil said. “And he is not dead.”


“Then you’re not a murderer,” Kaladin said.


“Not for want of trying.” Sigzil’s eyes grew distant. “I thought for certain I had succeeded. It was not the wisest choice I made. My master…” He trailed off.


“Is he the one you tried to kill?”




So it was a darkeyed male that Sigzil tried to kill and failed, which seems to rule out Tyn, unless 'he' is being used in a gender-neutral manner. The relevant passage for Tyn's side:



Another one, Tyn? the reed wrote. After what happened with Si?


which does seem suspiciously close to 'Sigzil'. Also, there doesn't seem to be a lot of plot-relevant darkeyed males at this point, barring bridgemen (and excluding Kaladin flashbacks).

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hahaha i was looking for quotes but i scrolled down and they have already been posted! Love this site :)



Another one, Tyn? the reed wrote. After what happened with Si?

I think their name is just Si, it doesn't trail off makes me think their name is just Si.

I am really interested in all the Bridge mens pasts! Sigzil knows the truth of Hoid i think when Rock was telling this story in the tavern...

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