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"Goodbye." He was glad he managed to help the woman, though he wasn't sure she should be standing already, but she seemed well enough, and she should run into the doctor outside who would know if she's good enough to walk. She was his first acquaintance, so he did wish to see her again in the future. Now, what else to do? There was apparently a war happening, which would very likely impede in his quest for his origins. He couldn't very well stay in the hospital either, he wasn't a healer.

He walked into the hall and found one of the nurses. "Please tell doctor, my thanks, and that woman, Ida, has left. I have also left." The nurse was confused for a moment before managing to parse the sentence and nodded before walking off. Deras found a window and jumped through, walking out into the darkening night sky, filled with rain.

With no clear path, he chose a direction and ran.

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Mira and her staff had a lot of work to do after the war. When finally the wounded were healed or dead the started to rebuildt the hospital. It was smaller than before, but there were still a lot of people in need of medical services. Especially after the war when many had to live on the streets, illness became a problem.

16 years after the war it's gates were still open for anybody who needed help, or wanted to work there.

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That's what I thought. And I did write that they rebiuld it.

I'm not sure if we even use it again, but as some of the characters who wanted to work there are still alive I wanted to offer the possibility.


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  • 1 month later...

A figure in a purple robe entered.

"I am an Elite Sentinel. My name is Ambrosia Nightshade. My father has started a war, and I have a feeling we will soon have need of this hospital. I would like to reopen it, and if none of you are willing to take over, I will. We need this hospital. I am a highly trained doctor, I would like to work here if you do get it running again."

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“So war has come again has it.” Li sighed

 “Your help will be appreciated but I’ve worked to reopen Einladung for years now and I won’t let my hospital become a war camp.” Li started to turn away then stoped “Just to satisfy my curiosity who is your father?”   


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  • 2 weeks later...

Gonev dragged Georgia up the steps and through the doorway into the entrance hall of the hospital. On the way there blood loss had caught up to her, leaving her too weak to walk. And since Gonev didn't have quite enough muscle to carry her, he'd wound up dragging her. He hoped she wouldn't be too mad.

"Hey dude!" he called to a clerk sitting behind a desk. 

When no response came, he chucked his shoe at him, balancing on one foot to get it off. That got the attention he needed. The shoe was tossed back to him and he slipped it back on.

"What do you want?" the clerk asked.

Gonev rolled his eyes. "You blind as well as deaf?" he gestured to Georgia on the ground. "My friend here had a run in with some fellows. Got a nice wound in her arm getting away."


"This is a storming hospital, fellow," he said. "You wanna help us out or not?"

The clerk didn't answer again, he'd turned back to something on his desk. Groaning, Gonev stepped lightly on Georgia's hand. Maybe she could do something.


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Georgia saw white. An encompassing, caring, compassionate white. it came to her it was her eighteenth birthday. But I'm not at Hellbent park. That gave her a sense of wrongness. This would have been a peaceful, healer form. But the taint filled it. She wasn't stable, so it didn't work well. No. No NO NO! The taint was spreading, it would soon consume-

a sharp pain. She stirred. Looking down, she saw the taints effect. Her hand, luckily not the injured side, was gray. Weakly she hid the hand, and said

"Please... help. It hurts."


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At that the clerk looked up again.

"Someone's hurt?" he hopped down and tapped some buttons. Some folks quickly came and carried Georgia down the hall.

Gonev glared at him. "That took quite a while."

"You've got no clue how many fakers come by just trying to see what we have around here. Security measures like that are necessary," said the clerk. "I suppose you want to go with her?"

Gonev nodded, as though he were emotionally suffering from not knowing if Georgia was alright. He knew she was, but it was all about putting on a show.

"Go straight down the hall and take the first door on the left. She should be there though you may want to give the nurses some space."

He nodded again and slowly began walking in that direction. Gonev glanced around in all directions, imprinting everything he saw to memory. Then, when he was out of sight of the clerk and he sensed no eyes were on him, he sidled up against a door to what looked like a storage closet and inconspicuously removed a wire from his pocket. Manuevering it behind his back, he quickly unlocked the door and slipped inside. How better to discover what a place held then see it with ones own eyes?

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Li TaiRu looked towards the nurse and a Black haired woman trailing behind her. “Is this the patient?” 

 The nurse nodded “Arrived here a few moments ago.”

“Was she accompanied by anyone?” 

“Yes a man in the lobby last I checked.”

Thank you I think I can handle it from here you are dismissed. I’ll spark and let you know if I require any farther assistance.” The nurse started to head back to the hallway but Li stoped her calling out “Oh, and if you would please go and tell them that there friend is being taken care of.” 

“Right away sir.” With that  the muse nodded and nodded and headed out of the room and into the hallway out side looking for the man that had come in with the patient.

Li looked back to the black haired woman “All right now all of that is in order My I see your injury?”

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Lena talked to a few people close to the hospital until she had some idea how it would look like and where the patiens were. Then she talked to some more, until she had a name, a woman Ina with a broken leg. Perfect, now she had a reason to go there.

Casually walking over to the hospital she entered it and looked around. A clerk was waiting at a desk and she approached him with a disarming smile.
"Hello. I am looking for my friend Ina. She broke her leg."
The clerk looked her over, judged her harmless and then pointed, into the hospital.
"Just over there. Inside the second larger room to the left."

Lena nodded at him displaying a grateful and disarming smile and walked in to the direction he had indicated. She kept her eyes open, tried to listen to the nurses and assisstants to learn where they kept their valuable stuff.

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Slipping inside, Gonev was grateful for the light in the room as he carefully shut the door. Like he'd suspected, it was a storage closet. The light was coming from a bowl of spheres and on the walls there were tonics and gold medallions. Wonderful, if only he had more pockets. He cursed his wardrobe choice and started looking through the bottles on the shelves. There were a few painkillers as well as many more he didn't recognize. Gonev took a smaller one and stuck it in one of his coats inside pockets where it couldn't be seen. Maybe someone back in the back room would know what it was. He hoped it was valuable. His hand almost grabbed some infused spheres, but common sense reminded him that they were in fact glowy and likely would be noticed through fabric. It felt wrong to leave them behind, but he forced himself to. This mission was to scout out, not empty the hospital's stores quite yet.

From outside the door he heard footsteps heading back to the front.

Rusts. he cursed, waiting for them to recede. Gonev peered under the door for any signs of people nearby. He couldn't tell if anyone was watching, but he took a risk and quickly exited the closet. He took a breath of relief. That had been too risky. 

Patting the bottle in his pocket to remind himself it was still there, Gonev started across the hall to Georgia. That was when he noticed Lena.

"Hey," he said winking. "Who're you here to see?"


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Lena turned and suppressed a grin when she recognized Gonev.

"I am here to visit Ina, a friend of mine. She broke her leg."

She stick to her story for the sake of somebody listening, but rolled her eyes when she was sure only he could see it.

"And you? Why are you here? I hope you are all right?"


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