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Church of the Stick

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“First Bridge Squad is gathered, Brightlord,” Havarah—the bridgelord—said, striding up. He was a short man, with some Herdazian blood in him as evidenced by his dark, crystalline fingernails, though he didn’t wear a spark-flicker. “I have word from Ashelem that the archery company is ready.”


Herdazians are the Firebringers.



“The Voidbringers Firebringers had a natural, real-world correlate,” Jasnah said firmly. “I’m certain of it. Something caused the legends.”


“What was it?”


Jasnah handed Shallan a page of notes. “These are the best I’ve been able to find. Read them. Tell me what you think.”


Shallan scanned the page. Some of the quotes—or at least the concepts—were familiar to her from what she’d read already.


Suddenly dangerous. Like a calm day that became a tempest.


“They were real,” Jasnah repeated.




“We defeated them…” Jasnah said.


Shallan felt a chill.


“…but the legends lie about one thing,” Jasnah continued. “They claim we chased the Voidbringers Firebringers off the face of Roshar or destroyed them. But that’s not how humans work. We don’t throw away something we can use.”




“We didn’t destroy the Voidbringers Firebringers,” Jasnah said from behind, her voice haunted. “We enslaved them.”


Where have we seen a suspiciously calm, enslaved individual?



The man had brown hair and deep tan skin just a shade too dark to be Alethi. The fingernails on his hand were slate-colored and crystalline—he was a Herdazian, then. Most of the newcomers shared the same defeated look of apathy but this man was smiling, though he wore a slave’s mark on his head.


'Armless, indeed...

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So, when I start sharing this with all of my friends, who should I give credit to?  Because this is beautiful and I love it and I wish I could give you more than one upvote but I can't.  But I can give credit how and to who it should go!

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Brilliant! But...why is Shallan smiling?

Also: I'm sorry, but Pattern outshines Stick here. He looks storming awesome!


Oh, she's obviously smiling maniacally, and on the verge of breaking down in tears and laughter in frustration.

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So, when I start sharing this with all of my friends, who should I give credit to?  Because this is beautiful and I love it and I wish I could give you more than one upvote but I can't.  But I can give credit how and to who it should go!


This is the only source I could find.

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Brilliant! But...why is Shallan smiling?

Also: I'm sorry, but Pattern outshines Stick here. He looks storming awesome!

I took a second look at this. The smile is a lie. If you look closely, you can see the bead of sweat from frustration on her head. Her eyes are downcast and hopeful, yet full of doubt. Her hands are clasped imploring the stick to change. And then there's the smile itself. It's wavering with the doubtful optimism of someone who has run out of options. Even as she sits, Shallan is lying to herself, telling herself she's happy, that it doesn't matter that she cannot hope to budge the stick. Meanwhile, Pattern stands tall and proud, drinking in the delicious lie Shallan is obviously repeating to herself to keep calm. 


The artist who created this has captured Shallan, Truly captured the moment, even more so than first glance can reveal. The subtly is incredible. Well done, this is truly a masterful work. 

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“You’re the one I want to beat,” she grumbled. “With a stick.”

Sanderson, Brandon (2014-03-04). Words of Radiance (Stormlight Archive, The) (p. 834). Tom Doherty Associates. Kindle Edition.


One of the seventy stick references in WOR. 


Are arrows another form of Stickbinders?  They seem to be high in importance in battles.

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The archers, perhaps. The arrows are not Stickbinders, they are greater than that. They are Sticks. Swords, too, for they are but pointy metal Sticks, and spears, for they are but long Sticks with metal upon them. Even Shardplate is but flat sticks bent and layered together.

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I-6 Zahel


Oh, right. One of those storms had come. Invested to the hilt and looking for a place to stick it all.

Clearly, Zahel is a prophet of the Stick, to understand that all investiture is merely stick taking a form of power. 

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The archers, perhaps. The arrows are not Stickbinders, they are greater than that. They are Sticks. Swords, too, for they are but pointy metal Sticks, and spears, for they are but long Sticks with metal upon them. Even Shardplate is but flat sticks bent and layered together.


So, does that make Kaladin's men all...stickmen? So they are all really members of the Church of the Stick and only want the true stickiness too...And that makes Kaladin a Knight of the Stick, then, because lashings stick you... ;)


Also, obviously that picture of Shallan is just her worshiping the Prime Stick and her great love of the Stick! See, they ship it (ShallanXStick; OTP forever)! :)

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Our god, Adonalsium, was the first stick.


He sacrificed his stickness to ensure a future where all sticks could find their inner stick selves through the realm of Sticksmar.


Only when you come to understand this truth can you ascend to the ranks of the stick and gain enlightenment of the machinations of the enigmatic Sticksmere.

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I have been burned by the Firebringers, thrown by the storm, stomped by the humans, and been used as a weapon of war. I am a small stick now, weak and old and rotting. But I am still a stick and all shall hear my story. For I am a STICK SURVIVOR of the Church of the Stick Survivors!

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