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The Hall of Legend.

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A large rectangular room with gently glowing lines of blue casting an eerie light over the reverent scene. Hundreds of alcoves lined the walls a little over 40 contained statues of people, empty alcoves stretching into the vastness. On the opposite side of the hall, a statue stood of a man in a bowler hat, monocle, and mustache an inscription beneath it reads


In memory of Mac Thorsen, Gentlemen Heamelergest extraordinaire. Mac was here before the Alleyverse existed, he came into the fight as an assassin in technicolor before joining the DA and becoming one of their most iconic members. He headed up the Division of Counter Intelligence, it was he who revealed the deception of TUBA, and the Ghostbloods. He was truly a chapman of truth who dwelt in the shadows of a dark alley. We hail him as a founding father of the Alleyverse. Now he is gone but may one day return.


Similar inscriptions are located beneath the statues on the other side of the hall, they detail each characters accomplishments and give a brief history. (If you want to make your own inscription just post it below and I’ll edit it in.)


@I think I am here. 



Here lies the statue of Rashan Caer, who quickly came to know the Alleyverse As his home, starting out as a simple twinborn assassin for the Ghostbloods, Rashan quickly got promoted to Squad Leader and to eventually Council Member.

Rashan dabbled in surgebinding in the Hall of Surges, becoming an Elsecaller squire of Voidus’ before his master tragically passed away and Rashan became a truthwatcher. 

He participated in many duels, many of which he lost, but to his defence he was fighting men much more powerful than him.

Rashan died shortly after bringing the leader of the Ghostbloods back to life after Assassination. He got ressurected after his death, but not much of known of the once legendary assassin Rashan Caer now...


@Nohadon There seems to be a bulge in the statues pocket...


Here is the statue of Devaan Sheonar, the final empire’s thorn.

Born in Luthadel, Devaan served as a loyal thorn in the side of the nobility of Scadrial, unbeaten in games of chance, not through magic, but skill and fast hands.

World hopping, Devaan created many magical artefacts scattered around the alleyverse.

A fierce fighter, who intends to fight to the very end.


At the end of the hall stands a grand archway thru which lays a spiral staircase which descends into gentle darkness. frescos, bas-reliefs, and tapestries line the curving walls detailing the history of the Alleyverse.

Such as this. (same thing as with the inscriptions, just post a picture of something you think should be added and ill throw it in)



Only a few of you will recognize this, it's from pretty early on.



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"I remember the days when the Allyverse was naught but an idea spoken of in the shadows by the DA, I remember how it slowly began to gain traction and acclaim, I remember when we were given our own subforum. Today is not the day we celebrate our accomplishment, it is the day when we are immortalized! Citizens of the Alleyverse this is your moment! This is your time! These are your accomplishments! And this is your hall!"

To thunderous applause TFA cuts a ribbon with a pair of comically oversized scissors.

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Nice! I have one for Rashan:

Here lies the statue of Rashan Caer, who quickly came to know the Alleyverse As his home, starting out as a simple twinborn assassin for the Ghostbloods, Rashan quickly got promoted to Squad Leader and to eventually Council Member.

Rashan dabbled in surgebinding in the Hall of Surges, becoming an Elsecaller squire of Voidus’ before his master tragically passed away and Rashan became a truthwatcher. 

He participated in many duels, many of which he lost, but to his defence he was fighting men much more powerful than him.

Rashan died shortly after bringing the leader of the Ghostbloods back to life after Assassination. He got ressurected after his death, but not much of known of the once legendary assassin Rashan Caer now...


Edited by I think I am here.
Is this too long? I hope it’s nof too long.
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2 hours ago, The Forgetful Archivist said:



*recognizes it* :lol: That was a good one. I'd forgotten what Stormblessed's old pic looked like. 

Here's one from the TUBA archives (I could give the context, but it's funnier if I don't):




I have no idea what my inscription would be. The ninja emoji would probably be in there somewhere. :ph34r:

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Here’s Devaan’s


Here is the statue of Devaan Sheonar, the final empire’s thorn.

Born in Luthadel, Devaan served as a loyal thorn in the side of the nobility of Scadrial, unbeaten in games of chance, not through magic, but skill and fast hands.

World hopping, Devaan created many magical artefacts scattered around the alleyverse.

A fierce fighter, who intends to fight to the very end.


And if someone looks in Devaan’s statue’s inside coat pocket, a single card, with a message is found:


17 myths around the verse

4 blades, in the hands of those trusted 

2 rings, lying on 2 lovers, forever separated

1 deck of cards, used by the one you look at now

5 stones, buried in 5 guilds

3 sets of armor, hidden between three sets of spirits

1 band, hidden in luck

And a long forgotten metal, held by one who cannot be found, but instead one who everyone sees


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3 hours ago, Nohadon said:


I mean, except when we give them up freely. Then they can take our cookies. But if we don't offer them up then definitely.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Never mind all previously stated on post. I want a hollow, inch thick glass statue of Hellbent, with the inscription: Hellbent died in battle. He was a strange, mislead man, but he had good intentions. May his soul find peace in the beyond.

Edited by Ark1002
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I want Soul's inscription to have a blank name plate. And under that it says.


We never knew his name. In life he killed to liberate people. In death he died to save them. 


Edited by Life&Death
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I'd like to have a statue for Syen aswell. I know she wasn't really a hero, but it would be nice if there was something remaining of my girl.

I think of a place near the back of the hall, in a remote corner. It should depict her with her bag and some medical supplies in her hand. Her face smiling and friendly, her body language open and welcoming. I imagine Essun sitting next to/ on her feet. I'll add a picture, but I didn't find anything fitting so far.


In memory of Syen, medic and apothecary. Sometimes the small things make the difference.

Edited by Sorana
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"Wait, Uncle Amber. What is that?" Ski said, point out the window towards a large building glowing with a soft light.

"That? That is the Hall of Legend. A place to honor heroes of the Alleyverse. In fact..." Mr. Amber turned the car towards the building. "You should read up on those people. It will teach you faster then I could about the different denizens of this realm and the different forms of magic that appear here."

"So it's history?" Ski groaned, much less interested now.

"In a sense, but I would have to teach you anyway, you would have complained anyway, and I'm busy getting us a house and a job. So go explore, I will return when I have settled everything with the Waystop." Pulling up next to the building, the car's passenger door flew open and the seat launched Ski out. 

After a surprised scream, Ski turned the fall into a roll and landed on her feet. "If you weren't crippled I'd pound you old man!" Laughing Mr. Amber just drove away. Sighing, Ski walked into the building. Staring at all the statues, she sighed again. "Stupid.." She trailed off as she saw something in one of the statues' pockets. "What is this?" She pulled it out and read it. 

17 myths around the verse

4 blades, in the hands of those trusted 

2 rings, lying on 2 lovers, forever separated

1 deck of cards, used by the one you look at now

5 stones, buried in 5 guilds

3 sets of armor, hidden between three sets of spirits

1 band, hidden in luck

And a long forgotten metal, held by one who cannot be found, but instead one who everyone sees

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The Hall was one of the oldest structures in the city. Everything else was new, or under construction, small streets forming around reconstruction projects. Something had happened, a while ago, that obliterated almost everything. Only a select few buildings had survived - a small pocket on the west end, islands of safety among the crater that Alum increasingly suspected had been formed recently.

He entered the building, which was lit from a mysterious source. The large room - not just a normal hall, but a Hall - was filled with statues, tapestries, a history of this place. Not many texts, but artist’s renderings of famous people. He recognised the Feruchemist from the Training Ground - Devaan Sheonar. A man with a bowler hat, a painting of a translucent figure. He started overwriting some Azish tax information with this information. An organisation called Dark Alley - and, strangely, cookies.

He noticed a young woman standing just next to Devaan’s statue, and wandered over. She was holding a slip of paper in her hands.

“Greetings. What is this place?”


@Life&Death Can I help solve the riddle?


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“I’m not 100% sure. My uncle called it the ‘Hall of Legends’. Apparently they honor old heroes. I found this in one of the statues’ pockets. Do you have any idea what it means?”


Also, I vote that we create a thread for this side quest so we don’t fill this one with posts that don’t really involve the hall directly.

@Nohadon do you agree?

47 minutes ago, MetaTerminal said:

He recognised the Feruchemist from the Training Ground - Devaan Sheonar. A man with a bowler hat, a painting of a translucent figure.


Speaking of which, TFA needs to update the OP with more statues.

@The Forgetful Archivist

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Alum grabbed the piece of paper, studied it. It was a list of items - some sort of riddle, clearly. He read the statue’s inscription, noting the “magical artefacts scattered throughout the Alleyverse”. The paper was aged, at least a dozen years old. Maybe more.

”This place is a monument. Like a library of the past. I wonder if they have an actual library.” He considered the prospect. “But this is a riddle, a test of intellect and knowledge. Dime a dozen where I come from. There’s probably some highly Invested objects hidden at the end. Want to try to solve it?”


A separate thread might be overkill, since the whole puzzle isn’t set in the Hall. Probably.

EDIT: We’ve moved into a PM, if anyone wants to join this side adventure.

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Laurelai wandered among the statues, curious as to what that strange man at the Waystop had been referring to. But he'd said that others sought whatever it was too, which meant she could compare how she went about achieving a goal to how others did, giving her further insights into herself.

Two others were already present when she arrived, both seemingly looking over a piece of paper.

Was she the kind of person who would work with these two? Or set out on her own?

It was a lot harder to analyze herself when she was so self aware about it all.

Finally she sighed and walked up to the other two before speaking up in a soft, quiet voice that echoed in the stone surroundings.

"Hi. Did you.. um.. did you meet a wizard too?"



And then Laurelai joined the quest.


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Max bursted through the Hall of Legends, eyes wide. He saw a crowd of people above here. 

Looking, he saw Silph walking around. Ignoring the twinge of anxiety he felt looking at the spike, Max ran over to the man.

“Silph!” He said, grabbing him by the shirt. “Do you know where Mara is? I’ve been looking all over, and I need tosay sorry. I’ve made a terrible mistake.”

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