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“I’d like a room,” Alum said. The crowd in the Waystop appeared to be growing exponentially, and the innkeeper seemed a bit frazzled. “I have... spheres? Not sure if you’ll accept them. And use of the library.”

Glancing around at the growing crowd, he continued. “If spheres aren’t acceptable I can work for you in return for a room. I’m quite organised.” He rattled the copperminds on his wrists.

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Gladly Damaya saw that Yzabet took the crazy one over.
"You asked about the spren under the table earlier."
she said to Araha, without taking her eyes from Ioc and Yzabet in case something went wrong there.
"I don't know as much about them as Yzabet does, but maybe I could answer a few questions. About the spren I mean. I'm not really good with the rest."

She hesitated.
"I just wanted to offer, because I ended our conversation so abrublty earlier. Later I mean, once everything here has calmed down a bit?"

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"That'd be good." Araha replied with a smile. "Thank you." Was she making a new friend? The thought excited her, but not too much so that it showed on her face. Damaya seemed to know about spren types too, more so than Araha. Maybe she could even tell her about Ran later?


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Alum’s first reaction was to feign admonishment, perhaps even outrage. Despite his best efforts, his temper could get away from him sometimes. But instead he nodded and stepped aside. There was no point getting into a fight here, especially with someone he didn’t know, and without his combatative spikes. Alum watched the ensuing spectacle instead; one of the visitors appeared to be juggling several sharp knives, to the dismay of almost everyone else within a ten-meter proximity.

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Just now, Metaspren said:

Alum watched the ensuing spectacle instead; one of the visitors appeared to be juggling several sharp knives, to the dismay of almost everyone else within a ten-meter proximity.

Not currently actually, he went from that to juggling an axe, and now Yzabet is shaking him

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"Hm...." Ioc said. "I dunno. I was just having fun. I suppose what I want is world unity," Ioc shrugged Yzabet's hands away. "Or, perhaps, a sandwich,"

'Yes!' said Association Cortex. 'That's a good goal. That'll win them over!'

"And don't worry," Ioc said to the gathered people, "I have another axe. It's bigger too,"

Ioc pulled the second axe from its purse, then continues balancing the handle on its forehead, jumping, and catching it after it's 180-degree rotation.

However, this ended up hurting a lot and embedding the blade in its forehead.

"Ow," Ioc said aloud.

'OW!!!!!' said Somatosensory Cortex. 'WHY DO YOU INSIST ON HURTING YOURSELF SO MUCH?'

'Stop being such a baby,' said Subconscious. 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, ya know,'

And thus, this was how Ioc ended up standing in front of several people with a gigantic axe sticking straight up from its forehead and talking to itself.

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Shocked Damaya stared at Ioc, at the axe sticking in his forehead and dir a moment the world seemed to freeze around her.

"That's an axe. A huge, sharp axe sticking in your head, and you still stand here and talk to yourself?"

She heard her voice shake and took a deep calming breath, tried to appear steady in this horror show.

"What are you?"

She finally asked,  because that was a short, easy question. And he hadn't even tried to explain aus he was here.

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Araha was surprised at the display, her fear subsided, replaced by slight concern for the man with an axeblade in his head. That concern soon faded as he seemed fine. Damaya had begun speaking though, she seemed afraid almost, and it made sense. In fact, Araha didn't know why she herself wasn't afraid, because Damaya made a good point.

In the meantime, even though they weren't especially close, she put a hand on Damaya's shoulder wordlessly, to reassure her? calm her down? She didn't really know.

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"what the..."dayne take a step away from Ioc not believing what he was seeing, how could he be alive with an Axe on his head, he sees the two girls that were also neer Ioc and he got close to them "do any of you have anyidea how is he still standing?"

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Yzabet sighed.

"World peace I can get behind." She took the ax handle in both hands, braced a foot against Ioc's chest, then heaved. It came out with a slurping noise. Yzabet dropped it on the ground and put her hand on Ioc's forehead. A breath of stormlight sent his head knitting back together.

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Ioc exhaled thankfully as Yzabet pulled the axe out. "Thanks!" Ioc said. "I have run out of stormlight, you know, pounding a hole in your floor, so healing that was gonna be hard!"

'I like this person,' said Somatosensory Cortex.

Ioc paused. "Now, about that fabrial washing machine..."

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Atticus got out of the room quickly, so he didn't have to watch the strange man hurt himself. He dropped a coin and pushed up to the roof. Then he used his new tools he had got from the Black Crusade to make holes in it. Into these he installed the three automatic Chaos Marine and Hemalurgic Spike seeking guns. He then added Yzabet's fingerprint and eye scan to the guns as an override code. The guns had already been given an exception to the one going through his skull. He couldn't get rid of it, even if he regretted it. Then he installed the two gattlings on the roof, so they could use those in an invasion. He pushed on the earlier coin, speeding down the path. He found the sign that said "No hemalurgy" and pulled out a paint brush, adding: "If you have spikes, you will be shot. For an exception to the rule, call in advance." He pulled out Transporters lenses and teleported away again. For the next defense.


Can I be added to the Employees list on page one?


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"...it turns out I don't actually need it," Ioc finished. "I was just messing around,"

'Twas a hilarious joke,' said Association Cortex.

"Actually, what I need is to buy this establishment," Ioc continued. "It would really boost my financial status, and I'm sure you don't mind if I just take it. I'll assume you don't mind. Now, how much do you want it for?"


My offer allowing yall to kick me out still stands. :)


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Damaya felt Arahas hand and her body went hard as stone while she instinktively prepared for pain. It took her a moment to realize that the woman only tried to comfort her, and she forced herself to relax.

You don't know her, she told herself, be careful. You know nothing about her plans, about her character.

And yet she lifted her own hand, gratefully touching Araha's fingers. It felt good not to be alone, to have someone standing next to her. And even if she had plans, there was also the possibility that this gesture was only meant to comfort.

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"Hello, good sir!" Night said brightly to Mr. Amber. "I am Third of the Night; a Dustbringer, Tracker, and the Ghostblood's PR Representative! Do you know if there are any rooms open?


Have fun @Witlessspren! Will Chocolatespren/Mr. Amber be taking over the waystop until you return?


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@Warpspren That reminded me of a wounded pet :D

Have fun @Witlessspren !

Damaya smiled at Araha, looked at the blood on the floor and to everyone around, talking.
"I'll be right back."
she excused herself and fetched a bucket of water and something to clean up. The more time the blood had to dry, the harder it would be to scrub it away. Yzabet and Pallas were both busy and she had cleaned here before, so she hoped she wasn't overstepping any borders. It didn't take her long, and she made sure to clean out the bucket and the rag carefully afterwards. She then took a piece of cloth out of her bag and dumped it in water. Pressing it, so that it wouldn't be dripping water all over the place she returned to Ioc and pushed it into his hands.
"Here. For your face and your hands."

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I briefly have wifi, so I'm gonna give an explanation for Yzabets absence. 

Yzabets suddenly felt nauseous.

"Tag out." She muttered to Amber, then stumbled to her room. She had a private privy, luckily, though that didn't stop the embarrassment of vomiting while she had loads of guests.

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