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Atticus was back. He had traveled to the Hushlands and the Free Kingdoms. He hadn't been there in a long time, but he had needed glass for the defenses. He had gotten some Detonators Glass, Defenders Glass, Expanders Glass, and Transporters glass. And a lot of brightsand. First he dug. Deep into the side of the mountain. There he built a room out of Defenders Glass, with an box with Transporters Glass to get there. Inside the room he added Expanders Glass, so it could hold a large crowd. He furnished it and added lots of provisions. It was a proper bunker. He then melted the side with his Flamebringers Lense until it collapsed, hiding it. He headed back to the waystop, where he built somewhere he could put the other room. He also set up technology so they could only be swapped by him, Yzabet, or someone one of the added. Having the eyescan and the thumbprint helped considerably. He then stocked it with guns, and Detonators Glass grenades. Also Teddy Bear grenades.


The Waystop now has a super secure bunker in case of emergency. You're welcome.


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Witless will be gone for a while, so I’m watching over the Waystop for now. Which means someone who is exploring the area should find the bomb. Mr. Amber is busy and I can’t have him leave now without some form of godmodding.


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Pfft Ark. When would we ever need that? It's not like someone's trying to blow it up...

Sorry I took so long to reply Chocolatespen.

Mr. Amber was saying something, but it didn't sound important to Clay. When the man ended his sentence and stared at Clay expectantly, Clay just nodded. "Umm, deal. More chocolate you say? I'm cool with that. Just let me finish this."

Something wasn't right. He was sensing something. It was extremely distracting. Stress eating entire bars of chocolate as he walked, Clay followed the feeling. It was like trying to find a hidden radio. He could sense it easily enough, but it was hard to find its exact location. Huffing in frustration, he threw open one of the door along the hall and looked inside. It was too dark to easily see much, so he stepped into the room.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Screamed the room's occupant.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Screamed the surprised Clay.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Screamed Kicker, who had come to beg Clay for chocolate.

Two minutes and a lengthy apology later, Clay was back in the hallway. He was pacing back and forth in front of another room's door. When he moved from side to side, the direction of the feeling changed. Confident that he was in the right place this time, he threw open the door and burst inside.

As he threw open the door, it broke a tripwire attached to a rather large bomb. It interrupted the bomb's normal sequence. A new, two minute, countdown appeared on the bomb's casing. It flashed, then began to count down towards zero.

"Oops." Clay said. Like any good hero, he rushed over to the bomb and began to inspect it.

"No, no, no, no. C'mon people! What is this? Amateur hour?" Sighing, he ripped off the access panel on the back of the bomb. "Why do you even need a countdown? You're already long gone. I could run this to the woods and back by the time this thing goes off. And what's this? Two wires?" Indeed, the inside of the bomb was entirely comprised of two wires. One was red, the other was blue. "That doesn't even make sense! How does the clock work? And what actually makes it explode? There's no C4, no TNT... Yet, if I let this piece of junk finish its countdown it's still going to blow up and kill us all. Great. Woop de doo. I really wish I hadn't spent so much time talking."

Kicker snorted, then kicked the box of chocolate towards him. "Yeah, yeah, I know. The solution is going to be to use the chocolate to mess up the explosive. Or maybe the chocolate wrappers can magically rewire the bomb to blow bubbles instead." Clay groaned in frustration. "Not this time. YOU HEAR ME, WORLD? NOT THIS TIME!" 

Clay picked up the bomb and casually walked out the door. Kicker neighed apprehensively. "What, you think the timer is going to run out? We could drag this thing out for ten minutes, and the clock will still stop with a second to spare. Trust me, I've done this far too many times." 

Clay walked down the hall, returning to where he'd started. "I've found a bomb," he announced to the crowd of Waystop guests. "Nobody look at the timer. That will just make it count down faster." He placed it down on the carpet. "I could defuse it, but it's funner if I don't. Y'all can make this a teambuilding exercise or something." My bet's on the tall one to run first.

Edited by Anklespren
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Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes gameplay ensues. I assume that’s an inspiration?

Alum saw the explosive and panicked. A fight or flight response, triggered by adequate stress or shocking circumstances. A bomb, merely a few minutes after he’d arrived. Run, Alum. Don’t let them stop you, Alum. You can Elsecall away, get off-world fast enough that they won’t even notice your departure.

Stop panicking. Make a plan. Focus. He drew in deep breaths, and despite the man’s advice, took a peek at the countdown. Two minutes, although the clock seemed to be acting strangely. No visible explosives, although he couldn’t rule out the possibility of something hidden inside the casing. Exposed wires. 

Maybe he had instructions on bomb-defusal. Alum pulled on his copperminds, searching. He tried not to be frantic, to be methodical. Do it properly. While he looked, he shouted to the others not to touch anything unless they knew what they were doing.

”Don’t mess with the bomb unless you’ve got a plan. This thing could go off at any moment, especially if you cut the wrong wire.”

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@Sunspren there's a way to fix that!

Araha had intrigue in her eyes and was about to respond to Corundum, when she heard a scream from outside, multiple screams. She made a worried eye contact with Ran, then Damaya, then stood and rushed out the door, ready for combat, surveying, then a few minutes later she saw the man she met earlier, Clay, bringing a large bomb to the lobby.

"SPARKS!" She swore. The man yelled to not look at the counter, so she complied. Clay placed the bomb in the lobby on the carpet.

There was no way they could defuse a bomb in time, she didn't know anyone here, yet there were so many ways to dispose of a non-sentient threat available, it was ridiculous. Soulcast it into something harmless, use Transportation to bring it somewhere uninhabited, coat it in enough Aonic shielding that the explosion did no harm, Awaken it, Forge it, whatever, but she didn't know of anyone's abilities, all she knew...

were her own.

"Ran! How do I access Gravitation?" She yelled, not caring if she revealed herself anymore, this was more pressing.

"You have to say the words!" She exclaimed in response, but without panic.

"What words?!"

"I've told you them before already. Remember."

The words, what were the words? The ideals of the Knights Radiants. All of them shared the first one. What was it? What was it?

Araha took a deep breath. Struggling to remember the words. "Life before..." Then it hit her, she remembered clearly. "Life before death! Strength before weakness! Journey. Before. Destination!" She didn't merely yell them out, she understood them, each word. She felt a change inside her, she wasn't sure what, but she did.

"Now you need stormlight to breathe in." Ran continued, not missing a beat. There were some spheres on the counter, not a lot, but the amount of stormlight in them would have to do. She rushed over and sucked in. The wisps of stormlight streaming into her, then it made her glow. She held one of the spheres and willed the stormlight to go inside, it did, then she thought, willed it to fall toward the wall, it didn't. She sucked back the stormlight in and tried again, instead trying to make its down the wall. It worked and the sphere fell to the wall as it would falling to the floor.

The Waystop was now reinforced with metal, but that would protect from outside threats, and if she did what she had planned now, it wouldn't work. She grabbed hold of the bomb, excess stormlight making her stronger, she looked at everyone then she ran the bomb outside, to the peaks themselves.

How large was the explosion going to be though? She'd visited AlleyCity after it was destroyed, and if the bomb was anything like that, then even a few kilometers into the sky, it would still hit the Waystop, reinforced or not. THEN SEND IT TO SPACE. She yelled in her mind. The bomb did not have any aluminum components on it, so she could surgebind it easily. She touched the bomb with one hand and let the storm flow. Lashing it upward once, twice, four times, ten times, twenty times, forty times as much as the stormlight in her body could allow. She drained almost all the stormlight in her body and the bomb went flying.


The bomb cleared the stratosphere, then the exosphere, then the planet's orbit, and now that the bomb wasn't bound by the planet's own gravity, it sailed farther and farther before exploding like a distant star.


Back on the surface, Araha looked on, not even seeing where the bomb was anymore. Then she laughed, in relief, and with what she just did. She was spent, the stormlight increased, adrenaline fueled high finally wearing off. Then she passed out on the ground outside the Waystop.

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You do realize to put that all in a Quote? ;)

And I was fine with being oblivious to all of that. Either we would have been caught in the explosion, or they would have found a solution. So long as anybody was aware of the threat ^^

EDIT: Cool idea to use it for your oath, but I actually thought that the 2nd oath grants the surges


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If I recall correctly, Kaladin was performing stuck a rock to the side of a building even before speaking the second one, and he was subconsciously surgebinding even before the first one, like on bridge runs, I think the first oath just grants the Radiant more efficiency with stormlight?

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As the bomb cleared the upper atmosphere, Alum looked at the quickly diminishing speck. He felt slightly foolish.

”Bomb is dealt with. So, uh, everyone can calm down now.” He began to refill his copperminds, and turned to the person who had brought it out. “Where did you find it? Can we work out who placed it there?”

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Ran turned into the form of a woman again and entered the Waystop's lobby, discretion was not a concern anymore. "Can anyone help? Someone's fainted just outside." She was worried, but her plea was still delivered with calm. She could touch Araha, but not hold her, not in this form, let alone carry her back inside. She went back outside, shrinking and darting out through a window in the form of a ribbon of light. Then kneeled by Araha's side in her large form.

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Damaya looked at Coru and sighed.

"I messed this up, didn't I? That's the first time anyone actually ran away from me."

Coru looked at her and she imagined him exasperatedly shaking bis head.

"She didn't run away from you."

He wrapped himself around her arm and when she continued to sit there he spoke again.

"Go to the hallway, look if something happened?"

Damaya nodded.

"She called her spren a friend..."

She replied astonished, only slowly realizing what Araha had shown her. How she and Ran had acted. Coru perked out of her sleeve.

"She also likes her spren. Her spren is allowed to sit in her hair and not crawl behind her in the dirt."

He added dryly and she nodded, slowly standing up.


Taking her bag and staff she left the dining room and joined the people standing in the hallway. She heard Ran's words and nodded.

"I can help you carry her."

She looked at the others standing around.

"Could one of you come too, please? I don't think I'll be able to carry her on my own."

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Mr. Amber watched the chaos calmly, but in his eyes there was a storm of anger. Clenching his hands underneath the counter, his claws retracted back into fingers and he forced a smile.

”Now that that happened, who wants a drink and some chocolate?”

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Ioc frowned. Dangit. his plan to blow something up AWESOMELY had just been sent into space by someone who had just gained their radiantial powers.

Ioc should have seen that coming.

'Now how do I blow something up?' asked Subconscious.

'Uh, duh, the bomb is still ticking. It's just in space,' said Association Cortex and Hippocampus.

'Righto,' said Subconscious, and Ioc fell into the sky at a great speed, glowing beige.

It tapped Breath and Warmth, then looked for the bomb.

It wasn't hard to find it. The bomb was the big black box thing floating alone in space with a countdown reading down from ten seconds left, and the only such object in the area, except for a strange damaged starship that glittered gold, which, really, wasn't like the bomb at all, so Ioc had trouble figuring out why it had brought that up.

Quickly, Ioc reached the bomb and Lashed it downwards about fifteen million times and sent it hurtling into the atmosphere of whatever planet they were on.

However, it didn't count on the fact that, of course, the bomb would burn up with the friction of the air molecules.

'Darn,' said Subconscious.

'Hey, at least it looks cool!' said Amygdala. 'I mean, it's not an explosion, but it is a comet-like thing!'

'Uh, comets are little bits of dust that are superheated by a star-' said Cerebellum.

'Everyone SHUT UP!!!' yelled Subconscious. 'Now, are we gonna blow something up or what? We have plenty of bombs!'

'Uh, that was our last one,' said Hippocampus.

'Darn,' said Subconscious. 'Well, maybe they won't realize it was us,'

Ioc flashed beige, disappearing. Then it returned to the Waystop.

"Hey everyone," Ioc said, looking at the crowds. "Anything exciting happen while I was gone?"


Remeber, nobody saw Ioc do it. :)


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Just now, Gancho Libre said:

Lashed it downwards about fifteen million times and sent it hurtling into the atmosphere of whatever planet they were on.


I invoke my right to reporting that this is indeed OP

@Voidus @Archer @Kidpen


I also invoke my right to challenge you to a non-canon duel, with one of my own powerful off-'verse 'characters'.

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I was kinda exagerating.....

And I take care that anything OP Ioc does fails.


I also warn you that Ioc has the potential to be extremely powerful, but cannot in the threads.

however, during a duel, there will be no such restrictions.


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