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@Sorana @wiritospren

"Here's the plan." Araha begun to lay it out. "Ran, I remember that you can bind things on your own."

"I can, yes." She replied with a nod.

"Right. Good. When we're ready, we'll need you to use Adhesion on the ground right in front of him."


Araha turned back to the others. "We'll need to wait for him to turn a corner so we can spring the trap. Dayne, can you lend me two of your daggers?" Araha said, looking at Dayne while explaining why: "I'll stand in front of him in the hallway with two of Dayne's daggers." The small blades wouldn't pierce the man's armor on their own, but if they had help... "I'll lash the daggers toward him. Dayne, you need to stand behind me so you can steelpush the daggers too, which will increase their force"

"If he's not dead by then, we'll rush him. I'll lash Dayne once upward to make him weightless. You'll then have to get yourself to a position above him and push those decorative spikes downward, mainly as a distraction. I'll rush in and lash him as much as I can downward, to hopefully restrain him. We'll need to kill him by then." Araha concluded, "Damaya, you'll need to stay close to us as well, if we rush him, stay behind me and help with the offense. I'm sorry, I couldn't think of a proper way to include you in this plan."

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"sounds like a good plan, here" dayne gives Araha 2 of his daggers"and I can give you more help with those daggers, if you make me Weight more, and in the end change mi direction upside down, rather than just weightless(asuming there's a roof) and then..."he looked at Damaya with a smile on his face"we might need a bait"

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"I'm fine with staying behind."

She answered, happy that the whole bait topic was off the table. She would have done it, but not doing it was better.

Slowly she extended a Hand towards Coru and silently asked him to come over. He followed her invitation, buzzing lightly and curled around her arm.

Her hands held her staff in a death like grip and she a slight pinch of envy covered at the back of her mind. Araha and Dayne were so strong, so brave. And she was happy to be excluded from the plan. It was wrong, she was such a coward. Nodding to herself she tried to muster at least an attempt at courage and smiled encouragingly at the other two - or more at herself. It didn't really help. She was still afraid of the moment the man, if she could call him that, would come around the corner.


Have fun finishing him, and wrap this up. ;)


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@Sorana @wiritospren

The Marine heard talking, and he turned the corner, seeing a young woman facing him, he drew his sword and begun walking down the path, eager to murder. The girl was holding two small knives too, which was amusing.

He noticed a small motion dart past his feet and when he stepped forward his feet caught, unable to move his feet he began heaving until two impacts hit him from the front. They pierced through his armour and he could actually feel the pain. The next thing he knew, there was a strong force that was pushing him from above, his great feet burying into the floor.

He tried to look forward and was met with a hand on his armour and suddenly everything became heavier. He strained against the weight, trying to push himself up, but it was even overpowering his strength and his Power Armour. The floor around him caved from the force burying him deeper.

The last thing he knew was another impact on the back of his head. Pain, then he died almost afraid.


Araha let go of the back of the man's head, She had just crushed his head with excess amounts of Gravitation. They were safe for now.


The spren flitted by her side

"Check if there are wounded around and what the tanks are doing." Araha told her.

Ran nodded without a word, then flew away, retuning not even two moments later. "The tanks have all been disabled or destroyed and the Chaos Marines have been killed."

It took a moment for Araha to process that, and when she did her eyes widened.

And the ice in her mind broke.


There we go! I'll write a followup post a bit later


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"That was well done," Tena muttered unconsciously to her spren. "They're smart kids. I hope they live long enough to enjoy it." She shook her head and Iffina transformed into a staff immediately. Tena stopped Pushing on the coin that had given her a view of Araha and Dayne's move. Dropping to the ground, she slid across the ground with the Surge of Abrasion and momentum, staying wary for any enemies that had survived. 

Araha looked like she'd just killed for the first time, which was always rough. Tena didn't say anything to her, just re-frictioned her feet and stood with her Shardstaff angled and braced so she could swing around to attack someone if they tried a sneak attack. Dayne hit the ground, and Tena absently walked over and healed him. 

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6 hours ago, Cyanic said:

The Marine heard talking, and he turned the corner, seeing a young woman facing him, he drew his sword and begun walking down the path, eager to murder, and perhaps something more, she did look supple.



I am insulted (not really) that you would imply such a thing about my Chaos space marines! We may be brutal, horrible transhumans, but we at least have honor. Take that back, you gutter-minded (again, not really) fiend!

(Seriously. My chaos space marines would never think of doing something like that. Please take it out.)

(Also, who uses supple as a descriptor? :lol:)


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Ioc whistled. Well, that was one good thing it had done today. Yay!

Time for balance.

Ioc dissipated, and reappeared in the middle of the group that had killed that Chaos person.

"Hey-o," Ioc said, then rammed a fist into one of their(it can be any of you)'s face.


I would tag yalls but I dunno who's in this group. If you helped kill that marine, this be for you!

Unless I read that wrong ad the marine isn't dead yet. If so, this post happens before the marien dies.



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Seriously. All the action is when I’m in school.

Pry cursed inwardly. Every time when it came down to it, she froze. 

Maybe I really would be better off living a quiet life on Scadrial - sewing clothing and starting a profession. She thought then scorned herself. You aren’t that shallow, Pry. She told herself. You know you can succeed. You just gotta try. Pry smiled at the cheesiness of her little pep talk, but felt a little better.

The Waystop was a mess, she deduced looking out from the door. She had yet to move since the battle ended.

Lacking anything better to do, Pry rested her right arm on the doorpost and began to sketch the landscape ahead of her.

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ikr silva

Arden, realizing that all the Chaos Marines had been taken out while he was drawing a complex chalkling, decided to use a Line of Transportation[again, see his backstory] to get out of there. He teleported to a random location because he was not quite sure how to use the Transportation modifiers yet.


Night watched in confusion as the strange boy with the short grey stick disappeared. Hateka returned to his normal form and the two began surveying the damage to the Waystop.

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A bulky, towering man approached Night, his skin mottled in tones of black and red and protected by chitin-like plates. A somewhat loose robe and a belt were all he wore, but the built-in armor protected his modesty. His name was Acheon, and he found himself quite disappointed with the whole show.

”I suppose the fighting is over, then?” he asked Night, his voice heavily accented.


New user- excited to be here!

My character, Acheon, is a listener warrior with no supernatural abilities to speak of but a whole lot of grit.


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“Unfortunately so,” Alum said to the tall listener. He had been ignoring the ongoing battle with a remaining marine, sunk into the shade of a nearby tree. “But if you go through the Perpendicularity, you might find somewhere that caters to your abilities. A Challenge of Champions.”

He tried not to breathe in any Stormlight - his repeated Transportation had drained them quickly. Pyrus sat next to him. Often the spren was consumed in thought, and this time was no exception.

 “Focus,” said Pyrus. “You lost focus.”

Alum nodded. A single drop of sweat gathered below the bottom of his nose. A decision was made.

“I think I’ll find someplace quieter to stay,” Alum said, to nobody in particular. He Transported over to the Waystop and grabbed his things, and went back over to the Perpendicularity. A final wave to the combatants, whose faces he had stored, before he stepped into the pool.


Welcome, @Seneca74! You’ll want to PM your character to Archer or post it on the characters thread.



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13 hours ago, Cyanic said:

@wiritospren @Sorana

"Good. We're going to find Damaya's bag, then go from there. We'll need you to sense around as much as you can if the Chaos Marine is around, then warn us if he's nearby." She took the spheres and gave them to Damaya. "You'll need these more than I will." The stormlight in her was still there, but it was slowly running out. Slow enough that it wouldn't surprise her body when it did.


Deras ran around the battlefield back and forth, killing the stragglers from the enemy, all the tanks were either destroyed or disabled, and he wanted to make sure there were no more of the enemy left. He counted the people on the battlefield that didn't look like Chaos Marines, then activated his mindscan which extended throughout the battlefield, but not into the structure itself. There were 15 people still on the field.

There were three people on the thunderhawk, which was right. (@Grey Knight)

A person teleporting in and out of the battlefield, not a Chaos Marine. That was 4 (@Inklingspren)

A young woman who was assisting an older looking man. That made for 6 (@Life&Death)

Another older woman who was flying around and had a massive battleaxe, she was likely trying to do the same thing he was. That was 7 (@AxeliustheGreat)

A woman in shardplate. 8. (Yzabet, but I'm not gonna @ witless since she said she'll be busy for a while)

Another man teleporting around. 9. (@MetaTerminal)

Devaan and a younger man who looked like they were arguing. That wasn't Deras' business. 11 (@Nohadon)

Two more men who looked about ready to fight each other. Again, not his business. 13 (@PrinceDusty)

And finally, the woman from earlier he just put by the tank. 14. (@Voidus)

Deras skidded beside the first tank where the woman he brought to was. There was one more unaccounted for, so who was-- He saw the last blip right as his danger sense warned him, he turned to the man who was behind him, his own heavy bolter whipping around. Deras' chest shattered into a hole, but he didn't fall over. He gunned the man down, then gunned his corpse down to make sure he was dead. He was.

Deras stumbled backwards, his lungs and heart and much of his rib cage missing... but... he didn't die. He wasn't dying. He walked over. To where the woman he left was and sat down a ways beside her. "Might need help." He said, his regeneration was still working. It was strong but not fast.

Silas, breaking rules, was sad. "What about me?" Silas decided not to be lazy and volunteer his services to play the piano in the foyer of the Waystop. It was a good way to pick up on gossip.

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Acheon is now on the character page! Glad to be here.

With a bow to the stranger who’d advised him, Acheon turned back towards where he’d come from. “I believe I’ll take on this contest you speak of. A chance to prove my strength is much welcomed after my late arrival here.” He beckoned to a bird that had perched atop a metal scrap from the battle, and departed.

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