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Quick Fix Game 33 - Deception: Murder in the Cosmere


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4 minutes ago, Paranoid King said:

Third time's the charm! @Herowannabe!

I am making an Accusation! I accuse Larry of being the Assassin, and I think he used Ettmetal explosion to commit the murder and that the Key Evidence he left behind is the Skaze.  



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Ah well. I'll post more analysis when I get on a computer.

1 minute ago, wiritospren said:

But explosión is a long sound not a sudden sound

Sure, it takes a bit to die away, but it's not a prolonged sound. Given the choice between sudden and prolonged, I'd choose sudden for an explosion.

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4 minutes ago, wiritospren said:

But explosión is a long sound not a sudden sound

I'm no expert, but when I think explosion, I think a short, sharp 'bang', not a rolling thunder or whatever, though it might sound like that at a longer distance I suppose.

edit: ninja'd by PK

Edited by randuir
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Hmm, Larry thought to himself, a tough sell this one.  He pulled out a simple homeowners insurance packet.

"Here see if this take care of you...

"Now, the fourth wall, eh?  Let's see what I have there...

  • Fairy Insurance
  • Feruchemist Attack Insurance
  • Fire Insurance
  • Fog Insurance (see Mists, the)
  • Fourth Wall Insurance

"Ahh, yes, here we go.


In the event of a character breaking the Fourth Wall, LDI will handle the character and provide a new character with much less of a chance of breaking the wall.

"Hmmm, seems pretty straight forward."


OK, so I'm thinking sudden sound, Sel, and accident are likely our most useful clues this round.  Regarding the world, I don't think you can discount anything generic, just anything that would definitely NOT happen on Sel.  So: Koloss, Deathants, Fenweed Poison, Parshendi, Highstorm, Ettmetal Explosion, Deathweed Bark, Tompher Poison, Shades, Hemalurgic Spike, Birchbane, Swampvine, Blackbane Leaf, Black Frayn, Aimian, Deepwalker, Steelrunning, Nightmaw, Whitespine, The Bands of Mourning, Midnight Essence, Kandra Digestive Acids, Rioting (assuming this is the allomantic ability and not just a random riot), Meekers, Mistwraith, Sand Mastery, Awakened Rope, and Sandling all seem rather unlikely.

The accident would eliminate a decent number of these as well I would assume (and reinforce the idea that off-world poisons were not used) but also likely remove the following: Torture, Martial Arts, Obsidian Axe, Garotte, Hammer, Sword, Kick, Dreok's Axe, Soulcasting, Rope, Hook, Poisoned Wine, Stone, Bare Hands, Sacrificial Altar, Glass Dagger, Buried Alive, Spear, Punch, Bloodsealing, Burned at the Stake (I'm being a bit more liberal here...with what I'm NOT eliminating...figure a ranged weapon could still be an accident?)

Finally, sudden sound.  I'm fairly certain we can eliminate the following: Blood Loss, Venomous Bite, Aon Sheo, Acid, Jeskeri Cult Ritual, Smoke, Suffocation, Aon Daa, Drowning, Aon Ehe, Essence Marks, Metal Poisoning, Bow and Arrow, Dakhor Ritual, Poisoned Dart, Toxic Fungus, Poinsonous Sting, Disease, Fire

We can add in with 'Strangers' I'd think: Betrayal

So, unless I'm just way off base, I'd think our method of murder is most likely one of the following:

  • Air-powered Crossbow (unlikely but possible)
  • Booby Trap
  • Grand bow (unlikely but possible)
  • Pistol
  • Rifle
  • Explosion
  • Coins (unlikely but possible)

Whew, that's a lot of typing.  And kudos to everyone who came up with all these cards... I had to look up a few items to see what/where exactly they were.

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10 minutes ago, Rathmaskal said:
  • Air-powered Crossbow (unlikely but possible)
  • Booby Trap
  • Grand bow (unlikely but possible)
  • Pistol
  • Rifle
  • Explosion
  • Coins (unlikely but possible)

I'd eliminate things like pistols, rifle, and the bows,also coins, I mean, it's unlikely to kill someone by accidente with that, so either explosión or booby trap

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The other major clue is 


The murderer's personality. It was no surprises that a man willing to go through with murder, even against an unintended target that just happened to cross him at an inconvenient, would be of the most despicable sort. No one in this town was innocent, but it takes a special type of evil to butcher someone just because they happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. But which of the many oversized weapons present in the room had tasted the victims blood?

Okay, first, you don't know the murderer's gender! Second, there's no indication a bladed weapon was involved! Third, the other important clue is that all this happened on Sel!

Sellish murder weapons

Aon Sheo

Martial arts (the most notable appearance of (unarmed) martial arts in the cosmere is on Sel)

Dreok's Axe

Jeskeri cult ritual

Aon Daa

Aon Ehe

Essence marks

Dakhor ritual


Sellish evidence

Aonic dictionary


Elantrian Slime


Piece of Ralkalest


Shu-dereth pendant

The murderer will likely have a thing from at least one of these two categories.

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Also forged painting.

Edit: What I have so far:


Bold: Sel

Italic: accident

Underline: sudden noise

Monospaced: Despicable


Strangers and partial are too generic. They apply to most anything, but do rule out betrayal


Player Name

Means of Murder

Pieces of Evidence


Squid of Steel

Torture, Betrayal, Koloss Blade, Blood Loss, 

Rotspren, Aonic Dictionary, Boots, Ragged Cloak, 


A Joe In the Bush
Various Divide

Martial Arts, Venomous Bite, Obsidian Axe, Aon Sheo (Death), 

Mistcloak, Cigar Case, Straw Man, Sketchbook, 



Garotte, Hammer, Sword, Air-powered Crossbow

Medallion, Bloodseal, Gloves, Fearspren



Kick, Booby Trap, Grandbow, Dreok's Axe

Writing Board, Elantrian Slime, Musical Instrument, Skull



Soulcasting, Jeskeri Cult Ritual, Highstorm, Ettmetal Explosion

Skaze, Gloryspren, Words Inscribed in Steel, Vandalism


<name pending>

Shades, Suffocation, Aon Daa (Power), Hemalurgic Spike

Technology, Aviar Feather, Smoke, Lak, 



Birchbane, Drowning, Swampvine, Hook

Piece of Ralkalest, Shelldry Cards, Pet Bird, Make Up, 


Araris Valerian

Aon Ehe (Fire), Stone, Bare Hands, Essence Marks

Ice, Contract, Portrait, Aluminum Bullets, 


<Name Pending>

Aimian, Metal Poisoning, Deepwalker, Sacrificial Altar

Hallandren Dyes, Soulstone, Ash Stains, Empty Pouch, 


Paranoid King
John 'Not-A-Murderer-At-All' Smith

Whitespine, Dakhor Ritual, Poisoned Dart, The Bands of Mourning , 

Bay Wrap, Dust, Larkin Corpse, Lucky Hat, 


I think I am here
Itiah VII

Buried Alive, Toxic Fungus, Midnight Essence, Spear

Hoid’s flute, Shu-Dereth Pendant, Ichor Alchohol, Metallurgy Equipment, 



Rifle, Poisonous Sting, Kandra Digestive Acids, Rioting

Footprint, Dirt, Purple Blood Droplets, Forged Painting


May Bebort

Explosion, Sand Mastery, Bloodsealing, Coins

Child's Toy, Trap Door, Vandalized Statue, Red Flag, 

A few notes:

  • I removed from the list everyone who had nothing to do with Sel, as that's our biggest clue.
  • Several people included aons under accident. I think those all fit under supernatural, but I can add them to the list if enough people disagree with me.
  • I plan to update this list according to any future suggestions
Edited by Paranoid King
All my info
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I'm not sure why multiple people are campaigning to remove ranged weapons from the list of potential 'accident' candidates...  Hunting accident?  (regardless of how unbelievable they typically are)  AND, I sell a great hunting accident insurance plan.

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6 minutes ago, Rathmaskal said:

I'm not sure why multiple people are campaigning to remove ranged weapons from the list of potential 'accident' candidates...  Hunting accident?  (regardless of how unbelievable they typically are)  AND, I sell a great hunting accident insurance plan.

I may be interested in that plan as well. Does it cover trapping? And hunting with archery?

I think we are discounting them, because most people would associate most ranged weapons as a form of attack. Even though accidents can happen, I don't think we should bank on assault weapons associated with accident for the purposes of this game.

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Bah, logic is overrated. Brute force is needed to crack this case. I say we line everyone up from smelliest to least smelly and let Scarry the forensic pig give them all a good sniff-over for clues. And also truffles. Now some of you may be concerned about alleged incidents where "innocent people" with truffles in their pockets were lunged at and partially eaten by forensic pigs. This is entirely untrue. There are no innocent people, everyone commits an average of five felonies a day.

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Ok. Stuff has happened, not sure what I can contribute besides what has already been said. We need to keep track of how many guesses we have left, 2 have been used now, although elandera's hasn't yet been confirmed. I'm thinking we should determine a maximum number of guesses each turn, maybe 5 or 6? If we use them all up at once, we won't be able to utilize the further clues we get. 

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A preliminary cancellation:

# Player Name Means of Murder Pieces of Evidence  
1 Steeldancer
Squid of Steel
Torture, Betrayal, Koloss Blade, Blood Loss, Rotspren, Aonic Dictionary, Boots, Ragged Cloak,  
2 A Joe In the Bush
Various Divide
Martial Arts, Venomous Bite, Obsidian Axe, Aon Sheo (Death), Mistcloak, Cigar Case, Straw Man, Sketchbook,  
3 Droughtbringer
Garotte, Hammer, Sword, Air-powered Crossbow, Medallion, Bloodseal, Gloves, Fearspren,  
4 Devotary of Spontaneity
Fourth of the Twilight
Deathants, Fenweed Poison, Acid, Parshendi, Cup, Blue Skin Scraps, Aluminum Ingots, Uniform,  
5 Metaspren
Kick, Booby Trap, Grandbow, Dreok's Axe, Writing Board, Elantrian Slime, Musical Instrument, Skull,  
6 Rathmaskal
Soulcasting, Jeskeri Cult Ritual, Highstorm, Ettmetal Explosion, Skaze, Gloryspren, Words Inscribed in Steel, Vandalism,  
7 Elandera
Rope, Deathweed Bark, Smoke, Tompher Poison, Cremlings, Bullet, Red Sphere, Crem ,  
8 Wiritospren
<name pending>
Shades, Suffocation, Aon Daa (Power), Hemalurgic Spike, Technology, Aviar Feather, Smoke, Lak,  
9 Madagasar
Birchbane, Drowning, Swampvine, Hook, Piece of Ralkalest, Shelldry Cards, Pet Bird, Make Up,  
10 Snipexe
Pistol, Blackbane Leaf, Poisoned Wine, Black Frayn, Water Bottle, Seafood, Colorful Scarf, Saddle Strap,  
11 Araris Valerian
Aon Ehe (Fire), Stone, Bare Hands, Essence Marks, Ice, Contract, Portrait, Aluminum Bullets,  
12 Kidspren
<Name Pending>
Aimian, Metal Poisoning, Deepwalker, Sacrificial Altar, Hallandren Dyes, Soulstone, Ash Stains, Empty Pouch,  
13 Phattemer
Bobby Tables
Steelrunning, Bow & Arrow, Glass Dagger, Nightmaw, Fingernails, Tarachin Ball, Artisan’s Script, Hideout,  
14 Paranoid King
John 'Not-A-Murderer-At-All' Smith
Whitespine, Dakhor Ritual, Poisoned Dart, The Bands of Mourning , Bay Wrap, Dust, Larkin Corpse, Lucky Hat,  
15 I think I am here
Itiah VII
Buried Alive, Toxic Fungus, Midnight Essence, Spear, Hoid’s flute, Shu-Dereth Pendant, Ichor Alchohol, Metallurgy Equipment,  
16 Randuir
Rifle, Poisonous Sting, Kandra Digestive Acids, Rioting, Footprint, Dirt, Purple Blood Droplets, Forged Painting,  
17 Cadmium Compounder
Rettih Chnip
Meekers, Mistwraith, Punch, Disease, Silver Dust, Tattoo, Cracked Shalebark, Lockpicks,  
18 Bort
May Bebort
Explosion, Sand Mastery, Bloodsealing, Coins, Child's Toy, Trap Door, Vandalized Statue, Red Flag,  
19 Arinian
Burned at the Stake, Awakened Rope, Sandling, Fire, Bright Green Hat, Hidden Message, Firestarter, Letter,  

Those who have no items relating to Sel have had their names crossed out. PK has been crossed out as well because his only Selish item, Dakhor Ritual, is unlikely to be an accident. For those players with only one Selish item, which was everyone except Joe, Metaspren, and Araris, I then crossed off every item in that category(weapon or evidence) except for the Selish item. Next, everything that didn't fit the method of death, including all poisons, disease, suffocation, buried alive, drowning and garrote. The few items that are highly unlikely to be accidental, including torture, sacrificial altar, and the aforementioned Dakhor ritual have been eliminated. Betrayal has been eliminated for violating the stranger clue, and ettmetal explosion has been eliminated as a result of PK's accusation. It could be argued that some or all of the following: Aons, soulcasting, essence marks, midnight essence, rioting, and bloodsealing count as supernatural, rather than accident. However, these have not yet been crossed off. Most weapons are unlikely to be accidentally lethal, or at least would fit better in either blood loss or severe injury. While not conclusive enough to cross off, the weapons list consisting of: Koloss blade, hammer, sword, crossbow, grandbow, Dreok's axe, hook, spear, and rifle are second tier suspicions. Kandra digestive juices are also unlikely to be accidental.

That leaves the most likely murder weapons in my opinion as being: martial arts, kick, booby trap, highstorm, swampvine, aimian, and deepwalker. As none of these weapons except martial arts are specific to Sel, that would necessitate a Selish piece of evidence; which would be Elantrian slime, Elantrian slime, skaze, ralkalest, soulstone, and soulstone respectively for the remaining items. However, I am not yet ready to commit to any cancellation not noted in the above table, so the guesses in this paragraph are premature.

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5 minutes ago, Steeldancer said:

Ok. Stuff has happened, not sure what I can contribute besides what has already been said. We need to keep track of how many guesses we have left, 2 have been used now, although elandera's hasn't yet been confirmed. I'm thinking we should determine a maximum number of guesses each turn, maybe 5 or 6? If we use them all up at once, we won't be able to utilize the further clues we get. 

I think most people should hold until day 3, unless we're super confident in something. The reason I placed a guess today (aside from Paranoid's statement 1-2 should guess today), was because most of us seem pretty sure it might be booby trap. The Elantrian slime went well with the Sel hint. If it doesn't work, it might help us cross off one suspect.

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3 hours ago, Elandera said:

I am making an accusation! I accuse Metaspren (Selksi) of being the Assasin. I think he used a Booby Trap to commit the murder and the Key Evidence he left behind is Elantrian Slime. @Herowannabe


Day 1.5 -  Sudden Death

Oyh paced back and forth, rereading his copy of the proclamation announcement card for the hundredth time. He didn't know why, he had already gleaned as much information from the Oracle's mad scribblings as he could hours ago, and so he had sent Veh out to do a little investigating. All he could do now was wait until-

Veh slid into the room and began moving in circles around Oyh, his form rapidly pulsing and shifting in excitement. "You were right!" The spren buzzed loudly, attracting attention from those people nearby. "I found the mmmurder. In Elantris. A dead body, caught in a booby trap. And footsteps in the slime. Mmmm. Footsteps led here."

"That's it!" Oyh said, remembering. He had seen someone with slime on their shoe. Who had it been...

Oyh's gaze snapped up, looking around. "Selksi!" He shouted, and the hall grew quiet as people turned to listen to him. "Where is Selksi?" Everyone turned, searching for Selksi, but it quickly became obvious that he was no longer in the sparsely populated convention hall. He had managed to sneak out somehow. 

"Did anyone see where Selksi went?" Oyh called.


Congrats to @Elandera for correctly solving the crime! However, the Assassin and his accomplice have 1 last chance to escape getting caught. They get 24 hours and 1 chance to correctly guess who the witness is. If they guess correctly, then they can assassinate the Witness and escape scot free. 

@Metaspren: The clock is ticking!



Edited by Herowannabe
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My character’s sneaky stealing skills (accidental alliteration, I swear) have come in handy, it seems.


Selksi watched from a distance as pandemonium began to spread throughout the Hall. They’d chase him, for sure. He had no idea how they’d worked it out so quickly - the booby trap was supposed to deflect suspicion - but the game wasn’t up yet. The only way he could have been found if someone had seen him... like a Witness. Someone to confirm that he had carried out the crime. Without that, they would only have circumstantial evidence.

He gripped his oversized axe tightly. If Selksi found whoever sold him out, he would make sure that they wouldn’t be able to make it to a court. Then, Jezrien willing, he could collect his bounty and be on his way.


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