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City of Oasis

Lord Meeker

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The Vagabond was created for brutal vigilantism. And, you know, Silas kills criminals. Brutal vigilantism at it's finest.

"We need a true ruler. Someone who is intelligent enough to control us and wise enough to guide us onward into an era of prosperity. I would guess that he who has been leading us over the last 16 year period of prosperity is doing a pretty good job. No changes are needed, in my opinion," Silas said.

@Badadah @Kaladin78

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Tena was sitting in her house. On her couch, to be specific. The messages coming in through her Ghostblood tattoo were beginning to sow some doubt in her stubborn brain, and she was trying to work through that.

The Ghostbloods have never been a moral organization, she thought, so why does morality matter now? We are literally a guild of assassins; doesn't that justify having an immoral leader? He isn't the same anymore-- but the Alleyspren, if it ever existed, would have changed him-- so what do we do? There didn't seem to be a clear answer, unfortunately. 

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20 hours ago, JacobClaessen said:

"We need a true ruler. Someone who is intelligent enough to control us and wise enough to guide us onward into an era of prosperity. I would guess that he who has been leading us over the last 16 year period of prosperity is doing a pretty good job. No changes are needed, in my opinion," Silas said.

@Badadah @Kaladin78

"Yes," said Lord Moerevor, "But TFA has never really led the ghostbloods to greatness.  We need someone strong, radical.  But at the same time moral, and just."


11 hours ago, AxeliustheGrizzled said:

Tena was sitting in her house. On her couch, to be specific. The messages coming in through her Ghostblood tattoo were beginning to sow some doubt in her stubborn brain, and she was trying to work through that.

The Ghostbloods have never been a moral organization, she thought, so why does morality matter now? We are literally a guild of assassins; doesn't that justify having an immoral leader? He isn't the same anymore-- but the Alleyspren, if it ever existed, would have changed him-- so what do we do? There didn't seem to be a clear answer, unfortunately. 


Yes, but Galvris is obsessed with justice.


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Well, maybe you should wait until later (a long time later, i.e. once you are not an Awakened Object) to aim for something this big. You would make a (most likely) incredibly unsuccessful faction of the GBs. You might want to step down. Oh, and during the 16 years, the Ghostbloods perfected the Command. Boom. Advancement.


Edit: Sorry for that outburst. I wasn't saying you have no skills, but you really might be jumping a bit too high.


Edited by JacobClaessen
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On 11/21/2018 at 10:14 PM, JacobClaessen said:

Well, maybe you should wait until later (a long time later, i.e. once you are not an Awakened Object) to aim for something this big. You would make a (most likely) incredibly unsuccessful faction of the GBs. You might want to step down. Oh, and during the 16 years, the Ghostbloods perfected the Command. Boom. Advancement.


You're absolutely right, that's why I'm not making my own faction.  I'm just here to lend my support to the best one.  One that can lead the ghostbloods to greatness, but is not willing to build greatness on the backs of the dead.


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  • 1 month later...

A thin shimmering bar of light appeared in the air.  It expanded horizontally, and framed a landscape beyond.  A man stepped through and surveyed city.  He was short of stature, and walked like a cat.  Lithe and dangerous.  After securing the area beyond, he gestured towards himself from the portal.  Two men came through, carrying a large crate.  Then two more, carrying another large crate.  Then two more.  Then two more.  Then two more.  About twenty loads like this came through.  Galvris nodded, and turned to the contractor.  "You have the payment?" The contractor asked in a scratchy voice.  

"Of course.  You doubt my veracity?" Galvris countered.

"Of course not." The contractor said in a voice that somehow managed to sound smooth and scratchy at the same time.

The air warped and rippled right next to Galvris, and he stuck his hand in the fold.  When he drew it out, there was a perfectly cut gemstone in it.  The gemstone glowed with the light of a thousand suns.  Well, maybe not a thousand.  Maybe more like one or two.  "Stormlight is the purest form of investiture I could find," Galvris explained.

"Clever, hiding it in Tel'aran'rhiod," the contractor said, "Full points for style.  The payment is accepted."

The man gathered his workers, and stepped back through the gateway, which winked closed behind him.  Galvris channeled air, and lifted all twenty of the cases, which makes one wonder why he hired workers in the first place, and nonchalantly walked into the city.  He was temporarily hampered by the Aonic barrier, but just cut it down with an axe of spirit flows.  He set down the cases, and by the sweat on his brow, it probably wasn't as easy as he made out.  He called out to the darkness, "Hey, I've got the weapons you wanted.  No answer?  Ok then."  He opened a gateway in the middle of city.  It sheared through a rock as it opened, and two halves of the rock fell away.  Gateways could be used to frightening efficiency.  He stepped through, and the gateway winked out, perhaps for the last time.

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  • 1 month later...

Shortly after the ending of Era 2, prior to Althea's first CDS in the interval thread.

I could have put it into the interval thread, but as it's directly about the city, I thought it fit here better.

Althea walked through the streets of Oasis City and listened to her assistant. The woman pointed at structures, indicating this and that, gesturing at buildings on the verge of falling down. All in all the damage was less than she had expected, but then her memory of the fight and the attack of the phoenix were blurred, almost to a point where she only remembered pain, desperation, Max behind his shield, Solace, and everybody killing everybody else. It was like a nightmare and she had a hard time to maintain a controlled and cold face, pushed everything as far away as possible.

"How long will you need until the bodies are cleared out?"

she asked and the woman checked something on her pad.

"Another two days. Then we can start to assess the damage in real and start rebuilding the defenses. Once they are set again, I'd like to focus on the buildings, starting with those that threaten to fall down. I've organized some emergency quarter for the homeless, as well as basic goods like cloths and food."

Althea nodded.

"Send it over."

The woman followed, no real haste in her movements. Althea liked that about her. She was quick and efficient, without being hasty or making mistakes out of fear. Scanning the report she sighed.

"That's a lot of money."

Lifting a hand to stop the womand from talking she added.

"It's alright. It's our city. We won't let it lie in rubble. But I'd like you to contact our contractors and make a better deal than that. We have enough leverage over some of them, that it should be no problem."

Taking some notes she inquired.

"How long do you need to get the city in a state where it will function?"

"A month. Half a year for most of the damage. Another half a year for the million little things we need to replace."

"Keep me informed."

she ordered and inhaled stormlight, elsecalled away. It was only when she was alone, that she stopped, took a deep, steadying breath. It was hard to believe that she had called that city her home once. All it reminded her right now, was death and pain and desperation. The way her mind had given way beneath Max rioting, how it had shattered until she couldn't think, until she was lost in that storm. Pushing the memory away she straightened and decided to return home. She would take a bath, read a book and calm down. There were enough reports to read, to really get a grasp on the situation and she could easily do that from her flat. Mentally she started a list, what she needed to do, call the council, get a grip on who had survived, rebuild, sort their laboratories. The next few months were going to be busy.

Edited by Sorana
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A tattooed man walked in, a smile on his face. The barrier let him in easily.

Hellbent, why are we in Oasis?

I need to see what has happened to my guild.

Slowly, he walked to a podium up front. Deftly, he climbed the stairs, the smile remaining on his face. Inside, he grimaced. He had no investiture.

We're going to need to get investiture.


He lightly tapped a button, and a message went out, summoning all council members to the location. He spoke, in a sing-songy voice. "I'm back..."

@The Forgetful Archivist @Sorana @Life&Death @I think I am here. @Gancho Libre @Sleep

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3 minutes ago, beantheboy12 said:

"I don't know," Benson said solemnly. 

“Well, real helpful,” Lusk said, looking at the boy, measuring him. “Hey, your too young to be skulky,” he said skulking. “That’s and old person thing. The storms are you doing, just lurking around here? You’re not Council, as far as I can tell.”

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