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City of Oasis

Lord Meeker

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Tena leaned back against the wall. She was only here as backup, and didn't like executing people who couldn't fight back (and she'd put the baby in danger if she tried to fight), so she waited patiently. Poor idiot. Well, that guy most definitely acts like Hellbent.

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Benson strained to avoid the strike and avoids the strike to his throat, but earns a nasty gash on the side of his neck instead. 

Gasping, he manages to sputter, “If you strike me down, I shall grow more powerful than you can possibly... oh wait. Nope. You can inmagine that. I will never be gone from you if you kill me.”

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1 hour ago, Gancho Libre said:

Fred banged his face on the city gates yet again.

"Uh..." he said, then looked up at the city walls. "Hey, you called me over here? Remember? Can you let me in?"

A random civilian was shocked to see an armless man banging against the gate.

“Bro....” he said. “You need help?”


Max saw as the walls closed and the assassination began. Lusk did too, though he made no movements. “Already fought enough today,” he mumbled as Max summoned Sethramir. But it was too late, the illusion revealed.

“Well, shadows,” Lusk said.

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Part of the aluminum wall melted and Ciera carefully stepped through, flanked by a pair of gaurds. 

"I missed the show, it seems. Well, no matter, I already know what happened." she laughed "He will be heading for TUBA territory. I advise against chasing him down unless you want an all out war with them. I personally don't, cause then I would have to argue in the Senate."

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"We will hunt him and kill him. Not when he is on TUBA soil though." Hellbent turned, his face dark.

You shouldn't have done that.

Please, shut up.

"Now, people of the Council. Could we hold the intended meeting before I stab someone?"

He called one of the guards over, and whispered in his ear. "Organize groups, search the city. Don't leave anywhere unchecked."

@Sorana @I think I am here. @Gancho Libre @Life&Death @AonEne


A flood of men and women in black suits emptied out of a multitude of buildings throughout the city, going into the streets and entering buildings. Everywhere was searched. And if any found him, the city would be set in complete lockdown, with leecher orbs and whipper motivators, and a massive force field surrounding it all.


Edited by Ark1002
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18 hours ago, I think I am here. said:

A random civilian was shocked to see an armless man banging against the gate.

“Bro....” he said. “You need help?”


Fred looked up at the random civilian. "Yeah, that help would be nice,"

The random civilian disappeared for a second before looking back over the wall at Fred.

"Sorry, bud!" the random civilian called. "I can't let you in. I gotta go search the city or something. technically, because I'm not a guard, I'm not even allowed to be up here. Bye!"

"Wait!" Feed called, but he was too late. The random civilian was gone.

Fred sighed, then set about kicking the gates. His face needed a moment to rest.

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"With the government?" Ciera asked "The council decided to suggest a government after the Den of Thieves incident. The Ghostbloods were the ones to hold the bloody confrence" she gestured around her "The documents that put the government in place are called the Oasis Accords for the Creator's sake!"

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He waved his hand impatiently. "Yes, girl, I understand. Now please be silent and I'll address your concerns." Turning to the Council, a grim looked plastered on his face. His hands clasped behind his back. "We founded this organization on murder. Now, what happens? We will have to make sure they turn a blind eye. How?" After a second though, he looked around hesitantly. "Where's Fred?"

@Sorana @Gancho Libre @Life&Death @I think I am here. @AonEne

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