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City of Oasis

Lord Meeker

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13 hours ago, Lord Meeker said:

He disengaged from his combat with Hellbent. He shot at Althea three times as he closed the gap between him and Max. Once he reached the rioting man. He delivered a blow to the side of Max's temple. Knocking him out would do.

Pain exploded through her back and leg and her vision turned black for a moment. Her next concious thought was something incoherent about turning your back towards an enemy and she suppressed a scream. A part of her knew, that her body was probably healing already, that it was only thanks to the storm inside of her and to Max rioting that she still was concious, but mostly there was pain. Myriad stormed past her attacked Max again and she turned the air around Myriad into a dark could of smoke, hopefully blinding him for a moment.

Groaning she pushed herself up to her knees, and stayed there, tried to catch her breath. She knew she should stand up, but at the same time she couldn't.

Edited by Sorana
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13 hours ago, Lord Meeker said:

Myriad saw Sebastian get hit with a superpowered riot. Idos Sebastian Ainz was his to bring down.

"You know what to do." A voice from the outskirts said. A voice he could only hear.

He did something they would not expect. He blocked the attempt to trip him up. Stopped Devaan from grappling him. 

He disengaged from his combat with Hellbent. He shot at Althea three times as he closed the gap between him and Max. Once he reached the rioting man. He delivered a blow to the side of Max's temple. Knocking him out would do.


He was hit with a powerful blast of emotion and crumpled. That few seconds would cost him. A new masked form. He took in what was happening. Myriad was dashing towards Max. The message was clear. Switch. He wire himself towards Hellbent. 

He kept his distance, firing lines at Devaan as he swung around the man.

We can’t afford to talk right now.

Devaan looked at the wires shooting towards him.

I wonder if they conduct electricity?

Devaan sidestepped a line and his finger brushed against it, sending a shock into the line, judging Sebastian’s reaction as he ran off the side of the building, engaging his shields he dropped to the ground unharmed, he hurried over to Max.

”Together” He said. Closing his eyes he reached out his hand.

what are you doing?

Devaan felt a familiar weight in his hand, The temperature around him suddenly heated up.

Devaan lifted Akeron into the air.

”I had no idea that would work” He told Max with a smile. 

He fell into a team stance, covering Max and Althea, preparing to counter any attacks, if Max went in, Devaan would follow up. 

@I think I am here.

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3 hours ago, Nohadon said:

“Together” He said. Closing his eyes he reached out his hand.

what are you doing?

Devaan felt a familiar weight in his hand, The temperature around him suddenly heated up.

Devaan lifted Akeron into the air.

”I had no idea that would work” He told Max with a smile. 

He fell into a team stance, covering Max and Althea, preparing to counter any attacks, if Max went in, Devaan would follow up. 

Max nodded. It felt good to fight with him by his side again. Sethramir and Akeron flashed in the air. Myriad was surrounded by smoke, so Max saw that he was distracted and turned to Seb and Althea. “We need to take down Seb,” he said, gesturing to Althea. She was on her knees, and bleeding. Running he Rioted both Devaan and Althea, to feel alert and ready for an attack.

He ran towards Seb and ducked low with his leg outstretched and Sethramir our to try and take out his legs, implying that Devaan went high.

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A grin emerged from Devaan, engaging his forcefields below him he rolled on top of the air positioning himself above Sebastian, Akeron flashed, zooming straight towards Sebastian’s neck, The enemy was trying to take over a guild the Canton was allied with. He had to fight with intent to kill.

Midair, Devaan braced himself to fight off any wires, he felt more alert, ready to respond to attacks.

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Althea saw Max and Hellbent, or whoever had the lead right now, storm towards Sebastian, leaving her to face Myriad. Grateful for Max touch on her emotions she pushed herself to her feet. Brashen formed himself to a weapon in her hand again and she focused on Myriad, waited for his next move.

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Myriad steadied his breathing. Listening to the sounds of the fight. He sheathed his bladed and pulled both cannons from his waist. He knew exactly how many shots he had until reload. 

"Remember aim can be thrown off by breathing!" His combat expert called.

He breathed in and sighted on Althea. He fired but not on her head rather her hands and fired. Hoping to cause her shardblade to mist giving him and opening.

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28 minutes ago, Lord Meeker said:

He breathed in and sighted on Althea. He fired but not on her head rather her hands and fired. Hoping to cause her shardblade to mist giving him and opening.

This time Althea saw Myriad take aim  and threw herself to the side and down when he pulled the trigger. The bullets zipped through the air above her even though she let go of her weapon, when she instinctively used both hands to stop her fall, she felt proud at the part that she had managed to evade something for the first time today.

Leaving her hands on the ground she contacted the part Myriad was standing on. A bit of bribery, a lot of force on her part, earth was stoic, and a hole opened up beneath him. Grinning grimly she covered the edges with ice.

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@Lord Meeker


Hey Meeker, could you please respond to Devaan/Max’s attack on Seb?


Three men approached at the city gate.

“‘Oasis City,’” Crossbow Cameron read, looking back to his cohorts. “Sounds like the type of place a low level gang would stay.”

“Aye,” Jarret said, walking forward with a smile. In his hand lay a toy spinner, like one you would find in a cheap board game. Something Jarret had figured out, a while back, you see, was that his luck - the stuff he drew out of his chromium - it was influenced by the way he thought. If he wanted to a roll a six on a die the luck would make it so, and if he wanted to roll a one the same. It was about how he thought.

So, every time he spun the spinner, he tapped a bit of luck. And always, the spinner’s arrow just happened to point in exactly the location they needed to go. Spin, walk. Spin, walk. A sound system for tracking, but not flawless. They could only track stationary points with the spinner, like a gang’s hideout, a Worldhoppers home. Something that was constantly moving would require more luck and would be more vague. It was why they couldn’t track Red with it.

Money Mickey walked to the gate. All of the members of the gang had their own cowboy hats, and their own bandanas. Most hats were the same normal model, and almost all bandanas were the same brown, albeit with slightly different details on each, like stripes, dots, and the like. Obviously, there were a few exceptions.

Mickey’s bandana was black. His cowboy hat was not brown but black and gold. He wore standard bandit attire, used for fighting and hunting, but it was notably more fancy than the others, and it certainly looked more expensive. He rapped on the gate.

“Hey, is anyone there to let us in?”

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Fred was just about to continue running when he heard someone knocking on the gate behind him. Well, it appeared that almost everyone was either dead or scattered, so he was probably the only one around to help them...

It would be the right thing to do. The fair thing.

No, not the fair thing. free had waited for at least an hour, baing his face against a gate, before he was let in.

These punks could surely wait a minute or two.




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Sorry gents and ladies. I am here. Things came up. A 6 pg fantasy draft all single spaced. Still not done. Just taking a break.

Two shots rang out. Both hit Sebastian in the head and heart respectively. The man fell to the ground dead. The blood pooling around him.

Myriad watched this happen. In that moment he disengaged. Broke through the nearest window and disappeared.


I'll fix inconsistencies soon.


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47 minutes ago, Lord Meeker said:

Myriad watched this happen. In that moment he disengaged. Broke through the nearest window and disappeared.

Althea observed Myriad leave and with a groan pushed herself to her knees. She reached out for the air and closed the hole in the floor.

Her head swam when she felt the stormlight leave her body and she concentrated on Max touch on her emotions. Slowly she took a deep breath and forced herself to her feet, using a wall for support. Inhaling more stormlight she looked over to Max, to see if he was alright.


It's alright. Thx for posting.


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