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City of Oasis

Lord Meeker

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Zack turned to the side, and, subtly, put the teleportation disk into Benson's hand," So, to yo have managed to push Hellbent's buttons enough to make him threaten children? I mean, he would kill them, at the push of a button wouldn't he? If you could, push the button to teleport away from here would you?



There is a central button on the disk that allows anyone to turn it own. You can't alter the coordinates however, so you just have to get away as soon as possible.


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20 minutes ago, Darth Woodrack said:

He didn't use investiture. He got in through cat brugarlur means, He just bought the disk.


Not... physically... possible... there's a feild surrounding the city. Even if the special death feild wasn't there, non-Ghostbloods would run into an invisible wall, stopping them. You can't get in, without being let in by a Ghostblood. And right now, that person has to be in the Council.

Investiture can't get you in or out. And only a councilman can get you in.

@Darth Woodrack

He grabbed Benson, towing him to the bottom of the field. A man with cuffs awaited outside. He dispelled the field, replacing it with one slightly larger. "Benson. These are leecher cuffs. They negate investiture, and have small pieces stopping epic powers." He held them up to Benson's hands, and the man brought them towards his feet. "If you don't comply, I'll kill you."


Edited by Arky-boi
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Althea arrived back at Oasis, tired and annoyed. This day was turning worse.

She stepped up in front of Hellbent, judging the face he was in control right now, Fred and Benson and made sure her face wasn't showing anything of her emotions.

"What is going on here?"



@Gancho Libre


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49 minutes ago, beantheboy12 said:

"Long long long long story. But to make it short, if I die, then 20 innocent kids will be killed tonight. You cannot kill me. Please. I surrendered just for you to spare me and the children."

“Elaborate, how will they die?” Devaan asked Benson.

He then pulled out a radio communicator and changed to a hidden frequency.

”Send operator one to OASIS city, code orange, 20 children in danger, stand by for more information”


Sorry to drop this on you Sun, but here’s your first operation Job. You can teleport in here with Aon tia via Canton teleporters, if Jacien is wrapped up in a plot right now that’s fine and I’ll send another operator.


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Just now, Nohadon said:

“Elaborate, how will they die?” Devaan asked Benson.

He then pulled out a radio communicator and changed to a hidden frequency.

”Send operator one to OASIS city, code orange, 20 children in danger, stand by for more information”




I am nice ;)


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Althea nodded curtly at Benson's outburst and sent a message to her assistant to start travelling here. This sounded like someone would need to investigate this afterwards.

Devaan called someone over to help and she turned to Fred.

"Who has the children and how can I contact him?"

@Gancho Libre

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1 minute ago, Nohadon said:

Sorry to drop this on you Sun, but here’s your first operation Job. You can teleport in here with Aon tia via Canton teleporters, if Jacien is wrapped up in a plot right now that’s fine and I’ll send another operator.



Yeah, I’ve been being called to this fight for a while. Benson has one of my sleeper fabrials. I’ve been trying, but the Waiter is burning down the odd job tavern.


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Just now, Sunbringer said:

Yeah, I’ve been being called to this fight for a while. Benson has one of my sleeper fabrials. I’ve been trying, but the Waiter is burning down the odd job tavern.

A Canton of Combat NPC is coming to the tavern to contact you about this now, he might join in the fight (the NPC that’s going there is super trigger happy) So if you need an out he can get you out.


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5 minutes ago, beantheboy12 said:

Benson looked up at her. "Fury. Fury for being unjustly found guilty. I needed to take something back from you."

Althea thought back at the process. She had been so tired back then. He had claimed to be not guilty, but then they always did. Apart from that - she didn't recall.

"So you never tried to take over?"

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Just now, beantheboy12 said:

"No. I never tried. I never did. I said it. I storming said it and I felt I needed to come clean to the ghostbloods unless someone twisted the information against me."

"It's dangerous to admit treason if you didn't commit it."

Althea looked at him for a while, pondering.

"I have no way to prove your words are true. You could always have tried something, failed and now claim you did nothing."

But in the end it made this easier, a lot easier.

"Do you feel lost?"

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Althea fell silent. He had a path, he followed. A dark one, but it was a path.

"I guess that didn't work. I was willing to let you to fight, but the situation has changed. I can't stand by when we're talking about someone threatening innocents."

"Master Devaan. Do you have a possibility to constrain him, until the part with the children is sorted out?"

It felt strange to adress him. He'd raised Max, he was some kind of father-in-law to her? And she had no idea, what that meant. Storms, she didn't even know if he knew who she was. Later. That one had to wait.


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5 minutes ago, Sorana said:

Althea fell silent. He had a path, he followed. A dark one, but it was a path.

"I guess that didn't work. I was willing to let you to fight, but the situation has changed. I can't stand by when we're talking about someone threatening innocents."

"Master Devaan. Do you have a possibility to constrain him, until the part with the children is sorted out?"

It felt strange to adress him. He'd raised Max, he was some kind of father-in-law to her? And she had no idea, what that meant. Storms, she didn't even know if he knew who she was. Later. That one had to wait.


“No problem Thea.” Devaan calmly took out his katana and shoved it to the ground.

He also shoved it through Benson’s leg.

He took out some ropes and reused some of the lines from Sebastian’s attack and tied Benson to the katana and to a nearby pole.

”Don’t worry about releasing the lockdown by the way, when Solace developed the city, he allowed me and people I’ve granted access to enter at all times, as if I was a council member. It probably has something to do with me helping save Rhazien 17 odd years ago. He was nice like that”

Devaan surveyed the area.

”Benson, how are these kids going to die. I need answers from you”

@Sorana @beantheboy12

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12 minutes ago, Nohadon said:

“No problem Thea.” Devaan calmly took out his katana and shoved it to the ground.

He also shoved it through Benson’s leg.

He took out some ropes and reused some of the lines from Sebastian’s attack and tied Benson to the katana and to a nearby pole.

”Don’t worry about releasing the lockdown by the way, when Solace developed the city, he allowed me and people I’ve granted access to enter at all times, as if I was a council member. It probably has something to do with me helping save Rhazien 17 odd years ago. He was nice like that”

Thea. So that meant - he knew? No one called her Thea but Max. She wished she could ask Max what he'd told him, what she was supposed to do, and she could ask him, but he was busy and originally she had wanted to talk to him about all that in person.

"I know about your access."

She replied calmly.

"I won't let him hurt the children, and I won't hand Benson over. If he's willing to kill children, there are few borders he wouldn't cross."

Her eyes moved to Benson's face.

"And right now it's easy. Despite your crime or not crime, I won't hand over one of mine to a criminal."

"Right now I guess we need to wait for Fred's reply."

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“Well we’ve got some time to kill. How’s Max? I remember you two talking in the DIDGERIDOO one time, I was pretty drunk then though, so it’s hazy, pretty interesting how things turned out with you two married.”

Devaan absentmindedly took a small butterfly knife from his pocket and began twirling it around, it was a dexterity excercise that helped him focus.


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