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City of Oasis

Lord Meeker

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4 minutes ago, Nohadon said:

“Well we’ve got some time to kill. How’s Max? I remember you two talking in the DIDGERIDOO one time, I was pretty drunk then though, so it’s hazy, pretty interesting how things turned out with you two married.”

She paused. Now. He wanted to talk now. But she could answer that question, it was an easy one.

"He's fine, or at least he was a few hours ago. And he is definitely alive."

She replied, softly touching her bond to Max.

Interesting how things turned out, that meant he wasn't opposed to it? She never wanted to put Max in a situation where might have to choose, so Devaan needed to be alright with it. And that meant she had to make a good impression. Thinking back at the fight with Sebastian and Myriad she inwardly sighed. Probably she had already messed this up. But at least she had taken a shower. Looking down she realized that the color of her shirt looked maybe alright to her pants.

"I never expected it to end with a marriage either."

She added, mostly to say something else. A hint of a smile touched her lips, when she remembered. Could she ask him a question or was that impolite? Should she tell him something? About herself, their marriage, their plans? She had no idea, what she was supposed to do.

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“I saw you tangle with Myriad, Good work back there.” Devaan watched Althea closely

Ah, She’s nervous, isn’t she.

“Relax by the way, Max never worried about my disapproval, and either way, you seem like a great match for him.”

Devaan fished something out of his pocket. It was a small note with a method written on it.

”This is how a full feruchemist can make spirit chains, it includes instructions on how to store aons and tap connection to the DOR, I imagine it would be helpful for a ghostblood? But regardless, back on topic. You might have some questions about me or how I died, I’m happy to answer any I can”


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23 minutes ago, Nohadon said:

”This is how a full feruchemist can make spirit chains, it includes instructions on how to store aons and tap connection to the DOR, I imagine it would be helpful for a ghostblood? But regardless, back on topic. You might have some questions about me or how I died, I’m happy to answer any I can”

"Thank you. But mostly I felt out of place. I rarely use my surges in an offensive way."

She replied truthfully and then wished she could vanish in the ground. It wasn't like her to talk without thinking, she should have accepted that compliment. Simply accept it. A great match, he thought her a great match. That was good. Althea forced herself to relax a bit. She could do this. She had to.

"Yes it sounds useful."

Which it did, but it wasn't the most important right now.

"I do. Two questions, actually. Maybe more, but two right now."

Hesitating she looked to the ground. There was no good way to ask this.

"Will you stay? Is this permament or will you vanish in a few days?"

Hastily she explained.

"It took Max long to get over your death, I know everybody dies one day, but he was so happy, that you're back, if you vanished tomorrow - I don't want to know what it would do to him."

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43 minutes ago, Sorana said:

"Will you stay? Is this permament or will you vanish in a few days?"

Hastily she explained.

"It took Max long to get over your death, I know everybody dies one day, but he was so happy, that you're back, if you vanished tomorrow - I don't want to know what it would do to him."

Devaan felt a stab of regret

“I don’t know.” He said eventually. 

“I hope not, I don’t intend to. But I’m not always in control. I’m weaker than before, too, I don’t have my Aon cloaking, my heightenings and my Feruchemy.” 

“I didn’t mean to die. Not many people do. It was just another fight, against someone I had killed before.” Devaan subconsciously but his hand on his chest. He died of heart failure in the end.


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15 minutes ago, Nohadon said:

“I didn’t mean to die. Not many people do. It was just another fight, against someone I had killed before.” Devaan subconsciously but his hand on his chest. He died of heart failure in the end.

"I'm sorry."

Althea said quietly.

"I never wanted to imply that you died on purpose. I -"

She stopped herself before the situation turned even more awkward. She'd only wanted to know, so that she could prepare. Catch Max should it be neccessary. She liked to be prepared, to know what she might be facing.

"Would you like to come by for dinner?"

"I'm only an alright cook, but maybe you would like to know where we live? We can go to a restaurant of course, as you prefer."

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8 minutes ago, Sorana said:

"I'm sorry."

Althea said quietly.

"I never wanted to imply that you died on purpose. I -"

She stopped herself before the situation turned even more awkward. She'd only wanted to know, so that she could prepare. Catch Max should it be neccessary. She liked to be prepared, to know what she might be facing.

"Would you like to come by for dinner?"

"I'm only an alright cook, but maybe you would like to know where we live? We can go to a restaurant of course, as you prefer."

“I’d love to, so long as I can make Hellbent promise not to ruin it. I can find your place, don’t worry, I’ll be happy to help with cooking, but Max probably won’t let me seeing how he, Mara, Silphio and Astiel all hated it” Devaan let out a laugh.

”Did you get to meet Mara? She would have liked you a lot.” 

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9 minutes ago, Nohadon said:

“I’d love to, so long as I can make Hellbent promise not to ruin it. I can find your place, don’t worry, I’ll be happy to help with cooking, but Max probably won’t let me seeing how he, Mara, Silphio and Astiel all hated it” Devaan let out a laugh.

”Did you get to meet Mara? She would have liked you a lot.” 

Althea laughed as well.

"The trick is, if I mess it up, I can always soulcast something. Tastes a bit artificial, but it's edible. But right now, I'm trying to learn how to bake a good chocolate cake, unsuccessful so far, but I hope I will get it right one day."

Her smile vanished, when he asked after Mara.

"No, I never met her. I heard that the duel was taking place, but such things didn't interest me, so I stayed away."

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14 minutes ago, Sorana said:

Althea laughed as well.

"The trick is, if I mess it up, I can always soulcast something. Tastes a bit artificial, but it's edible. But right now, I'm trying to learn how to bake a good chocolate cake, unsuccessful so far, but I hope I will get it right one day."

Her smile vanished, when he asked after Mara.

"No, I never met her. I heard that the duel was taking place, but such things didn't interest me, so I stayed away."

“I see.” Devaan muttered. Truth be told, Losing Mara was almost as hard on Devaan as it was on Max.

”I still duel, but I haven’t heard Max dueling after what happened. It’s partially my fault, I’m not exactly the best teacher for anything other than fighting. But Reshan wanted me to take care of the two twins, so I did, and I grew to love them both. Max used to be the quiet one, Mara was always getting them into trouble.”

Devaan put away his knife and took out a bladed card. He reached into his pocket and took out a paint brush and some inks and began painting his card. 

“You seem pretty tough, any council member is pretty tough, what investiture do you use, if you mind me asking?”

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36 minutes ago, Nohadon said:

“You seem pretty tough, any council member is pretty tough, what investiture do you use, if you mind me asking?”

Grateful for the change in topic Althea watched him painting his card.

"I'm an Elsecaller. Third ideal."

For a moment she hesitated, then added.

"And I know my surges. I can't use my shardweapon, but when it comes to my surges I'm good, really good."

Brashen poked into her neck and she took him on her hand.

"That's Brashen."

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14 minutes ago, Sorana said:

Grateful for the change in topic Althea watched him painting his card.

"I'm an Elsecaller. Third ideal."

For a moment she hesitated, then added.

"And I know my surges. I can't use my shardweapon, but when it comes to my surges I'm good, really good."

Brashen poked into her neck and she took him on her hand.

"That's Brashen."

"An elsecaller! Interesting!" Devaan's eyes lit up in excitement.

"It's always interesting, talking to radiants. You're having trouble with your sprenblade? I'd be happy to help if you want."


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1 hour ago, Nohadon said:

"An elsecaller! Interesting!" Devaan's eyes lit up in excitement.

"It's always interesting, talking to radiants. You're having trouble with your sprenblade? I'd be happy to help if you want."


Max already offered to help her, but she couldn't say no, could she? She didn't want to be impolite and he'd already told her, that this was what he did best.

"Of course, gladly."

Max would understand, and whatever Devaan had in mind she'd never turn into good fighter in a short time anyway.

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8 minutes ago, Nohadon said:

"What type of weapon do you use best?"

Devaan stood up and unsheathed his katana, practicing a small kata to warm up.

Althea instinctively stepped back a bit.

"I've used a halberd and a staff and I can't wield both, so I guess the answer is none."

Edited by Sorana
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"I wish I was at the training grounds right now, we would have so many more resources" Devaan smiled reassuringly

"Try a Halberd for now. It has long reach but you can lose balance quickly. Mind if you pass it over to me so I can show you a quick warm up you can try replicate?"

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Althea hesitated. Hand Brashen over? Just like that, to someone she barely knew. Offend him or hand her spren over.

He tried to help, she reminded herself. He only tried to help, and then she smiled in relief when she had an idea. Inhaling stormlight she touched  the earth close by, convinced it to change it's form. Bending down she picked up a halberd and handed it to Devaan.

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Devaan picked it up and began with a Jab, he immediately twisted into a hook backwards, using the momentum to spin into a slash, he kept going, moves overlapping into each other in perfect harmony, the kata seemed to have a rhythm to it, building up into a crescendo, the strikes getting faster and faster. He always kept his distance from the hilt, using it to fend off imaginary enemies, he spaced himself perfectly, always in tune with the weapon. 

"Sorry, I showed off a little there. Try emulate the starting moves, then go from there. You have to let the weapon take hold. It's easier with sprenblades, as they literally can speak to you."

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15 minutes ago, Nohadon said:

"Sorry, I showed off a little there. Try emulate the starting moves, then go from there. You have to let the weapon take hold. It's easier with sprenblades, as they literally can speak to you."

Starting moves. Let the weapon take hold. Althea held the weapon in her hand and tried to guess which of his moves had been the starting move. She'd have prefered every place to this situation, learning a weapon while Benson watched, while children were threatened, but then she'd never say no to Devaan. Careful to hide her discomfort, she forced herself to recall what he had done. Feeling like a jerk she stabbed into the air and then hastily stepped forward when she lost her balance. Awkwardly she tried to imitate what he had done afterwards, something backwards, or was it the turn? She stumbled over the shaft of the halberd, when she tried both at the same time, and instinctively opened her hands to catch her balance.


She muttered and bent down to pick it up again.

Edited by Sorana
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Hellbent took over, changing the posture, the eyes, the smile. It became him, a cruel look. Inside though, he had something strange going within him.

Devaan. I need a last name. Can I use yours? Hellbent Sheonar.

He grabbed Benson.

"Althea, I'm going to take him to a prison. Is that okay?"

@beantheboy12 @Nohadon @Sorana

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6 minutes ago, Arky-boi said:

Hellbent took over, changing the posture, the eyes, the smile. It became him, a cruel look. Inside though, he had something strange going within him.

Devaan. I need a last name. Can I use yours? Hellbent Sheonar.

He grabbed Benson.

"Althea, I'm going to take him to a prison. Is that okay?"

@beantheboy12 @Nohadon @Sorana

Althea leveled her gaze at him, not showing her relief, that the training session was over. She would gladly train, but somewhere private.

He would take him to a prison. Alone.

"No. Leave him here, until we've seen the one threatening the children. Maybe he recognizes him. Or the other one recognizes Benson."

She replied.

"The Abductor stated, that he wants to have Benson in his hands, that means if he thinks we killed him, the children are dead."

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2 minutes ago, Arky-boi said:

"Yes ma'am." He gestured towards a gaurd, who came forward with massive shackles, and hooked them around his neck and waist, handing each to a guard. "I trust this is okay."

@Sorana @beantheboy12

Althea checked to make sure they were sitting too tight, and as that was the case she nodded.

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15 hours ago, Arky-boi said:

Not... physically... possible... there's a feild surrounding the city. Even if the special death feild wasn't there, non-Ghostbloods would run into an invisible wall, stopping them. You can't get in, without being let in by a Ghostblood. And right now, that person has to be in the Council.



Actually...this is the real requirement for entrance.

On 8/23/2018 at 11:54 AM, Lord Meeker said:

The gates allowed those who bore the Ghostblood symbol entrance to the city.


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Sorry, guys. I've been off for a while. I'll try and move the plot along. :)

Fred paused. "Uh... I don't know," he said. "I know where the guy who is gonna kill them is, though. He's right behind the forcefield, at the gate. I can show y'all where he is, but, uh, you may wanna bring Benson along,"


Vesuvius looked at his wristwatch. Time was running out. He tightened his grip on the child's neck. Another squeeze, and the boy was dead.

He would make that squeeze in two minutes.

@Sorana  @Arky-boi @Nohadon @beantheboy12 @Darth Woodrack

Edited by Gancho Libre
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