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City of Oasis

Lord Meeker

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36 minutes ago, beantheboy12 said:




I know that this has been resolved, but I do want to say that actually neither of us are right in terms of the physics. The bullets wouldn't melt from the laser, layer by layer they would be ablated and deflected.

They aren't exposed to the heat long enough to melt, because heat takes time to travel through metal. The outer layer would be vaporized by the metal and that vaporization would deflect the bullet, but it wouldn't melt the bullet.


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On 01/03/2019 at 9:47 PM, Sorana said:

Althea nodded, realized he probably wouldn't see it and added:

"I simply put them out of here. To the marketplace. And I think I might need a surgeon."

With a grimace she added.

"It's great when your body heals fast, don't get me wrong. But the moment it's bullets or something like that - it's not like the stormlight knows they don't belong in there. And there's definitely one sticking in my shoulder bone."

Althea inhaled more stormlight, thought about going to the hospital, but decided against it. There was a lab close by and some of those working there should be able to do it. Softly she touched his arm with healthy one.


Max nodded, feeling her arm. He was still worried for her, but he knew it was irrational. She could heal, and they’d be near surgeons in moments. “Yes,” Max said. “Let’s be quick. You might get an infection if that goes unhealed for too long,”

Edited by I think I am here.
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15 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

Max nodded, feeling her arm. He was still worried for her, but he knew it was irrational. She could heal, and they’d be near surgeons in moments. “Yes,” Max said. “Let’s be quick. You might get an infection if that goes unhealed for too long,”

Althea smiled behind his back, then she reached out and elsecalled them away.

They stood in front of a large building, she remembered well.
I was trained here. At least partially.
She told Max and then stepped forward and opened the door. She walked slowly, tried to avoid to limp despite the part where every step hurt. Another one, stuck somewhere close to her hip. Althea nodded a greeting at the guards, and then let herself into the building, waved their questions away, with a small gesture of her hand.

She led the way, used an elevator to avoid walking up the stairs and finally stopped in front of a door. Althea knocked, and then stepped inside, without waiting for an answer. She didn't really worry about an infection, but Max was right, the faster this was done the better.

she greeted the older man, who looked up, when he heard his door open. He had a hard face, his eyes were cold. Raising an eyebrow he looked her over.
"How can I be of assistance?"
he inquired, his voice neutral, but she knew he wished she would turn around and leave. He'd never liked her. But he was loyal, and he would keep quiet, and that was more important than sympathy. He would help, because it was his duty, and that was everything she needed right now. That he would probably hurt her unneccessary, simply because he could do it, was a price she would have to pay.
"Get some bullets out."
she replied in the same way and saw him narrow his eyes at Max, but he kept silent. Instead he turned around and walked over to a door leading to another room.
"How many?"
"Two that I know of."
He sent one of his assistants out of the room, ordered him to fetch some supplies.
"Do you want me to check for others?"
Althea shook her head and he turned around, looked through his tools.

You will stay here?
she asked Max, no hiding the fear she felt at the prospect to be at someone's mercy.
And would you mind to look after Brashen? He doesn't take this kind of stuff well.

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35 minutes ago, Sorana said:

You will stay here?
she asked Max, no hiding the fear she felt at the prospect to be at someone's mercy.
And would you mind to look after Brashen? He doesn't take this kind of stuff well.

Sure, Max said. Brashen was cool. Logical, just like Althea, but he was nice to be around.

And yes, I’m staying. After seeing the way the surgeon had looked at Althea and him, Max wasn’t going to go anywhere. He continued Rioting Althea, if there was any pain hopefully she’d be eased of it, and sat on a chair.

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41 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

Sure, Max said. Brashen was cool. Logical, just like Althea, but he was nice to be around.

And yes, I’m staying. After seeing the way the surgeon had looked at Althea and him, Max wasn’t going to go anywhere. He continued Rioting Althea, if there was any pain hopefully she’d be eased of it, and sat on a chair.

Grateful Althea nodded and walked over to the bed standing in the middle of the room.

"Go to Max, Brashen. Please. This is neccessary."

She lifted him of her shoulder and didn't need to listen to his reply, to know that he was against it.

"He'll hurt you."

He hissed and she sighed, headed back to Max and handed him her spren, to stop any impeding discussion. Not here, not now.

"He is the best option, given the circumstances. And you know it. Don't intervene."

She told him sternly. Brashen stayed with Max, which showed her that he knew, that he had followed her thoughts as well, had reached the same conclusion. But then it was Brashen, and he tended to be irrational when it came to her. Careful to appear calm and confident she lay down and saw Tyson stop next to her. There was a glimmer in his eyes, she didn't like at all. Cutting open a part of her cloths he took a look at her shoulder. A grin tugged at his lips as he strapped her to the table. For security reasons. Or because he was planning to 'accidently' use less anesthetic than neccessary.

Althea inhaled, depleted her spheres and exhaled again, let the stormlight go. It wouldn't do if she started healing while he worked. Immediatly the exhaustion was back, tugging at her mind, but she focused on Max touch, pushed it all back and concentrated. She could do this. She had to.

Tyson looked at her again, the he cleaned the skin and applied an anesthetic. He wait for a while and then set to work. Althea grit her teeth against the pain, sometimes she hated being right and forced herself to stay silent. It was manageable. He knew what he did, had used enough to keep it manageable. Comfort. Max was still rioting comfort and she clung to that, a part of her wishing she had followed her heart and went to the hospital, screw all arguments.


Brashen hissed when Tyson cut his Radiant, when he opened her skin, his assistant standing on her other side, doing what Tyson told him. His Radiant, she was his. She belonged to nobody but himself, maybe to the other human she had sworn an oath to, but she was his.

"He's hurting her."

He told said human, a silent, do something about it, in his voice. She had wanted this, but it was wrong. She had to be safe.


I stopped here in case you want to do something. He'll finish, throw Max a cocky grin and leave, should you want to write that part from Max pov. Otherwise I can simply finish it.


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I think it's unrealistic that you could have rigged that many roofs. Even one of pushing it. So, this one is fine, but no more.


Hellbent grinned, from where he stood, ignoring the pain as he flew backwards. He grabbed a ledge on the next roof, pulling himself up. He knew Benson wouldn't be ready for the rapid recovery, so he fired, three times. Head, heart, groin.

Edited by Arky-boi
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5 hours ago, Sorana said:

“He's hurting her."

He told said human, a silent, do something about it, in his voice. She had wanted this, but it was wrong. She had to be safe.

“I know,” Max said quietly. It wasn’t easy for him either, to see her strapped to a table, in pain. And yet Max couldn’t Riot the surgeon, the distraction of emotion probably would have made the surgery more painful than anything.

So he stepped a little closer and summoned Sethramir. It glowed in the dim light. He wasn’t actively threatening the surgeon, but he was making a statement. Continue  and this sword goes in you. And by the look on Max’s face, the surgeon knew Max wasn’t joking. Max doubted Brashen would care either if the surgeon died in a “work accident”.

But it was a bluff. Ultimately the surgeon was the one keeping Althea from death, which meant he had them in his power, not the other way around. But hopefully he didn’t realise that till he was done.

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RE: Lasers
Lasers are beams, not bursts, suggesting you could use lasers against incoming bullets is like saying you could deflect bullets with other bullets. It also takes a long time for lasers to melt through metal, longer than there would be time for in the course of a bullet fired at short range. So just a quick AV ruling here, Lightweavers can use light as a weapon, but not defensively.


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7 hours ago, I think I am here. said:

But it was a bluff. Ultimately the surgeon was the one keeping Althea from death, which meant he had them in his power, not the other way around. But hopefully he didn’t realise that till he was done.

Tyson looked over his shoulder when his assistant flicked him a gesture and Althea followed his eyes. Max, Sethramir in his hand stared at the man, something dark in his eyes. For a moment the world stood still while Tyson took in the situation, then he reached out for a syringe and injected something. A short while later the pain subsided and she relaxed gradually.

Tyson was quick, it didn't take him long to find the bullets and to get them out. He was good, but that didn't change the rest. He left her where she was after he'd finished stiching the wounds and turned around to Max, looked at him for a moment.

"Lusk would be proud of you, boy. The marriage, this performance - he would be proud."

"I have work to do. Make sure you clean up when you get her out."


Brashen hissed at the sword in Max hand. It reminded him one of the dead ones, and yet it was different. He wasn't sure. He considered telling him to put it away, but when he saw the evil one change his behaviour he stayed silent. His human relaxed on the table, and right now that was everything that counted.

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4 hours ago, Sorana said:

“Lusk would be proud of you, boy. The marriage, this performance - he would be proud."

"I have work to do. Make sure you clean up when you get her out."

The surgeon finished and Althea looked more relaxed. Max sighed in relief and walked over to her, and cut her restraints with Sethramir.

“I don’t give a storm what Lusk would think of me,” he said to the surgeon, and tried to help Althea up. “You feel fine?” He asked.

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18 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

“I don’t give a storm what Lusk would think of me,” he said to the surgeon, and tried to help Althea up. “You feel fine?” He asked.

"Better, yes. I'll grab some spheres on the way out, heal the rest and then that's over."

Gladly she accepted his help, tried to not tear the wounds open again immediatly. She leaned on his arm to take some weight of her leg and smiled at him, grateful that he was here. Brashen hopped over and sat on her shoulder again. Althea touched him softly, felt him hold on to her finger.

"And now? Is there anything you need to do? Otherwise I might accept the offer with teaching me - but it's really not that important."

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2 hours ago, Sorana said:

“And now? Is there anything you need to do? Otherwise I might accept the offer with teaching me - but it's really not that important."

Max shook his head.

“I don’t need to do anything, though if you want to rest, I can do my stuff at the Canton and then meet you in the evening?”

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16 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

Max shook his head.

“I don’t need to do anything, though if you want to rest, I can do my stuff at the Canton and then meet you in the evening?”

"That sounds like a great idea. Where do you want to meet?"

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Vesuvius trudged up the hill towards where Oasis City sat. In his Alivened arm, held high over his head, was clutching a young child, squirming slightly as Vesuvius' grip slowly tightened on his neck.

Vesuvius smiled.


Fred looked out through the open city gates. There was a forcefield that would kill anyone who tried to enter, he knew.

Regardless, a figure still walked towards them, holding a child in a metal arm.


Vesuvius reached the gates and stopped. he knew that to go forward would be to die. However, he would not need to go in. He had a messenger.

For, on the other side of the forcefield, inside the city, was an armless man. Perfect. He stopped, and only a couple yards separated the two fo them, but neither could advance further. But there were other ways of communication.

"There is a battle going on, inside this city," Vesuvius snarled. The field wouldn't interrupt sound waves, he knew. "I need you to deliver a message for me."


Fred jumped back. "what message?" he demanded. "If you come in, you die! Who are you, anyway?"

The man, whom Fred knew was a member of the Scrivener's Bones, only smiled.


"I need you," Vesuvius repeated, "deliver a message from me. To a man who calls himself Hellbent. It is of vital importance that you deliver this,"

To prove his point, Vesuvius tightened his grip on the little boy he held.


"I'm listening," Fred said, frowning. "Just don't hurt the boy,"


Vesuvius smiled. "Great. The message is this: If the man called Benson dies tonight, so does this child. and twenty others I have gathered. Hellbent is to cease his attack and let Benson out of the city, through these gates, where I will receive him. Do I make myself clear? Either nobody dies tonight, or dozens do,"


Fred sprinted away. The Scriveners Bones hadn't given him much time to act on his instructions. 

He found the building easily enough. It was burning. He entered it and ran up several flights of stairs, bursting onto the roof through a trapdoor. Hellbent was slowly advancing towards the other person, Benson.

"Wait!" Fred cried. "Stop! Hellbent, this has to end! If you kill him, children die,"

@Arky-boi @beantheboy12

Edited by Gancho Libre
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23 hours ago, beantheboy12 said:

Benson saw the gun raise again and ducked to the left, feeling another bullet hit his chest. He detonated those explosives on the roof Ronin was on. The armor had to have been weakened now.

I already told you that isn't possible.


3 hours ago, Gancho Libre said:

Vesuvius trudged up the hill towards where Oasis City sat. In his Alivened arm, held high over his head, was clutching a young child, squirming slightly as Vesuvius' grip slowly tightened on his neck.

Vesuvius smiled.


Fred looked out through the open city gates. There was a forcefield that would kill anyone who tried to enter, he knew.

Regardless, a figure still walked towards them, holding a child in a metal arm.


Vesuvius reached the gates and stopped. he knew that to go forward would be to die. However, he would not need to go in. He had a messenger.

For, on the other side of the forcefield, inside the city, was an armless man. Perfect. He stopped, and only a couple yards separated the two fo them, but neither could advance further. But there were other ways of communication.

"There is a battle going on, inside this city," Vesuvius snarled. The field wouldn't interrupt sound waves, he knew. "I need you to deliver a message for me."


Fred jumped back. "what message?" he demanded. "If you come in, you die! Who are you, anyway?"

The man, whom Fred knew was a member of the Scrivener's Bones, only smiled.


"I need you," Vesuvius repeated, "deliver a message from me. To a man who calls himself Hellbent. It is of vital importance that you deliver this,"

To prove his point, Vesuvius tightened his grip on the little boy he held.


"I'm listening," Fred said, frowning. "Just don't hurt the boy,"


Vesuvius smiled. "Great. The message is this: If the man called Benson dies tonight, so does this child. and twenty others I have gathered. Hellbent is to cease his attack and let Benson out of the city, through these gates, where I will receive him. Do I make myself clear? Either nobody dies tonight, or dozens do,"


Fred sprinted away. The Scriveners Bones hadn't given him much time to act on his instructions. 

He found the building easily enough. It was burning. He entered it and ran up several flights of stairs, bursting onto the roof through a trapdoor. Hellbent was slowly advancing towards the other person, Benson.

"Wait!" Fred cried. "Stop! Hellbent, this has to end! If you kill him, children die,"

@Arky-boi @beantheboy12

They're surrounded by a death field. 

@beantheboy12 @Arky-boi

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I think he meant to do me...

Fine. :)


Instead of approaching them on the rooftop itself which couldn't happen because Benson and Hellbent were surrounded by a death field, Fred just stood at the base of the building and yelled really, really loudly, so that there was probably no possible way that Hellbent wouldn't hear him.

"Wait!" Fred cried. "Stop! Hellbent, this has to end! If you kill him, children die,"

@beantheboy12 @Arky-boi @Gancho Libre

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