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City of Oasis

Lord Meeker

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1 hour ago, kenod said:



44 minutes ago, Gancho Libre said:

Instead of approaching them on the rooftop itself which couldn't happen because Benson and Hellbent were surrounded by a death field, Fred just stood at the base of the building and yelled really, really loudly, so that there was probably no possible way that Hellbent wouldn't hear him.

"Wait!" Fred cried. "Stop! Hellbent, this has to end! If you kill him, children die,"

@beantheboy12 @Arky-boi @Gancho Libre

Ha ha.

4 minutes ago, beantheboy12 said:


The blowing me up part. You couldn't have rigged that many roofs without notice. One is pushing it, two is on the verge of impossible.


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It would have been noticed, and stopped. Also, time is a bit iffy. I'm going to continue like nothing happened.

Hellbent grinned. Five more shots. He stepped backwards, then took a flying leap onto the destroyed roof, and jumped again, to Benson's roof. He fired at Benson.

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3 hours ago, Arky-boi said:

Hellbent grinned. Five more shots. He stepped backwards, then took a flying leap onto the destroyed roof, and jumped again, to Benson's roof. He fired at Benson.

Benson ducked and threw two knives followed by lasers in all his possible dodge areas.


Thing is, you’re saying this to a guy who blends in extremely well. Literally.

“Deevan, I know you’re in there. Do you not care for the children? Please don’t kill me.”


Also, if I didn’t have the edge of the explosives, what real motive would Benson have to attack you? I am sorry, I just cannot let it not be true.


Edited by beantheboy12
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I got this one

Devaan took control of the Ronin, expertly catching the two knives from the air and whipping them back at Benson, they whistled through the air, flying true, Devaan picked up the gun he dropped and loaded his last clip 

six shots left, let’s make them count

Devaan followed up the two knives with a well placed shot aiming straight for Benson’s calf.

Edited by Nohadon
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Benson took the hit to the calf, and sucking in more stormlight, h is felt His wounds seal up and he soulcast the area into smoke again. 


I say it’s fair that if I don’t have the explosives, which you can say, I at least have more stormlight. Otherwise, just, no. I have planned this for a month and I won’t allow you to just say “no” to my plan that I have run past 3 people.


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59 minutes ago, beantheboy12 said:

I say it’s fair that if I don’t have the explosives, which you can say, I at least have more stormlight. Otherwise, just, no. I have planned this for a month and I won’t allow you to just say “no” to my plan that I have run past 3 people.

Were those people Ghostblood councilmen who actually know how the city works?

Also, we already said no lasers.


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1 hour ago, Arky-boi said:

Were those people Ghostblood councilmen who actually know how the city works?


:Devil emoji: Why don't they have a devil emoji?

Of course...


1 hour ago, Arky-boi said:

Also, we already said no lasers.


Yeah, Voidus and Mac's word rules though. They said yes.


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"Uh..." Fred said, looking up at the roof. They were moving from house to house, but Fred was keeping up with Pewter. "Hellbent? I'm serious! I'm all for killing people, but I think twenty innocent children is pushing it. Really. If you don't stop, I'm..."

Fred paused. What could he do as a threat? "I'll... turn off the forcefield surrounding the city! Yes, that's what I'll do. Really, Hellbent. Stop!"

@Arky-boi @beantheboy12

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17 minutes ago, Arky-boi said:

No, Mac said it wouldn't work. Plus, that needs special training, and you already agreed not to. And no, you didn't. So that doesn't work.


Explosives then, or I just wait to be released in peace. Your choice. 


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12 minutes ago, Arky-boi said:

Not quite, I said that deflecting bullets with lasers wouldn't work, using them offensively is allowed, as per voidus mod ruling.

I will say that it strains credulity to perfectly aim a bunch of lasers in a pattern that checkmates your opponent right after throwing two knives.

In addition, checkmating your opponent is never good form. 

Besides, you can't kill ronin without Nohadon and Arks permission. Permanently incapacitating him would also be considered bad form.


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Just now, Arky-boi said:

And, again, Shallan would have had to practice. Benson never did.


That’s not true. I don’t see what makes this irrational? I know he would need experience. That’s why I gave him plenty of time.

I won’t checkmate then. Sorry. 

And what’s this thing of me not being allowed to kill him?

And another thing I did to prepare for this fight is buy weapons. A plasma gun specifically. Am I allowed to use that instead?


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You can use the gun. Feel free.

There's a rule against godmodding, and killing characters is considered godmodding.

Hellbent grinned. He kicked towards Benson's groin, at the same time firing towards his skull.

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There's also the fact that it's incredibly bad form, since the goal of FFRP is to create stories together, and killing a character without permission cuts of any potential stories their creator had planned for them.


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