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Controversial Cosmere thoughts


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Lets see. 

I like Kelsier but he's overhyped and overestimated. And i don't expect him to pick up another shard like people seemed to assume

I wanted Hoid's motivations to be more human/personal than some sort of greater cosmere plan(like reassembling adonalsium or something.) which is why i really loved the direction he's hinted from the Traveler story(where he seems to be trying to bring back somebody from the beyond)

Odium completely lost his frightening/scary factor since Oathbringer. Like Ruin for me is definitely still the scariest villain Sanderson produced because of unintentional loss of scary factor from SA's last book.

I don't actually find Lopen's parts exciting. 

I don't find Harmony to be compelling enough. Like he's not malevolent/destructive enough for somebody who is literally represents entropy.

I dislike that most of cosmere romance are quite prude despite the setting showing that they can be not prude. Like come on a character from the good side doesn't have to be always "monogamous" or can be the "really gets around" type when it comes to their love/romance/sex life. Like it doesn't make sense somebody as popular as Adolin or Kelsier would not have slept with some women around.

Syl might be the single most fun female character i have ever read.

38 minutes ago, Matias said:

I like Moash, Eshonai and Elhokar, yes, the 3 of them, at the same time

Wow that is Edgy indeed xD

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I think Elantris is not a very good book.

The practicality of using Aons for combat, come on, that's super dorky. Hold on while I do a little drawing in the sky.
It would be like watching people fighting in virtual reality when you can see the reality that they actually exist in. Like imagine a climatic battle scene where the protagonist has to move a Wii controller in a certain pattern to beat the bad guy. This is a dishardic planet and you get Etch a sketchers, dancing fighters and dudes with beefy bones. Really?

Hrathren was great, elements of the book were pretty ok, but it's really the story I like least in the cosmere. Raoden is a super boring protagonist too.

I like Lift, Lopen and Wayne. I love Brandon's comic relief characters. I know they can be polarizing, not everyone likes them, but one of my favorite chapters from any of Brandon's book is the chapter where Wayne sets out on his epic odyssey to say goodbye to Ranette. Others scoff, but I say brilliantly done.

I liked Amaram. I wished that he had a redemptive arc in Oathbringer. Also, unlike a lot of people, I thought his denouement as villain was really good. It wasn't until my re-read that I thought this though, the first time through I was pretty focused on the major rust going down, and the Amaram Kaladin confrontation seemed like a distraction, but the second time through it was awesome. Kaladin's line about being the spear that didn't break was SO GOOD. I feel bad for Amaram even now, like how can you hate someone knowing that if given slightly different nudges in life they could have gotten past the things that hold them back from being decent human beings. But this is really the essence of tragedy. Poor Meridas, your mom should have read to you more as a child.

I love the arc of Szeth in Oathbringer! His training as a skybreaker apprentice, his swearing of the 3rd ideal to follow Dalinar, and how quickly he was accepted into the inner circle. Unlike some others, I think this makes perfect sense. He brings the equivalent of a nuclear weapon to a battle that the good guys are definitely loosing, of course he's a good guy now. You can fill in the small off-screen dialogue of how  Szeth explained that Mr. T was holding my oathstone so despite how much it was killing me inside, I did what I was compelled to do for an oath, but now I have sworn my 3rd ideal as a Knight Radiant to follow you Dalinar. How could this admission not inspire with anything but confidence.

I hated Eshonai, and I am super glad that Venli will be the POV for book 4. Eshonai, RIP, but I am glad that Ixli harvested your plate, because venli might need it.

Edited by hoiditthroughthegrapevine
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I feel like I'm basically the only person in the whole fandom that does NOT want Navani to be a Bondsmith. Like it's not that I don't like her, I do, it's just that I feel like the Bondsmiths should be different people from different cultures and stuff to bring together a wide range of people and having two of them be a married couple raised in the same culture feels redundant.

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7 minutes ago, CrazyRioter said:

I feel like I'm basically the only person in the whole fandom that does NOT want Navani to be a Bondsmith. Like it's not that I don't like her, I do, it's just that I feel like the Bondsmiths should be different people from different cultures and stuff to bring together a wide range of people and having two of them be a married couple raised in the same culture feels redundant.

You and me bud. Navani isn't Radiant material tbh.

I don't even think we'd have a bondsmith apart from Dalinar until much much later

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I wanted Spook to eventually become a big bad guy in HoA, like descend into evil and whatnot, where the characters have to eventually kill him. I would have been totally fine with him giving in to Ruin and spiking Beldre, growing more powerful. I thought his redemption was kinda forced.

Reading and re-reading HoA as well as Era 2 books and though the opinion has shifted slightly, I still think having Spook become a bad guy would have been sweet. I remember whispering to my book (totally not weird) to Spook: “Yes, yes, give in to the dark side!”

This is coming from someone who’s favourite MB character is Spook, by the way.

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Amaram is my favorite Stormlight character, and my second favorite Cosmere character, behind Kelsier. 

Neither Taravangian, Nale, Moash or Amaram are evil. 

Moash is an interesting character, even if some of his chapters were kinda boring. 

I think Jasnah is cold and too self-important. She is overpowered as well. In short, don’t like her.

Renarin is, apart from his powers, not that interesting. 

Lopen and Lift can be too much.

Stick is overrated. 

Pattern > Syl. Always. 

I also agree with @CrazyRioter on Navani. She shouldn’t be a Bondsmith. 

Warbreaker, while still good, is the worst Cosmere book. 

Edit: Emperors Soul is overrated. 

Edited by Toaster Retribution
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What seemed at first like an opportunity to discuss oddball opinions about Cosmere stuff looks as if it instead becoming an opportunity to belittle people or be cruelly inflammatory. So I withdraw my participation in this thread. 

Edited by Corax
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I love all of the comic relief characters! Lopen. Wayne. LIFT. 

I hated Renarin in the first two books. Now, I like him more as of OB, but really not that much. 

For some reason, a lot of people don’t like Adolin. He’s actually one of my favorites. 

Warbreaker was good, but it’s my least favorite Cosmere book. 

Sixth of the Dusk wasn’t that interesting. 

2 hours ago, Toaster Retribution said:

Pattern > Syl. Always. 

Syl > Pattern. Always. 

I just aspire to be her. Preppy, positive, an amazing wingwoman, always wants to do the right thing... 

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11 hours ago, hoiditthroughthegrapevine said:

I think Elantris is not a very good book.

You aren't on Discord, so you probably haven't seen my rants... But I'm with you here. 

If it weren't for Hrathen, I wouldn't have finished the book, and I'm very  glad that I read Mistborn first or I probably wouldn't be here doing my ever present act. 

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Yeah, Elantris would have been the first and last Sanderson book that I would have read too.

I was a Sanderson fan after reading the gathering storm, getting the wheel back on track and on time was a major undertaking, and he finished the series up beautifully. Next I read Way of Kings, and after that I made the decision that I would read anything that Brandon wrote. With the exception of Elantris he hasn't disappointed.

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7 minutes ago, Toaster Retribution said:

What are you guys talking about? Aside from Raoden and a rushed ending, Elantris is pretty great. 

Liking Syl over Pattern is like dividing by zero. Impossible, and should be forbidden :-)

So you admit it... when it comes to awesomeness, Pattern = 0?

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3 minutes ago, Toaster Retribution said:

The bolded part was wrong, so I fixed it. And yes, I totally agree, Patterns awesomeness is around 1000000.

But that doesn’t make sense. Inappropriate = Undefined. Something is undefined when you divide by zero. By putting Syl over Pattern, you deem that I am doing something inappropriate, which means that it is undefined, and therefore Pattern must equal 0. 


If Pattern is 1000000, then putting Syl over Pattern is, indeed, not inappropriate...

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12 minutes ago, Ashspren said:

But that doesn’t make sense. Inappropriate = Undefined. Something is undefined when you divide by zero. By putting Syl over Pattern, you deem that I am doing something inappropriate, which means that it is undefined, and therefore Pattern must equal 0. 


If Pattern is 1000000, then putting Syl over Pattern is, indeed, not inappropriate...

This is far to complicated for a simple toaster to comprehend. You are wrong. Uh... NO MATING!

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Controversial Cosmere Opinions? I have several: 

  • Moash is just Kelsier without a sense of humor. I don't understand liking/hating one but not the other. They're so similar.
  • Trell is NOT Autonomy. It's too obvious; we're all getting baited for a big twist later on.
  • There's a lot of padding in Way of Kings that could have been cut without losing anything important.
  • Lift is pure cancer and should be banned from all future Cosmere books via binding UN resolution.
Edited by Unlicensed Hemalurgist
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41 minutes ago, Matias said:

Liking Pattern over Syl should be illegal

I would say “marry me,” but I’d have to update the gossip column again... 

31 minutes ago, Unlicensed Hemalurgist said:

Lift is pure cancer and should be banned from all future Cosmere books via binding UN resolution.

...wow. That’s harsh. 

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32 minutes ago, Ashspren said:

...wow. That’s harsh. 

Lift was the worst part of Edgedancer. I seriously cannot express how annoying I find her. It's like someone took all the many, many irritating things about Sera from Dragon Age Inquisition and somehow made them more irritating. Wyndle deserves a Medal of Honor for putting up with her. 

The "binding UN resolution" was a bit harsh, though. I'll settle for the DEA classifying Lift POV passages as a Schedule I controlled substance.

Edited by Unlicensed Hemalurgist
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Just now, Unlicensed Hemalurgist said:

Lift was the worst part of Edgedancer. I seriously cannot express how annoying I find her. It's like someone took all the many, many irritating things about Sera from Dragon Age Inquisition and somehow made them more irritating. Wyndle deserves a Medal of Honor for putting up with her. 

The "binding UN resolution" was a bit harsh, though. I'll settle for Lift POV passages being classified Schedule I controlled substance.

Personally, I love Lift— she kind of reminds me of myself. I do have to agree with you about Wyndle, though. I would feel terrible for the spren who would have to put up with me. :P

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Liking Lopen over Lift should be elligal

43 minutes ago, Ashspren said:

I would say “marry me,” but I’d have to update the gossip column again..... 

Maybe we should, people here don't know how to appreciate characters

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