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Long Game 49/Anonymous Game 3: Window to the Past

little wilson

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3 hours ago, Worldhopper From Yolen said:

I'll join! I don't want to have a 0% win rate. I might not post very often because school, though.

Even if you die, if you were on the winning side (which I believe you were last game) you still win! So, you have a 100% win rate. Deaths are to be expected :)

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So, I wasn't going to join this game, but I decided to pop in and check it out because I saw it was an anonymous game and because Wilson was one of the GMs and I was curious what she had cooked up for the AG and then I saw this little line:

On 8/28/2018 at 6:17 PM, little wilson said:

(Ostracism functions sort of like Elantris in LG12/LG44)

Storm it all, I'm in. EDIT: Ugh, I better not. I’d like to, but I keep remembering more and more commitments I’ve already made to my schedule and I just really don’t think I’ll be up for a game right now, especially not one as involved as this one seems like it will be.

If you’re doing a spec doc I’ll take a link to that though.


Edited by Herowannabe
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Less than 4 hours left! We haven't quite hit 25 players yet, but we are very close and with the pinch hitters who are willing to join, we'll even have a couple extra to actually pinch hit. :P

Couple other notes: it might take us a bit to get everything sent out. We hit a small snag with the anonymous accounts today in getting the names changed, but that shouldn't take too long to resolve and even if it does, it won't impact the game start time.

We've talked and have decided to open up PMs rather than have them closed at the start.

We will have a spec doc, but we haven't set it up yet. That's on the agenda for later tonight. If you want a link or have requested a link and we don't send you one by tomorrow morning (MDT), PM one of us and we'll get it to you.

That's all that I can think of right now, but get excited. This will be fun. >:)

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21 minutes ago, little wilson said:

We've talked and have decided to open up PMs rather than have them closed at the start.

>:] Excellent.

I'm excited for this, for a number of different reasons. Assuming I don't end up as a pinchhitter, this will be my first game in a while, and I suspect it's going to be an interesting game to come back to.

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50 minutes ago, Furamirionind said:

I am rather nervous about playing in a way that will make the game enjoyable to others... Will we get guidelines about stuff based on what character we get, or have I just not read far enough in the forums for this info?

(This is my first game)

You're jumping into the deep end it seems! I don't know all the details (as I'm a player as well), but it's semi-blackout format. That means we know only some of the rules, but not all of the mechanics. You will probably be getting more details in your PM about your character, their abilities, and their win conditions that will answer more of your questions. GMs are also pretty good about answering questions/clarifying in the GM PM.

Don't worry about making it fun for everyone else, just make sure it's fun for you. Contribute what you can, jump in with your theories, and roleplay when you want/can. People will generally do their best to help new players out, though keep in mind a healthy dose of suspicion will be good.

Have you ever played Mafia before? If so, you can probably ignore what I say next. In the game, the general rule (though keep in mind, not always the case) is that there is an Eliminator faction and a Village faction. Generally (again, not all games are the same), the villager goal is to eliminate the elim team before the elim team eliminates them. What we know of this game, however, is only what's on Wilson's first post of this thread. We'll find out more as we get our PMs and start playing.

The most important rule is to just have fun!

Welcome to SE! Good luck!

Edited by Elandera
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24 minutes ago, Elandera said:

You're jumping into the deep end it seems! I don't know all the details (as I'm a player as well), but it's semi-blackout format. That means we know only some of the rules, but not all of the mechanics. You will probably be getting more details in your PM about your character, their abilities, and their win conditions that will answer more of your questions. GMs are also pretty good about answering questions/clarifying in the GM PM.

Don't worry about making it fun for everyone else, just make sure it's fun for you. Contribute what you can, jump in with your theories, and roleplay when you want/can. People will generally do their best to help new players out, though keep in mind a healthy dose of suspicion will be good.

Have you ever played Mafia before? If so, you can probably ignore what I say next. In the game, the general rule (though keep in mind, not always the case) is that there is an Eliminator faction and a Village faction. Generally (again, not all games are the same), the villager goal is to eliminate the elim team before the elim team eliminates them. What we know of this game, however, is only what's on Wilson's first post of this thread. We'll find out more as we get our PMs and start playing.

The most important rule is to just have fun!

Welcome to SE! Good luck!

Thank you so much!
Yes, I have played mafia, Werewolf, town of salem, and a couple other variations of the game.  So I am familiar with the concept. : )
I am much less nervous now... Can't wait!

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With apologies, we're going to delay the game start 24 hours, to give time to finalise the starting state and recheck balance. We're sorry for the delay, and any upset this might cause to schedules, but hope the payoff from the additional time makes it worthwhile.

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LG49/AN3: Hour 1 - Watch the World Ending

It’s difficult to say that a Shard of Adonalsium is at a particular place. We permeate entire worlds, and don’t really use the Physical Realm all that much anyway.

But - if you were to pick one single place, where essences congealed slightly more than anywhere else, tonight you might land upon newly-minted Alethkar, in the palace in Kholinar.

Tonight we watch the gathering there a little bit more than anywhere else. It’s a cloudy point, where the future diverges in a thousand directions. Shards may have more power than any mortal, but mortals still rule our fates at times.

Alethi dance to listener drums as has not happened in a long time, even by our standards. Lords and ladies gossip as if nothing has changed, unknowing of the power and the danger gathering. The High King sits at his throne, his fate hanging in the balance.

I see growth everywhere I look: the young brightlord taking his place at the high table for the first time, the more curious Parshendi learning of a culture entirely foreign to them, the ever-so-fragile peace trying to solidify into something more real. I hope it does.

Honour sees differently. He sees the promise, the treaty a binding symbol of newborn duty. He sees the servants who take pride in their duties, and the guards bound to protect their king, an interweaving golden web of promises kept and oaths bound.

I don’t know what Odium sees. His thoughts are his own, as usual. I only perceive that he smiles.

On this one night, the night that decides the fate of nations, we watch. We cannot interfere - our plans will succeed or fall through as the mortals will - but we watch, and we hope.



LG49/AN3 has begun! This turn will last until 4:00 am MT on September 8th:



Player List

1. Gavilar Kholin (Amber Vulture)

2. Dalinar Kholin (Amethyst Scorpion)

3. Torol Sadeas (Azure Mouse)

4. Meridas Amaram (Charcoal Hyena)

5. Restares (Chartreuse Penguin)

6. Tearim (Coral Swan)

7. Navani Kholin (Cream Tuatara)

8. Ialai Sadeas (Emerald Falcon)

9. Jasnah Kholin (Fuchsia Ostrich)

10. Ivory (Indigo Weasel)

11. Elhokar Kholin (Ivory Dragonfly)

12. Aesudan Kholin (Magenta Albatross)

13. Adolin Kholin (Mauve Crocodile)

14. Renarin Kholin (Melon Dingo)

15. Wit (Mint Heron)

16. Liss (Onyx Flamingo)

17. Drunk Beggar (Opal Lion)

18. Ash (Oxblood Beagle)

19. Darkness (Pearl Chameleon)

20. Kelek (Plum Rhinoceros)

21. Eshonai (Quartz Zebra)

22. Venli (Saffron Iguana)

23. Klade (Sage Kangaroo)

24. Thaidakar (Salmon Meerkat)

25. Szeth Sapphire Elephant)


1. Parshendi Drummer

2. Servant

3. Merchant

4. King’s Guard

5. Parshman

All accounts are marked in the convention SE_Name.

As a reminder, the rules for anonymous accounts are as follows:

1) Do not change the password of the anonymous account you are issued. Wilson and I will have access to all anonymous accounts for the duration of the game.

2) Do not use the anonymous accounts to PM any non-anonymous account, other than the accounts of the GMs. Please do not use your normal accounts to PM anonymous accounts.

3) Do not change anything cosmetic about the accounts, including member title, username, signature, and avatar.



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How many actions do I have?
Everyone has only one action per turn.

What's the RP reward?
Each RP post gives you one point, and you can use the points as an action booster for your own action, making you more likely to succeed. 1 to 1 point to percentage, so 10 points adds 10% to the action.

Can I only use the points gained from RP on that same turn?
No. It accrues over the course of the game until you use the points as a boost. If you RP 20 times over 5 cycles, and then want to use your points to boost an action, you'd get a 20% boost (or less, if you wanted to only use, say, 15 points).

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Two reminders: if you roleplay, you'll be rewarded and today does have a lynch. Follow up to that last point:


The lynch does not kill. Instead, lynched players are cast out of the palace. Ostracized players can no longer interact with those inside the palace, but they will have access to a doc with all other ostracized players and can interact with them. Every third cycle, there will be a vote among ostracized players about who should reenter the palace. Players who remain outside will still have things to do and can still possibly win (though it’s much more difficult). Ostracism is not the end of the game. (Ostracism functions sort of like Elantris in LG12/LG44)

There may be some actions that increase your chances of being ostracized. Anyone ostracized in this fashion will have that happen independently of the lynch. Sort of like how in a normal game, lynches kill, but they're not the only way you can die.

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(Note: Any/All RP I write is purely for flavor, and may or may not coincide with my goals or win cons.)

Nale hated uncertainty.

Uncertainty led to panic. Panic led to mistakes. And mistakes were unforgivable. Especially on a night like tonight.

For tonight, everything Nale had worked for, everything Nale had ever worked for, could come crashing down.

For now, he perched on a windowsill, a hundred feet off the ground, watching the Alethi elite slowly drink themselves into a stupor, seemingly devoid of all embarrassment for their behavior. Still, distasteful as it was, it was not against the law, and so Nale did his best to ignore them. He watched, as one of the waiters pour some more wine to a stupefied guest, and, when they felt secure in not being observed, reached around to grab the guests sphere pouch. Nale grimaced, but didn't move. He focused in on the waiters face, until he was sure he would remember it, then returned to his observations. In a few days, once his current business was done, he would find them and deal with the waiter appropriately.

Society was a finely tuned mechanism, like one of these new fabrials. Each person was like a small gear, making up a small part in the greater whole, bound together by law, structure, and order. But, it only takes a few gears, a tiny fragment of pieces, to stop performing their function before the whole mechanism collapses, as Nale knew all too well. When a piece stops functioning as it is intended, it must be replaced, as it is no longer worthwhile. Nale, in many ways, was in charge of clearing the mechanism of society. And when someone breaks from the law - breaks the delicate mechanism of society - then they must be disciplined.

Slowly, Nale got up, and Lashed himself up towards the balcony above, where he could join the feast.

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