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He's a Koloss...

He smiled widely, his blue skin drooping along his face. "THANKS!" Then the man gave him his sandwhich. It was half as tall as the man who brought him here, Josh. He began to chow down, meat and ketchup falling down his face.

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I guessed that :P My character wouldn't know, being from Nalthis.

Lanrielis' eyes grew wide at seeing the giant sandwich. This place is amazing!

"What sort of work is there around here? I could use some funding again. The trip here was not cheap. I'm pretty sure the guy ripped me off a bit, but oh well." She shrugged broad shoulders. "At least I'm here."

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6 minutes ago, Elandera said:

"What's at the docks?" 

The blue man's drooping smile was a little unnerving, but she didn't let it bother her. It must have been very hot dye. Besides, if there was money to be made, she'd be willing to work with anyone.

His grin got more serious. "It's the way to the other side of the world. Through there, a way to have a new life, in a place with hundreds of new opportunities." Then he went back to the sandwich.

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@Blessing of Potency


What's wrong with it? It was in reference to the earlier thought of falling in a vat of dye. Some dyes are hot.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

"That's... uh... vague." She smiled at the strange blue man. "And what's so great about new opportunities over there? I haven't even explored opportunities here."

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Cookie smiled. A chanty came into his head, and he sang it.

"What will we do with a drunken sailor?
What will we do with a drunken sailor?
What will we do with a drunken sailor?
Early in the morning! 

Way hay and up she rises,
Way hay and up she rises,
Way hay and up she rises,
Early in the morning! 

Shave his belly with a rusty razor,
Shave his belly with a rusty razor,
Shave his belly with a rusty razor,
Early in the morning! 

Way hay and up she rises,
Way hay and up she rises,
Way hay and up she rises,
Early in the morning! 

Put him in a long boat till his sober,
Put him in a long boat till his sober,
Put him in a long boat till his sober,
Early in the morning! 

Way hay and up she rises,
Way hay and up she rises,
Way hay and up she rises,
Early in the morning! 

Stick him in a barrel with a..."

He trailed off, remembering the others. "I'll come, provided I can get beer. But I want to ask Josh first."


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Tena walked into the restaurant with Ani following behind her. She put her hands on her hips at the state of disarray the place was absorbed in, then walked to one of the tables and sat down, immediately bringing a well-used whetstone out of a pocket and beginning to sharpen one of her knives. 


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Anthony smiled at the man and woman at the table by them, one of whom he believed he had know before. (@Darth Woodrack@Blessing of Potency), then looked at the other customers, all who looked nice enough. He looked back at Tena, at her beautiful face, eyes, hair. At her knives. That sparked his interest most of all. He felt some strange love for the knives, and a feeling of happiness towards all who used them. He felt love for weapons in general. And that love made him love Tena even more. "Can I have a knife? I need a weapon." Then he smiled, looking at the waiter. "I'd like fourteen turkeys please."

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The waiter wasn't entirely surprised. He had, after all, been dealing with the couple and that strange Koloss. He walked off to the kitchens and sent in the order. The cook began making the food with a sigh. 


Tena absently reached out to give Ani the knife she'd been sharpening, then paused. Hellbent would have asked for a knife in this situation. "Don't do anything bad with this," she begged Ani, then pressed the hilt of the weapon into his hand with a wince. I'm going to have to show some trust if I want this to get serious, she told herself. Somehow, she still felt a looming sorrow shroud the back of her mind. He's going to become Hellbent again, isn't he. Oh, I wish I could prevent it. Should I tell him? She almost did, then decided against it, not knowing how he would react. 

"I think," she said, keeping her expression and voice composed despite her distress, "that you'll have to be asking me all the questions, since you only just woke up a few hours ago, and I doubt you have many memories from before to tell me about." Anyway, I was with you those last few moments before you tried to kill yourself. Thinking of him committing suicide made her even more nervous, and she had to work harder to keep it from showing on her face. 


The waiter arrived back at the table with two turkeys fresh from the superheating fabrial, then put them on the table in front of the man who'd given the order; the woman didn't look nearly so ravenous as her date.


Edited by AxeliustheGreat
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He smiled. "I'll only use it for self defense, killing someone who is so evil they can't live," his thoughts turned. Was that what I was? Some sort of advanced police on whatever world I lived on? That was new. Multiple worlds. I know there is multiple... how many? "Or just using it for doing something like this." He stabbed the turkey cutting off a huge chunk, as big as his two fists together. He ate it ravenously, eating through it withing three seconds. Then he looked at Tena, thinking off his realization. Multiple worlds... "How many planets that we can visit are there?" He considered. "I think there is multiple, for some reason. Is it more then one or two?" As he waited for the answer, he cut more chunks out of the turkey and kept eating.

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