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theory: Galladon in WoK


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You should have asked the second half on record, because I'm positive he would not say there was more than one Elantrian in the interlude. I know exactly who the three people are.

Can we take this to mean that either Brandon mispoke or Mi'chelle misheard the part about there being another Elantrian?

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are they people we would know of though? none of them are from later books that take place at an earlier time I guess is what I'm trying to say.

EDIT- looking back at 1stRR post she does say that he said it wasn't Raoden but it does say they are elantrians.

Edited by SOM1else
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You should have asked the second half on record, because I'm positive he would not say there was more than one Elantrian in the interlude. I know exactly who the three people are.

So Galladon is the only Elantrian in the interlude... I wonder, then, if his two companians are simply non-Elantrians from Sel or if they are from other worlds?

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  • 2 weeks later...

It is being assumed that they have no Dor on Roshar...

What if the power loss is like a parabolic(? not sure if that is the right word) effect. Imagine if, they travel so far away from Elantris that  there power grows again like the opposite pole of a magnet (kinda like how its cold in the north pole, warm in the equator, then cold in the south pole.)


Sel is somehow "close" to Roshar, and every place in Roshar has a corresponding place in Sel.

Is there possibly a way that Elantrians can set up a sort of "mini-Elantris" when they go somewhere? After all, one of the major parts of the story line in the book was that Elantris itself was a massive Aon that allowed the Elantrians to use the Dor. Perhaps they have figured out how to set up similar Aons elsewhere?

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  • 3 months later...

Update on this stuff ... I got Brandon to discuss it a little bit at the end of his recent signing in San Diego.

He said that out of the three characters chasing Hoid in the Purelake, besides Galladon, the other two characters are also worldhoppers. It was strongly implied that all three of them are from different worlds.

He said that one of the three characters is from a book and world that have not been written yet, so there was no way it could be guessed. (I don't know for sure if this is true of people who have read his written-but-unpublished works ... I suppose it could be from one of those worlds.)

But he said the third character is one that can be guessed from his description in Way of Kings, but that no one (to his knowledge) has correctly guessed yet. So ... some character from Warbreaker or Mistborn is with Galladon. Brandon said that the character's physical description is quite similar in Way of Kings and in the original source material. (Of course the Way of Kings description is colored by the Purelake narrative perspective, though.) I got the idea that it was a pretty minor character, but I could be wrong about that.

So ... someone, quick, go through Warbreaker and the Mistborn trilogy all with a fine-tooth comb and see which minor character is described the same as Blunt or Thinker! ;)

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Gah, I've got to pull through my old guesses of Blunt and Thinker. Let's see here. Do we know that one of them isn't from Sel? Because I always had a sneaking suspicion that Thinker was Sarene and Raoden's son. The other old guess I had was that Vasher was Blunt. I'll have to go over character descriptions though.

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Gah, I've got to pull through my old guesses of Blunt and Thinker. Let's see here. Do we know that one of them isn't from Sel? Because I always had a sneaking suspicion that Thinker was Sarene and Raoden's son. The other old guess I had was that Vasher was Blunt. I'll have to go over character descriptions though.

Both the implication in my own conversation with Brandon, and (more importantly) Peter's post earlier in this very thread confirm that only Galladon is from Sel.

Did Warbreaker ever describe Vasher as having dark skin? :huh:

Vasher seems an unlikely guess to me, just because ... his story's not really complete yet, so it would be weird for him to go off worldhopping. Until the sequel to Warbreaker is written, that is. (Of course, chronological order is a foolish axiom to assume. But Brandon has said he doesn't tend to like prequels.)

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You're right, Warbreaker is before WoK, but there's a good chance it's by at least a century. Vasher and Vivenna should be done with their plot line by then. And you're right, Peter makes it pretty clear that the second known person isn't Elantrian

Let me see who I can find descriptions of....

(edit incoming...)

EDIT (as promised)

Blunt- Taller than Galladon, short dark hair, lean muscles, broad shoulders, dark skin, soldier, Vao,

Thinker- light tan skin, wrong shaped eyes, wrong accent, quiet, thoughtful, scar on scalp,

Vasher- Short, dark-haired, not a duelist,

Suseborn- Tall, broad shouldered, lean muscles, more powerful of build

Lightsong describes his niece as having "dark tan skin", and Siri says about the T'Telir people "Some had dark skin, which meant they were from the edges of the Hallandren kingdom"

Llarimar's got dark hair. He seems like the soldier kind ;) So does Tonk Fah, and Blushweaver, and Suseborn. It seems in general a Nalthis trait.

I don't think that whoever it is in Scadrial, simply because the only immortal people we know from there are Marsh and Tensoon, and the only recognizable body that TenSoon has is Kelsier, and that doesn't sound like Thinker (no scar) or Blunt (not dark skin).

Also, Blunt's cover name is Vao, which is awfully close to Vo, the First Returned. And since Galladon's cover name was Temoo, which is similar to Raoden's old cover name Kaloo, we can say that's a reasonable assumption.

So my guess? Blunt's from Nalthis. Nalthis has plenty of Returned that have potential to be immortal. Who from Nalthis? I don't know. My gut still tells me Vasher. But I haven't found a description with him having dark skin.

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I agree with the second person being from Nalthis, but we can cross Lightsong and Llarimar off the list, I know Lightsong died and I'm fairly sure Llarimar did too, even if he didn't he wasn't immortal, unless he returned which seems unlikely to me... for some reason.

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Sure, but Brandon told me it was someone we should be able to guess, based on the description of their appearance.

... which could mean it's not a Returned. Hmmmmm ...

Not necessarily. While the Returned can change their appearance, mostly they don't. They appear as whatever they see themselves to be, and unless they're specifically trying to alter their appearance, their appearance would stay the same.

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Not necessarily. While the Returned can change their appearance, mostly they don't. They appear as whatever they see themselves to be, and unless they're specifically trying to alter their appearance, their appearance would stay the same.

Along this line, Blunt could be Vasher and his appearance has changed due to the events that occur in "Nightblood" (the tenative name of the Warbreaker sequel, iirc.) He may also be changing his appearance on purpose as a disguise, as he is one of the few Returned that is shown to have very good control of his appearance.

So the last person needs to be from Yolen, Taldain, The Silence Divine planet or one of the unknown Shardworlds...guess we will have to wait for the last one.

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Is there possibly a way that Elantrians can set up a sort of "mini-Elantris" when they go somewhere? After all, one of the major parts of the story line in the book was that Elantris itself was a massive Aon that allowed the Elantrians to use the Dor. Perhaps they have figured out how to set up similar Aons elsewhere?

I'll try to find the cite, but my understanding is that Elantris is an amplifier that enhances their abilities but isn't the source. When they are near Elantris, their powers are stronger, but the farther away they travel the less the amplification effect. If they are far enough away (like Raoden when he city hops) they have reduced abilities like they did when Elantris was broken. So if someone was on another planet, his abilities would decline to their non-amplified broken-Elantris levels but not disappear completely.

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Braandon's said it's possible to get all the powers to work on other worlds but the way it was said implies that their may be difficulties doing that with some of them.

Didn't he also RAFO what would happen if you tattoo Aon Rao on an Elantrian?

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