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[All Cosmere]Shadesmar(t)! The greatest shopping center in the Cosmere!


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Yes! Through the power of awakening it's finally possible to play a game of Dejarik, the 3d holographic chess game played on the millenium falcon. The pieces would have to be sculpted out of clay and repaired after each game, but I would definitely go to Shadesmar(t) to buy that.

Edited by hoiditthroughthegrapevine
To avoid a lawsuit for failure to use the trademarked name
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Bridge Four brand Instant soup, just like Rock used to make!

Hats, Accents, and lost fingers. By Wayne, edited by Wax and Steris Ladrian for clarity and graphic content.

The care and keeping of Aviars. By Sixth of Dusk.


Ranette's exotic weaponry, for all your Hazekilling, surgebinders slicing, and Awakener silencing needs. Aluminum: extra five emerald broams.

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17 minutes ago, Gasper said:

Bridge Four brand Instant soup, just like Rock used to make!

Hats, Accents, and lost fingers. By Wayne, edited by Wax and Steris Ladrian for clarity and graphic content.

The care and keeping of Aviars. By Sixth of Dusk.


Ranette's exotic weaponry, for all your Hazekilling, surgebinders slicing, and Awakener silencing needs. Aluminum: extra five emerald broams.

I love it!

Skydiving Without a Parachute, by Coi N Shot.

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A Hoid mask for when your traveling to Scadrial and you get jumped by the legendary thief, Kelsier. The mask should scare him away...but it also might make him want to rob you even more.

Be careful not to be seen by the 17th Shard while you're wearing it.

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2 hours ago, Stark said:

Just don't build an outlet near Threnody.  You don't want to have to be Shade Smart when you head to the Shadesmar(t).

Shades are the perfect security guards! If you run you are dead. If you start a fire you are dead. If you spill blood you are dead!

Ok, I guess technically if anyone does those things everyone is dead. Sometimes you need mutually assured destruction.

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How to get away with murder by Zane and Straff Venture

New limbs in ten days or less by Lopen

101 things to do with a dead bridgeman by Torol Sadeas

The Idiot's guide to making and maintaining lifeless by Warbreaker the Peaceful AKA Vasher

My life as a cognitive shadow by Kelsier

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7 hours ago, Gasper said:

New limbs in ten days or less by Lopen

Was a best seller until it was supplanted by New Limbs in ten seconds or less: A Kandra's guide to shapechanging by Tensoon.

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Horneater cooking. By Rock

Airsick lowlanders for dummies. Also by Rock

A life with one arm and many cousins. By the Lopen.

Shadesmar, the realm of the spren. By Jasnah Kholin.

Life on the Plains. Unnamed Parshendi. 


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"A hat what is good for your poise" - Self help book by Wayne 

"Lazy grass: A philosophy of cultures" - By Rysn


Shinovar fried chicken, The cosmere's most exotic delicacy.

Tickets to Lift your awesomeness, The ultimate Ice skating rink.   


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"Nahel bonding in Ten easy steps" By the Internet - "Number nine may surprise you"

"Unusual uses for Allomancy that will change your life" By some scammer - "Number 16 will blow your mind"


"Conversing with yourself" Shallan's guide to dealing with trauma


"B90-X: How to get a Bridge-runner's body in 90 days or less" Exercise Regime - Bridge and arrows sold separately.

Edited by Stark
It should always have been nine
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Wacky, wavy, inflatable arm-flailing tube man! Wacky wavy, inflatable arm-flailing tube man! Wacky, wavy inflatable arm-flailing tube man! Welcome to Hoid's Wacky, wavy inflatable arm-flailing tube man Warehouse and Emporium! These deals are truly out of this worrrlllldddd!!!"

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Some items of interest from the Shadesmar(t) mail order catalog:

  • Always misplacing your glasses? Have another item of importance that you are always misplacing (dentures, wallet, etc)? Let our genuine Nalthian Awakener solve your problem with a simple command "Come When I Call". Never again will you struggle to find the unfindable, your precious item will always be just a call away.
    *Note, the item to be so awakened must needs be sent to our dispatch center in Silverlight, please allow 3 to 6 months for return delivery of awakened item.
  • Scadrian reusable handwarmer medallions. Perfect for the gentleman adventurer heading up to the Northern frozen expanses. Using a patented system combining feruchemical brass, nicrosil, aluminum and harmonium, these amazing handwarmers can be used by anyone and are rechargeable. To recharge them, simply submerge them into piping hot water while holding them in your hand. Guaranteed to not explode 90% of the time.
  • The Rosharan dream projector fabrial, the Dreaminator 1200. Truly a marvel of the modern age, using a patented combination of the surges of Illumination and Spiritual Adhesion this little beauty can project a fully realized visualization of the wearer's dream. Here are some testimonials from some satisfied customers:

    "I am now a free and liberated woman, thanks to my Dreaminator 1200. When I saw that my ex-husband dreamed of me as a chull's backside wearing a wig and lipstick, I knew that I had to set a different course in my life. I am now happily married to a merchant of the 9th dahn, and am now completely content and happy with my lot in life. Little Bobbybbob and Susieisus now have a chance for a better life, and I am comforted by the dreams of my new hubby nightly, as he dreams mostly of abstractions like continents burning with a yellow gold flame, stripe faced servants rising up and wearing the heads of their former masters in a kabuki style pantomime of destruction, while I stand atop a mountain of charred and blackened skulls, looking ravashing in a gown the color of blood. Much better than that Chull nonsense".

    "My most trusted associate can now sift through the subconsciously submerged yet pertinent details of my variably intelligent mind each day, and for this, I am truly grateful as it helps immensely with my drawings, particularly my diagrams."
    -Mr. T

  • The Pen is mightier than the sword pen. These little beauties are made from genuine splinters of Dakhor monk bone making them impervious to any physical blunt force trauma. Truly this imperishable pen is an heirloom quality article that can be passed down for generations to come. Also, one special feature of these little gems is that in a pinch they can be used to transport their owner to a different location, but use this feature sparingly as the pen will have to be stabbed through the beating heart of another person for this effect to be so engaged.

If you happen to be on Scadrial, look for our weekly ads featuring new and exciting products in your local broadsheets.



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