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Hood with breath. ..


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Hood with breath? o.O


Anyway, the aura would be something you'd need to really look out for, especially if you didn't have a Heightening of your own. Second Heightening doesn't grant too noticeable an aura. And it's safe to assume that Rosharans, were they to notice it in the first place would attribute it to a trick of the eye.

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Not necessarily, Vasher can suppress his.

But while it's suppressed he gains no heightenings like perfect pitch. Hoid probably is making the colors around him more vivid, just no one on Roshar notices it because without having breath yourself it's hard to detect the effect.*




*unless the person has a lot of them of course

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Stalagmite, on 20 Apr 2014 - 2:59 PM, said:

But while it's suppressed he gains no heightenings like perfect pitch. Hoid probably is making the colors around him more vivid, just no one on Roshar notices it because without having breath yourself it's hard to detect the effect.*

*unless the person has a lot of them of course

Probably just Zahel then.

Edited by Kasimir
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Shallan suppresses the Stormlight streaming off her by feeding it into an illusion. It's possible Hoid is doing a similar trick, or perhaps burning copper constantly (if it works by dampening Investiture). Some interaction between systems we don't know of could definitely hide it.

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Ketek, on 20 Apr 2014 - 3:23 PM, said:

Zahel suppressed his Breath too. He'd look like a Returned otherwise, and there is no way no one would pick up on that.

But he's still got some Breath--if he's suppressing his Returned Breath, he still has enough for the fourth Heightening, because he displays life sense. That puts him at the level where he can detect Hoid's Breath.

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Fourth Heightening is perfect life sense, as far as I know. You have life sense from the First Heightening onwards, it's just not perfect. And considering that Kaladin needed to be outside his door for Zahel to sense him... if he does have Breaths there's probably not too many of them.

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Fourth Heightening is perfect life sense, as far as I know. You have life sense from the First Heightening onwards, it's just not perfect. And considering that Kaladin needed to be outside his door for Zahel to sense him... if he does have Breaths there's probably not too many of them.

i thought everybody had Life Sense it just grew stronger the more Breath you had?

But yeah Perfect Life Sense is the Fourth Heightening :D thanks for clarifying i wasn't sure :D


Zahel also sensed Syl with Kaladin, i find that very interesting!


It could also just mean the Nalthis magic system works differently while on Roshar or i don't doubt Hoid could have picked up Zahel's trick of suppressing his Heightening effect on colour. 

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Yeah, everyone has life sense if they have even a single Breath, but I wouldn't really include that, since everyone already has it, Drabs aside. It's around the First Heightening that it really becomes a standard magical ability, methinks.

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There are many reasons he could be using the LTR trick of gold storage.. He could be using some type of time warping ability since we know he can travel foward through time.. He is very old- (so he does age ) just his abilities can supress it very well.. In this cosmere age is different based on the planet your from.. we are still unaware of all his abilites- and i wouldnt be surprised if a fountain of youth pops up in shadesmare any day now.!

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SO SPOILERY, I HAD TO CLOSE MY EYES AND SCROLL DOWN!!! Me sad now, want to read WoR! :,(


Be careful around the "Cosmere Theories" board if you're not completely up-to-date. Users are not required to give spoiler warnings. Spoilers can strike like the Shaod on this board.

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