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This must be what gentling feels like...


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I just finished The Wheel Of Time after living in the universe for 3 years. I've been melancholy after finishing books before, but this has left a void in my life. I'm excites for a re-read but my life will never be the same again. Sorry if this isn't a prime topic for discussion, but I had to vent somehow, as nobody I know has read the series and my pain is laughable to them. To them it is just a book. But I'm sure some of you disagree. Have any of you felt as I do? How did you cope, and how can anything compare?

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I call this book hangover, and I get it after every one of Brandon's books (though it's easier with the smaller ones). I usually wait a little to see if it goes away (it doesn't), and if it doesn't, I reread something that I know is really good. Which sometimes backfires, because it sends me into another book hangover, but it usually fixes the problem.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I believe curing a hangover with what caused the hangover, is a step towards addiction. Sandersonoholicism.... I successfully recovered from the Wheel of Time, but it was hard. I didn't reread it, but I went through several wiki articles filling gaps in my head.

Now, back to The Way of Kings second read through.... I'm in denial.

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Still in hangover from reading WOR......Read Brent Weeks Night Angel series again and received another 'Book Hangover'

So i read WOK and now Warbreaker most likely read WOR again and i know ill have another hangover.... i believe this is called spiraling.


Anybody got any good recommendations to help me out?? Been devouring the Cosmere over and over again haha :)




(Audio version, haha i dont have enough time to always sit and read )


Edited by WEZ313
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I also got a bit sad after finishing, cause there was no more wot to read. but just a bit. I never became *really* sad for finishing a book.

So yes, there will be no more wheel of time books, and this sucks. on the other hand, the stormlight archive promise to be even better. I call it a deal.


I believe curing a hangover with what caused the hangover, is a step towards addiction. Sandersonoholicism


Yes, but addiction to books is harmless. It's not like drug or smoke. books don't metl our brain, don't cause cancer. at worst they'll hurt our foot if we drop them.

Some people say they are bad for social life. I used to feel guilty about that, back when I was younger and less wise. Now I believe one has to embrace one's passions* to find fulfillment. So if you have more fun reading books than going to parties, you will be happier accepting your nerdyness and all it entails than doing stuff you don't actually enjoy just because society tell you that you are supposed to enjoy it. Worked wonders for me.


So, embrace Sandersonoholicism. A scoop of addiction with a glass of perdition, thanks.



* Obviously, as long as they're harmless for others. if you like hurting people, i am in no way encouraging you to become a serial killer

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Book hangovers are more like drug addictions. You finish a book you've been enjoying, and you feel depressed. You can't drive the depression away, unless you read another book. This repeats itself, and all the while the craving builds up. Your hair starts to fall out, and you get bags under your eyes from reading at night. Pretty soon, your library loan card has hit the limit, and your friends cant seem to contact you. 

The only way to break this infinite cycle is to play video games. and THAT starts another infinite cycle.


By the way Swimmingly, where did you hide the victim's body again? And the bomb is placed, right?

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I've always called the after feeling "The Mood". I usually go on a rampage and devour every book in sight-I never reread books during this period, they MUST be new- it lasts for about a month and then I go to the exact opposite and don't read anything for three weeks.

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We all need to develop strong coping skills.... When I feel "the Mood" after finishing a book, I cope by... Crap, reading the 17th Shard forums, the Coppermind Wiki, and rereading... I have some work to do.

Is it excusable if the book is prescribed by a professional? I believe Brandon Sanderson has recommended his books... So it's legit right?

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Okay, now I'm really desperate. I've read almost every good book in my library, even reading Stephen King and H.P Lovecraft books (and I paid the price with many nightmares). I'm not going to prestige in any of my video games, and all I can do now is wait for the new Lightsworn structure deck to come out.

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I never really got over the book hangover from The Wheel of Time. When I walk past my bookshelf, I have to curb the temptation to just grab one of the books and start reading them again.

After reading Sanderson, I try to do some craft (painting, etc.) Designed some Soulcasting jewelry after reading Way of Kings, and it helped a little bit.


But on a great book, it doesn't really go away.

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I can't re-read any books when I'm in The Mood. It has to be a new book, and beyond that, it has to be GOOD. This leads to complications, since I'm a broke 16-year-old with not-well-off parents. I wander hopelessly around the house complaining to my mother and then drown my sorrows in The Internet until I either get a new book to force myself to re-read something. (the fact that I only own one Cosmere book - borrowed the rest from a friend - doesnt help, either.)

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My dad decided not to read another Cosmere book until Highprince of War is out. That's his way of coping.


Lol, I can't remember how often I told myself not to start another ongoing series before it's finished.


I got 14 of those by now.

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