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Quick Fix Game 1: Jeskeri Mysteries


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I do not like first person, so I'm not going to do first person RP. Don't have time for any RP right now, so I guess that doesn't really matter, though.

So there isn't anything we can really do now, huh? Just wait for everyone to post and cast our votes based on any suspicion garnered through what people say, I guess.

And no, I don't think that counts, Joe. Sorry. ;)

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The fact that there had been a murder didn't surprise Asgren. These parts were known for it. The fact that it had been the freeholder, a local, that was the victim did surprise him. As far as he had heard, they mainly went around killing outsiders. Something else was going on around here. 

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Gamene stepped back inside to warm herself by the small fire burning in the hearth in the corner, trying to get that Winter chill out of her bones. And she had only been outside for a few moments to survey the grizzly scene everyone had woken to.

Gamene had always thought life was so unfair, everybody she had ever met had always perfectly been described by their name. Aan- Truthful. Dao- Stable. Whenever someone was assigned an Aon-based name, they would always live up to those expectations. But not Gamene.
Oh, she tried to be clever, but who could honestly be witty all of the time?  That wasn't her. She liked to go outside and play, to roughhouse around. She didn't mind getting dirty or scraped up. Unfortunately that had earned her a reputation as a Tomboy back at home, but she didn't care.

None of that mattered now. She was still cursing herself from coming on this blasted trip. She thought running away to a Mountainy-trade post would offer fun and adventure! But now she had to face the grim realities of life....
Nobody was going to believe this, back home. If she even survived, that was.

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Twelve are playing, so that means there are 3 Jeskeri Priests (I really doubt it would be higher, or lower, as it would make things either too easy or too hard for us). Assuming we get lucky, this could be over pretty fast. However, the lack of special roles and the compressed time-frame means we've got a lot less to go off of. It also means we can't sit around waiting for the Priests (I mean team evil, I figure there's only one Seeker-type Priest) to make a move.


Faidh grimaced when he saw the freeholders body. Being stuck in this Domi-forsaken trading post in midwinter was bad enough, but it was clear things were just going to get worse. He'd had run-ins with the Mysteries' handiwork before, and odds were that they weren't going to stop until the whole outpost was dead. He gave their small group six days. Seven if they got lucky, five if they didn't. If they didn't catch the killers in those six days... Faidh didn't want to think about what was going to happen to them. 

Edited by AonarFaileas
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Warkel usually stayed awake half the night tossing and turning.  Not that night though.  His tired old body had been on the road for too long the bed had been too soft.  He'd also broken into his supply of winglebark.  It was a common enough herb which aided sleep.  Warkel had needed it.  He'd never admit that age was catching up with him but deep down he knew that this would be his last winter.


Still he rose early that morning.  He got out of bed and stretched, he grabbed his walking stick and wandered down to the kitchen to get hot water for some tea.  The screams curdled his blood, people rushed towards the stable.


"What was going on?" 

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I do not like first person, so I'm not going to do first person RP. Don't have time for any RP right now, so I guess that doesn't really matter, though.

We  I wasn't saying we all should, We I just often refer to ourselves Myself by the Royal we. I'm still experimenting with differnet types of Writting.


 Well, Nobody really seems Suspicious yet, which implies that the Followers are either experianced in Situations like this, or Still asleep. But everyone here appears to be Experianced or asleep. This is a Conundrum. I decided to make a List of everyone who hadn'tbeen seen since the Murders. Not many. Mai, Ratel, Caan and Kai. One of them was probably a Follower. But who? There wasn't any evidence yet for anyone. It would be better to wait until everyone had woken up before I started accussing people left and straight.

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Here we go :)


Caan tromped down from his room. He noticed that there was something odd going on, everyone seemed upset and on the verge of panic, he supposed he should find out what was going on. But, especially in times of danger, it was important to remember priorities. So Caan went in search of breakfast. What? It's the most important meal of the day!

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Sitting in a large comfortable chair by the roaring fire, Ratel munched on a strip of dried rabbit meat.  He had no desire to join those staring at the body hanging in the stable.  After all once you've seen one person ritualistically killed you've seen them all, and he had no intension of reliving that part of his life.


I went into the wilderness to get away from those maniacs. he thought.  Last time I tangled with those cultists it cost me the sight in my left eye.


Removing a flask from his jacket, Ratel took a deep swig before replacing it and pulling another strip of meat.


If I just keep my head down, I should be able to survive long enough to slip away once the snow melts enough.


I like the idea of casting votes in secret as it really ups the tension.  Not knowing who's going to be lynched until its done is a nice twist.

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Can We assume that the followers know who each other are?


There is nothing in the rules that say so but probably safer if we do.  Would be hilarious if they end up sacrificing one of their own. :lol: 

Edited by Alvron
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Mai awoke late to the smell of death. He had thought new days were new beginnings, but it apparently hadn't been for the poor fellow who had died. In the name of Honor, his namesake, he announced to the group that had gathered that he was a regular boring person. And he was voting for Kai. Kai hadn't shown up yet, so he decided that would be most suspicious.

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Kai tore her eyes away from the bloody body. There was something mesmerizing and terrible about someone splayed out in such a fashion. She realized that she was shaking, although she wasn't sure if it was from the cold or from fear. Pulling her coat more tightly about herself, Kai shuffled back inside to the gathering of people. 
It was a good-sized group for the season, although the room felt empty compared before the weather turned sour. The murderers had to be among their number, and Kai worried about whether she would survive, trapped as she was with them. She scanned everyone's faces, trying to find someone who didn't belong. With the glares and frowns of worry surrounding her, it occurred to her that she must seem every bit as suspicious to them as they did to her. She backed away from Mai's suspicious stare and continued her inspection. Unfortunately, she didn't know any of these people and none of them sent off any alarms in her head. She had no idea how to start. She would have to wait for someone else to make a move.

I'm sorry I didn't post sooner. I was going to, but then real life pulled me away, and since there's not any info yet I didn't have much to say anyway. I understand if I get killed because of that, but I'll be disappointed, and you'll be disappointed too since I'm not one of the followers of the Mysteries. I know I'll be on more the rest of this week than I was today.

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Day One Ends

As the night fades and the sun rises for the next time since that horrible morning of red, and you all gather for breakfast around the hearth, you discuss the events of the previous day and what you should do. The killer must be found, and they must be stopped. Accusations begin to fly over the now cold bowls of porridge - Adolin accuses Faidh, who is still shut up in their room this morning. Warkel accuses Adolin of trying to cover his tracks, and then Caan suggests Warkel is doing the same. Kai tells Caan that if he is so intent on playing them off against each other that maybe he is the killer, while Asgren tries to calm everyone down and says that can't think of any of them as killers.

As the morning drags on, unable to settle the dispute, their attention turns to the missing participants. Neither Mai nor Faidh have come down yet today. Suddenly frightened, they creep up the stairs, staying together, but at the same time staying apart. They reach Faidh's room. Knock once, twice. The door creaks open, and Faidh answers it, huddled in their blankets. Expressions of relief and fear begin to flow, until a short scream sounded from down the hall.

Mai was dead.

Tied to the bedposts, gutted and stuffed with sheets soaked red. Another sacrificial victim.

After removing their body, fights break out. Someone has to go. Joe was the one to discover the body, and is accused by the Grey Pilgrim in the corner, and by Gamene. Nepene was the only one who held back from the stairs - Ratel said they must have been trying to avoid the scene of the crime. Joe can't take it anymore, and says that they'll leave. "If you're going to get rid of someone, I'll take my chances with the snow!"

Throwing together his things, he heads off into the white expanse, leaving you wondering if you did the right thing.

Player Voted out: TheOnlyJoe
Player Killed: Mailliw73

Edited by Alvron
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The votes have been tallied into the narrative. As you abstained, you would not be as aware of that as the others. For example, Joe voted for himself, so in the narrative, he casts the final 'vote' to give himself the majority of three.

Edited by Tempus
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Oh, I noticed that. I mainly want to know whether that was all of the votes, or just the ones pertaining to who was lynched? Or is that why you mention Nepene and Ratel?

You say that Ratel said "they" were avoiding the scene of the crime. Is that referring just to Nepene or also Gamene and Grey pilgrim. Does that mean he voted for Nepene?

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Since lists tend to be helpful, here's the votes as near as I can figure out.


Joe (3): Greggin, Gamene, Joe
Faidh (1): Adolin
Adolin (1): Warkel
Warkel (1): Caan
Caan (1): Kai
Nepene (1): Ratel

no one (4): Aspren, Nepene, Faidh, Mai

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