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I have to admit, that I don't really have a character for the meeting :mellow: Which is a bit sad as I'd ooc love to be a part of it. But I'm afraid that it wouldn't make a lot of sense ic.


But if it's still possible I would like to have a character join your mini side plot. @ZincAboutIt

Edited by Sorana
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20 hours ago, Sorana said:

I have to admit, that I don't really have a character for the meeting :mellow: Which is a bit sad as I'd ooc love to be a part of it. But I'm afraid that it wouldn't make a lot of sense ic.


But if it's still possible I would like to have a character join your mini side plot. @ZincAboutIt

Temeria could hear about it at the SG I guess? But yeah wouldn't make a whole lot of sense to attend.

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5 hours ago, Voidus said:

Temeria could hear about it at the SG I guess? But yeah wouldn't make a whole lot of sense to attend.

I mean she could go there to plead for the whole 'do some good' topic. But there is no reason why a person who's not belonging to a guild should be admitted. It might work if she tagged along with Mac or the SG, but that would imply, that her current scene has to be finished - so it's a no. I don't want to hold everything up or pressure mathiau.


I have to admit that I toyed with the thought of Lena replacing a caterer (in my head there's no meeting with important people without some finger food). Those attending could call her out of course, don't want to decide that nobody looks through a disguise. But only if it works for everybody. I'm fine with not participating.

Edited by Sorana
clarified something
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10 hours ago, Sorana said:

have to admit that I toyed with the thought of Lena replacing a caterer (in my head there's no meeting with important people without some finger food). Those attending could call her out of course, don't want to decide that nobody looks through a disguise. But only if it works for everybody. I'm fine with not participating.

This sounds so fun XD

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This the thread for inquiring about how to join the fun?


I have not yet made a character, but that is mostly because I have So Many Questions.

So how do the magic systems interact? Do you have to be born on scadrial to have metalborn powers? Does hemalurgic spikes tie you to ruin? Does being an elantrian kinda suck because of location limitations? Are epics still evil? Are smedry talents still genetic? How abundant are metals like atium or lerasium and ettmetal? How important is connection for being able to communicate with others? Are there multiple earths, or is this a world where epic powers and oculators coexist? What of the wheel of time? Is it counted in here? How much spoiler hiding do I have to do for various books? Are the events of every book still happening? Already happened? Not happened yet? How easy is it to find radiant spren?


I apologize for all the questions. But this is so fun, and the potential ramifications are so confusing.

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1 hour ago, Ookla the Headmuncher said:

This the thread for inquiring about how to join the fun?


I have not yet made a character, but that is mostly because I have So Many Questions.

So how do the magic systems interact? Do you have to be born on scadrial to have metalborn powers? Does hemalurgic spikes tie you to ruin? Does being an elantrian kinda suck because of location limitations? Are epics still evil? Are smedry talents still genetic? How abundant are metals like atium or lerasium and ettmetal? How important is connection for being able to communicate with others? Are there multiple earths, or is this a world where epic powers and oculators coexist? What of the wheel of time? Is it counted in here? How much spoiler hiding do I have to do for various books? Are the events of every book still happening? Already happened? Not happened yet? How easy is it to find radiant spren?


I apologize for all the questions. But this is so fun, and the potential ramifications are so confusing.

  1. Depends, but generally we say that non-Cosmere systems function by similar rules, so a bronze burner could sense an Epic using their powers, for example
  2. Normally there's a general assumption you're from the planet the power is from, but it's not necessary, and people born in the Alleyverse can have powers from all kinds of planets.
  3. Assumption is that Ruin either doesn't exist anymore, or doesn't have any power here
  4. Location requirements are handwaved as it just working anyway
  5. Calamity Epics generally are (unless you go the weakness route), but you can also be a non-evil Invocation Epic
  6. Generally yes, or at least I don't think I've seen anyone make a talent char before who wasn't a Smedry
  7. All are rare, though I expect Ettmetal artifacts to be more common. Atium does exist, but it still highly valuable, getting lerasium would probably require discussing stuff with mods.
  8. Handwaved in that anyone who enters the Alleyverse gets Connection to it and thus speaks the same language, barring a few edge-cases when players preferred it.
  9. Multiple earths
  10. Wheel of time is counted, but not used much.
  11. For spoilers, I think generally follow Shard spoiler policies? So probably no LM stuff for now, but the rest should be fine.
  12. The Alleyverse doesn't exist on the same timeline, so people can arrive from basically any point in time.
  13. Finding a Radiant spren is as difficult as you want it to be, though I also suggest discussing with mods.
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7 minutes ago, kenod said:
  1. Depends, but generally we say that non-Cosmere systems function by similar rules, so a bronze burner could sense an Epic using their powers, for example
  2. Normally there's a general assumption you're from the planet the power is from, but it's not necessary, and people born in the Alleyverse can have powers from all kinds of planets.
  3. Assumption is that Ruin either doesn't exist anymore, or doesn't have any power here
  4. Location requirements are handwaved as it just working anyway
  5. Calamity Epics generally are (unless you go the weakness route), but you can also be a non-evil Invocation Epic
  6. Generally yes, or at least I don't think I've seen anyone make a talent char before who wasn't a Smedry
  7. All are rare, though I expect Ettmetal artifacts to be more common. Atium does exist, but it still highly valuable, getting lerasium would probably require discussing stuff with mods.
  8. Handwaved in that anyone who enters the Alleyverse gets Connection to it and thus speaks the same language, barring a few edge-cases when players preferred it.
  9. Multiple earths
  10. Wheel of time is counted, but not used much.
  11. For spoilers, I think generally follow Shard spoiler policies? So probably no LM stuff for now, but the rest should be fine.
  12. The Alleyverse doesn't exist on the same timeline, so people can arrive from basically any point in time.
  13. Finding a Radiant spren is as difficult as you want it to be, though I also suggest discussing with mods.

Thank you so much! I think I have an idea for a starting character. Once I create and submit my character for approval, and once it’s approved, what do newcomers generally do/go to?

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1 hour ago, Ookla the Headmuncher said:

Thank you so much! I think I have an idea for a starting character. Once I create and submit my character for approval, and once it’s approved, what do newcomers generally do/go to?

We currently have one ongoing thing in The Vigil, though there are a couple plots planned to start as well.

Aside from that, I suggest looking Here, which is meant to be a thread to look for others to rp with.

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20 hours ago, Ookla the Quark said:

This is an idea I'm throwing out there, for a more comic character. An Epic who changes their epic name a great deal, and everyone has given up and just calls them "He/She/It of a thousand and one names" 

Perhaps their epic power is confusing people with name changes...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Aight, people, I might be diving back into the alley verse with two characters. One I've been thinking about besides the ghostblood one is either a spren or a singer. I think one that accidentally fell into the alley verse would be just... so fun.

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3 hours ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

Aight, people, I might be diving back into the alley verse with two characters. One I've been thinking about besides the ghostblood one is either a spren or a singer. I think one that accidentally fell into the alley verse would be just... so fun.

We love fun here! Both options sound lovely. A spren character is always an interesting concept.

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Hey @Stormlightsong! Can I ask when your post in the TUBA thread is taking place - is this a week after the events of the Forgery, or less than that? Just need to know whether I can send my character over there or not, as a week out she's going to a meeting and dealing with a dying guy :P

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15 minutes ago, Stormlightsong said:

Probably after the forgery

This would certainly be the case. What Ene is asking is if it would be immediately after, or exactly a week after - concurrent with the Vigil thread. If the latter, Ene’s character is busy. So I’d recommend putting this within the week between the Forgery ending and the Vigil day. :) 

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26 minutes ago, ZincAboutIt said:

This would certainly be the case. What Ene is asking is if it would be immediately after, or exactly a week after - concurrent with the Vigil thread. If the latter, Ene’s character is busy. So I’d recommend putting this within the week between the Forgery ending and the Vigil day. :) 

Thanks for the advice. This would probably take place in that first week then.

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1 minute ago, Ashbringer said:

I think if my momentum conservation is right, aluminum would move faster than normal in Byron's bubble, not slower. His time dilation's only at 1.1x or so right now, but any force applied on the aluminum from within the bubble should be 1.1x stronger.

But I don't know the math to actually verify that, so I usually go with fast + weird.


Yes but also seemingly heavier I think, little weird with having multiple local regions of time but I think maths checks out on that one. Then again cosmere gravity is weird anyway. I'll probably keep it nonspecifically annoying.


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1 minute ago, Voidus said:

Yes but also seemingly heavier I think, little weird with having multiple local regions of time but I think maths checks out on that one. Then again cosmere gravity is weird anyway. I'll probably keep it nonspecifically annoying.


Yeah... how aluminum and dilation would work with gravity I'm not sure, but it'll essentially act with more momentum than it should have. Weirdly is fine - in character Byron isn't a physicist by any means.

Plus the more it's "weird" and less "fast", the harder it is to weaponize which is kinda the point. Byron could probably weaponize it if he knew what he was doing, but that would take a lot more practice than Byron has, and aluminum is tricky for Byron for a few other reasons. Maybe in an era or two...


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