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I am still here! Did not mean to drop off posting :unsure: I am always interested in continuing here, I just need to get up the motivation to write my own characters... 

Anyone is welcome to join! Check out the pinned threads for some info and stuff. 

On 10/2/2023 at 6:57 PM, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

I’d also be interested, my main interest is how all the different worlds got mashed together, and the history of the world.

On 10/2/2023 at 7:46 PM, Ancient Elantrian said:

Yeah, what RCJ said. I mean, the fact that it has like all the Brando Sando worlds mushed together is just epic sounding. And also how funny the thread of People you wouldn’t want to meet in a dark alley, that hooked me as well. 
So the mushing of worlds and the humoresque-stuff? And how much it’s developed, I think that’s super cool.

The worldbuilding is pretty neat! Essentially, all the cosmere (and Brandon noncosmere) worlds still exist and are out there doing their own thing, there's just also the Alleyverse which can be worldhopped in and out of, and that's the setting where everything is. It allows anything from Brandon's works to coexist while also having some of its own worldbuilding and lore! 

In later eras/years it has moved from being largely nonsense RP to more serious writing of stories, but there's always room for humor! 

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On 10/2/2023 at 10:27 PM, ZincAboutIt said:

Awesome! More to the point, what are you looking to RP? Like, do you want a cozy vibe? Do you want to play a researcher? A social activist? Anything is technically possible, and there isn’t actively anything really happening. So, what would you like to make happen?

Very Minor Yumi spoilers: 


For me, I had an idea of having a character from Kilahito who was a Nightmare Painter and left Komashi after falling in love with a worldhopper, and is chasing after her, but eventually settled down in Alleycity.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey hey! I’m finally back on the Shard and am up for some roleplay as well. I could also do some dming if that’s what we need. No idea how good I am at at, but I’d certainly be open to giving it a try.

Edited by Koloss17
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3 minutes ago, Aeoryi said:

Maybe we should compile a list of everyone who wants to join.

Definitely we have me, @Ancient Elantrian, @Edema Rue, @TheRavenHasLanded, @ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ who expressed interest in joining. Several older users said that they were interested in reviving it, and some people were on the fence.

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Just now, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

Definitely we have me, @Ancient Elantrian, @Edema Rue, @TheRavenHasLanded, @ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ who expressed interest in joining. Several older users said that they were interested in reviving it, and some people were on the fence.

I can contact @AonEne

Or @Voidus on discord if needed.


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2 minutes ago, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

Definitely we have me, @Ancient Elantrian, @Edema Rue, @TheRavenHasLanded, @ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ who expressed interest in joining. Several older users said that they were interested in reviving it, and some people were on the fence.

Hey! Yeah that’s me!

*pumps fist*

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Seems like quite a group, apologies for my delayed reply. But this does seem more people than we've had previously. The main problem is usually a slow start followed by inevitably some people trickling off and the momentum fading.

So a plot that everyone is excited about and can actively work towards is really helpful there.

Also, while we do have an AV Discord server for social purposes I've been considering setting one up for RP purposes as well, I've shifted most of my RP over to Discord personally and it has some fun options available.

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10 minutes ago, Voidus said:

Seems like quite a group, apologies for my delayed reply. But this does seem more people than we've had previously. The main problem is usually a slow start followed by inevitably some people trickling off and the momentum fading.

So a plot that everyone is excited about and can actively work towards is really helpful there.

Also, while we do have an AV Discord server for social purposes I've been considering setting one up for RP purposes as well, I've shifted most of my RP over to Discord personally and it has some fun options available.

Do you mean to say that we shouldn’t do this? I think that we could keep momentum, but we need someone to explain things at the beginning.

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2 minutes ago, Voidus said:

No, not at all. Can't promise that I can be as personally involved as I was back during the peak of the RP, but if people are mindful of the potential problem I think it can be mitigated.

Who do you think could be someone to do it with us initially to show us or tell us about it?

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I'm happy to get people started, and participate somewhat alongside, I've got plenty of characters to help show around certain parts of the AV. But I think the important thing is for people to build characters that are invested in a particular plot to keep momentum. So a discussion of what that plot could be is helpful. And given this would be effectively a revival there are plenty of options available.

Timeskips and new eras and drastic changes oh my.

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3 minutes ago, Voidus said:

I'm happy to get people started, and participate somewhat alongside, I've got plenty of characters to help show around certain parts of the AV. But I think the important thing is for people to build characters that are invested in a particular plot to keep momentum. So a discussion of what that plot could be is helpful. And given this would be effectively a revival there are plenty of options available.

Timeskips and new eras and drastic changes oh my.

Ok is this where we should discuss a plot? 


@Ancient Elantrian @Edema Rue @TheRavenHasLanded

@AonEne @Arlin @Ashbringer @.....




You all expressed interest, if we are discussing plot you should be here.


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5 minutes ago, ΨιτιsτηεΒέsτ said:

Ok is this where we should discuss a plot? 


@Ancient Elantrian @Edema Rue @TheRavenHasLanded

@AonEne @Arlin @Ashbringer @.....




You all expressed interest, if we are discussing plot you should be here.


I have very little experience roleplaying, what kind of plot usually works best?

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