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2 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

A knight radiant windrunner, who has altered his ideals somewhat so that he protects the greater planet / population, over single people.

Ahhh gotcha! It would certainly be an interesting pairing. My character is an Ex-Edgedancer who killed her spren by breaking her oaths. She then became a midnight essence spore eater and has an abusive relationship with her midnight essence.

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Historically, in the Alleyverse, guilds were very important. We’re not really doing anything with them for era seven, especially since many of us are newer members. In Corbeau’s search for Perses, though (and his longer-term quest to become mayor) he will likely want to meet with the guild leaders to get their support. Any idea of how I should do that?

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3 hours ago, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

Historically, in the Alleyverse, guilds were very important. We’re not really doing anything with them for era seven, especially since many of us are newer members. In Corbeau’s search for Perses, though (and his longer-term quest to become mayor) he will likely want to meet with the guild leaders to get their support. Any idea of how I should do that?

Well, @AonEne currently controls the head of TUBA, so that’s a pretty solid start (depending on if they’ll find time to come back [no pressure tho]).

From there, I can check who used to be guild leaders, but the odds of us being able to instate new leaders is a possibility. Also, creating new guilds are always on the table! I know that @Stormlightsong has plans for a new guild at some point…

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On 1/26/2024 at 4:45 PM, Koloss17 said:

Well, @AonEne currently controls the head of TUBA, so that’s a pretty solid start (depending on if they’ll find time to come back [no pressure tho]).

I have been meaning to do this! Deteca can do a meeting. Meeting with the DA is probably not going to be plausible. The other Great Guilds iirc were the Ghostbloods (recently attempting to undergo a rebranding to Mirrorshades) and I think the Scholar's Guild was one too? Probably the biggest political forces in terms of guilds would be the big original three, meeting with anyone high up in the Dark Alley would be dangerous at best and impossible at worst, TUBA and GBs would probably be easy enough. @Sherlock Holmes's character is the current leader of the Mirrorshades, I don't know how interested in RP he is at the moment but maybe he can tell you roughly how it'd go and you could describe it having happened and jump to the result? 

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9 hours ago, AonEne said:

I have been meaning to do this! Deteca can do a meeting. Meeting with the DA is probably not going to be plausible. The other Great Guilds iirc were the Ghostbloods (recently attempting to undergo a rebranding to Mirrorshades) and I think the Scholar's Guild was one too? Probably the biggest political forces in terms of guilds would be the big original three, meeting with anyone high up in the Dark Alley would be dangerous at best and impossible at worst, TUBA and GBs would probably be easy enough. @Sherlock Holmes's character is the current leader of the Mirrorshades, I don't know how interested in RP he is at the moment but maybe he can tell you roughly how it'd go and you could describe it having happened and jump to the result? 

Sonyr would join the scholars, if they find him.

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Hey @Stormlightsong, @Brik_head, and @Lunamor, and for frankly anyone: I have a proposal for a slight time skip that will be set up in Corbeau’s plotline, just to tidy things up narratively.

Right now we have four main plot threads:

-Eza, Flint, and Asylum interacting in the Bendalloy Bar

-Perses, Corbeau, and Keshi interacting around the Silver Dagger

-Itsuki and Chloris, interacting around Pewter Ironworks, soon to head to the Bendalloy Bar

-Corbeau and Sonyr, interacting in the Hidden Library, which seems to be mostly wrapped up.

From what I understand, the events at Bendalloy Bar, the Hidden Library, and the Silver Dagger don’t need a clear timeline in comparison to the events of Coppercloud Inn. However, in the Silver Dagger, a sting is being set up for about three days from when Keshi and Corbeau are talking. 

My proposal is this: what if Bendalloy Bar takes place about five days after Coppercloud Inn, and not two days after it. This way, all of the main plot threads can run unimpeded at the same time without Corbeau and Keshi having to do a weird waiting game.

Woold that work for you guys? This might frankly be a bit too technical to matter, but I don’t want anyone to be surprised if there’s a time skip in one of the plotlines.

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1 minute ago, Koloss17 said:

Hey @Stormlightsong, @Brik_head, and @Lunamor, and for frankly anyone: I have a proposal for a slight time skip that will be set up in Corbeau’s plotline, just to tidy things up narratively.

Right now we have four main plot threads:

-Eza, Flint, and Asylum interacting in the Bendalloy Bar

-Perses, Corbeau, and Keshi interacting around the Silver Dagger

-Itsuki and Chloris, interacting around Pewter Ironworks, soon to head to the Bendalloy Bar

-Corbeau and Sonyr, interacting in the Hidden Library, which seems to be mostly wrapped up.

From what I understand, the events at Bendalloy Bar, the Hidden Library, and the Silver Dagger don’t need a clear timeline in comparison to the events of Coppercloud Inn. However, in the Silver Dagger, a sting is being set up for about three days from when Keshi and Corbeau are talking. 

My proposal is this: what if Bendalloy Bar takes place about five days after Coppercloud Inn, and not two days after it. This way, all of the main plot threads can run unimpeded at the same time without Corbeau and Keshi having to do a weird waiting game.

Woold that work for you guys? This might frankly be a bit too technical to matter, but I don’t want anyone to be surprised if there’s a time skip in one of the plotlines.

I would be fine with that.

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46 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

I want to join the thread, but how do I do it?

Well, you just need to find someone to RP with! Right now, @RoyalBeeMage appears to be on the lookout for someone to RP with, and @TheRavenHasLanded is fairly open at the moment, I believe. Also feel free to post on the collaboration thread!

We do have some other plot threads going on right now, but I would want to check in on the free floaters before jumping in with those already doing stuff.

Edited by Koloss17
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9 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

I am up to anything. I don’t mind waiting a few days if you still need to submit your character 


7 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

I have submitted my character, just waiting for a chance to join in @RoyalBeeMage

well, both of your characters are Radiants, so there’s that! The current plot is currently set in the Mistwarrens, but that by no means means that your characters have to interact there. The world is your oyster, and so long as you two can agree on where and why to interact, then that’s all that matters.

I recommend having that conversation either in the collaboration thread or in PMs tho.

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Would your character recognize that the person they ran into was a Windrunner? Keep in mind that the way the Alleyverse narration works is that every narration is from the point of view of your character, meaning everything that is written down is already known by the character.

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12 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

... i kind of asumed that there would be some form of indication between the orders. kind of like the bridge 4 uniform being associated with the windrunners in oathbringer. 

Well, there certainly could be! But not everyone is going to advertise the fact that they are a radiant.

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5 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

also true. though if i remember corectly eye colour of a radient directly relates to spren colour. perhaps that's how i recognised him. i certenly made a mistake that i wont make again.

At the very least, its worth checking in on if there would be any tells that they are a Windrunner.

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@RoyalBeeMage and @Scars of Hathsin: reminder that posts should generally be longer than a single line of dialogue. This is for many reasons, but generally the most important is that there’s no DM, so the only person that can describe the scene and setting is you. Additionally, inner thoughts are very much appreciated, as they can give insight into a character’s personality, as well as thoughts that they would have rattling inside their head, but wouldn’t say out loud.

The Alleyverse is much more like a collaborative fanfic than a D&D session. Embrace your inner writer! :D

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1 hour ago, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

@Koloss17 What is a Chryst (what Chloris asks Itsuki if his diner pays in). Did you mean crystal?

Chrysts are the universal currency of Alleycity. Basically each area has their own currency due to differences in culture, but there needs to be something universal to get trade across districts, and to make money not worthless once you step out of your district.

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