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So lets look at this.

Here's a quick list of what I think has been mentioned about getting done:

  1. Guild reform
    1. We've looked at:
      1. Making things more public
      2. Limiting the armies that people can summon
      3. similarly with the resources
      4. Increasing their day to day activity
  2. Removal of power creep
    1. I mentioned something about getting rid of the dieties.
    2. Someone talked about making characters more realistic in terms of what they have and can do.
      1. There was talk about a point system.
    3. This also ties into a refocusing of the RP into less fighting.
  3. Less PvP and more of other stuff.
  4. How to improve peoples experience
    1. This is kind of divided into 2 areas, 
      1. planning
      2. organization
  5. Making things more sanderson oriented (less sci-fi)
  6. Brief talk of government
  7. End of the Era
    1. Plague/ disease
    2. War between OP characters

I think that that was everything that has been discussed and needs to be worked on.

Anything else that people wanna add?

Edited by MacThorstenson
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Just now, Ookla the Lurker said:

Lo and behold, our first summary is complete. I nominate Mac does all future summaries given how well he did this one. :P

I'm only good for these on Rules of warfare like threads. But sure I'll do them, I don't think I'm active enough to do all of them though.

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4 minutes ago, Ookla the Cited said:

I think summaries will only really be required for ongoing threads (unless someone needs blanket summarization as they’ve been away for a while), but if you’re involved in it you should be fairly able to summarize something anyway.

I don't always have a lot of time available when people are busy but I usually have some time free, so I'll be trying to keep summaries up to date when possible if that's what we want to go with. Might ask for some help from other Mods.

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3 hours ago, Ookla the Lurker said:

I don't always have a lot of time available when people are busy but I usually have some time free, so I'll be trying to keep summaries up to date when possible if that's what we want to go with. Might ask for some help from other Mods.

I can help with the summaries as well, take over some threads.


As to the End of Era 2: I really want to finish the whole Solace plot first.

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1 minute ago, Sorana said:

I can help with the summaries as well, take over some threads.


As to the End of Era 2: I really want to finish the whole Solace plot first.

Yeah I think as a general rule if we try to avoid starting any new main plots right now but we resolve the current plots before moving on.

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On the discussion of OP characters, we could limit people to one form of Investiture. I mean, in canon Hoid is the only person we know of(I think) that has access to more than one type of Investiture. At least I don't think we see Vasher surgebind or anything at all. So most people only have access to one. Obviously Hemalurgy can get around this but again, not everyone knows what Hemalurgy is/has access to it/is willing to murder people for power. So if people only have access to one thing it helps reduce power. Also sticking firmly with Era 2 Mistborn for Allomancers and Feruchemists would help too. Keeping Surgebinders to 1st or 2nd ideal at character creation would reduce power level while also allowing for character growth through RP. If you continue to follow your ideals and act in accordance with your spren you will continue to grow. The point system sounds interesting but may or may not be necessary. What would be worth how many points? How many points would you get? 

As for Era 3 starting, I agree that something epic should happen.(Ha Epics cause Solace) It could involve Mraize, Hellbent, The gods, any number of things all come crashing down at once, and the survivors are left to rebuild among the rubble.

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The issue is that powers aren't balanced by Investiture type.
If you count Allomancy and Feruchemy as one type then a Fullborn would be possible. If not then a Tin Misting is severely underpowered compared to an Elantrian.

Knights Radiant are potentially some of the most powerful of all, mostly due to Stormlight healing, regardless of other abilities. I'd probably say that we don't want any full KR to start with, just squires, maybe 1st ideal.

I do agree that we should probably reduce the number of people with multiple Investitures but also, the Alleyverse is entirely populated with worldhoppers, there's going to be more of a mix there than in Shardworlds.

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35 minutes ago, Ookla the Ring said:

On the discussion of OP characters, we could limit people to one form of Investiture. I mean, in canon Hoid is the only person we know of(I think) that has access to more than one type of Investiture. At least I don't think we see Vasher surgebind or anything at all. So most people only have access to one. Obviously Hemalurgy can get around this but again, not everyone knows what Hemalurgy is/has access to it/is willing to murder people for power. So if people only have access to one thing it helps reduce power. Also sticking firmly with Era 2 Mistborn for Allomancers and Feruchemists would help too. Keeping Surgebinders to 1st or 2nd ideal at character creation would reduce power level while also allowing for character growth through RP. If you continue to follow your ideals and act in accordance with your spren you will continue to grow. The point system sounds interesting but may or may not be necessary. What would be worth how many points? How many points would you get? 

As for Era 3 starting, I agree that something epic should happen.(Ha Epics cause Solace) It could involve Mraize, Hellbent, The gods, any number of things all come crashing down at once, and the survivors are left to rebuild among the rubble.

I think the key is less in terms of what investiture people have per say, and how people RP the characters.

Even a tin misting can be over powered if you RP it a certain way.

I think that there are a few things that could easily be fixed though, the different types of investiture and use of hemalurgy among them.

Honestly I have very hard time seeing how anyone with a nahel bond can get along with Hemalurgists and Ghostbloods. Like these are people who are essentially paid to break the first oath, Life before Death.

Also, the amount of people with hemalurgy don't act like they were hemalurgists, willing to kill people for power.

I think that it should be possible to have multiple powers, but that if you do have them you really need to take it to heart and understand what it would take for those multiple powers to happen. And your characters should reflect that. 

Of course, Ookla the Lurker does have a point, and that that not all investiture systems were created equal, but I think that that shouldn't be an issue if we successfully move it away from PvP.

Finally, I think that we should sort through all the items on the list before making the next transition, not just changing this.

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