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2 hours ago, Fatebreaker said:

I would encourage everyone to keep a level head, or heads depending on your corporeal form. Our goal here should be to create the best roleplaying experience for everyone, not just ourselves. 

This is all well and good, but what if you don’t have a head? I find this phrase to be discriminatory to the headless folk out there.

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Savantism for physical metals is more damaging than other types of Savantism but I don't think it's disadvantageous enough to actually count for much as a weakness compared to the benefits, that being said this is Archer's decision to make and it's likely ultimately up to how it's RP'd. If every time there's a gunshot or explosion it knocks Jackal out for a minute due to the pain of the sound then yeah that's worth a fair bit. If the downsides are more or less ignored other than occasional discomforts that don't actually make them any less effective then it should probably be counted as a bonus.

The point is also kind of moot because the poll is showing that people are on average ok with the OP version and I think most people who are going to vote have voted.

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2 hours ago, I think I am here. said:

This is all well and good, but what if you don’t have a head? I find this phrase to be discriminatory to the headless folk out there.

*sweats nervously* Hey man, are you suggesting I'm a craniumist? 'Cause I'm not, I have tons of friends without heads.

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Darth retracted his request for community approval, so I am treating this as a regular character bio. All I’ve sought to determine is if this character is OP. But Voidus raises a valid point. A majority of voters voted to agree to allow the Jackal character in principle. However, I would rather that this character be adjusted so that it is not over-powered, than let it stand as is, Darth. The benefit is that then there are less restrictions on your use of it. Only a small amount of nerfing is required to adjust it. 

The TL;DR on this is that this character has 20 more skills points than I’d like. I would like to see a full bio before commenting further. 

I believe this character is over-powered. Below you can find a breakdown of my reasoning. Furthermore, I would like some more detail on some sections. I realize that this is just a bare-bones outline, so Darth, what I recommend is that you take my advice and comments into consideration, go make a full bio for it, then come back with that so I can properly assess it. Under these circumstances, I reserve the right to change my final score based on the details that are presented in the complete version. Right now, I’ve speculated a lot.

I tried to account for every comment that was made. The information was spread out over three pages, so it was tough. I’m sure I’ve made mistakes in places, so go ahead and tear this post to pieces. My goal wasn’t to get everything right, it was to give you a rough idea of whether the character is OP. With that in mind, here’s my notes on The Jackal:


Tin Misting: +40

+35M based on Index score for Level One misting. I’m assuming they are not a compounder.

+5 to 10 for savantism, which is a strength, not a weakness. While this does make them more vulnerable to noise-based attacks, they aren’t significantly more vulnerable than they would be if they weren’t a savant.

Division: +10M

+45M based on Index score for Division fabrial.

-35 for being quote ‘very, very, very weak’. Based on the provided example, ‘if he presses his hand to someones face, he sends a surge through their head, destroying their head, and he can blow up a thin wall,’ he has limited control, but a fair amount of power.

Reaction time: +30M (filler score)

***I don’t know how to score this. Anywhere from +15 based on Index score for Warrior’s Lenses to +50 based on Index score for steel misting. All I’ve got to go on is ‘enhances his response time a startling degree’.

Physical Attributes (He is incredibly strong normally, and the mask assists him): +15M +15S (filler score)

***Anywhere from +15 based on Index score for Warrior’s Lenses to +45 based on Index score for pewter misting. Split the points into magic and skill ones based on how much each contributes. If his strength is half magic, half natural, split them 50/50.

I’m assuming the ‘he is over 60 years old’ feature does not make his body any worse than the average human’s, based on his abilities, so I’m not attributing any score to it.

Rage: +20M

‘His mask's eyes radiate hatred. Anyone who looks into them feel a deep burning rage that they can barely control.’ This is similar to the power of a zinc misting, except it only affects a single emotion. The Index scores rioters as +35. I’d drop that down to +20 because it only does one thing and is pretty easy to counter (you just look away). If the range, strength, or amount of potential victims is higher than a rioter could achieve, the score should increase.

The effect it has on the user is considered later.

Staff: +30S (filler score)

+20-75 depending on how long they’ve trained with it for. Darth scored it at 20 when he scored it, so I will assume that they only have 11 months of training.

***I would like to add points for his ‘invincible obsidian staff he can control with his mind, split in two, and reform,’ but I need more detail about all of that to score it properly.

Actual Skill: +80S (filler score)

***I need more detail in order to fairly score this. Darth said the character is ‘one of the best fighters in the entire Alleyverse,’ but didn’t offer many details. I will interpret this section as being about combat skill and give him the maximum score for assassination as a filler. I need to know what he trained in and for how long.

Political Skill: +25S (filler score)

***I need more information to properly score this. Does he have increased intelligence? Does he have scholarly abilities? I will assume that the answer to both of those is yes and put in a filler score reflecting that.

Additional points may be added for knowledge of military tactics and battle strategy.

Armor: 0

The mask has the obvious benefit of protecting the user’s face. But I don’t usually add points for armour unless it unnaturally strong or has special enhancements. If it’s on par with regular armour, it needn’t be considered.

Personnel Rage: -10

‘Anyone who looks into [the eyes of the mask] feel a deep burning rage that they can barely control. He is always looking through those eyes.’

He is ‘completely filled with rage from him looking through the helmets eyes, though he can control it and it doesn't affect him that much, and most of his powers come from the mask.’

This is a bit like being an electrum ferring, except it’s constant. While it would make him a more aggressive (and effective) fighter, it comes with drawbacks, such as the mental toll it has on him and how it would make him impatient. If it doesn’t affect him much, it’s more of a strength, but I’ll take away 10 since it’s a mixed blessing.

Bad at, well, being a good person. This means that he will shun people, and will generally not make them like him: -15

This is a weakness I’ve seen a few times in character bios. My usual score for it is -10 to 15, but given more details, it could be bumped up to -20. Since you included it, Darth, does that mean he sometimes takes off his mask? If he always has it on, fewer points should be subtracted for this. The radiation of rage thing would have the same effect.

Likes to Play with his Food, Meaning he will Refrain from Finishing his Enemy off, if he can Practically do so, to Lengthen their Suffering: -10

This weakness wouldn’t come up very often. When it does, it could leave him vulnerable to counter-attack, but unless it’s indicative of a greater character flaw, I can’t see how it would be a serious hinderance. There are enough asterisks on that statement that it’s a low-level weakness.

While he can predict the movements of his main enemy, he fails at predicting third parties, which allows him to be surprised (Thrawn Syndrome): -25

This is a loaded statement. On one hand it is implied that he is good at predicting other’s movements, while on the other, he is bad at an aspect of that skill. In the RP, I could see how this could be detrimental, even fatal. I’ll assume his tin enhanced senses and his entire strategy are vulnerable to this. I can picture him getting into a hand to hand fight with one person, then zeroing in on them and completely ignoring other people who might be threats. (At this point I’m just spit-balling, coming up with ways this could dock his power level from that of a regular person. Correct me if that’s not how this weakness works.)

Mask That Grants his Powers Meaning Removable: - 35

When the mask is removed, he loses about half of his overall powers, but only a fraction of his weaknesses. It being removable has its benefits, allowing him freedom to choose if he wants to be enraged, but it’s mostly a liability.

This score, more than the others, comes down to how you RP it, Darth. You have to be consistent about how much damage the mask can take, and how easy it is to grab and pull off. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it’s as easy to pull off as a normal helmet is.

However, it’s a helmet on an expert fighter who can destroy your skull with a headbutt.

One thing I considered was how different having the power tied to a mask was from the other restrictions on powers. Normally, to have division you’d need stormlight. To enrage, you’d need zinc flakes. To be stronger, you’d need lenses or pewter flakes. While those are harder to remove than a mask is, it’s not a distant comparison. And how different is it from some of the other tools that grant powers that characters use?  

With all that in mind, I’d put this at -35 to 50.

He cannot show anyone any clues to his identity: -5

Is this still a weakness? It was mentioned earlier, but not in the last write-up. -5 to 10.


Total: 115M + 150S - 95W = 100M + 70S




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56 minutes ago, Sunbringer said:

this seems like something I should have asked long ago, but how do you renew stormlight in the alleyverse?

Also that seems like a fine character.

The Alleystorm. It's the Alleyverse highstorm, and works for all systems.

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3 hours ago, Sunbringer said:

this seems like something I should have asked long ago, but how do you renew stormlight in the alleyverse?

Also that seems like a fine character.

Pre-Alleystorm I was imagining that people used the Dor pipeline and had some way of changing it to Stormlight, so there would be recharging stations around the city where people could swap dun spheres for infused ones.

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16 hours ago, Archer said:

Darth retracted his request for community approval, so I am treating this as a regular character bio. All I’ve sought to determine is if this character is OP. But Voidus raises a valid point. A majority of voters voted to agree to allow the Jackal character in principle. However, I would rather that this character be adjusted so that it is not over-powered, than let it stand as is, Darth. The benefit is that then there are less restrictions on your use of it. Only a small amount of nerfing is required to adjust it. 

The TL;DR on this is that this character has 20 more skills points than I’d like. I would like to see a full bio before commenting further. 

I believe this character is over-powered. Below you can find a breakdown of my reasoning. Furthermore, I would like some more detail on some sections. I realize that this is just a bare-bones outline, so Darth, what I recommend is that you take my advice and comments into consideration, go make a full bio for it, then come back with that so I can properly assess it. Under these circumstances, I reserve the right to change my final score based on the details that are presented in the complete version. Right now, I’ve speculated a lot.

I tried to account for every comment that was made. The information was spread out over three pages, so it was tough. I’m sure I’ve made mistakes in places, so go ahead and tear this post to pieces. My goal wasn’t to get everything right, it was to give you a rough idea of whether the character is OP. With that in mind, here’s my notes on The Jackal:


Tin Misting: +40

+35M based on Index score for Level One misting. I’m assuming they are not a compounder.

+5 to 10 for savantism, which is a strength, not a weakness. While this does make them more vulnerable to noise-based attacks, they aren’t significantly more vulnerable than they would be if they weren’t a savant.

Division: +10M

+45M based on Index score for Division fabrial.

-35 for being quote ‘very, very, very weak’. Based on the provided example, ‘if he presses his hand to someones face, he sends a surge through their head, destroying their head, and he can blow up a thin wall,’ he has limited control, but a fair amount of power.

Reaction time: +30M (filler score)

***I don’t know how to score this. Anywhere from +15 based on Index score for Warrior’s Lenses to +50 based on Index score for steel misting. All I’ve got to go on is ‘enhances his response time a startling degree’.

Physical Attributes (He is incredibly strong normally, and the mask assists him): +15M +15S (filler score)

***Anywhere from +15 based on Index score for Warrior’s Lenses to +45 based on Index score for pewter misting. Split the points into magic and skill ones based on how much each contributes. If his strength is half magic, half natural, split them 50/50.

I’m assuming the ‘he is over 60 years old’ feature does not make his body any worse than the average human’s, based on his abilities, so I’m not attributing any score to it.

Rage: +20M

‘His mask's eyes radiate hatred. Anyone who looks into them feel a deep burning rage that they can barely control.’ This is similar to the power of a zinc misting, except it only affects a single emotion. The Index scores rioters as +35. I’d drop that down to +20 because it only does one thing and is pretty easy to counter (you just look away). If the range, strength, or amount of potential victims is higher than a rioter could achieve, the score should increase.

The effect it has on the user is considered later.

Staff: +30S (filler score)

+20-75 depending on how long they’ve trained with it for. Darth scored it at 20 when he scored it, so I will assume that they only have 11 months of training.

***I would like to add points for his ‘invincible obsidian staff he can control with his mind, split in two, and reform,’ but I need more detail about all of that to score it properly.

Actual Skill: +80S (filler score)

***I need more detail in order to fairly score this. Darth said the character is ‘one of the best fighters in the entire Alleyverse,’ but didn’t offer many details. I will interpret this section as being about combat skill and give him the maximum score for assassination as a filler. I need to know what he trained in and for how long.

Political Skill: +25S (filler score)

***I need more information to properly score this. Does he have increased intelligence? Does he have scholarly abilities? I will assume that the answer to both of those is yes and put in a filler score reflecting that.

Additional points may be added for knowledge of military tactics and battle strategy.

Armor: 0

The mask has the obvious benefit of protecting the user’s face. But I don’t usually add points for armour unless it unnaturally strong or has special enhancements. If it’s on par with regular armour, it needn’t be considered.

Personnel Rage: -10

‘Anyone who looks into [the eyes of the mask] feel a deep burning rage that they can barely control. He is always looking through those eyes.’

He is ‘completely filled with rage from him looking through the helmets eyes, though he can control it and it doesn't affect him that much, and most of his powers come from the mask.’

This is a bit like being an electrum ferring, except it’s constant. While it would make him a more aggressive (and effective) fighter, it comes with drawbacks, such as the mental toll it has on him and how it would make him impatient. If it doesn’t affect him much, it’s more of a strength, but I’ll take away 10 since it’s a mixed blessing.

Bad at, well, being a good person. This means that he will shun people, and will generally not make them like him: -15

This is a weakness I’ve seen a few times in character bios. My usual score for it is -10 to 15, but given more details, it could be bumped up to -20. Since you included it, Darth, does that mean he sometimes takes off his mask? If he always has it on, fewer points should be subtracted for this. The radiation of rage thing would have the same effect.

Likes to Play with his Food, Meaning he will Refrain from Finishing his Enemy off, if he can Practically do so, to Lengthen their Suffering: -10

This weakness wouldn’t come up very often. When it does, it could leave him vulnerable to counter-attack, but unless it’s indicative of a greater character flaw, I can’t see how it would be a serious hindrance. There are enough asterisks on that statement that it’s a low-level weakness.

While he can predict the movements of his main enemy, he fails at predicting third parties, which allows him to be surprised (Thrawn Syndrome): -25

This is a loaded statement. On one hand it is implied that he is good at predicting other’s movements, while on the other, he is bad at an aspect of that skill. In the RP, I could see how this could be detrimental, even fatal. I’ll assume his tin enhanced senses and his entire strategy are vulnerable to this. I can picture him getting into a hand to hand fight with one person, then zeroing in on them and completely ignoring other people who might be threats. (At this point I’m just spit-balling, coming up with ways this could dock his power level from that of a regular person. Correct me if that’s not how this weakness works.)

Mask That Grants his Powers Meaning Removable: - 35

When the mask is removed, he loses about half of his overall powers, but only a fraction of his weaknesses. It being removable has its benefits, allowing him freedom to choose if he wants to be enraged, but it’s mostly a liability.

This score, more than the others, comes down to how you RP it, Darth. You have to be consistent about how much damage the mask can take, and how easy it is to grab and pull off. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it’s as easy to pull off as a normal helmet is.

However, it’s a helmet on an expert fighter who can destroy your skull with a headbutt.

One thing I considered was how different having the power tied to a mask was from the other restrictions on powers. Normally, to have division you’d need stormlight. To enrage, you’d need zinc flakes. To be stronger, you’d need lenses or pewter flakes. While those are harder to remove than a mask is, it’s not a distant comparison. And how different is it from some of the other tools that grant powers that characters use?  

With all that in mind, I’d put this at -35 to 50.

He cannot show anyone any clues to his identity: -5

Is this still a weakness? It was mentioned earlier, but not in the last write-up. -5 to 10.


Total: 115M + 150S - 95W = 100M + 70S

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Oh. I forgot the identity thing. Yes, that is a weakness.

So, the armor is sandling scale coated in a special oil so it will be waterproof. I put it in there for gear points. 

He hasn't had the staff for that long, but he is very good with it. Like, he could be a sword master with it, but I counted that in what I scored his skill at.

He has near peak natural human strength, and then the mask increases it a bit. I wouldn't rank the enhancement very high, but that's ust me. Think, weak pewter arm, if they were already near super strong.

If you can get him in a head lock, you can rip of the mask. The chances of doing this aside, it is possible.

If you read over my long duel right up in the Den of thieves, you will see that he actually lost because Walker picked up a shard blade, while he was toying with him. No, Walker gave that shard blade to Redken's family, he doesn't have it anymore.

For the political skill, think of a normal politician. He can bend the story, and trick people into doing what he wants.

Instead of the natural 100ms reaction time, he has a 90ms visual reaction time, and instead of the natural 50ms audio reaction time, he has a 40ms reaction time.

He is over 60 years old, and trained in hand to hand, sword, staff, and knife combat. He has trained almost this whole time, and he has the body of a 25 year old.

I cannot help but notice that you didn't include the age thing.

I would remove the savantism, but that leads to the question of how he managed to last 60+ years, without becoming a savant.

The bad person thing means that he does things to people and their families, that are not moral, and will make people hate him, without really knowing that it is wrong.

You also forgot that he cannot work for anyone.This leads to conflicts with people more powerful than him. It will only be like 5 points, but still, it's there.

I think that's everything you had questions about.

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Bolded are Darth's words which I quoted from his above post. Mine are the plain ones. 

Oh. I forgot the identity thing. Yes, that is a weakness.

I'll leave that score in then. 

So, the armor is sandling scale coated in a special oil so it will be waterproof. I put it in there for gear points. 


He hasn't had the staff for that long, but he is very good with it. Like, he could be a sword master with it, but I counted that in what I scored his skill at.

Then I'd score it at what is skill is equivalent to. To get 20S, he would have to have the same amount of skill as someone who has trained with one for about a year. (See later comment.)

+ points for having a indestructible weapon and his mental connection to it. 

He has near peak natural human strength, and then the mask increases it a bit. I wouldn't rank the enhancement very high, but that's just me. Think, weak pewter arm, if they were already near super strong.

I'd say that's equivalent to a pewterarm. 

If you can get him in a head lock, you can rip of the mask. The chances of doing this aside, it is possible.

So it's about as easy as a normal helmet to remove.

If you read over my long duel right up in the Den of thieves, you will see that he actually lost because Walker picked up a shard blade, while he was toying with him. No, Walker gave that shard blade to Redken's family, he doesn't have it anymore.

I agree that it can be a weakness, but only in specific circumstances (when you've beaten someone). 

For the political skill, think of a normal politician. He can bend the story, and trick people into doing what he wants.

I'd rank that at +15 then. 

Instead of the natural 100ms reaction time, he has a 90ms visual reaction time, and instead of the natural 50ms audio reaction time, he has a 40ms reaction time.

That's less than I expected. Closer to warrior''s lens. +10 to 15. 

He is over 60 years old, and trained in hand to hand, sword, staff, and knife combat. He has trained almost this whole time, and he has the body of a 25 year old.

These are going to bite. Hand to hand combat and melee weapons are separate scores. He's going to max them out, giving him a score of 50S+75S for those. 

I cannot help but notice that you didn't include the age thing.

He has the body of a 25 year old. That's no different from the base level.

I would remove the savantism, but that leads to the question of how he managed to last 60+ years, without becoming a savant.

He could have been focused on developing other aspects of his powers instead. 

The bad person thing means that he does things to people and their families, that are not moral, and will make people hate him, without really knowing that it is wrong.

Weaknesses like that are weird to score. In the context of the RP, wherein ability to fight is considered to be a strength, I feel like they're less of a weakness than they would be otherwise. You could flip that and say that he's less restricted by morals, so he's a more effective fighter. 

You also forgot that he cannot work for anyone.This leads to conflicts with people more powerful than him. It will only be like 5 points, but still, it's there.

That's fair. 

I think that's everything you had questions about.

Thank you very much!

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19 minutes ago, Darth Woodrack said:

So, what is the new score?



I'd score it as being 20 skill points over where I'd like it to be. (Note: I docked 10 for overlap.) That score does not include points for his staff and his telepathic link to it, because I'm unsure how to score it. I would recommend just equipping him with a regular* staff, and adding one or two more weaknesses. 

*by which I mean a destructible one. It could still have aluminum lining or any number of a variety of upgrades and still not be worth any points. 

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The staff is staying. I already got rid of some other dramatic effect stuff, but the staff stays. Just give it 50 points, and call it a day.

To the savant thing: He has only had the mask for around ten years. Before that, he was just a tin misting, who happens to be an extraordinary fighter.

Additional weaknesses(Go from top to bottom if you don't need all of them)

  1. He has so many problems with him that the person writing him sometimes forgets about some and accidentally rps with ones he doesn't have, cementing them for all eternity in his character. ;)
  2. Hates Sandlings.
  3. Hates slavers. A lot. If he meets a slaver, he will almost definitely kill them.
  4. If he thinks someone could be a worth challenge, he will go out of his way to fight them alone.
  5. Will put curiosity before safety, which is also a weakness of Dusk, though his it to a lesser extent.
  6. He can't stop scheming. Ever. He is always scheming. If he went on a date for some reason, still scheming
  7. He has a soft spot for orphans. This one is really small, like 5 points maximum, but it is there so I mentioned it.
  8. He hates randomness a lot.
  9. He has a voidspren on his forehead that interjects at random intervals with comments that are not helpful at all, and usually are along the lines of, "Why didn't you kill that guy? You should have killed him. Odium would want you to kill him," with no warning, or provocation.It is pretty much, in middle of fight, "Hey! Kill that guy! You should really kill him!
  10. He hates inquisitors, of the steel variety.
  11. Very closed of. If someone tries to help him, he won't tell them what he needs, he will just give them a task to carry out, without any explanation.
  12. Likes dramatic entrances.
  13. If he trusts someone, the slightest bit, if the betray him, he will go to the ends of the Alleyverse to end them.
  14. His forehead glows.(I mean, this is a given seeing as how it has a stormlight filled gem in the forehead, but I will mention it. This isn't a flashlight glow, this is a dim red glow that doesn't really let him see, but let's everyone know where he is.)
  15. He thinks chaos marines are untrustworthy, and dislikes them, and won't really work with them, if he has the choice. this comes from Crow trying to wipe out him and a lot of his criminal allies at the den, instead of sending help.
  16. He hates the fjordell religion.


Edited by Darth Woodrack
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So... Here’s my OP character. But it should be okay if they’re just a chef.


Note: I know that this character is incredibly OP. She won’t be used in combat.


Name: Delarin

Gender: Female


    3rd oath Truthwatcher

    Twinborn: A Bendalloy F Copper


    5’ 4”

    Brown eyes

    Pale skin

    Dark Brown hair

    Long scar on right leg


    Copperminds containing every recipe ever created

    Metal Vials containing large amounts of Bendalloy shavings.

    Fabrial Food truck with heating, AC, water, etc. Separated into two parts. The kitchen,

        and the seating area. Each is lined with expanders glass to make it huge.

    Type 4 biochromatic spatula with the command to cook good food.

    5 lifeless waiters

    Aluminum plating on the exterior of the truck

    Et metal cube modified to have a longer lasting effect

    Large supply of gemstones

    Rooms inside truck for bathing, sleeping, relaxing, etc.

    Fabrial megaphone

    Portable kitchen. (Backpack with expanders glass with all cooking necessities)

    Treasure. Lots of it.


    Absolute expert on cooking even without metal minds.

    Skilled in melee combat training, defense oriented.

    Basic knowledge of lifeless, healing, lightweaving, and Fabrials.


    Great Performer


    Will never ever hurt a person. Hurting animals even requires courage.


Delarin was a twinborn born into high society in the Elendel Basin. She grew up in a wealthy family with her terris father and allomancer mother. As a child, her mentors quickly found that she disapproved of harming things and prefered to be a peacemaker.


She began to cook at age nine, using her allomantic ability to do it faster, using her feruchemical ability to remember successful experiments, she was a child prodigy in cooking and was apprenticed to a chef who filled in the holes of her already great knowledge of cooking. Word of her impressive talent spread throughout Scadrial and soon, she was being hired far and wide to cook for the greatest of people.


One day, as she traversed a mountain range traveling to her next job, she fell into a sinkhole deep down. Seeing light down a tunnel, she followed it to try to escape. She emerged into a huge chamber with chests all around. Curious, she looked in and saw a huge variety of gold, silver, gemstones, and jewelry. As well as a small bit of silvery liquid-like metal.


She now had no need to work with this massive fortune and began to cook for fun. Always treasuring that unique bit of special metal. And then one day, she was visited by a strange man who exchanged the location of a perpendicularity for the small bead of Atium.


Bringing her most valuable treasures with her, she began to journey across the cosmere. To Nalthus where she bought enough breath to create her own awakened spatula and lifeless, to Roshar where she met her spren, and then to the Alleyverse where she settled down and opened up her food truck, perfecting the customer service in any way she could.



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22 minutes ago, beantheboy12 said:

So... Here’s my OP character. But it should be okay if they’re just a chef.

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Note: I know that this character is incredibly OP. She won’t be used in combat.


Name: Delarin

Gender: Female


    3rd oath Truthwatcher

    Twinborn: A Bendalloy F Copper


    5’ 4”

    Brown eyes

    Pale skin

    Dark Brown hair

    Long scar on right leg


    Copperminds containing every recipe ever created

    Metal Vials containing large amounts of Bendalloy shavings.

    Fabrial Food truck with heating, AC, water, etc. Separated into two parts. The kitchen,

        and the seating area. Each is lined with expanders glass to make it huge.

    Type 4 biochromatic spatula with the command to cook good food.

    5 lifeless waiters

    Aluminum plating on the exterior of the truck

    Et metal cube modified to have a longer lasting effect

    Large supply of gemstones

    Rooms inside truck for bathing, sleeping, relaxing, etc.

    Fabrial megaphone

    Portable kitchen. (Backpack with expanders glass with all cooking necessities)

    Treasure. Lots of it.


    Absolute expert on cooking even without metal minds.

    Skilled in melee combat training, defense oriented.

    Basic knowledge of lifeless, healing, lightweaving, and Fabrials.


    Great Performer


    Will never ever hurt a person. Hurting animals even requires courage.


Delarin was a twinborn born into high society in the Elendel Basin. She grew up in a wealthy family with her terris father and allomancer mother. As a child, her mentors quickly found that she disapproved of harming things and prefered to be a peacemaker.

She began to cook at age nine, using her allomantic ability to do it faster, using her feruchemical ability to remember successful experiments, she was a child prodigy in cooking and was apprenticed to a chef who filled in the holes of her already great knowledge of cooking. Word of her impressive talent spread throughout Scadrial and soon, she was being hired far and wide to cook for the greatest of people.

One day, as she traversed a mountain range traveling to her next job, she fell into a sinkhole deep down. Seeing light down a tunnel, she followed it to try to escape. She emerged into a huge chamber with chests all around. Curious, she looked in and saw a huge variety of gold, silver, gemstones, and jewelry. As well as a small bit of silvery liquid-like metal.

She now had no need to work with this massive fortune and began to cook for fun. Always treasuring that unique bit of special metal. And then one day, she was visited by a strange man who exchanged the location of a perpendicularity for the small bead of Atium.

Bringing her most valuable treasures with her, she began to journey across the cosmere. To Nalthus where she bought enough breath to create her own awakened spatula and lifeless, to Roshar where she met her spren, and then to the Alleyverse where she settled down and opened up her food truck, perfecting the customer service in any way she could.


I'm not going to lie: the formatting on this is absolutely beautiful.

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3 hours ago, Darth Woodrack said:

The staff is staying. I already got rid of some other dramatic effect stuff, but the staff stays. Just give it 50 points, and call it a day.

To the savant thing: He has only had the mask for around ten years. Before that, he was just a tin misting, who happens to be an extraordinary fighter.

Additional weaknesses(Go from top to bottom if you don't need all of them)

  1. He has so many problems with him that the person writing him sometimes forgets about some and accidentally rps with ones he doesn't have, cementing them for all eternity in his character. ;)
  2. Hates Sandlings.
  3. Hates slavers. A lot. If he meets a slaver, he will almost definitely kill them.
  4. If he thinks someone could be a worth challenge, he will go out of his way to fight them alone. 
  5. Will put curiosity before safety, which is also a weakness of Dusk, though his it to a lesser extent.
  6. He can't stop scheming. Ever. He is always scheming. If he went on a date for some reason, still scheming
  7. He has a soft spot for orphans. This one is really small, like 5 points maximum, but it is there so I mentioned it.
  8. He hates randomness a lot.
  9. He has a voidspren on his forehead that interjects at random intervals with comments that are not helpful at all, and usually are along the lines of, "Why didn't you kill that guy? You should have killed him. Odium would want you to kill him," with no warning, or provocation.It is pretty much, in middle of fight, "Hey! Kill that guy! You should really kill him!
  10. He hates inquisitors, of the steel variety.
  11. Very closed of. If someone tries to help him, he won't tell them what he needs, he will just give them a task to carry out, without any explanation.
  12. Likes dramatic entrances.
  13. If he trusts someone, the slightest bit, if the betray him, he will go to the ends of the Alleyverse to end them.
  14. His forehead glows.(I mean, this is a given seeing as how it has a stormlight filled gem in the forehead, but I will mention it. This isn't a flashlight glow, this is a dim red glow that doesn't really let him see, but let's everyone know where he is.)
  15. He thinks chaos marines are untrustworthy, and dislikes them, and won't really work with them, if he has the choice. this comes from Crow trying to wipe out him and a lot of his criminal allies at the den, instead of sending help.
  16. He hates the fjordell religion.


The way I scored it, the bolded ones cancel out the 25S points that were remaining, the others make up for the staff. 

I would say that with these additions, the Jackal not only is eligible for a 'most weaknesses' record, but is also not OP. If you wanted, you could probably drop one or two of these in the final bio. 

Thank you for your patience, and for accommodating my requests. It really is an interesting character, and I look forward to seeing it RPed. When you can, submit the full bio to the Character Thread, an Meeker will put it up. 

1 hour ago, beantheboy12 said:

So... Here’s my OP character. But it should be okay if they’re just a chef.

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Note: I know that this character is incredibly OP. She won’t be used in combat.


Name: Delarin

Gender: Female


    3rd oath Truthwatcher

    Twinborn: A Bendalloy F Copper


    5’ 4”

    Brown eyes

    Pale skin

    Dark Brown hair

    Long scar on right leg


    Copperminds containing every recipe ever created

    Metal Vials containing large amounts of Bendalloy shavings.

    Fabrial Food truck with heating, AC, water, etc. Separated into two parts. The kitchen,

        and the seating area. Each is lined with expanders glass to make it huge.

    Type 4 biochromatic spatula with the command to cook good food.

    5 lifeless waiters

    Aluminum plating on the exterior of the truck

    Et metal cube modified to have a longer lasting effect

    Large supply of gemstones

    Rooms inside truck for bathing, sleeping, relaxing, etc.

    Fabrial megaphone

    Portable kitchen. (Backpack with expanders glass with all cooking necessities)

    Treasure. Lots of it.


    Absolute expert on cooking even without metal minds.

    Skilled in melee combat training, defense oriented.

    Basic knowledge of lifeless, healing, lightweaving, and Fabrials.


    Great Performer


    Will never ever hurt a person. Hurting animals even requires courage.


Delarin was a twinborn born into high society in the Elendel Basin. She grew up in a wealthy family with her terris father and allomancer mother. As a child, her mentors quickly found that she disapproved of harming things and prefered to be a peacemaker.


She began to cook at age nine, using her allomantic ability to do it faster, using her feruchemical ability to remember successful experiments, she was a child prodigy in cooking and was apprenticed to a chef who filled in the holes of her already great knowledge of cooking. Word of her impressive talent spread throughout Scadrial and soon, she was being hired far and wide to cook for the greatest of people.


One day, as she traversed a mountain range traveling to her next job, she fell into a sinkhole deep down. Seeing light down a tunnel, she followed it to try to escape. She emerged into a huge chamber with chests all around. Curious, she looked in and saw a huge variety of gold, silver, gemstones, and jewelry. As well as a small bit of silvery liquid-like metal.


She now had no need to work with this massive fortune and began to cook for fun. Always treasuring that unique bit of special metal. And then one day, she was visited by a strange man who exchanged the location of a perpendicularity for the small bead of Atium.


Bringing her most valuable treasures with her, she began to journey across the cosmere. To Nalthus where she bought enough breath to create her own awakened spatula and lifeless, to Roshar where she met her spren, and then to the Alleyverse where she settled down and opened up her food truck, perfecting the customer service in any way she could.



If you designate a character as being non-combatant, traditionally exceptions are made for its OPness. The one thing I'd like to point out though is that your Type IV biochromatic spatula doesn't have taste buds. How is supposed to know what good food is?

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1 minute ago, Archer said:

The one thing I'd like to point out though is that your Type IV biochromatic spatula doesn't have taste buds. How is supposed to know what good food is?

Good point... Delarin taught him the same way night blood was taught what evil is.

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