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23 hours ago, ZincAboutIt said:

So, the main effects of this particular Era end are going to be more nebulous and individual-specific than most Eras. Since the Forgery timeline will fracture and then revert to the normal one, your characters’ responses can be wildly different. Perhaps they totally forget what happened during the Forgery. Maybe they remember everything and can’t process the idea of living another life. Maybe somewhere in the middle. If someone altered their character during the Forgery, they might keep some changes, or scrap them totally, when the timeline resets. A character who dies in the Forgery can come back or stay dead. Basically, it’s somewhat of a choose your own adventure type thing. 

If your character entered the AV during this Forged timeline you have an interesting opportunity to decide how that affects their mind. If you want to abandon a character, you can leave them in the Forgery and effectively kill them off, making them part of the decoration of the false world.

In terms of wider AV effects of the Forgery, we don’t have a clear setup for next era’s main conflict. Someone had suggested an instability in the Alleys due to too much deific meddling. I like this idea and it can go lots of ways. But the main consequences of this Era end will be the lasting impact of being brainwashed repeatedly for an indeterminate amount of time and then shoved back into your old life. Some will handle it better than others. Some won’t be able to handle it at all. It’s your choice! 

Thank you for the info, it's very helpful. both of mine came from outside during the Forgery, so I'll have to give some thought to it.

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20 minutes ago, ZincAboutIt said:

How does one casually, passingly describe whatever the hell else they have going on? :P 

"it's complicated" "definitely something queer" okay yes passingly it is a bit more difficult, but there are ways! "friend/colleague/kissmate" idk I just work ship here 

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On 9/17/2022 at 11:57 PM, ZincAboutIt said:

Friend/colleague/pansexual libertine stress hookup :P 

Which one of them is pan? Both? muahahaha yes we shall claim everyone in time

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm literally copying and pasting this from the announcement thread for easier conversation:

Hey y'all, its me again. Mac. I'm back. Thats me.

The mod team has been working hard behind the scenes to come up with some ideas to improve the RP, and so we have a lot of announcements to make today, so I'm probably gonna keep about one announcement per post so that it will be easier to reference each individual announcement. 

The first and most important is that @ZincAboutIt is now a subforum mod. It's taken me longer to draft this announcement then it has any of the others, because Zinc is so fricking awesome and I'm trying to portray that in some capacity without being snarky. Genuinely she's one of the best writers I know, she's been a longstanding member of the community and has honestly carried things during this last bout of inactivity. Seriously happy to be working with her.

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The second announcement is that we are trying to overhaul character creation to make it emphasize roleplaying and roleplaying in groups.

To this end we have a new character sheet:

Guild (or intended guild):
Motivation (Short & long term goal):
NPCs (Eg. Family and Friends):
Home Planet:
Current Residence:
Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?):
Links (Eg. Theme song, a spotify playlist, a pinterest mood board):

Important things to note are the Concepts area, for a general vibe of your character. It should be for a one or two sentence summary so people can understand what you are going for.

Another section is motivations area, where you come up with goals and motivations, both short term and long term, for your character.

Another is loose ends, this is for any unfinished business that your character may have if they were to die today.

NPC doesn't refer to just NPC's, we have had a couple people in the past roleplay family of other PC's. This is for anyone who your character might know, who are they and potentially a short description detailing their relationship.

Finally Residence should be thought of, and how they are living there needs to be considered. This can be neglected if they are part of a guild as a guild will pay them and sometimes provide housing.

The astute among you have noticed that merits and flaws have replaced any investiture, equipment, and skills that your character may have. This is deliberate. We've done away with points, and are instead moving toward a more organic system where you get a certain number of merits and flaws. Merits are anything that might help your character (such as abilities, items, skills, or a position), flaws are anything that might hinder them.

Here is the breakdown for what might constitute a major minor and normal strength.
Minor: Some trivial assistance / time saving measure (Eg. pull a memory from a coppermind rather than grab a book)
Normal: Bread and butter usefulness. Abilities that get you through your day to day (Eg. An experienced scholar or a practiced swordsman)
Major: Exceptional ability, something that stands out from the crowd (Eg. A world-famous swordsman, an elite assassin, a Knight Radiant)

In terms of how many of each boon each character gets, as of right now we are thinking 3 minor merits, 2 normal merits and 1 major merit. This currently up for debate however and as with all of this we want feedback.

We are looking at around 2 flaws per character but again are open for community feedback.

Merits have different tiers, and flaws are all one in the same. Ideally, at least one flaw would interact with your motivations, being a reason that your character hasn't achieved what they want. This gives you a built in character arc.

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The third announcement is tangential to the second: 

We've also added a system for progression, by participating in plots with 2-3 other characters you can get a minor merits every time an arc is completed. This ought to be RPed. No participating in an art contest and then becoming a swordsmen. Main plots and guild participation over the course of an era can result in normal/major merits being awarded to your character.

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The fourth and final announcement is about guilds:

We are looking for a couple of brave folk to run guilds, potentially 1 or 2 more. These organizations will need to have some interest in the plot or participating in the world. We are going to move previously active guilds to the background, ie The Canton of Combat, the Ghostbloods, and the Liebrary unless someone previously active in that guild comes back and gets more people to join. What this means is that while your character could still interact with them, but they won't be involved with the plot and they won't be doing anything as guilds. This is out of respect for the things the previous members of the guild wrote, and we don't want to mess with their guild without their permission.

In order to form a guild, we are changing the requirements to encourage forming a couple active guilds as opposed to a bunch of guilds with one person in them. This means that before you can post a thread introducing your guild, you will need to fill out this application form and have a couple of members out the gate.

Here is the application form, we will later have a thread where you can post these:
Guild or Organization Name:
Members (2+ required):
Purpose/Mission Statement:
How to contact:
What do you plan to do:

The organization name is obvious I hope, if you have an acronym, please give the expanded form as well.

For members, because we are aiming to make this collaborative, you need to apply with at least two people on board. Please try to make sure that both of you are willing and ready to participate in the guild and RP. We don't want a situation where people join guilds to get the membership up, and then never do anything in it.

Purpose/Mission statement: This is a place for you to outline what your guild is and what it does.

Description: Describe your guild here, everything from vibe and aesthetic to what they are. While the DA's mission statement is to do science and baking, its description would be blood cult crossed with a business.

How to contact is to give players the chance to have their characters reach out and join.

The final section is more for your sake then ours, we want to make sure you dont get all hyped up about a really cool idea and then create it and not have anything to do. To that end, please make sure you have at least a couple things that your characters and guild want to do in the world.

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For powers, are all powers supposed to be a major merit? If so, does that mean everyone goes more towards just having a single ability, and no combinations? And how does that work with more powerful abilities?

Also, I guess that means that if you have a power, you shouldn't have a field you're, like, extremely skilled in?

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3 hours ago, kenod said:

For powers, are all powers supposed to be a major merit? If so, does that mean everyone goes more towards just having a single ability, and no combinations? And how does that work with more powerful abilities?

Also, I guess that means that if you have a power, you shouldn't have a field you're, like, extremely skilled in?

Not necessarily, depending on how powerful you are in a certain thing, it could be a major merit or not. Furthermore, not all powers are created equal. Some are by no means anything more then a minor merit, whera's some would be hard pressed to be lower then a major merit. 

If someone wanted to play a KR who was new, or a low oath, or really inexperienced with their powers for whatever reason, I would put that as a normal merit. Same thing with a mistborn.

On the other hand if you wanted to play a tin misting who was the best tin misting ever, you could put that as your major merit, because its what makes them stand out.

For combinations, I would put down that combo or the best part of that combo as your major power. For example if you were a gold compounder, your A-gold would be a minor merit and your F-gold would be the major one.

EDIT: Also, In terms of how fields and powers interact, I would say think about a major merit scholar or swordsman as world renowned. Normal merit is still like a profession I would say, you may not be on the world level but you've still put a decent amount of time into that.

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On 9/29/2022 at 8:40 PM, MacThorstenson said:

The second announcement is that we are trying to overhaul character creation to make it emphasize roleplaying and roleplaying in groups.

To this end we have a new character sheet:

Guild (or intended guild):
Motivation (Short & long term goal):
NPCs (Eg. Family and Friends):
Home Planet:
Current Residence:
Loose ends (What is unfinished in their life?):
Links (Eg. Theme song, a spotify playlist, a pinterest mood board):

Important things to note are the Concepts area, for a general vibe of your character. It should be for a one or two sentence summary so people can understand what you are going for.

Another section is motivations area, where you come up with goals and motivations, both short term and long term, for your character.

Another is loose ends, this is for any unfinished business that your character may have if they were to die today.

NPC doesn't refer to just NPC's, we have had a couple people in the past roleplay family of other PC's. This is for anyone who your character might know, who are they and potentially a short description detailing their relationship.

Finally Residence should be thought of, and how they are living there needs to be considered. This can be neglected if they are part of a guild as a guild will pay them and sometimes provide housing.

The astute among you have noticed that merits and flaws have replaced any investiture, equipment, and skills that your character may have. This is deliberate. We've done away with points, and are instead moving toward a more organic system where you get a certain number of merits and flaws. Merits are anything that might help your character (such as abilities, items, skills, or a position), flaws are anything that might hinder them.

Here is the breakdown for what might constitute a major minor and normal strength.
Minor: Some trivial assistance / time saving measure (Eg. pull a memory from a coppermind rather than grab a book)
Normal: Bread and butter usefulness. Abilities that get you through your day to day (Eg. An experienced scholar or a practiced swordsman)
Major: Exceptional ability, something that stands out from the crowd (Eg. A world-famous swordsman, an elite assassin, a Knight Radiant)

In terms of how many of each boon each character gets, as of right now we are thinking 3 minor merits, 2 normal merits and 1 major merit. This currently up for debate however and as with all of this we want feedback.

We are looking at around 2 flaws per character but again are open for community feedback.

Merits have different tiers, and flaws are all one in the same. Ideally, at least one flaw would interact with your motivations, being a reason that your character hasn't achieved what they want. This gives you a built in character arc.


I have just joined Alleyverse. I did not see this post in time, so I used the old character sheet. Is that OK?

Secondly, I am willing to create a guild once my character becomes a citizen of the Alleyverse. Do you have any suggestions on how to find members?

Thank you!

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1 hour ago, NerdyAarakocra said:


I have just joined Alleyverse. I did not see this post in time, so I used the old character sheet. Is that OK?

Secondly, I am willing to create a guild once my character becomes a citizen of the Alleyverse. Do you have any suggestions on how to find members?

Thank you!

Hail and welcome, traveler! It's lovely to have you around these parts. We are just about to start a new Era at the end of this month, so this is a lovely time to join up. Unfortunately, we would prefer if you reworked your character into the new character sheet format. We will all be doing so and encouraging even established characters to reformat (though not re-approve - fear not established members!) their sheets to conform to the new style. If you're having any trouble or questions please do ask us, either here or in the Character Discussion thread, which is built exactly for character questions.

Guild creation can be done via PMs to members or, also quite easily, right here! If you want to pitch your Guild idea, simply use the categories on the Guild Sheet to let everyone know what you're thinking, and if anyone is interested they will let you know! We may actually create a new Guild thread, though I am not positive about that, and it would probably be a next-Era thing anyway. So for now, here would be the best place to crowd-source your new members. It's wonderful to get some new enthusiasm about the place after a slow season. We are so glad you're here! ^_^

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1 hour ago, NerdyAarakocra said:


I have just joined Alleyverse. I did not see this post in time, so I used the old character sheet. Is that OK?

Secondly, I am willing to create a guild once my character becomes a citizen of the Alleyverse. Do you have any suggestions on how to find members?

Thank you!

Second welcome!
And a special hello to someone playing a fellow Forger! As Zinc mentioned we will be asking people to use the new character sheets from next era so that would be the preference for character formatting. 

I would note that we are trying to move a little away from the high-chaos beginnings of the RP into more serious narratives so I do have a little concern around the focus around 'murder camels', would appreciate a little more discussion around that aspect.

But welcome to the RP! Very happy to have new people always.

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9 hours ago, Voidus said:

Second welcome!
And a special hello to someone playing a fellow Forger! As Zinc mentioned we will be asking people to use the new character sheets from next era so that would be the preference for character formatting. 

I would note that we are trying to move a little away from the high-chaos beginnings of the RP into more serious narratives so I do have a little concern around the focus around 'murder camels', would appreciate a little more discussion around that aspect.

But welcome to the RP! Very happy to have new people always.


9 hours ago, Voidus said:

Second welcome!
And a special hello to someone playing a fellow Forger! As Zinc mentioned we will be asking people to use the new character sheets from next era so that would be the preference for character formatting. 

I would note that we are trying to move a little away from the high-chaos beginnings of the RP into more serious narratives so I do have a little concern around the focus around 'murder camels', would appreciate a little more discussion around that aspect.

But welcome to the RP! Very happy to have new people always.

Alright! I'll rework my character sheet.

'Murder Camels' are relatively minor. The guild is actually focused on researching Identity. I just really wanted to use the camels as part of my character. I'll change the guild name when I rework my character sheet.

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1 hour ago, NerdyAarakocra said:

'Murder Camels' are relatively minor. The guild is actually focused on researching Identity. I just really wanted to use the camels as part of my character. I'll change the guild name when I rework my character sheet.

If you want to be focused on research, you're also welcome to join the Scholar's Guild. It might be easier to be a subsection of a larger guild than to try and get other players for something so specific. Up to you, though! New guilds are fun.

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18 minutes ago, Rushu42 said:

If you want to be focused on research, you're also welcome to join the Scholar's Guild. It might be easier to be a subsection of a larger guild than to try and get other players for something so specific. Up to you, though! New guilds are fun.

Hmm. I'm checking out the guild right now. I'll DM you if I want to join. Or do I mean PM? I don't know. I'll use the nice little mail icon in the right-hand corner. 

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2 hours ago, NerdyAarakocra said:

Hmm. I'm checking out the guild right now. I'll DM you if I want to join. Or do I mean PM? I don't know. I'll use the nice little mail icon in the right-hand corner. 

Also worth noting that even if you join an already-established Guild, you can always volunteer to lead a thread or side plot around a topic, mission or other quest!

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Piggybacking off of zinc here by saying that we do want to encourage people to team up in guilds and not necessarily create their own. As in have fewer guilds with more people, as opposed to lots of guilds with few people. Thats what we've found encourages collaboration and writing in groups moreso then other things.

Edited by MacThorstenson
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