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I think time travel is fine, as long as it doesn't touch the past. I think it would be cool for a character to go in a time machine, step out, say they went to the future and did stuff there, then in a future thread have that character turn up after time traveling from the past. 

That would be fine, as long as it's foreshadowed.

However, I think it would also work if a character met their future self in a present-day thread, then in a future thread the character time traveled back to what we would call our 'present thread'.

Basically, as long as it doesn't feel like time travel is there for conveiniant's sake, OR if it's foreshadowed, I'm down.

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This kind of creates an issue with consistency, since you'd be able to travel to the past, but only if the point you'd travel to hasn't yet happened in the thread.

Note: I'm alright with only traveling forwards, since this makes sense with cadmium.

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I think that some of what Mraize did in going back in time was a good idea. You can do a lot with backwards time travel, even if you can't change anything. 

25 minutes ago, Ookla the Libre said:

You couldn't go into the concrete past, but you could have a future person show up, then, in the actual future, say they went into the past.

This is actually exactly what I was thinking in terms of time travel in the alleyverse. :wacko: 


15 minutes ago, Ookla the Foxed said:

Note: I'm alright with only traveling forwards, since this makes sense with cadmium.

Traveling forwards is a simple matter of time dilation, which actually happens in the real world, so this kind of goes without saying.^_^

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So if someone were to travel to the past and they would change something, would everything that had happened up to that point not have ever happened? Or would an alternate timeline emerge? I'm really trying to understand, time is confusing enough for me without travelling backwards or forward. I'm sorry.

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Hell. I am really out of the loop, on this one.

1. the shard of Justice, isn't dead, just wounded, have some of his power leached from him. I woun't kill him/her because I think in theory that Odium killed Justice. Just helping that process along.

2. Somebody could have just told me to fix all of this. It ins't too big a deal to fix, its quite simple.

3. Just hell

4. repents for swearing.

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So, back to era ending events, I think that we could do a happy ending for era 3, but ending era 2, if you want to lower the power levels, practically, you need to have a cataclysmic event. Here is what I propose: Dusk accidently creates a power vampire, that feeds off investiture and all other forms of radiation(I know that investiture isn't technically radiation, but it functions in a similar way) except kinetic energy, but his skin and strength makes this weakness relatively mute. He goes on a rampage, and maybe kills some people that the characters owner want dead, and then the Precursors, or maybe the black crusade, tries to destroy it with some massive amount of radiation, like composers, glassing, or nukes. Then the precursors, black crusade, and anything else that is powerful does something like either, leave, or drag it into space. Then someone finds the leecher orb, which would have to be dealt with practically, and, small warning, is being upgraded with electromagnetic generators to disrupt higher brain functions and technology removing alleymatics from play, and then at the end of the era, their is a big fight against it, and it dies. Wow. A run on sentence. Oof.

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5 minutes ago, Darth Ookla said:

So, back to era ending events, I think that we could do a happy ending for era 3, but ending era 2, if you want to lower the power levels, practically, you need to have a cataclysmic event. Here is what I propose: Dusk accidently creates a power vampire, that feeds off investiture and all other forms of radiation(I know that investiture isn't technically radiation, but it functions in a similar way) except kinetic energy, but his skin and strength makes this weakness relatively mute. He goes on a rampage, and maybe kills some people that the characters owner want dead, and then the Precursors, or maybe the black crusade, tries to destroy it with some massive amount of radiation, like composers, glassing, or nukes. Then the precursors, black crusade, and anything else that is powerful does something like either, leave, or drag it into space. Then someone finds the leecher orb, which would have to be dealt with practically, and, small warning, is being upgraded with electromagnetic generators to disrupt higher brain functions and technology removing alleymatics from play, and then at the end of the era, their is a big fight against it, and it dies. Wow. A run on sentence. Oof.

I believe that would work in addition to the super investiture plague, as long as the plague doesn't infect the vampire.

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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Ookla said:

I believe that would work in addition to the super investiture plague, as long as the plague doesn't infect the vampire.

Well, it getting infected would do one of two things. It all depends on how we agree that both things work. I think that if we do the plague, we need something incredibly powerful, so there's a reason that the Precursor devices were affected. They are kind've outside of the power limit for era 3.

  1. He would immediately die.
  2. He would bound with it and become completely unstoppable, and would be able to make a parasitic super plague, that not even the flood would be able to counter plague.
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15 minutes ago, Ookla the Libre said:

Wait... there's a Justice shard?



In Shadows for Silence one of the characters refers to “Justice has died here.”  Is that the actual Shard of Justice?

Brandon Sanderson

That’s a great theory! (Big grin, raised eyebrows.)

5 minutes ago, Ookla the Ookla said:

super investiture plague

interesting idea, add that to the War of Ages, where several hemalurgic creatures run rampant and people are obviously warring against one another, (Heroes Vs Solace and his followers.) the result is that Knowledge is lost of investiture and investiture itself is rarer. Like the transition from Mistborn Era 1 to Era 2


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3 minutes ago, Darth Ookla said:

Well, it getting infected would do one of two things. It all depends on how we agree that both things work. I think that if we do the plague, we need something incredibly powerful, so there's a reason that the Precursor devices were affected. They are kind've outside of the power limit for era 3.

  1. He would immediately die.
  2. He would bound with it and become completely unstoppable, and would be able to make a parasitic super plague, that not even the flood would be able to counter plague.

No, it doesn't change his power level, it would just make him totally uncaring for his own life with his only goal to kill others. 

So to summarize: War, plague, vampire, the combination leads to a huge ending, gods step in, then Era 3 begins.

This time I'm thinking a much longer break, so we can have a much bigger Alleyverse reformation.

Edited by Ookla the Ookla
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Yeah. What if the plauged vampire takes over solaces army of hemalurgic abominations, and puts everyone on the same side to defend the world, and the npcs? It would do your idea of an massive war, arks of the plauge, and mine for rebuilding trust with the public and the vampire.

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2 minutes ago, Darth Ookla said:

What if the plauged vampire takes over solaces army of hemalurgic angels

First off, I don't control my hemalurgic angels, Emperor Dread does. Second Solace would know immediately because of the mind link he set in place with Dread. Third this Vampire would need a lot of investiture for Solace to be able to not be able to affect him (per my rule). He did kinda curbstomp Ioc... (With permission of course.)

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