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I'm not opposed to technology (Technology is SCIENCE after all). But when space ships, fleets and armadas get involved it makes things a bit awkward.
It's a whole different scale of story, and I think it's definitely likely to create three things that multiple people have mentioned they want less of:
Power creep, armies and PvP.

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25 minutes ago, Ookla the Ookla said:

Also, I get that we don't want as much sci-fi, but with Skyward we have a logical reason. I really don't understand why people are against sci-fi, though I get some people have had unreasonable additions.

It's more a question of non-Sanderson scifi, and how the general power level tends to be higher than that of Sanderson tech and characters. 

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I don't entirely understand why Sci Fi is a problem I get that we should stop adding more, and it needs to be limited but I see no reason why it has to be removed. I love Halo, and Brandon Sanderson, and I want to include it in the Alleyverse. If anyone else has any particular reason why it should not be included, that is not because of a personnel preference, please tell me. I believe that we should restrain the quantity of Sci Fi, not it's existince. It adds enjoyment to some people's experience and doesn't interfere to the point where others enjoyment is ruined, so I think it should be included.

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To sum up what I see as the main arguments from the con side:

-Sci fi leads to space opera which is of an entirely different scale to what the Alleyverse focuses on, this can minimize and draw attention from other plots.
-Sci fi leads to armies, which people have expressed concerns about
- Sci fi requires vast resources and power, which people have expressed concerns about.
- Sci fi technology tends to be on a power level that's higher than what people want in the Alleyverse.
- Thematically it doesn't match most of Brandons works which make up the base of the Alleyverse.

And some from me personally:
- Sci fi as a genre usually tells different stories, this would create radically different stories within the RP and might derail or spoil stories that are started with a more traditional fantasy element in mind.
- Technology can be acquired by anyone so adding technology into the Alleyverse means potential issues with making magic based characters even more powerful.
- It seems likely that this would lead to an arms race, power creep, scope creep and increased PvP (Almost all sci fi elements that people have introduced have been combat based in nature)

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27 minutes ago, Darth Ookla said:

I don't entirely understand why Sci Fi is a problem I get that we should stop adding more, and it needs to be limited but I see no reason why it has to be removed. I love Halo, and Brandon Sanderson, and I want to include it in the Alleyverse.

For me the Alleyverse is interesting, because of Brandon's books. I like Dragon Age and Mass Effect and tons of other books, but I don't include it here, because it would defey the sense of this setting. I'm alright with SciFi as long as it's in Skyward's borders, but everything apart from that. It's hard enough to balance all of Brandon's settings.

Just my own personal opinion. And I agree with @Ookla the Lurker

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As someone who knows much about either Halo or Warhammer, I think that having both would start to stretch the RP a little too much. We already have all of the Cosmere (barring Skyward, as of now), most of what isn’t, some Lovecraft and Warhammer. There’s plenty of room to explore in there that hasn’t been tapped. I think that adding more stuff to the sandbox will just start to power creep. And power growth on its own is not necessarily a bad thing, but there’s a difference in my mind between getting more skilled at what you are already good at and simply getting new powers.  I understand the urge to add stuff you love to something else you love, it would set a precedent I’m not entirely happy with. It says that anyone can add lore from outside what we already have. Instead of developing the systems and powers we know, we reach outwards and add new stuff.

It’s also an issue if you don’t know about the source material. See, I don’t play either game. The Warhammer thing was a bit of a reach to begin with, but since it’s so ingrained in the origins of the Alleyverse I’ve gotten quite used to it now, and I’ve picked up enough about it to understand the gist. But it would be hard for me to RP against someone with a character that had weapons, armour, traits and characteristics that were completely foreign to me. It would be a steep learning curve to add things that we probably don’t need. If people don’t learn it, then what you get is a scenario where a few specific people have the ability to make their character very OP through knowledge of Halo, without others being also able to access that. Which will happen - you can’t say that having laser guns, grenades, vehicles and spaceships won’t increase your power levels.

I’m not against adding to the Cosmere’s source material, but when we start to include things that aren’t universal across all participants, we run into problems. People come to the RP to play with Cosmere material - adding too much stuff that isn’t widely known devoid from that universe will cause problems.

TL;DR I agree with Lurker and Sorana.

Edited by Ookla the Cited
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I feel like doing another time jump would be odd. The start of era 2 was a little bit awkward, with none of the characters knowing each other. Besides, if we’re going to implement a lot of new rules and ideas, needing most people to create new characters would also cause problems (unless we wanted the scale down in power associated with that). I would much rather that those who wanted new characters make them, and those who want to keep old characters would keep them, while we worked out what changes we wanted to make.

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17 minutes ago, Ookla the Cited said:

I feel like doing another time jump would be odd. The start of era 2 was a little bit awkward, with none of the characters knowing each other. Besides, if we’re going to implement a lot of new rules and ideas, needing most people to create new characters would also cause problems (unless we wanted the scale down in power associated with that). I would much rather that those who wanted new characters make them, and those who want to keep old characters would keep them, while we worked out what changes we wanted to make.

My issue here is that if we introduce a bunch of rules but then just keep the same characters then it kindof negates the point of the rules. One of the main things I know a lot of people want is bringing down the power level, we can't really do that if there's a bunch of OP characters still wandering around.


5 minutes ago, Ooklas_Unbounded! said:

Ok so let's not add any Skyward stuff till we don't have to spoiler tag things? So maybe no sci-fi? How long until we don't have to spoiler tag, Skyward? I would imagine at least a couple of months, right? I mean it just came out?

Just so it's here as well: Official policy is 9 months.


2 minutes ago, Ookla the Skeptical said:

I love Sci Fi, and would love to do a Sci Fi era. I however do understand that a lot of people on here are opposed to this.

Side Note:Are people ok with Lovecraft stuff in the Alleyverse?

Lovecraftian stuff has been part of the Alleyverse since before there was an Alleyverse :P
But that doesn't necessarily mean people are ok with it I guess so I think so, but not 100%

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1 minute ago, Ookla the Skeptical said:

I meant more in regards to the Elder Gods

Introducing Elder Gods and Great Old Ones might not be the best thing, given both the amount of power and impact they have, and the fact that a lot of people might not know that much about them. I don't have any real issue with weaker stuff like Ghouls and Nightgaunts though.

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I think that worshippers or people influenced by the Elder Gods is possible, but they shouldn't make a direct appearance or be too big a part of the story I think. (Which, if I'm being honest is where I think they shine anyway, staying just out of the spotlight)


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2 hours ago, Ookla the Lurker said:

My issue here is that if we introduce a bunch of rules but then just keep the same characters then it kindof negates the point of the rules. One of the main things I know a lot of people want is bringing down the power level, we can't really do that if there's a bunch of OP characters still wandering around.

But there are also the characters from the thieve's guild around, most of them with no investiture at all.

I would prefer to have none, to maybe a small (1 year) time jump to make the start less awkward. And we simply need to trust each other to keep the op characters out of the rp/ have them die at the end of the era. Which characters count as op - that we have to discuss among ourselves.

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