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Hello there!

I'm Elsa Steelheart!

I am a huge fan and I just finished Steelheart and currently in the middle of MIstborn.

Im new to the site and Im very friendly :)


Steelheart forever :)  :D


Any suggestion for what I should read next? :)

Edited by Elsa Steelheart
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I'm going to take a wild guess and say you're a fan of Frozen.

Well, if you Want to Read A Novel after finishing the Mistborn trilogy, I'd suggest Warbreaker. I'll admit that it's a bit of a Fixer Upper and isn't Brandon's best work, but it's still my favourite of the cosmere books. There's also the fact that he decided to Let It Go by offering it for free download on his website, so if you want you can start reading it as soon as you've finished Mistborn.

And Koloss are better than People.

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Thanks! hahaha. I am definitely a fan of frozen too! Whats Warbreaker about?

I'm going to take a wild guess and say you're a fan of Frozen.

Well, if you Want to Read A Novel after finishing the Mistborn trilogy, I'd suggest Warbreaker. I'll admit that it's a bit of a Fixer Upper and isn't Brandon's best work, but it's still my favourite of the cosmere books. There's also the fact that he decided to Let It Go by offering it for free download on his website, so if you want you can start reading it as soon as you've finished Mistborn.

And Koloss are better than People.


I just love the frozen references you make!

Edited by Rubix
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Welcome, Elsa :D You're welcome to build an ice palace and make things look pretty, just make sure your metals don't burn through and melt anything. That could be problematic.

I'm going to take a wild guess and say you're a fan of Frozen.

Well, if you Want to Read A Novel after finishing the Mistborn trilogy, I'd suggest Warbreaker. I'll admit that it's a bit of a Fixer Upper and isn't Brandon's best work, but it's still my favourite of the cosmere books. There's also the fact that he decided to Let It Go by offering it for free download on his website, so if you want you can start reading it as soon as you've finished Mistborn.

And Koloss are better than People.

Warbreaker, and Mistborn are also an Open Door to the Cosmere.

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Welcome to 17th Shard!


Just saying, if you haven't read about 50% + of Brandon's cosmere books, then get reading quickly. Otherwise, you might not understand most of our topics. Stormlight Archives (an ongoing series) is a good series to pick up after Warbreaker.


Here's a few links that will help you with your Cosmere and realmatic Theory. Don't read it until you have finished Mistborn, since it contains spoilers:




Here is a list of abbreviated book titles you will find useful, listed chronologically:


From the Stormlight Archives:

  • WoK = Way of Kings
  • WoR = Words of Radiance

From Mistborn:

  • tFE = the Final Empire
  • WoA = Well of Ascension
  • HoA = Hero of Ages
  • AoL = Alloy of Law

From Warbreaker:

  • Warbreaker = Wb

From the Books set in Sel:

  • Elantris = Elantris
  • Legion and the Emperor's soul = (not sure, it's also only a short novella)

From the Alcatraz series (a series of children books, but still good)

  • There's no abbreviations I've found, sadly

Look out for an awesome character called Hoid or Wit. He appears in nearly every Brandon Sanderson Book, like a cameo, although sometimes not.


Best wishes and may the Storm bless you! 

Edited by Rubix
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Hello. Would you like to build an Inquisitor today?


(See what I did, make a reference to Warbreaker, Words of Radiance, Mistborn and Frozen in two sentences :P)


I was just thinking about this, and had a sudden mental image of Olaf as an Inquisitor. I mean, he has a carrot stuck through his face AND he's been impaled on ice. So....snowquisitor? He would be terrifying which would be hilarious.

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I loved the mistborn series so much- The Final Empire being my favorite.. I also throughly enjoyed Warbreaker- very eay and fast read but still with all the Sanderstonian fun!


And once your fully devote dive into stormlight archive, white sand, wheel of time (if you have a while)..



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Elantris also good (it is a Brandon Sanderson novel, what do you expect?) though IMHO it is his weakest published work to date. If you're already a fan of Brandon, then go ahead and read it. There are a few references to it in other cosmere books which are cooler if you've read Elantris first.

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Brandon does not ever come on to say anything. You may have seen his account, but the only time it has been used is for a Q&A.

However, Peter Ahlstrom, Brandon's assistant and continuity guy, posts quite often, and his comments are held in pretty much the same regard as Brandon's own. And oh, is Peter a troll. ;)

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welcome elsa to the 17th shard.


peter posts wherever he feels like posting. he posts mostly on the most popular topics. he's a bit like hoid that way he is just anywhere that he feels like being posting what he feels like posting. he makes fun of people, provides insight on other things and just really posts random stuff. peters a funny guy.

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He posts pretty much all over the place, mostly to correct something, provide a bit of information we don't have quite yet (this is referred to as a Word of Peter or WoP, held in nearly the same regard as a WoB), or the make a cryptic comment and suck up ridiculous amounts of rep.

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