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Stones Unhallowed 10.5% Accurate Predictions: Kaladin


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We don't really know that there is a "one Radiant per Order" rule. in fact, it seems likely that there has been two Radiants at the same time of either the Edgedancers or the Truthwatchers, though that does depend a bit on the timing of the Ym chapter in regards to Lift bonding Wyndle and Renaring bonding Glys. For plot building reasons (and Spren politics in the case of some of the Orders), it seems likely that the initial influx of Radiants will we slow, but it would be a huge boon to the readers if a few more of the known and beloved characters would join the refounded Knights Radiant.


In fact, if we are to disregard the Rule of One, then I think Lirin is one of the most likely candidates for a Nahel bond - at least more so than some others, such as Adolin. He fits very well with the attributes of the Truthwatchers, and the loss of both of his sons should make for enough of a broken soul to allow for a bonding process to start. It does depend a bit on whether he has turned to the dark-side or not following the Roshone affair, though.

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Should anyone be using a Herald's blade? I think the Stormfather will provide some insight. Something seems wrong about how it drains Stormlight so quickly. Maybe it's just that Honor is dead, but maybe normal humans shouldn't use them.

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I like the idea of Lirin becoming a Radiant.


It is true we do not know how many sprens have crossed exactly, so theoretically, yes we could get more than one knight per order. However, the setting of the books seem to point in a different direction which is why I tend to believe we won't or at least not until the second part. Once there, I believe the orders will be functional and anyone willing to become a Radiant and having the rights skills/qualities could be taken it, pretty much like in Dalinar's vision where he is a good warrior that gets send to Urithiru to become a Radiant.


I do not see him as a Truthwatcher though. Truthwatchers are said to be creepy secretive fellows who do not share their information and get lost in their own mind. Renarin fits those criteria extremely well as he is socially awkward, secretive, he rarely speaks his mind and when he does, it is hardly clear. Whatever it is he sees or knows, he retains it to himself. Being scared is just an excuse as a different person would have come forward with those things instead of just sitting there and doing nothing. Truthwatchers are described as insufferable for their lack of cooperation and that pretty much fit how I felt about Renarin in WoR.


It just doesn't fit Lirin. Lirin is not secretive, Lirin is all about duty and caring. He sees it as his duty to care/heal those people even when they do not deserve it: it is not for him to judge. He just provides care as best as he can, no matter what. He is very learned, true, but I do not see him as seeing vision of the future and sratching things on the floor.


He could fit as a Edgedancer, but he does not have the "gracefull warrior" part but maybe not all Edgedancers were warriors. Some probably were gardeners (based on Windle desire to bound a gardener) so yes I could see Lirin as an Edgedancer healing people and growing medicinal plants. I could happen, but I do not think he will play an overly large role in the story.

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Lirin might not be creepy and secretive towards his family, but the whole story arc from Kaladin's youth was that the whole town shunned them; Lirin especially. He might have used his knowledge to heal as often as he could, but he didn't share it with the other villagers. One would assume that he could have taken at least one more apprentice (though the town might admittedly not have been willing to give him one).


I disagree, he fits in quite nicely with the Truthwatchers. Even with the "creepy and solitary" part.

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Lirin might not be creepy and secretive towards his family, but the whole story arc from Kaladin's youth was that the whole town shunned them; Lirin especially. He might have used his knowledge to heal as often as he could, but he didn't share it with the other villagers. One would assume that he could have taken at least one more apprentice (though the town might admittedly not have been willing to give him one).


I disagree, he fits in quite nicely with the Truthwatchers. Even with the "creepy and solitary" part.


Well, they didn't shunned them because they were creepy, they shunned them out of jealousy. Lirin was a darkeye of the first dhan in a small remote town populated by darkeyes of the third and the fourth dahn. He was friend with the local lighteye lord. He was privileged and thus resented.


I never saw him as retaining knowledge as I fell to see what he should have shared... Knowledge on healing? You need years of training to become a surgeon, he couldn't just go and teach everyone his trade. None of the other darkeyes were doing the same either. They kept their trade to themselves and their apprentices.


As for him not taking an additional apprentice, I always saw it as normal you would train less surgeons than carpenters or farmers. We don't know if he took an apprentice after Kal departure. It is quite possible he did.


On my part, I do not think he fits the Truthwatcher. He is not creepy, he may seem so, but it is mostly due to a lack of people of similar ranking to buddy with. I do not think he is solitary by choice either. Now, we can compare to Renarin who is evolving in a world of lighteyes of similar rank and yet we never see him with any friend. I cannot believe all twenty-something lighteyes of the second/third dahn are warmongers. He just seemed like the kind of guy that keeps to himself, by choice. Lirin, well it could be he is the same, but we have no evidence.


The primary attributes for the Truthwatcher is learned whereas it is Caring for the Edgedancers. Lirin prime attribute definitely is caring. He is also learned, but he cares before all.

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Edgedancers' primary attribute is loving, not caring. Also, Truthwatchers are secretive, not creepy.


Lirin isn't the type to speak out his plans. The way he stole the spheres and planned to mislead Roshone he was about to give them back fits better with Truthwatchers. 


Think of how the death of his patients didn't bother him as much as it bothered Kal or Lift. Both of them thought it's up to them to care for the weak - 'I will protect those who can't protect themselves' and 'I will remember those who have been forgotten'.  Both Kal and Lift feel over responsible towards people they've barely met. Something Lirin was trying to teach his son not to do.


Lirin has always find Hesina's word games and the like annoying, which contradicts with Edgedancers tendency to be articulate and eloquent, but fits with Truthwatchers, who prefer not to speak as much.


Lirin is an outsider like Renarin and was ok with it. Lirin is an observing man well aware of others motives, which can be viewed as part of being learned. Lirin also thought of Laral's engagement and suffering as none of his business, whereas Lift felt for an animal that took her awesomeness away.


edit: spelling

Edited by Aleksiel
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After reading these predictions, I don't feel like reading Stones Unhallowed when it comes out. Everything sound so gloom and doom. Least we get to see Szeth's POV.


Time to look at puppy images and memes to cheer myself up.

Edited by Lightsworn Panda
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What do yoi expect from a sequel to a book that ended with "at least the world has chosen a nice night upon which to die"? :P

There's always the off-chance that Nightblood will be funny.

....as will Bridge Four. But are they gonna fly with Kaladin? Or....do what otherwise?

I'm just gonna throw in my two cents that if Lirin is a KR hell be a Truthwatcher. He his theft of the spheres from his son and Roshone, and hes an introverted scholar I can easily see as being labeled secretive, which is why the town was terrified of him to begin with. I always put down Renarins creepiness to a general lack of Rosharan understanding about his epilepsy/slight autism rather than to a Truthwatcher attribute.

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Edgedancers' primary attribute is loving, not caring. Also, Truthwatchers are secretive, not creepy.


Lirin isn't the type to speak out his plans. The way he stole the spheres and planned to mislead Roshone he was about to give them back fits better with Truthwatchers. 


Think of how the death of his patients didn't bother him as much as it bothered Kal or Lift. Both of them thought it's up to them to care for the weak - 'I will protect those who can't protect themselves' and 'I will remember those who have been forgotten'.  Both Kal and Lift feel over responsible towards people they've barely met. Something Lirin was trying to teach his son not to do.


Lirin has always find Hesina's word games and the like annoying, which contradicts with Edgedancers tendency to be articulate and eloquent, but fits with Truthwatchers, who prefer not to speak as much.


Lirin is an outsider like Renarin and was ok with it. Lirin is an observing man well aware of others motives, which can be viewed as part of being learned. Lirin also thought of Laral's engagement and suffering as none of his business, whereas Lift felt for an animal that took her awesomeness away.


edit: spelling


I had forgotten about the spheres... You do make good arguments here.

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  • 1 year later...

In the first chapter in Stones Unhallowed it talks about

Kaladin entering Hearthstone and views the destruction for being late and having to weather out the Everstorm I believe he is going to have Syl hidden and not used while he looks for information and his parents.

Edited by WeiryWriter
please put information from readings of unpublished works in spoiler tags
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