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The Game and its losers.


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4 hours ago, Being of Cacophony said:

maybe. maybe "What dost thou desirest." Same idea :P 


4 hours ago, Robin Sedai said:

"Whaddya want?"


3 hours ago, TheAlpha929 said:

Of what services art thou requiring at this moment, good sir?

i nominate @TheAlpha929 for the best way to say "what do you want"

along with losing the game :P

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11 minutes ago, TheAlpha929 said:

“Behold yon grove of mine master! I hitherto shalt away to supplicate of him his will of what he shouldst have me do! Hark! He calleth.”

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Get wrecked @Being of Cacophony


pretty good, but is it good enough?

"What dost thee desireth lord? i hath harkened to thy call to aid thee in thy needs. All thou needst do is command and i shall do thy bidding."


have at thee @TheAlpha929


Edited by Being of Cacophony
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“When the Sands of Time doth blow away! When the Whispering Wind hath breathed its last! When every man, woman, and child hath passed into the Paradise Above, or the Eternal Rivers of Fire Below! All these things may come to pass, and many more, but still when thou needest me, I shalt be there to doeth thine bidding! Yea, telleth me the deepest desires of thine heart, and I shall maketh it reality, regardless of the cost!”

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43 minutes ago, TheAlpha929 said:

“When the Sands of Time doth blow away! When the Whispering Wind hath breathed its last! When every man, woman, and child hath passed into the Paradise Above, or the Eternal Rivers of Fire Below! All these things may come to pass, and many more, but still when thou needest me, I shalt be there to doeth thine bidding! Yea, telleth me the deepest desires of thine heart, and I shall maketh it reality, regardless of the cost!”

i grant @TheAlpha929 with the "Shard's most Confusing" award (psst! i have the power to take it back and give it to a different person!  u got this, @Being of Cacophony!)

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3 hours ago, TheAlpha929 said:

@shortcake be like: “hmm what goofy thing are these bozos going to post next? Better make sure the keep doing it”

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Not that you’re a bozo cacophony 


oh that is most certainly what is happening lol


don't worry, I'm a bozo too :P


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