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The Game and its losers.


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5 minutes ago, Aspiring Writer said:

The one that is followed by a ton of people saying i lose? Because they looked at something? What's your game here?

It’s a game where if you think about it, you lose. So people who have never heard of the game are winning, everyone who’s thought of it has lost. It’s ironic, because by playing the game, you automatically lose. A lot of people who have lost have taken it upon themselves to make as many other people lose as they can (hence this thread). By reading this, you’ve lost. Welcome to the game! 

(oh and also by posting here you have condemned yourself to never winning again. Get ready for a bunch of @mentions) (shoot wait I forgot about my rule to never post here. Dang it.)

Edited by Hentient
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2 minutes ago, Aspiring Writer said:

Your laughing your chull off right now, aren't you?

Eh. No.

So, basically, the point of The Game is to not think of The Game. If you think about The Game, you lose The Game. So, to make other people lose The Game, you tell them that you lost The Game, forcing them to think of The Game and probably groan.

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33 minutes ago, Aspiring Writer said:

Your laughing your chull off right now, aren't you?


27 minutes ago, Hentient said:

Many groans. Frustration loves this thread. 

Yes, yes I do, it was my perpendicularly way back when, I lost here because of @Nameless and I have taken it upon myself to cause as much @Frustration as possible.

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18 hours ago, Nameless said:

Don't worry, I'll try not to @ any-@AonEne @Frustration @xinoehp512 @Condensation @Channelknight Fadran (I couldn't resist).

17 hours ago, DramaQueen said:

Aw, thanks for thinking of me!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...
16 minutes ago, Doomstick said:

*claps* But you actually lost.

Lost what? I can only lose if it's over, and there is but one conflict, playing out for eternity. Different itterations of the same game, I cannot lose, for it is not over.

I win again Lews Therin.

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