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The Game and its losers.


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26 minutes ago, Scars of Hathsin said:

I am pretty sure you can just join out of the blue, there is no cohesive plot

I also lost the game to answer this question

It wasn't a question, I'll probably re-join eventually, but it'll be a while. I'm trying to balance life with 17S and RPs simply took up too much of my time. I'll figure out a balance that allows me to RP eventually


On 1/31/2024 at 7:56 PM, Faerie Braids said:
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This is a Game

That everyone plays

We try to increase

The number of days

That we can last

Ere we remember

The maddening Game

Of which we're a member

And when we recall

We must make a post

The end of our streak

Something we must boast

But there is a reward

Amidst suffering

Each time that we lose

Our friends we may ping

So come on and join

This thread, if you dare

We are not a cult

Truly, we swear

But know: If you choose

To open this door

Your unknowing innocence

Will be gone forevermore

Choose wisely...

In all seriousness (at least, as serious as one can be, considering the subject) the OP has a link to a detailed Wikipedia article explaining The Game, but the three general rules are as follows:

1. Everyone is playing The Game

2. Whenever someone thinks about The Game, they lose The Game

3. Whenever someone loses The Game, they must announce their loss

Have fun playing! :P

only one rule you missed. 


Edited by Immortal Platypus
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