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Email List and Submission Dates


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It appears that the reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated!




...Ahem. Yup, still alive (cue Portal music). I didn't know that was in question, actually.  Hi! Long time no see, etc. :P

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It's been a while since I was active around here, I've been awful busy with exams and school. Would I be able to submit a prologue and a first chapter for tomorrow, or maybe next Monday? I have a fair bit of work done that I want to run by you guys here, so I should hopefully be more active soon. 


I also obviously plan on giving critiques out as well. I don't want this to be a one way street.

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Welcome back, Mark! You're certainly welcome to post tomorrow if you'd like--in fact I think you're the only one submitting so far, since Tal said he's interested in submitting next Monday. Which means there are still four slots available for tomorrow and four slots available for next Monday.

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Not a problem--just remind me what your email address is (either here or DM, whichever you prefer).


Good luck, and if things change in the future, you're always welcome back here. :)

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I will be up for next Monday, too.


I have three different pieces I can send, and I have not yet chosen which to send - feel free to tell me what seems the most interesting to you, or ask me about them via PM. They are:

"Poems 1" - collection of poems

"the History of Equality" - will probably end up a short story

"a Bowl of Fava" - flash fiction, at least so far

Edited by Tal Spektor
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I completed writing my short story and just finished the first editing pass. I would like to submit next Monday. I'm currently at 8600 words, which is probably a bit long for our way of working. How long should each chunk be if I split it up?

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So that's Tal, Mark, Molah, and Robinksi for Monday, four slots so far (unless, Molah, you meant the following Monday the 13th rather than the upcoming Monday the 6th. I wasn't quite sure, so just correct me if I'm wrong).


As for where to split it up: just try to find a place that you think works well as a stopping point (often a chapter or scene break) without worrying too much about the length of the individual submission, provided that each one falls under the 5k word limit or comes reasonably close. A submission that's 5600 words instead of 5000 words isn't going to raise any hackles, just make sure to keep it reasonable.

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