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Yay! We want Baxter, we want Baxter. (Dear goodness, what am I saying?)


Baxter would be gratified* by your show of support, but as he's usually incapable of responding minus the sarcasm or inappropriate humor, you'd probably end up thoroughly disgusted with him, and regret having voiced your original sentiment in the first place.  :rolleyes:


 *I know I am! Thanks so much for the encouragement.  :D 

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I've been working on my submission (just in case I get to) but my word count is a tad on the higher side. I have taken out the 2 incomplete scenes, but one scene got added to as Iwoke up in the middle of thenight and was like THIS IS HOW IT GOES and had to write it in.


The submission is a collection of the completed "scenes" I have so far. They are not chapters. There are 10 scenes, and some are as short as 150ish words with most in the 200-600 word range. But the total word count of all 10 scenes is 6660, and I'm worried that it may be too long. That said, the reason for this submission is to get feedback on the current scenes so I know how to take this project forward, to know which of them work and which don't, and in which ways. I also know what it will be a few weeks before I will be ready to submit again and the feedback from this is what will fuel me for those few weeks.


Any objections to a read this long? An upside is, since they are individual scenes you can feel free to read only the ones you want, and there are easy stopping points. But, if I have to cut some out of the submission, let me know. It will take me a couple days to figure out which ones I can set aside for now.


Thank you!

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I'm personally cool with it. I might as well pay it forward, because I'm pretty sure I'll be in a similar position one of these days.  ^_^


EDIT: Oh, yeah... My last submission was over 6K. How quickly I forget! 

Edited by Marci
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My future submissions will be single chapters and arent' likely to exceed the 5k mark, so part of me is like... this 6k+ thing is really only a one time deal, but then, I can't actually 100% guarantee that a chapter will NEVER go over 5k. I just don't really plan on them being that long.


Also, the "scenes" in my submission are named, but only to tell them apart. My chapters aren't actually going to have names or anything, just plain ole chapter numbers and some interesting runic inscriptions that I have to design still, but all my frawing pens are packed for my move to Missouri so that's def on hold atm LOL

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I'm personally cool with it. I might as well pay it forward, because I'm pretty sure I'll be in a similar position one of these days.  ^_^


EDIT: Oh, yeah... My last submission was over 6K. How quickly I forget! 


You just managed to head-off my righteous indignation at the pass ;o)


How quickly, indeed :P

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On the subject of submission length, I tend to think of it as the aggregate of the weekly submissions. If 5 people all posted 6.5k words, I must admit I would be a bit irked, because that would be 32.5k words instead of 25k, plus 30%! It doesn't sound like a lot, but my writing time is heavily limited by work, so I get a bit jealous of it when it comes to critiquing.


This is sounding like sour grapes, it's not supposed to. I'm content to read 6.6k from you - not a problem for me. I've been over 5k myself, a bit. (But not over 6k, Marci, lol).


I like the sound of the format you describe, certainly an easier way to digest a longer submission, and to get a better overall flavour for the piece.

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On the subject of submission length, I tend to think of it as the aggregate of the weekly submissions. If 5 people all posted 6.5k words, I must admit I would be a bit irked, because that would be 32.5k words instead of 25k, plus 30%! It doesn't sound like a lot, but my writing time is heavily limited by work, so I get a bit jealous of it when it comes to critiquing.


This is sounding like sour grapes, it's not supposed to. I'm content to read 6.6k from you - not a problem for me. I've been over 5k myself, a bit. (But not over 6k, Marci, lol).


I like the sound of the format you describe, certainly an easier way to digest a longer submission, and to get a better overall flavour for the piece.


I appreciate that, and can understand. I don't want to feel like I'm taking up too much time from other people. But, yes the format would allow readers to choose which scenes to read (if not all) and easily break up the reading. I certainly won't be submitting 6k+ works all the time xD I don't think I could produce that many words that often with how often I stop to reorganize my timeline, notes, do worldbuilding additions, etc. Plus, on the 25th I'm packing a uhaul trailer and on the 26th beginning a cross country drive, so I will be out of commission for a bit. I can get and read submissions on my phone/tablet when we stop at night if there's wifi in the hotels but I won't be as active for a few days at least.

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So I see four submissions for Monday, so far: EthanBasset, Kaisa, Shadowfax, and Marci. Have I missed anyone?


Regarding length, as you can see we're usually at least a bit  flexible with the 5k word limit. I'd agree that 6.5k is a bit long, but as long as the general feeling of the group is that it's fine, go ahead.


If we had a lot of weeks where most everyone was submitting stuff that was significantly overlength, we might have to take a harder line, but I don't believe that's been a problem yet.

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Unfortunately, with the way my weekend has shaped up thus far, there's no way I'll be ready to submit tomorrow. I apologize for claiming a spot I ultimately couldn't fill. :(


Could I possibly move my submission to the following Monday, 3/28? Please let me know.


Thanks, everyone. I look forward to reading/reviewing this week's submissions.

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You just managed to head-off my righteous indignation at the pass ;o)


How quickly, indeed :P


LOL! Sorry, sir. Won't happen again, sir.  :lol:


As soon as hit POST, I knew I'd spoken out of turn. To be fair, on at least two previous occasions I warned the group I was going over 5K slightly, and managed getting my count under the limit when all was said and done. I also waffled on posting both chapters until the last possible second; if I'd split them up, I would've been around 3.5K for the last submission. I think that's why I so easily forgot. 

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LOL! Sorry, sir. Won't happen again, sir.  :lol:


As soon as hit POST, I knew I'd spoken out of turn. To be fair, on at least two previous occasions I warned the group I was going over 5K slightly, and managed getting my count under the limit when all was said and done. I also waffled on posting both chapters until the last possible second; if I'd split them up, I would've been around 3.5K for the last submission. I think that's why I so easily forgot.

I was just pulling your leg :) (You have that expression in the US, don't you?).

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Ha! Yes, we do say that, or the similar "yanking your chain." ;)


Lol - another excellent example of American parlance providing a replacement with none of the understated poetry of the English original :P

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Lol - another excellent example of American parlance providing a replacement with none of the understated poetry of the English original :P


This is probably why Americanized versions of original BBC series are so painfully terrible.

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Yup. I think the funniest example (although not a TV show) was when Sly Stallone 'remade' the inimitable Brit Gangster film "Get Carter", starring the very imitable Michael Caine.


Then there's Elementary of course. At least they co-opted our very own Johnny Lee Miller for the part, but still...

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