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Email List and Submission Dates


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I won't be submitting on Monday as planned. Due to unforeseen Real Life circumstances, I must bow out of the group entirely for awhile. I apologize to those I still owe reviews. Thanks, and take care.

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Good! I worried a little when you said that part 2 was in the works...I thought there might be a delay.

Erm, well I'm still writing, but I figure you lot won't wake up tomorrow till about 1700 hours my time, so I've got some time to finish up :o/

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Hi, all,


I'm joining the group this week - Kaysa invited me. Not submitting first round - I'm just going to get a feel for things, but happy to join. 



Yay, you made it!

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Slots seem to filling up quickly this week. I'd like to submit next week as well, if it's okay to go about 400 words over the limit. I think the next section really works better as a 3 chapter chunk, and stopping 400 words before the end of chapter 9 would just be weird. I already reduced the 3 chapter by like 500 words, so I can't make it much tighter, I don't think, without cutting a section entirely.

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