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Tell Your Story


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In the early afternoon, a tall Azish man placed a table and two chairs in the corner of the Old Ward. Next to this arrangement, a large handmade sign advertised, in carefully scribed letters: Tell Your Story. Underneath, a smaller type read, Looking for stories of people throughout Alleyverse history, young and old. Seven Day War veterans welcome.

At first, he was ignored. But a few people sat opposite the man, and with some prompting they began to share their life. Stories of heroism. Loss. Great courage and great sacrifice. Stories of the war. As word spread, the line soon spooled around the corner of the alley, with people coming from every part of the city. Stacks of notes filled the space around the desk, and a few discarded papers rose and fell among the people like confetti.

As some of you are aware, over the past two months a few of us have been developing a wiki for the Alleyverse. It's come a long way: as of now it contains every event and location during Era 0 and 1, barring a few of the larger threads like SDW and the Training Ground. 75 threads of content summarized into 59 pages of description. If you're confused about what happened with the split of the Ghostbloods, you've got a place to go.

But it's hardly complete, and there's one major thing we're missing: characters. Characters make and break an RP, and I roughly estimate that the number of them is steadily approaching 100. And while we could go through and fill out everyone's page with their character bio, it would be missing a significant portion of the history of that character. The bios aren't up to date - they don't include character arcs, weapons, gifts, guilds, or involvement with key events. Summarizing people (especially people who have been around for a significant period) without including that information would be sorely under-appreciating the 'coolness' of some of the characters. We don't need character sheets - we need campaign journals.

What's the solution? We could comb through every thread a second time and catalog every character. But that would be painstakingly difficult - arcs would be spread over multiple threads, mingle together, and have large gaps between posts. It would require a lot of time to do that.

But there's a better idea: Get other people to do the work for you We're going to ask you for help. You know your characters better than anyone. You know what threads you were involved in, what guilds you're affiliated with, which plotlines and events you influenced. Did you help to change the course of the War? You'll remember that key moment in your character's life. If everyone sends in summaries of what they did, that can speed up our turnover significantly. We'll know what to look for, and we'll do a better job of representing your character.

Let me get to the point. If each person with a character could post or PM me with the following information, that would assist us greatly. What we need for each character:

  • Complete character bio (if it's not on Archer's list)
  • History: every major event they were involved in. Side plots as well if you can remember.
  • Major character developments and changes, and when they happened.
  • Key relationships with other characters.
  • Guild and group affiliations
  • Key weapons, where you got them, and what happened to them (especially for early Era 1 characters)

I'm aware this is a lot of work, but it saves us a lot of time comparatively. If you have multiple characters, a description of each of them (not just your current one - deceased, abandoned or secondary characters as well) would be invaluable. Thank you.

         - The Alleyverse Wiki Staff



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The day was busy, and it started approaching dark as another person limped to the table. But instead of sitting down, the old man placed a binder book on the table and left without a second glance.

It read: ‘RASHAN’


Nice post, Meta! (Also, I think I may have accidentally left a double upvote :o). I’ll make sure to send you a PM later today. Again, thanks for all your work on the Wiki. You’re a machine, man (in a good way :D).

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Li TaiRu is best described in history as an esenational footnote, he never anything on his own to shape the history of the Alleyverse but instead enabled and allowed great men to do so. The Seven Day War never would have started or ended the way that it did without him. He with the help of Rashan Resealed Solace saving him from his assassination allowing him to Start it, prescribed Rashan Cear the zincminds that let him safely see into the spiritual realm that inspired his famous speech, and let that speech be heard by all though sparked spheres to end it. Li TaiRu was not a great man but one great men couldn’t have done great things without.

Edited by Arlin
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  • 2 weeks later...

I never told my story, did I? Alright. I barely remember my two first characters, so I'll tell their story later.

Mahz was a 12 year old boy when his brother first breathed stormlight. Amazed by the majesty of his brother, Tran, he resolved to try and help him along his path. He worked with his brother, idolizing him, trying to bring him to new heights with his powers. Until one day, when Mahz was 14, Darkness came. Slaughtering Tran with ease, Mahz cried for Darkness to kill him too. But Darkness simply responded that he had broken no law. Mahz fell into a depression for months. But eventually, his mourning turned to rage. Making his decision, he ran away from homes, stealing spheres in an attempt to make it to the Nightwatcher and receive enough power to kill Darkness. His journey held many perils, but eventually He made it there. Making his request, asked the Nightwatcher for the potential to have power.  Answering his plea, the Nightwatcher gave him two things. First, the ability to learn things incredibly quickly. And second, passage to a world in which people receive power often. For his bane, the more power he accumulates, the less human and relatable he will be.

He arrived near the shack that the Liebrarians use for their base. 

The rest is documented in Well of Descension, but let me know if you want me to summarize it here.

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Mr Amber walked in and placed a black book with an aluminum lock on the table. Placing an aluminum key with a small diamond imbedded in it on top he spoke. “This is the history of Soul. Treat it well.”


I’ll send the information your way later today.


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A man in armor walked in.

"I have two things. The biography of Hellbent, and the biography of Atticus. Atticus had Hellbent's biography, but he died and it wasn't in his will. So we are giving it to you."


Anthony was born a regular person, until he found out he was a compounder. That changed his life. He spent five days on the street as a beggar, and made a small fortune. After Anthony became a lightweaver, everything changed. He grew up, had a child. Then it happened. The one time his luck didn't help. Harmony sent Death to kill his wife, who had been running a criminal empire. Anthony decided he needed revenge. He burned down the childrens in in the Village. As he left, he called himself Hellbent. After that, he joined a quest to free singers, a quest he never finished. He went to a party, and ate half a roast chasmfiend. Then he joined a war, where he fought Devaan. Then Hellbent died, and I grieved. He was a good man.

-Atticus Voidlight


Atticus was born a Librarian, and became a dark oculator. He ran away, taking his lenses with him. He joined Hellbent's Dark Radiants. He lived for that, but when Hellbent died, it ruined him. He went on a quest, became spiked, and became a space marine of the Black Crusade. He fought to protect the Waystop. He dueled, and went insane. He dueled again, and he died.


Edited by Ark1002
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