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The Ghostblood Ball


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So Uhhh, A lot has happened. I'm not going to make Mac negotiate the terms of the Ghostblood Deal right here we can negotiate that in the DA thread, just to keep things running smoothly here. Instead he's just going to crack down with force. I would love to have an epic battle, but because theres a lot of people here, and they would probably like to be involved, so any DA members who would like to help out would be appreciated.

Mac looked at the pile of flyers, and created a gateway beneath them dropping them into an alley. Looking around at the crowd, he spotted Mace. Huh, someone else is back from the dead. Oh well.

"Well, it appears that most people are not happy about my arrival, and its not looking like I am getting my guild, so uhh yeah. Everyone, Attack!"

He also sent out a mental command to the Abominations to do the same.


Assume that everyone present is being attacked by something. You can run and escape or fight back. 

Mac watched as the Man who attacked him ran away. Oh well.

Edited by MacThorstenson
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It smiled. This was going to be fun. It summoned It's shardblade and began to slice, reveling in the fight. But that was boring. After killing the first ≈742, and mortally wounding another ≈137 It realized It needed more. And pulled off a Katana made of obsidian. It sliced, blood filling him. It's vision became a haze as It sliced, blood spurting everywhere.


Hellbent smiled. And divided. A huge wage of power left him as the creatures in front of him burned. He walked across their corpses. Hellbent loved this. It was just what he needed to pass the time.


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Dusk walked through the door, his cloak billowing out behind him, a lifeless cremling peeking out from over his shoulder, flanked by two lifless cards in silver armor with helmets moulded after those of the sentinels, with large broadswords. He hadn't gotten around to equipping his guards with sentinel weapons yet. He looked at hellbent.

"Oh crud," He said.

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Tena stopped in her tracks and tapped her chin with a finger for a moment, like she was trying to remember something. Then, she snapped her fingers together like she'd just remembered what it was.

She punched Mace in the face. 

"That is such a cowardly thing to do," she growled. "Show up and think, 'Oh great, everyone's going to do what I say even though I've been gone for nearly two decades! Brilliant!' Can you at least give some explanation next time you disappear? Huh?" She seethed for a moment, then calmed herself down marginally. "I'll only do what I'm told because I'm insane, okay? Think your actions through next time, doofus." 

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Dwig looked at the screen, frowning at Mac. "No need to steal all of the coupons, I'd never give you free weapons anyway." He tapped the keyboard a few times and smiled. No one took his ads away. 

Back on the ground, all of the flyers changed, adding another line; Mac is not allowed to have any weapons, no matter how many of these he brings. Then the papers folded into airplanes and flew back into the sky.

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It's aura dimmed. Then returned, 100 times bigger. A huge black fog filled the entire place, surrounding the ball to the point someone outside would just see a black fog.

And the eyes.

To anyone in the place, red eyes appeared in front of them. It was a demon full of rage. It's element was this.

Then, as quickly as It had happened, It was gone.

He left a present though. The entire room was on fire.


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Mace had been about to run out of the building, Tena in tow. But then he heard Mac giving a command. I can stick around a little longer, he thought.

Then Tena punched him. He glared at her, annoyed, even if he did deserve it. 

"On second thought," he said. "I want to see how this goes."

He flipped a switch on the side of the small box he'd been playing with. It began to hum quietly. "Sorry for the inconvenience, folks," he said to some non-Ghostblood guests who were cowering in the corner. "Here, take this."

He slid the device along the floor towards them. It lay on the floor like an unhappy microwave, beeping.


Klasten watched in horror as legions of Abominations appeared in the ballroom. He instinctively reached for his gun, before remembering he didn't have it anymore. He picked up a silver fork, and used it to inconvenience a many-armed creature that had approached him. 


Mace nodded in respect at the fancy circle It had made. "Yo! Ruin fanboy! Go kill stuff somewhere else. There's an oasis that needs razing soon, why not join me there?"

It disappeared without responding. "Fine, be like that," Mace said. He increased his weight, tapped speed, and ran into the nearest wall. That broke his nose, so he healed it.

Then he ran into the wall again. He repeated the same process again and again, a one-man wrecking ball, vowing to bring the building down on top of any surviving Ghostbloods. 


Klasten got slapped by an Abomination's tentacle. He counter-attacked with his fork, scratching its skin. I'd better tone it down a bit, he thought to himself. People might think I'm over powered.

A chandelier feel from the roof, crushing the monster. Klasten paused, then continued stabbing it with the fork. He needed the practice. 

Edited by Archer
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Tena realized something a little too late. 

I'm a Ghostblood.

She rubbed the tattoo on her shoulder unconsciously and stepped far enough away from the building for it to not collapse on her. She pulled her sleeve down a little, realized that wouldn't work, and untied the bandanna from around her head. She wrapped it around the tattoo she often wore so proudly and whistled, Another One Bites the Dust by Queen. 

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Klasten got bored of stabbing the abomination. He looked around for something, anything (of a reasonably small size that he could easily defeat without sustaining life-threatening injuries) he could fight. Then he saw a lone lifeless, standing on its own next to another lone lifeless. It was an introvert party.

He walked over to it, weaving through the maze of small fires. "Hiya! I know you! And I also know that you shouldn't be standing there. Trust me." He grabbed hold of their sleeves to pull them out on to the front porch. He didn't like how much the building was shaking. 

Edited by Archer
Fixed the number of lifeless
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33 minutes ago, Dwig Jigdens said:

Dwig looked at the screen, frowning at Mac. "No need to steal all of the coupons, I'd never give you free weapons anyway." He tapped the keyboard a few times and smiled. No one took his ads away. 

Back on the ground, all of the flyers changed, adding another line; Mac is not allowed to have any weapons, no matter how many of these he brings. Then the papers folded into airplanes and flew back into the sky.


All the fliers are currently inside of the Alleys, but OK.

Mac grunted. The flaming room was an issue, but not a big one. His beavers and abominations could survive this. Unfortunately, many of the spiked ghostbloods couldn't.

Storm it. I have to be the good guy

He called all those who were spiked or DA members to him in a clump and using the one power, he made a shield of air over the cloud in the shape of a dome. This should protect them from falling debris. He told the abominations to help the mistbeavers escape. He made a gateway in the middle of the room, to lead anyone who wanted to out. Once everyone who wanted to leave left, he sat down in the middle and closed the gateway. He sent out some Arrows and Blossoms of Fire to cause a little more chaos, then began readying his mind for the next part. Even though he wasn't Mack, he could still call in some rods from god.

34 minutes ago, DarthWoodrack said:

"Your son's about to die at the Arena of Valour" He said before pulling a strange disk out of his pocket and disappearing. 'I guess I need new guards he thought as he teleported away.


Also, Woodrack, is your guy just moving away really fast? or is he actually teleporting, if the second, then how?

Also, to who it may concern, the weaves that I used have different effects then the names would imply. Here is the links to their pages.



EDIT: Kenod, voidus, anyone who wants to, they don't have to leave through the gateway. Be warned, I will be causing kinetic bombardment in the next few posts.


Edited by MacThorstenson
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Everything had dissolved into chaos. Night was no longer sure who was fighting who- most of the Mistbeavers seemed to be incapacitated, but a horde of Abominations had entered. The DA was cracking down on the Ghostbloods. Dwig seemed to be offering his own form of "air support," and Hellbent was... presumably wreaking havoc... Night couldn't really tell. Klasten was helping the lifeless that Dusk had left when he teleported away, and Night realized he'd lost track of Tena. 

Night focused on Mac. The storming cremling needed to leave. Mac had the Ghostblood underlings he had come for... and any other Ghostbloods that had chosen to join him. At this point, there was no reason for him to remain, nothing more he could want- other than to randomly chuck some sorts of fire around, which was not acceptable.

Night was completely underprepared. He had nothing but his Spren, two Aviar flying above, and a few knives. He had no powers to speak of other than being a Dustbringer. 

This creep would not harm his Ghostbloods any longer.

He charged towards the DA madman, using masterful control of Abrasion to twirl through the fire, and Hateka's visions to avoid any arrows.



MacThorstenson, because I am unwilling to back down and because you are OP compared to me, you may effectively decide whether Night dies or not- preferably not instantly, I'd like to go down in style if you choose not to leave. I have no canon backup characters at the moment.

Hey, if there's any OP Ghostbloods out there, help would be appreciated


Would it be prudent to tag this "main plot" at this point? I feel like no matter how this ends, this has changed things between the Guilds that any future plot will have to deal with the consequences in big ways.


Night isn't exactly sure what these 'abominations' you speak of are, sorry


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Fate's Purpose roared, its engines ramping up to full power. The ship began to move, slowly at first, but steadly ramping up. Dwig twisted the bezel of his watch, and the ship activated its Alleydrive, open a rift to some unkown location. As soon as the ship had sailed through, the rift closed.

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He won't die. I mean, Mac would kill him, but I feel really bad about killing people who have no option of survival.

The illusions don't disappear when they are hit with anything.

If you don't find the real mac and break his concentration within two posts, the rods will come. 

Mac saw that ghostblood rep coming at him again. He just didn't give up huh. I guess I can admire him for that. Maybe. It won't stop me from killing him though. Mac broke his search for suitably large objects and turned to face the coming man.

He quickly folded light around him, making him invisible, and created 10 illusions of himself around the room. They began to appear to warp around the room, each one sounding and looking exactly real. Mac himself moved around the outside of it. Completely silent, he watched from a distance and made weaves of fireballs fly from different corners of the room to hit Night. He resumed his search for suitable materials for rods of god. Wonder if the DA has any lying around?

13 minutes ago, PrinceDusty said:



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Night watched as what Mac described above happened. Dodging the fireballs wasn't particularly hard- years of training on Patji had honed his instincts to sudden traps accidentally sprung- but it was more effort than he would have liked to waste, especially when his main focus should have been finding out which Mac was the real one.

The Macs were all exactly the same, as far as he could tell. They watched him dodge the fireballs with mild interest. But Night was reasonably sure that none of them were the real Mac- the Mac that he admittedly barely knew was far too smart for that. Mac had been searching for something.

"Sain, please, try and find him;" Night begged. His spren had been silent for almost a year now, only helping when absolutely needed- which was more than Night would have liked. But Sain complied, the Ashspren quickly flitting throughout the room. Nin and Hateka joined the search- Mac was presumably still at ground level.

Night moved to the circle of illusions. They didn't immediately attack him. He slid across the floor behind them, feeling for... he wasn't quite sure. It wasn't like there was going to be a "disturbance in the air" or something.

He reached out to other Ghostbloods for help through means that can only be described as 'desperation.'


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Althea cursed herself for the stuipidity when she decided to stay by Nights side. She should have left, when she had the chance.

She followed Night, saw the desperation on his face and sighed. Carefull she looked over the illuions, one better than the other. Even if Mac was one of these, finding him would be difficult, almost impossible. Dodging some fireballs, that thankfully didn't aim for herself, she breathed in Stormlight and elsecalled back into Shadesmar. All living things glowed in Shadesmar, and all invested things did as well. Therefore, the real Mac should glow in a different way, than his illusions. The world shifted around herself, changed its appearance and she looked around. Again focused on the illusions. They looked the same. Even here they all looked the same. Frustrated she was about to leave, when she saw something glow. Outside the circle of illusions glowed something. And it's glow was different. Leaving Shadesmar faced the general direction, in which the glow had been. There was nothing. Nothing she could see. Mentally grabbing the air there she soulcast it into a green, powderlike smoke, covering everything, hovering into the air.

A stray fireball on its way to Night scorched her arm, and she realized she had forgotten about them at all. Pain raced through her arm, until the Stormlight closed the wound. She then turned to observe the green powdered area, waited if something disturbed the air there.




I know you wrote, you don't like killing characters, but I know what I'm risking. Same as Night, Althea has no real way to oppose you. I hope I got the whole part about the cognitive realm right, if not I'll gladly edit (or if she can't see him) @MacThorstenson


Edited by Sorana
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1 hour ago, MacThorstenson said:

He quickly folded light around him, making him invisible


Yeah this only affects his physical, I would assume. Seeing him in the Cognitive is perfectly reasonable by the description given

This does NOT count as my Second post


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19 hours ago, DarthWoodrack said:

Walker is double steel. He's just moving faster than everyone else, but doesn't follow the laws of momentum. You still fly backwards and all of the other stuff, but Walkers arm doesn't shatter. I'm mean he did just punch one of the most powerful beings in existence so that doesn't really matter.


Still catching up on everything and I'm not at home so can't make a lengthy reply, but punching someone while tapping huge amounts of steel would hurt you pretty significantly, the protection of Feruchemy only extends so far and can't eliminate things like air resistance, friction, etc. completely.

The sudden shift to her mind felt jarring but also somehow natural, as though this sudden affinity for the Dark Alley had always been a part of her.

Laurelai made a mental note of her experiences, she would need to examine this later to determine if it would have any effect on an Essence Mark. But for the moment...

She picked herself off the ground, looking at the party with fresh eyes. Some friendly abominations seemed to be getting things in order, rounding up some falling pieces of something that were raining down from the sky.
Someone seemed to have erupted in flame and was slashing and burning everything in front of it.

One section of flame came a bit too close for comfort, but pulling back gave her enough time to focus on the fire. She gave it a different history, one that led in a different direction.

Still, that's going to leave a bit of a scar. She thought, examining the burn mark on her arm that the flame had left before vanishing.

A familiar surge of Investiture erupted from within, her Bane lashed out at 4 nearby guests and blasts of electricity ran through their body. One seemed able to heal and recovered quickly, but the other 3 remained stationary on the ground.

She watched them in mute shock. The bodies twitched for a few more moments but otherwise did not move.


It had been a long time since her Bane had killed someone. Was there time to heal them? Forge their bodies back to health? It might not restore their souls but perhaps someone else here could...

The fire and smoke around her cleared for a moment, she saw other figures standing nearby, all with spikes in their body that mirrored her own. Some of them headed through what looked like a hole in the world, a gateway to somewhere else.

She moved sluggishly towards the gateway. Numb in body and mind.

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