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Theory: Laral will be a Knight Radiant

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Some of you keep saying that Shallan did this or that before bonding and that her sad story caused her to become a Radiant.... And I think you are wrong in that assumption.


The EARLIEST memory of Shallan is about playing with lights in the garden with her mother, and then on "THE" flashback, when we learn she killed her mother, she did it with a shardblade! Her own! And the very reason why her mother ended up dead is because she was acusing her own daughter of being "one of those" - a Radiant? - based on what she could do. She was so young and already used to play with these powers and already in possession of a Shardblade.


It was AFTER that event that her hardships started and her sad story went on and on, but until then she was already a Radiant, with no broken past or anything...

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Of course I was joking about Adolin and his fancy clothing issues ;) He can actually be a true spoiled brat at times.


As for Renarin, I still fail to see how not being able to become a warrior is such a disaster. We have seen many high ranked ligheyes who have absolutely no talent for warfare, think Sebarial for example. And yet, those are able to capitalize on their strengths to actually achieve something. If Renarin were 12 years old, I would understand his character, but he is 19. His sickness is nothing new under the sun. He had much time to come in terms with it and was does he do? He constantly whine over what he cannot do instead of concentrating himself on what he can do. He doesn't to become an ardent, fine. BTW, I never thought Dalinar wanted to get ride of him with the suggestion, I always thought he was trying to help. However, there are thousands of other things he could have done. If he were so interested in battles and warfare, then he could have tried for battle tactics as these do not have to do the actual fighting. Or he could have concentrated on the administrative side of being a son in a highprince family, much like Sebarial. Bottom line it there are many roles Renarin could have chosen to fill, but the one he chose was to be a perpetual victim always complaining and oups that gives him a spren? Really?


Besides, Renarin is not friendless. Most other young lighteyes sort of like him, we have a few quotes for this and he has the whole bridge 4 crew that took him in. We could even argue that, by the end of WoR, Renarin now has now more friends than Adolin  :blink:  Dalinar is not seeking Renarin's opinion mostly because he never express one or very rarely do. Although, we have seen Renarin take a larger role in the family dynamic in WoK. I agree he was more or less there in WoR. Adolin, on the other hand, is very out-spoken and he is the heir. It is normal Dalinar would spend more time tutoring him than his younger son. We do have a few other quotes in WoK where Dalinar tries to give more responsibilities to Renarin to help him get some authority. Do not forget that Renarin refuses a lot of what Dalinar asks of him. He complains a lot. He says no quite often: it happened a few times in WoK and it happened at the end of WoR. It is normal Dalinar would thus lay back and let him be.


Also, he didn't grew up motherless! The mother died recently, not when he was young. Adolin mentions her several time: he wouldn't remember much if she died when he was a kid. He also mentions how having Navani fret over the outcome of his duel was almost like having his mother back thus implying she was still around when he started dueling. Dalinar went to see the Nightwatcher after his wife's death and both boys know about it. Navani just finds out about that in WoK! Would the kids know if that event had occurred in their childhood? Wouldn't Navani know before WoK if it had happened such a long time ago? Galivar would have known without a doubt. Furthermore, in WoK, Dalinar mentions he has no memory of his wife and the only things he knows are because his sons won't stop talking about her. They do remember her, no doubt here. Besides, the mother's family gave Adolin his plate when he was 16. No, Renarin didn't grew up motherless and even if he did, why would that event be more dramatic for him than for Adolin who would have actually been old enough to feel the loss? Why would losing a mother be a heartbreaking moment for poor sickly Renarin, but a piece of cake for Adolin?


I just don't get the whole victimization concept here.

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Some of you keep saying that Shallan did this or that before bonding and that her sad story caused her to become a Radiant.... And I think you are wrong in that assumption.


The EARLIEST memory of Shallan is about playing with lights in the garden with her mother, and then on "THE" flashback, when we learn she killed her mother, she did it with a shardblade! Her own! And the very reason why her mother ended up dead is because she was acusing her own daughter of being "one of those" - a Radiant? - based on what she could do. She was so young and already used to play with these powers and already in possession of a Shardblade.


It was AFTER that event that her hardships started and her sad story went on and on, but until then she was already a Radiant, with no broken past or anything...


I absolutely agree with you. That part of Shallan's story has always bothered me. When have evidence she did have a spren bond prior to being broken, but I assumed it may have been because her bond was with a cryptic. Lightweavers' order appear to work differently than other orders, it could explain it.

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I absolutely agree with you. That part of Shallan's story has always bothered me. When have evidence she did have a spren bond prior to being broken, but I assumed it may have been because her bond was with a cryptic. Lightweavers' order appear to work differently than other orders, it could explain it.


A broken soul is a must for a bond, so most likely we just didn't see what broke hers. 



Of course I was joking about Adolin and his fancy clothing issues ;) He can actually be a true spoiled brat at times.


As for Renarin, I still fail to see how not being able to become a warrior is such a disaster. We have seen many high ranked ligheyes who have absolutely no talent for warfare, think Sebarial for example. And yet, those are able to capitalize on their strengths to actually achieve something. If Renarin were 12 years old, I would understand his character, but he is 19. His sickness is nothing new under the sun. He had much time to come in terms with it and was does he do? He constantly whine over what he cannot do instead of concentrating himself on what he can do. He doesn't to become an ardent, fine. BTW, I never thought Dalinar wanted to get ride of him with the suggestion, I always thought he was trying to help. However, there are thousands of other things he could have done. If he were so interested in battles and warfare, then he could have tried for battle tactics as these do not have to do the actual fighting. Or he could have concentrated on the administrative side of being a son in a highprince family, much like Sebarial. Bottom line it there are many roles Renarin could have chosen to fill, but the one he chose was to be a perpetual victim always complaining and oups that gives him a spren? Really?


Besides, Renarin is not friendless. Most other young lighteyes sort of like him, we have a few quotes for this and he has the whole bridge 4 crew that took him in. We could even argue that, by the end of WoR, Renarin now has now more friends than Adolin  :blink:  Dalinar is not seeking Renarin's opinion mostly because he never express one or very rarely do. Although, we have seen Renarin take a larger role in the family dynamic in WoK. I agree he was more or less there in WoR. Adolin, on the other hand, is very out-spoken and he is the heir. It is normal Dalinar would spend more time tutoring him than his younger son. We do have a few other quotes in WoK where Dalinar tries to give more responsibilities to Renarin to help him get some authority. Do not forget that Renarin refuses a lot of what Dalinar asks of him. He complains a lot. He says no quite often: it happened a few times in WoK and it happened at the end of WoR. It is normal Dalinar would thus lay back and let him be.


Also, he didn't grew up motherless! The mother died recently, not when he was young. Adolin mentions her several time: he wouldn't remember much if she died when he was a kid. He also mentions how having Navani fret over the outcome of his duel was almost like having his mother back thus implying she was still around when he started dueling. Dalinar went to see the Nightwatcher after his wife's death and both boys know about it. Navani just finds out about that in WoK! Would the kids know if that event had occurred in their childhood? Wouldn't Navani know before WoK if it had happened such a long time ago? Galivar would have known without a doubt. Furthermore, in WoK, Dalinar mentions he has no memory of his wife and the only things he knows are because his sons won't stop talking about her. They do remember her, no doubt here. Besides, the mother's family gave Adolin his plate when he was 16. No, Renarin didn't grew up motherless and even if he did, why would that event be more dramatic for him than for Adolin who would have actually been old enough to feel the loss? Why would losing a mother be a heartbreaking moment for poor sickly Renarin, but a piece of cake for Adolin?


I just don't get the whole victimization concept here.


Their mother died 10 years ago, so I do think it counts for growing up without a mother. Also, it doesn't matter that you don't see the problem. It was a problem fir him, something that bothered him and pained him. You think he shouldn't have made it such a big problem and I do not argue with this. All I'm saying is it was a problem to him. I don't think that was what broke him, but we'll see. 


He was friendless until later WoR. Only his sibling was by his side before that.


What excatly broke Shallan for that matter? Her parents quarreling? One of her brothers not wanting to be an ardent like their mother wished? We know nothing of pre-bond Davar family except that her father used to be a good man before she killed her mother. I see good reasons for Ren to feel broken, but nothing on pre-bond Shallan. She bonded with Pattern when she was about ten years old in her family house, so couldn't have done anything flashy to be particularly deserving. Ren on the other hand had shown bravery, obedience and loyalty on various occasions.

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Do you have a quote telling us the mother died 10 years ago? I assume her death was more recent for all the reasons I mentioned in my previous post. I do not recall anything more specific. I have read other people's post theorizing she died at an earlier time, but I never read any hard evidence. Based on the clues I had, I deduced she died sometime in the past 6 or 7 years ago. If I am wrong in my assumptions, than I must apologize. I do get carried away at times ;)


Losing a parent is hard, no matter the age, I would never argue against that. This could have definitely broken a sickly child more so than the sickness itself. I argued against the "growing motherless" as I always thought the mother died recently.


As for friends, we do not have any evidence he truly was friendless: we never see his POV. Besides, in WoR, he is not always with Adolin (in fact he is not most of the time) nor is he always with Bridge 4. I agree he never was Mister Popularity like his brother (but look what good it did to Adolin), but that doesn't mean he didn't socialize, a little. Also, even if he really were friendless (which is highly possible, I'll give you that), it does not mean it bothered him greatly: some people are just solitary.


I agree about Shallan. Bonding time appears to have occurred really early and I really cannot explain why unless everything we think we know about bonding spren is wrong. However, Shallan had something really great going on: she was amazing at drawing. She had tremendous potential even at such an early age. It could Renarin had potential as well at that age, but it really is unexplained and the constant whining does help to make a character sympathetic.


FYI, I am enjoying our conversation. Character talk is my favorite part. I love to love/hate/misunderstand those characters ;)

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Maxal said: "However, Shallan had something really great going on: she was amazing at drawing." <- this is my way of quoting while inside spoiler brackets :P


Well, didn't she learn to draw AFTER the fact? Can't remember the exact story but... I think she started to do that when her father kept her more and more isolated...


From my POV, what the Nahel bond gives her is the ability to take Memories, the drawing part is all hers. She worked HARD for it.

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Do you have a quote telling us the mother died 10 years ago? I assume her death was more recent for all the reasons I mentioned in my previous post. I do not recall anything more specific. I have read other people's post theorizing she died at an earlier time, but I never read any hard evidence. Based on the clues I had, I deduced she died sometime in the past 6 or 7 years ago. If I am wrong in my assumptions, than I must apologize. I do get carried away at times ;)


Losing a parent is hard, no matter the age, I would never argue against that. This could have definitely broken a sickly child more so than the sickness itself. I argued against the "growing motherless" as I always thought the mother died recently.


As for friends, we do not have any evidence he truly was friendless: we never see his POV. Besides, in WoR, he is not always with Adolin (in fact he is not most of the time) nor is he always with Bridge 4. I agree he never was Mister Popularity like his brother (but look what good it did to Adolin), but that doesn't mean he didn't socialize, a little. Also, even if he really were friendless (which is highly possible, I'll give you that), it does not mean it bothered him greatly: some people are just solitary.


I agree about Shallan. Bonding time appears to have occurred really early and I really cannot explain why unless everything we think we know about bonding spren is wrong. However, Shallan had something really great going on: she was amazing at drawing. She had tremendous potential even at such an early age. It could Renarin had potential as well at that age, but it really is unexplained and the constant whining does help to make a character sympathetic.


FYI, I am enjoying our conversation. Character talk is my favorite part. I love to love/hate/misunderstand those characters ;)


I'm enjoying it as well, that's why I continue  :P

According to coppermind (yes, I'm lazy) she passed away four years before Gavilar's assassination, which was six years prior WoK, thus making it ten years since she died. So he lost his mother when he was nine. Reason enough to be broken, especially if she died from a sickness/accident he witnessed.


In the light if this discussion I must admit I actually find it more likely for Laral to be a proto-Radiant now than before we started it. 

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Crap, then I missed that about the mother :ph34r: Now I feel like a fool for ranting lines on lines about how the mother died recently :ph34r: If you are right and it indeed broke Renarin, than I wonder what it did to Adolin who seem so healthy?


Yeah, as much as I do not want to see it happen, I agree as well that Laral has a case for becoming Radiant. Now, the prerequisite are now only to be broken, but to be able to emerge from this hardship using ones attributes. Laral may be broken, but that doesn't mean she has the qualities required by any of the orders nor does it mean she actually was able to pull through using them.

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Just some new thought... What if you are right, what if Renarin was indeed broken by his mother's death, but how about Adolin? Why was he not broken by the same event, he was a kid too 10 years ago? Could it be, as you say, that Renarin was somehow responsible for her death? Either accidentally or intentionally? Could it be Dalinar was horrified by this and tried to *fix* it by going to the Nightwatcher? His boon would have been to erase Renarin's memory of the accident and his curse, his lost of memory of his wife? As for Adolin, he just never knew. Dalinar told him some sort of story (disease, whatever), Renarin's memory was wiped out and Adolin was able to get on being a happy normal kid in the blessing ignorance.


However, even without the memory of the act, Renarin still broke thus attracting a spren of some kind. Oh well I am rambling there, but I am liking this. This makes me see Renarin in such a more positive way.

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Crap, then I missed that about the mother :ph34r: Now I feel like a fool for ranting lines on lines about how the mother died recently :ph34r: If you are right and it indeed broke Renarin, than I wonder what it did to Adolin who seem so healthy?


Yeah, as much as I do not want to see it happen, I agree as well that Laral has a case for becoming Radiant. Now, the prerequisite are now only to be broken, but to be able to emerge from this hardship using ones attributes. Laral may be broken, but that doesn't mean she has the qualities required by any of the orders nor does it mean she actually was able to pull through using them.


That certainly seems to be the case. Shallan used her brokenness for creativity, Kaladin as reason to protect.

And Dalinar, being all honorable (and boring), chose to be pious of all things  :lol: And Lift is loving after all she's been through... Makes me like her even more.


About Adolin, I think it really depends on the person whether something will break them. Which curiously enough means weaker people (meaning easily broken by pain and suffering)are likelier to become Radiants than really strong people, who overcome their grief and sorrows.


For (a ridiculous) example: Shallan, being an over-sensitive child shows a drawing to her mother, who's not particularly impressed by her daughters efforts, which breaks Shallan's heart and soul. And suddenly she's a Lightweaver!


Joke aside, what primary attribute could Laral express? Could she be a potential Skybreaker? She's suffering a lot to do what is required of her like Szeth and the next book focuses on that Order.

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That certainly seems to be the case. Shallan used her brokenness for creativity, Kaladin as reason to protect.

And Dalinar, being all honorable (and boring), chose to be pious of all things  :lol: And Lift is loving after all she's been through... Makes me like her even more.


About Adolin, I think it really depends on the person whether something will break them. Which curiously enough means weaker people (meaning easily broken by pain and suffering)are likelier to become Radiants than really strong people, who overcome their grief and sorrows.


For (a ridiculous) example: Shallan, being an over-sensitive child shows a drawing to her mother, who's not particularly impressed by her daughters efforts, which breaks Shallan's heart and soul. And suddenly she's a Lightweaver!


Joke aside, what primary attribute could Laral express? Could she be a potential Skybreaker? She's suffering a lot to do what is required of her like Szeth and the next book focuses on that Order.


Yeah Dalinar is such a party breaker... I mean do you know many 22 years old who would go to a social event wearing an ugly uniform while being forced to drink only grape juice? Adolin is such a daddy's boy even when he disagrees. I am amazed that was not enough for him to attract a spren :o Now just joking. Adolin's rant about how unfashionable the Kohlin's uniform is made me laugh as well as his suggestions on how to "improve" it.


I agree with your other statement: the more mentally weak you are, the more chance you seem to have to attract a spren although that cannot be entirely true. Kaladin is not mentally weak and it took Tien's death, betrayal by Amaram, slaving and deadly bridge runs for him to become KR. I mean, the guy was a hard cookie to break. As I said, you need to be broken for a spren to bond with you, but you also need to express the right attributes AND you need to overcome your brokenness using them.


Dalinar overcomes his brokenness by following the Ways of Kings (and thus destroying his son's social life :o ).


Kaladin overcomes his brokenness by doing everything he can to protect his men.


Shallan overcomes her brokenness by trying to create a better life for her brothers.


We don't know about the others,


As for Laral, we know so little about her. We know she was better than Kal as rock climbing and that she was sort of a tomboy as a kid. She could have what it takes to join one of the really badass orders and since I always pictures Kal with a badass warrior women, I think I would like that  :)  Let's think outside the box, how about Stonewards? I could see her being dependable and resourceful.

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Maxal said: "However, Shallan had something really great going on: she was amazing at drawing." <- this is my way of quoting while inside spoiler brackets :P


Well, didn't she learn to draw AFTER the fact? Can't remember the exact story but... I think she started to do that when her father kept her more and more isolated...


From my POV, what the Nahel bond gives her is the ability to take Memories, the drawing part is all hers. She worked HARD for it.


She was drawing before. One of her flashback chapter featured Helaran giving drawing paper and pencils and urging her to start drawing again. He even said to her she had the potential to be really good if she kept practicing. This event was something like 6 months after her mother's death. Shallan had been mute and stoic the whole time.

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Dalinar overcomes his brokenness by following the Ways of Kings (and thus destroying his son's social life :o ).


Kaladin overcomes his brokenness by doing everything he can to protect his men.


Shallan overcomes her brokenness by trying to create a better life for her brothers.


We don't know about the others,


As for Laral, we know so little about her. We know she was better than Kal as rock climbing and that she was sort of a tomboy as a kid. She could have what it takes to join one of the really badass orders and since I always pictures Kal with a badass warrior women, I think I would like that  :)  Let's think outside the box, how about Stonewards? I could see her being dependable and resourceful.


Yeah, Dalinar isn't winning any 'Dad of the year' contest anytime soon!


Did Shallan overcome her brokenness by creativity? She went into denial and

killed Pattern by doing so. I think she broke further rather than unbroke.


Actually, shouldn't a Radiant stay broken in order to maintain their Nahel-bond? Something like 'Once broken, forever broken'. Ouch. No wonder the Radiants of the past quiet.


I don't see Laral as a Stoneward. They are supposed to put great importance on their attributes and she told Kaladin to fetch her betrothed food... She showed to be unreliable, but obedient. Too bad that's not a primary attribute.

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Yeah, Dalinar isn't winning any 'Dad of the year' contest anytime soon!


Did Shallan overcome her brokenness by creativity? She went into denial and

killed Pattern by doing so. I think she broke further rather than unbroke.


Actually, shouldn't a Radiant stay broken in order to maintain their Nahel-bond? Something like 'Once broken, forever broken'. Ouch. No wonder the Radiants of the past quieted.


I don't see Laral as a Stoneward. They are supposed to put great importance on their attributes and she told Kaladin to fetch her betrothed food... She showed to be unreliable, but obedient. Too bad that's not a primary attribute.


Worst is Dalinar already won the "Daddy of the Year contest".... Adolin is literally in awe of his father even after all the prohibition :o


She sort of went into denial, but slowly, step by step, she started drawing again and creating nice lies/truth for her brothers, but it is not until she told the truth to Jasnah that Pattern came back although I suspect he was never really dead. Her entire story arc was how she manages to finally overcome her trauma and how she finally decided to face the ugly truth just like how Kal's entire story arc is how he overcome his shock by protecting others.


Maybe she is not as obedient as she seems..... When she ask Kal to fetch the food, she was at her broken state. We don't know what happened in the next years. My guess is either she remained broken or she decided to be resourceful instead and try to make the best out of the worst. Besides, being faithful to her betrothed is sort of being dependable, no? She was forced into an ugly wedding, but she went by it nonetheless. Now the question mark is what did she do with it? I really could see Laral learning how to fight in order to try to protect small defenseless Heartstone as we all know Roshone would certainly do nothing about it.

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She was drawing before. One of her flashback chapter featured Helaran giving drawing paper and pencils and urging her to start drawing again. He even said to her she had the potential to be really good if she kept practicing. This event was something like 6 months after her mother's death. Shallan had been mute and stoic the whole time.

Yeah that's what I meant though earlier than I thought, she started drawing after the incident with her mother, so she already had had the nahel bond, and now was "killing" pattern by denial, exactly how Aleksiel says.


Yeah, Dalinar isn't winning any 'Dad of the year' contest anytime soon!


Did Shallan overcome her brokenness by creativity? She went into denial and

killed Pattern by doing so. I think she broke further rather than unbroke.


Actually, shouldn't a Radiant stay broken in order to maintain their Nahel-bond? Something like 'Once broken, forever broken'. Ouch. No wonder the Radiants of the past quieted.


I don't see Laral as a Stoneward. They are supposed to put great importance on their attributes and she told Kaladin to fetch her betrothed food... She showed to be unreliable, but obedient. Too bad that's not a primary attribute.


Broken forever? I don't think of it like that... This "broken soul" thingy is like Snapping in Scadrial, it's a shock that tears your soul so another thing can enter, be it a companion Spren, or simply power from Preservation.


It's like...Kellsier broke on the Hatshin mines, or even before for what happened with his wife, and that "tear" on his soul allowed another thing to go there and... patch it. So it's no longer "broken", its different, and might carry that "scar" all of his life, but it's not broken anymore...


Same thing with Kaladin... He not only lost Tien, but also lost the image he had of his father when he learned he actually did steal, and then was enslaved, and sent to die on a battlefield while carrying a bridge. That broke him, yeah, and those things never go away, he will never be the same, but that's partially ok, he has Syl now, that has "patched up" his soul with the bond. 


In some other random case, Elend. He "broke" when his father gave him a beating, and then again when he was dying and got the lerasium bead... But would you say he is broken?


Conclusion!: After the events that break the characters, they might not be the same, and those things are not forgotten... But they won't be taking antidepressives all of their lives per se.

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Worst is Dalinar already won the "Daddy of the Year contest".... Adolin is literally in awe of his father even after all the prohibition :o


She sort of went into denial, but slowly, step by step, she started drawing again and creating nice lies/truth for her brothers, but it is not until she told the truth to Jasnah that Pattern came back although I suspect he was never really dead. Her entire story arc was how she manages to finally overcome her trauma and how she finally decided to face the ugly truth just like how Kal's entire story arc is how he overcome his shock by protecting others.


Maybe she is not as obedient as she seems..... When she ask Kal to fetch the food, she was at her broken state. We don't know what happened in the next years. My guess is either she remained broken or she decided to be resourceful instead and try to make the best out of the worst. Besides, being faithful to her betrothed is sort of being dependable, no? She was forced into an ugly wedding, but she went by it nonetheless. Now the question mark is what did she do with it? I really could see Laral learning how to fight in order to try to protect small defenseless Heartstone as we all know Roshone would certainly do nothing about it.


The thing about Stonewards is considering Taln is famous for fighting for lost causes, one of their Ideals is likely 'I will stand where others fail' (Brandon wrote it in someone's book as a future Words of an unknown Order) and I don't see Laral's situation as fitting. She will stand against Roshone when everyone else has failed to oppose him? Possible, but I imagened something more dramatic behind those Words. But I'd take her as a Stoneward. I just imagine them too battle orientated to fit the way I picture Laral.



...After the events that break the characters, they might not be the same, and those things are not forgotten... But they won't be taking antidepressives all of their lives per se.


Well, I was exaggerating.

Kell was broken till the end, he didn't got better imo, but that depends on how one views the character, so if you disagree, then I agree to disagree on this. 

Overcoming comes after the bond is formed, I didn't mean to imply Radiants got in some static unchangeable state once they swore their oaths, however I think something in their souls changes forever, like a scar that stays after the wound has healed.

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The thing about Stonewards is considering Taln is famous for fighting for lost causes, one of their Ideals is likely 'I will stand where others fail' (Brandon wrote it in someone's book as a future Words of an unknown Order) and I don't see Laral's situation as fitting. She will stand against Roshone when everyone else has failed to oppose him? Possible, but I imagened something more dramatic behind those Words. But I'd take her as a Stoneward. I just imagine them too battle orientated to fit the way I picture Laral.


True enough. If not Stonewards then who? I hate that every women we meet end up in the "non warrior" orders, except maybe for Lift, but the Edgedancers role is sort of unclear. We must not forget that the last time we saw Laral, she was a 15 years old young girl. She now is 20. 5 years went by. In 5 years, Kal went from being the smart surgeon's apprentice to a badass Windrunner head of guard for the most powerful house in Althekar.

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True enough. If not Stonewards then who? I hate that every women we meet end up in the "non warrior" orders, except maybe for Lift, but the Edgedancers role is sort of unclear. We must not forget that the last time we saw Laral, she was a 15 years old young girl. She now is 20. 5 years went by. In 5 years, Kal went from being the smart surgeon's apprentice to a badass Windrunner head of guard for the most powerful house in Althekar.


You are right. Unfortunately, I don't think her situation will allow her to develop into a warrior. Yeah, a badass female Radiant fighter will be great to have. Also, some male/female friendship will be nice, too, because there isn't even one for now. So, if Laral fits both gaps, I'll be really happy.

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You are right. Unfortunately, I don't think her situation will allow her to develop into a warrior. Yeah, a badass female Radiant fighter will be great to have. Also, some male/female friendship will be nice, too, because there isn't even one for now. So, if Laral fits both gaps, I'll be really happy.


We need a Vin, really. All women we have met so far are scholars or near to scholars. I agree they are just the product of their society: Althekar wants its women to be scholars and his men to be fashion addicted swordsmen. However, we know from Dalinar's vision there used to be warrior KR women. It was the one wearing Adolin's suit... Was it a Dustbringer or a Stonaward? She was something badass if I recall properly...


I agree Laral is a far strech. Most likely is she won't be a KR and she would have settled into her boring life as Roshone dutiful wife, but if she were to be a KR, I would really like her to be a warrior women. Although my only argument is this quote from Kal mentioning she was better than him at rock climbing.... A rather thin evidence, I must concede.

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