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What will Kaladin find ... (Spoiler)


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  • 4 months later...

If we assume that the Kaladin excerpt is cannon for a moment (which BS said it isn't yet), there are a few things we know about what will await him in hearthstone.

First, the Everstorm hit the town unprepared. Second, Kaladin remarks that there is debris strewn around the vicinity of Hearthstone. Third, there were parshmen in town that would have been transformed into voidbringers (or parshendi in stormform) after the everstorm hit.  Fourth, Hearthstone is not a boarder town and so there are probably fewer guards present to protect the town from the unexpected onslaught. Finally, it has been days since the storm hit when Kaladin arrives.


I don't want to be a debby downer, but given the evidence it would not surprise me to find out that the whole town was wiped out, with Laral, Lirin, Hesina, and Roshone all dead and rotting in the sun. Some character development.

Edited by Dragenhermit
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This is my guess.

Kal reaches Hearthstone just after the Everstorm, delayed by his mission in the capital. Everybody's in panic as the voidbringers have already began to tear the town apart. Roshone is locked inside his property. He fears so much for his own security  that he has abandoned the people of the town, keeping his armed guards for himself.

Laral has been defying his husband at the beginning of the bloodshed. She is the one who tries to organise the civilian défenses. She has gathered the majority of the people and she has given them weapons, but their efforts to resist the Voidbringers are hopeless as they are not real fighters. When Kal arrives, he tries to find his parents in the group that she has united, but they are missing. Mad with worry, he wants to go and look for them first, but Laral begs him to stay and help, and he realizes that he has to protect the people of Hearthstone against the voidbringers first or they will die. 

He defeats the Voidbringers who attack the villagers.  

Meanwhile Roshone is killed Inside his guarded property.

When the people of Hearthstone are secure,  Kaladin goes back home within a heartbeat, prepared for the worst. But when he enters inside his house, he finds his father fighting hopelessly against a surviving Voidbringer. Lirin is badly wounded. Mad with grief, Kal kills the Voidbringer with his shardblade before he kills his father. Then he reaches him and tries to patch his wounds, but there's nothing he can do. He takes Lirin in his arms as he is dying. The father has tears of joy in his eyes when he realises that the radiant who just "saved" him is his son, he thought that Kal was dead. Kal is totally upset. He asks why his father had to stay here unprotected...and discovers that Lirin has stayed  to protect a young patient under his care that could not be moved. He cries and tells his father he has always been his hero and he's so sorry for not having been able to save Tien and for arriving to late to save him too. Lirin has enough time left to tell Kal that Tien's death was not his fault. He tells him how proud of him he is, and asks him to protect is mom...and his little sister.  

Kal discovers that  Hesina is safe, hidden in the room with the child. She is devastated because Lirin is dead but overwhelmed with joy because she is reunited with her son. Kal falls in love at first sight with his sister who is so much like Tien... 

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This is my guess.

Kal reaches Hearthstone just after the Everstorm, delayed by his mission in the capital.


You have to go read the excerpt from Stones Unhallowed.


In there, we learn that Kaladin indeed does not beat the Everstorm to Heartstone, but he does not stop by the capital. He just ran out of stormlight in Aladar and he is late.



Everybody's in panic as the voidbringers have already began to tear the town apart. Roshone is locked inside his property. He fears so much for his own security  that he has abandoned the people of the town, keeping his armed guards for himself.





Laral has been defying his husband at the beginning of the bloodshed. She is the one who tries to organise the civilian défenses. She has gathered the majority of the people and she has given them weapons, but their efforts to resist the Voidbringers are hopeless as they are not real fighters. When Kal arrives, he tries to find his parents in the group that she has united, but they are missing. Mad with worry, he wants to go and look for them first, but Laral begs him to stay and help, and he realizes that he has to protect the people of Hearthstone against the voidbringers first or they will die. 

He defeats the Voidbringers who attack the villagers.  


I am unsure as to which Laral we are going to find... Laral most probably hates her husband, but does she have the mental fortitude to stand head to Roshone? Does she care enough about the villager to want to protect them? She always were an outsider.... However, I think I would like to see her take care of Kaladin's parents. I sincerely hope losing both of their sons will have warm the villagers to Lirin and Hesina. I hope the villagers will take care of them now and Laral too, despite Roshone's bane.


Yeah, there will most likely be Voidbringers and Kaladin will most likely kill them all.



When the people of Hearthstone are secure,  Kaladin goes back home within a heartbeat, prepared for the worst. But when he enters inside his house, he finds his father fighting hopelessly against a surviving Voidbringer. Lirin is badly wounded. Mad with grief, Kal kills the Voidbringer with his shardblade before he kills his father. Then he reaches him and tries to patch his wounds, but there's nothing he can do. He takes Lirin in his arms as he is dying. The father has tears of joy in his eyes when he realises that the radiant who just "saved" him is his son, he thought that Kal was dead. Kal is totally upset. He asks why his father had to stay here unprotected...and discovers that Lirin has stayed  to protect a young patient under his care that could not be moved. He cries and tells his father he has always been his hero and he's so sorry for not having been able to save Tien and for arriving to late to save him too. Lirin has enough time left to tell Kal that Tien's death was not his fault. He tells him how proud of him he is, and asks him to protect is mom...and his little sister.  

Kal discovers that  Hesina is safe, hidden in the room with the child. She is devastated because Lirin is dead but overwhelmed with joy because she is reunited with her son. Kal falls in love at first sight with his sister who is so much like Tien... 


No, no, no. Lirin just cannot die on the day Kal comes back! This is too heartbreaking :o But I like the spun with Kal's little sister. This was my idea now wasn't it? I have been calling it for a while as my favorite crack-pot theory... and I did mention it...? I lost track....  Glad to see you like it enough to include it though :D


And I do not want to see Roshone getting stupidly killed. He needs to be confronted. We need some closure here.

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If Kal has a sibling, I personally think it'll be a boy like Tien. That much more difficult to get past. Another little boy that reminds him of the one he failed to save.

And personally, I think if he loses a parent, it will be Hesina. If both of Kal's parents make it, I think that Hesina would help heal what is clearly going to be a tough patch between Kal and Lirin. It would be easy, and Kal's life is anything but.

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I think that Lirin is alive technically but will only live long enough to have a tearful last words scene with Kaladin and die in his arms. I picture Lirin sticking so strongly to his nonviolence pact that he tried to talk to the Voidbringers and offer to heal them before getting batted aside into a gutter where he sobbed away the rest of the battle watching the people he cared about get slaughtered.




The Everstorm hit the town. Almost everyone died except for a few lucky souls who managed to hide until it passed. Those lucky souls include Lirin and Hesina and most unfortunately Roshone, but does not include Laral who was mercilessly slaughtered and shredded in a wonderful act of karmic retribution.




Lirin has actually been a shardbearer all along and using the drops to darken his eyes. He is now so committed to nonviolence because of the awful things he did in his youth. Seeing the Voidbringers come he washes his eyes, whips out his shardblade and goes to work saving the town...at which point Roshone stabs him to steal the blade.




Wistiow was a Shardbearer and his blade was secretly taken up by Laral who ran away from the quaking and paranoid Roshone, leaving him in his mansion to go fight the Voidbringers. She led the town in resistance to fight the Voidbringers and even though most of the town was slaughtered she is now seen as the hero that saved the town and the survivors follow her rather than the sniveling Roshone.




Tien returns as a cognitive shadow warning Lirin of the coming Everstorm. Lirin tries to warn the town but by this point he is nothing but the sad town drunk crying apocalypse and no one believes him. He and Hesina are the only survivors as they hid away.




Tien returns from the dead as a Returned and uses his Divine Breath to protect the town from the Everstorm.




Congratulations on continuing to read through my increasingly nonsensical hypotheses. You have earned this cookie that definitely does not contain spikes.

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If Kal has a sibling, I personally think it'll be a boy like Tien. That much more difficult to get past. Another little boy that reminds him of the one he failed to save.

And personally, I think if he loses a parent, it will be Hesina. If both of Kal's parents make it, I think that Hesina would help heal what is clearly going to be a tough patch between Kal and Lirin. It would be easy, and Kal's life is anything but.


Well, I thought a boy would be too reminiscent of Tien and a girl would add some variety.... We are running sort on female characters...In my crack-pot theory, this little girl ends up living Lirin's dream by becoming a world renown surgeon trained in Karbranth :) Lirin deserves to have a child that takes after him... Kal was never cut out to be a surgeon, Tien was unsuitable... so yeah third child must be the key!


I don't want Kal to loose his parents just as he finally makes his way back home :( :( :(

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Kal was never cut out to be a surgeon, Tien was unsuitable... so yeah third child must be the key!


Third!! Mwahahahahhahahahhaha, upvotes for people who get the references B)


I would like to see Kaladin have a little sister that he gets to baby sit and who will become Awesome like LIft. :)

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I really think that Lirin will die in Kaladin's arms. But I really like the idea that Lirin has become a radiant. He has always been presented as a righteous man, I think he could be the type of person who  attracts sprens. He could have inherit special Healing gifts. He was always so dedicated to his work. I'm sure he would  have used them wisely. In his last moments, the fact that he is a radiant would make it easier  for him to understand Kal and all what Kal went through...

I like the idea of the baby sister more than the idea of the baby brother. A baby brother would be too much of a replacement child; he would always remind Tien to his older brother and his parents. Although a little sister is something new, and it seems better to get a new beginning...

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This is my guess.

Kal reaches Hearthstone just after the Everstorm, delayed by his mission in the capital. Everybody's in panic as the voidbringers have already began to tear the town apart. Roshone is locked inside his property. He fears so much for his own security  that he has abandoned the people of the town, keeping his armed guards for himself.

Laral has been defying his husband at the beginning of the bloodshed. She is the one who tries to organise the civilian défenses. She has gathered the majority of the people and she has given them weapons, but their efforts to resist the Voidbringers are hopeless as they are not real fighters. When Kal arrives, he tries to find his parents in the group that she has united, but they are missing. Mad with worry, he wants to go and look for them first, but Laral begs him to stay and help, and he realizes that he has to protect the people of Hearthstone against the voidbringers first or they will die. 

He defeats the Voidbringers who attack the villagers.  

Meanwhile Roshone is killed Inside his guarded property.

When the people of Hearthstone are secure,  Kaladin goes back home within a heartbeat, prepared for the worst. But when he enters inside his house, he finds his father fighting hopelessly against a surviving Voidbringer. Lirin is badly wounded. Mad with grief, Kal kills the Voidbringer with his shardblade before he kills his father. Then he reaches him and tries to patch his wounds, but there's nothing he can do. He takes Lirin in his arms as he is dying. The father has tears of joy in his eyes when he realises that the radiant who just "saved" him is his son, he thought that Kal was dead. Kal is totally upset. He asks why his father had to stay here unprotected...and discovers that Lirin has stayed  to protect a young patient under his care that could not be moved. He cries and tells his father he has always been his hero and he's so sorry for not having been able to save Tien and for arriving to late to save him too. Lirin has enough time left to tell Kal that Tien's death was not his fault. He tells him how proud of him he is, and asks him to protect is mom...and his little sister.  

Kal discovers that  Hesina is safe, hidden in the room with the child. She is devastated because Lirin is dead but overwhelmed with joy because she is reunited with her son. Kal falls in love at first sight with his sister who is so much like Tien... 

What? Kaladin? His own sister? Even if she was born immediately after Kal and Tien left for the military, wouldn't she be like...six? What the hel... Wait.

*sniff* *sniff*

Hold on a minute, I smell something in the air. I... I th-think it's pie. Yes, it's definitely pie... And bread too, fresh from the oven. Hot potatoes, small onions... And, lemon cakes. Lemons cakes?



Edited by Colby Jack
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What? Kaladin? His own sister? Even if she was born immediately after Kal and Tien left for the military, wouldn't she be like...six? What the hel... Wait.

*sniff* *sniff*

Hold on a minute, I smell something in the air. I... I th-think it's pie. Yes, it's definitely pie... And bread too, fresh from the oven. Hot potatoes, small onions... And, lemon cakes. Lemons cakes?




Aaaah not like that !!!!!!!! :wacko:

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What? Kaladin? His own sister? Even if she was born immediately after Kal and Tien left for the military, wouldn't she be like...six? What the hel... Wait.

*sniff* *sniff*

Hold on a minute, I smell something in the air. I... I th-think it's pie. Yes, it's definitely pie... And bread too, fresh from the oven. Hot potatoes, small onions... And, lemon cakes. Lemons cakes?




Not to mention this scene of unexpected death/betrayal:



Lirin is badly wounded. Mad with grief, Kal kills the Voidbringer with his shardblade before he kills his father.


Why would Kaladin kill his father after saving him from the voidbringer?? :lol:

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I think that Lirin is alive technically but will only live long enough to have a tearful last words scene with Kaladin and die in his arms. I picture Lirin sticking so strongly to his nonviolence pact that he tried to talk to the Voidbringers and offer to heal them before getting batted aside into a gutter where he sobbed away the rest of the battle watching the people he cared about get slaughtered.


The Everstorm hit the town. Almost everyone died except for a few lucky souls who managed to hide until it passed. Those lucky souls include Lirin and Hesina and most unfortunately Roshone, but does not include Laral who was mercilessly slaughtered and shredded in a wonderful act of karmic retribution.


Lirin has actually been a shardbearer all along and using the drops to darken his eyes. He is now so committed to nonviolence because of the awful things he did in his youth. Seeing the Voidbringers come he washes his eyes, whips out his shardblade and goes to work saving the town...at which point Roshone stabs him to steal the blade.


Wistiow was a Shardbearer and his blade was secretly taken up by Laral who ran away from the quaking and paranoid Roshone, leaving him in his mansion to go fight the Voidbringers. She led the town in resistance to fight the Voidbringers and even though most of the town was slaughtered she is now seen as the hero that saved the town and the survivors follow her rather than the sniveling Roshone.


Tien returns as a cognitive shadow warning Lirin of the coming Everstorm. Lirin tries to warn the town but by this point he is nothing but the sad town drunk crying apocalypse and no one believes him. He and Hesina are the only survivors as they hid away.


Tien returns from the dead as a Returned and uses his Divine Breath to protect the town from the Everstorm.


Congratulations on continuing to read through my increasingly nonsensical hypotheses. You have earned this cookie that definitely does not contain spikes.

I want an actual cookie. Send me a pm when you get the cookie so I can tell you my address.

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  • 4 weeks later...

About 5 seconds.


Not necessarily... Knowing Kal he'll try to hide his powers for as long as he can... He knows people wouldn't feel too good with knowing he has powers of Radiants who are considered to be traitors of mankind. And I expect Roshone to be busy trying to frame him into being a deserter/runaway slave/thief to feel sorry. Or on the contrary, Roshone would focus on how can he make use of Kaladin's powers to help the village (and possibly also pretend to be a good and caring citylord).

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